xenoPsychologist ago

you dont have to be concerned about what people think of you unless youre a woman. not everyone gets it right from the start. just dont fall back into it.

Scald85 ago

Men of very low sexual market value like fascism because war thins the male herd and increases their chance of getting laid. They're dubious by nature, but still better allies than nice conformist beta male cucks.

AnotherGrayman ago

Had a few homosexual experiences....

You're still acting like a faggot.

Men don't fucking ask for permission to join the pack, or for acceptance, or for validation.

Quit being a fucking pussy, quit looking for acknowledgement, quit looking to have your feelings recognized.

Nobody gives a fuck about you at all, they have no obligation to do so, and you should never expect or ask them to...

...which wouldn't concern you if you were a man who could stand on his own, instead of a bitch-made faggot with a boy-pussy looking to have other people tell them that he belongs to a group.

You're still a fucking communist faggot, you're just changing your stripes while employing the same behavior.

Fuck you.

Choose your own path, stop asking for people to pat you on the back and say it's okay you sucked dicks.

HybridNerfGuns ago

The replies on this post whether accepting or not will have no influence on my life whatsoever. This isn't about acceptance or validation, its purely intellectual, gauging the community to see how converts are received. I definitely am not looking for people to say its okay for what I did, or to see if people give a fuck about me. I've been awakened for over three years now, this is simply a question that I've been wanting to ask for sometime. I assume you and I share a lot of political views, and like it or not, a convert is fighting the same fight you are.

Seems as if the personal aspect of my question turned you off. In general what are your views of past liberals becoming far right individuals? Do you not trust them? Do you accept them, but keep a distance? Just curious.

AnotherGrayman ago

I can read between the lines of how you're conveying your thoughts and tell that you're sensitive and manipulative, and not to be trusted.

You're a weak cock sucker, self-admittedly, who now "intellectualizes" that he should perhaps think differently, but you're still the same animal with the same instincts & learned/reinforced thought processes, and you're still going to be a sheepish, manipulative, sensitive faggot who's going to believe he's smarter than everyone else, make bullshit ingenuous arguments and feelings-based assumptions to get his way, etc....

You're essentially female, basically a dirty cock-riding slut who decided she wants to be a TradWife after sucking tons of nigger dicks.

Hell no I don't trust you, and nobody should, because you'll still use the same methods as manipulative faggots to go about getting what you want.

You're capable of contributing, sure, but you're stained beyond trustworthiness and should recognize that human beings are bio-computers with hardwired neuropathology. Old dogs struggle to learn new tricks, tigers don't change their fucking stripes, whores can't be made into housewives, and born-again cocksuckers don't stop being group-minded pussies who think they're smarter than everyone around them while sowing doom for society with their ignorance.

You should not be in any positions of trust or power, you should be humble as fuck and apologetic for the rest of your life, never expecting to be treated the same as someone who knew giving men their asshole in exchange for social acceptance was Jew fuckery.

I do not trust ANY liberal who says they're now "far right" because they're fucking liars by nature who think with emotion and all they're trying to do is join whatever group they think will have them. They're like women, they have no loyalty to anything, they just want acceptance and access to utilitarian resources and associations, and they would thoughtlessly betray their new group if they thought going back to the old one would be more beneficial.


You should live the rest of your life in shame, selflessly helping others to repent, while refusing to procreate so the race is spared your blood and thoughts.

jthun2 ago

What pack? This is an online discussion forum, not some sort of secret cult like the Freemasons. Comment on whatever you like.

As long as you aren't Jewish....

BordelonLoop ago

everytime a degenerate repents, an angel gets its wings. we have ALL done things we are not proud of. some more than others. Godspeed, My Friend. and God bless.

ReformedFeminist ago

I'd be surprised if most of us here haven't had a conversion of some sort.

TradRight14 ago

That is what we want right? To wake up our brainwashed brothers and sisters to the correct path. To disregard everyone over the age of 18 as being hopelessly ruined does us no good, there has to be hope for salvation. In some ways I think those who tasted the lie know the truth much more fervently than those who were always protected against the lies. We should of course strive to inoculate our children against degeneracy, but I don’t doubt the dedication and devotion of a former degenerate, who sees the errors in their ways.

Use your experience to guide more to the 14 / 88.

capnflummox ago




This is his "please accept me" post.

Or, it's a ruse by some JIDF/wannabe faggot.

This isn't real, guys.

AgentSakura ago

You've been pacified with marxist dysgenics.

For generations our people have been subjegated to the worst human rights abuses ever recorded.

Our children have been kidnapped and forced into sex slavery and our major public figures have all been blackmailed with pedophilia by jew agents.

Many of our people have been raped and tortured by the jews and degenerated beyond belief.

All you can do if purify yourself of evil and live a normal life. But it's difficult under ZOGcupation.

auto_turret ago

I've got a tainted past too, but no homo shit like you! That's a whole 'nother level of degenerate right there. If that doesn't immediately make you cringe, something is wrong with your brain, and I wouldn't trust you to make sane decisions.

Intrixina ago

Consistent advertising of who you were just shows that you've still not broken 100% free of your attention whoring ways, which is the realm of a leftist.

Confirmation ago

I wouldn't accept you as an equal in real life.

So what makes you think i would online?

Just so you know, what we are witnessing here is the total destruction of Western Civilisation due to you faggots, niggers, pakis and pedos all over again. You cunts, destroyed the fucking world, not just our but of it, but the entire fucking world!

You destroyed traditional family values for your degeneracy and crimes against us.

You (LGBT) subjected us to your will. This I will never forgive, nor forget.

Nope, your not welcome with me, you or any mother fucker like you.

I think the years ahead are going to be fun.

I can sort of see the coliseums reopen, so people can once again pay money to watch cunts like you get killed for sport.

deralte ago

He told them this parable. "Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together his friends, his family and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance."

— Luke 15:3-7, World English Bible

FoundingUncle ago

Your mind must change before anything else can.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Repentance isn't just lip service. Walk the walk, talk the talk, you WILL build trust over time, only DIFFERENT people this time. KILL the old life. I did. THAT is how trust an honor have ALWAYS been built. Don't EXPECT it just because you think you are a human and EVERYONE gets that. Then you're just a nigger.

Takes time. Built. You gonna throw THAT away that you've EARNED? Not likely. See how that works?

KinkRaven ago

Don't be a zealot, that's all I ask and care about.

Rationality and logic, those are our two main weapons... And ruthless efficiency.. Three main weapons!

Don't stress it mate, nobody is pure around here. We just try and do better


We make hippies sleep in the vw outside

FirstLine ago

No such thing as far-right ideology. The whole left right political concept is non sense. It's designed to divide and conquer. Using such labels will only hurt you in the end. Preach nationalism and pride. And fuck radsocs.

Blood-is-Nature ago

No such thing as far right ideology. You either follow the laws of nature or you succumb to idolatry. Left and right are directions; not ideologies. If you accept right, you accept left as your enemy, now imagine there is a 3rd party involved that created the left vs right division to profit of the resulting conflict, and you get an idea whats going on here. Stay away from any groups under a banner, symbols and especially from leaders.

We are not in a "us vs them" scenario. We are in a "us vs ourselves" scenario. We have literal parasites that are feeding from our weakness of holding onto beliefs, by utilizing lies and deceptions for thousands of years against us. Nature did not gave us names; it gave us the ability to make sounds. Everything we named is based on our beliefs; our assumptions about what it meant. None of our assumptions are truths, because only the laws of nature can be true, since they are governing a constantly changing system.

Now stop believing in the laws of men and start questioning the rules other humans want you to follow to comprehend what's going on here. Your past doesn't matter, your future will always be uncertain...only the present counts.

FriedChicken ago

I was just overall a person that sites like this would completely shit on, I was a brainwashed idiot.

is it hard or risky in your mind to accept someone like me into the pack?

This smells like jew. You smell like jew.

but I am %100 dedicated to the cause

There is no "cause". This is just a platform, not a community.

Now my eyes are open, I worry though that I will forever be rejected, because I use to be a degenerate.

Then shut up about it. This is the internet. People can be whatever tf they want.

gloam_lurker ago

... is it hard or risky in your mind to accept someone like me into the pack?

What pack? You think we like each other here?

Humor aside, you seem to have the wrong idea. We are all lone wolves here. Rejected by the external Internet groups which we really didn't want to fit into anyway.

Now, stop being a faggot. Man up. Stop crying over your past. Enjoy and engage in the commentary. Or cry and get out. Your choice.

muhfuggabixnood ago

I wasn't even supposed to be here today.

gloam_lurker ago

Did I say something related to Clerks?

ShalomGoyim ago

Nobody is perfect, and most transgressions are forgivable, as long as you see the truth and have truly changed yourself.

The way I see it, is we all walk different paths, this gives the group a broader base of knowledge and experiences, allowing one to say, 'I learnt thes lessons so Noone else has to learn them the hard way', and there's value in that.

As long as your mind and body are pure, the past is in the past, and hough you may have to pay a price for it, who knows.

Raise up your brothers, and live true to 1488, and you'll be accepted.

slickleg64 ago

Please dont be one of those faggots who go running around bragging about how red pilled he is, and how much better he feels. Yuppy conservatives do my head in. Left, or right, virtue signallers are cringe and as bad as each other.

We are called the silent majority for a reason. Take care of your presentation, and succeed in silence.

You do not need to be "accepted into the pack" as we are not leftists. We dont care, nobody here cares. You do what is best for you and what will benefit your life, find reason within yourself, dont strive for acceptance from others, do the best you can and inspire others, that is the conservative way.

Improve your life so that others want to be a part of it.

GoyimNose ago

As long as you have not created a biracial abomination i believe most can be saved

Octoclops ago

Considering how many people went right wing after lurking 4chan I'm sure you're not alone in being a former degenerate. We live in a corrupt society so it would be dumb to condemn you for that. I'd have no room to judge anyway, I used to support zionism. Ugh I feel dirty just thinking about it.

mudbear ago

Welcome to the right side, but just because you say the right things doesnt mean i will trust you.

Degeneracy dies hard..

I wont hate you, i may even like you, but i wont trust you.

Though i dont truly trust anyone on this site, and i dont think any of us do because frankly its probably a honeypot, but its the only one that lets me say i fucking hate jews without being banned.

Im not gonna say i wont judge you, thats a fucking lie, everyone judges everyone, well anyone with a working brain will anyway. But i wont condemn you, i was raised a christian and i learned a lot about forgiveness. Really in the grand scheme of things we are all degenerate faggots, we have jews destroying our nations and promoting child mutilation, and they are still alive. we have niggers beating our children and they havent been segregated. we have immigrants draining our economy and they havent been deported. All waiting for someone else to make a start before we pile on. We're all simpering faggots till the war starts.

borderline7 ago

dont become a christcuck... wtf is wrong wit you people how fucking dumb are you?

you literally say amen, after every prayer.... the light bringer, the sun god.... aka satan, wtf are you fucking idiots believing in God for?

your god is either unable to stop evil, or unwilling too... either way thats fucking dumb to worship such a loser. dont matter what mental gymnastics you pull to continue to be a fucking slave, your fucking retarded.

Bill_Williamson ago

'is it hard or risky in your mind to accept someone like me into the pack'.

No, it's IMPOSSIBLE. Kill yourself, you junkie faggot.

Warnos44 ago

Most of us here do not have eyes open, even. But each person has a journey to travel and all we can compare ourselves to is our self; are we a better version today than yesterday? Progress is the goal.

I never had any encounters with the same sex in my teens/college/adult life, but I have known of others who did who were not gay. I think there is a lot of programming pushed to make everyone think we're all the same therefore none of us matter, therefore nothing you do matters, therefore there is no wrong. I think you awakening and realizing that isn't true is a big step.

Always remember that the things we tell ourselves can do more damage than the things that happened to us. Be honest with yourself and don't let the intended messages infiltrate your thought processes. Don't let people here be the gauge by which you measure yourself. One can fall into all sorts of traps, seeking approval from random people online can be one of them. You have made significant improvement in your life, try to continue down that path. But remember you're human too, and be kind with yourself.

4841400209 ago

Sometimes those of us who have seen both sides of the fence have a greater appreciation for the life we finally choose.


Nobody but you can forgive yourself for what you did to yourself but yourself.

MockingDead ago



Really Bud? You sound genuinely sincere and took it upon yourself to purge in humility and self-flagellate thinking that you need the approval and moral evaluation of mortal human beings who are all imperfect in some way or another and "NOT" without sin...your redemption is for You and your God only. There's no pain worse than the torture of mental anguish,everyone is held prisoner to their own mind and hostage to their thoughts and everyone lives in a glass house, and true to human nature many people walk on broken glass...and many have a stone in their pocket.

Personally I despise the queer movement and the paedophilic predators that are protected by the queer movement, I consider fags and queers as elements of subversion, "USEFUL IDIOTS" for a (((CULT))) whose mandate is to undermine the moral and ethical foundations of the Western 1st world through the promotion of debauchery, degeneration and depravity. (((WIEMAR REPUBLIC))). I was always one to be of the opinion that consenting adults have the right to do whatever the fuck they want to do behind closed doors or " in the closet " so long as their actions weren't my consequences...well, consequentially, NOW THE FUCKING QUEERS HAVE (superficial) STATUS AND AN AGENDA AND FULL UNIMPEDED ACCESS TO THE WIDE OPEN SPONGE LIKE MINDS OF CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS 3 YEARS.

I've had queers come on to me and politely told them to " GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SPACE BEFORE I REARRANGE YOUR FACE ", and I know that my reaction is crude but this is just how I respond to this social deviance. HOWEVER, being a practical and reasonable White Man well learned in History, Economics and Tribal Unity, I am fully aware of the damage done to the human mind due to the destructive behavioral modification associated with the aggressive liberal indoctrination programs (pograms) common within and throughout (((academia, entertainment and media))) and unfortunately there are victims, of which YOU were one.

As ontologically insignificant as I am I have no problem accepting you for who you are and if my approval of a second chance means anything to you then so be it...BUT...only you know who and what you are, there is no room for hypocrisy in the real world...a world without jewish rats and the zionist plague those rats host.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

You must take out Pelosi and you will be rewarded with a lifetime membership

SpecialtyPizza ago

Ill call you a stupid faggot and then judge you based on your future actions.

1anddone ago

I’m fine with it so long as you wear some “scarlet letter” type mark so that we know you have tendencies.

Seventh_Jim ago

Redemption is open to any man who repents and sins no more. Fuckin faggot.

Obrez ago

It's a bit late to be asking that most of the new far right were formerly or are recovering degenerates.

The question we have to ask is how will we go about this going forward and what might we accept moving forward, Hitler's Chief of the SA was a homosexual, likely a pederast, he wasn't gay in secret either, he was out people knew, when Hitler had his druthers after some years he had the SA purged of degenerates and formed the SS to replace them. Hitler did this to shield himself from criticism until he had real power then removed the undesirable element from his midst.

slapstick2 ago

Pretty sure most voat users are weirdos

albatrosv15 ago

Why do you have to tell others you had homosexual experiences? Oh wait, that's what homos do.

PagingDrBenway ago

I think it's more the doing than the telling that matters, homo.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's National Socialist. "Nazi" is their word.

It wasn't Hitler or the Germans the filthy fucking kikes were trying to defeat, it was an idea. The idea that a country shouldn't subsist on other countries for their needs. That a country should be independent. A country should have a banking system that only benefits its own people. A country of a people, by a people and for a people.

The Kikes are parasites, they can't work, build or create anything but misery and suffering. They see all non Jews as slave cattle whose only purpose is to serve them.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Obvious troll

HybridNerfGuns ago


veteran88 ago

Most of the far far right were defend early in life.

It's almost impossible not to be if you loved in a big city. Allegory of the cave etc. But once you've found the light and reject degeneracy your more than welcome.

One caviat if you think the Holocaust happened then fuck off your not ready for the truth.

Everyone saying no you can't grow stronger and go further "right" in the other comments are just likes and commies who want you back in chains.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Ya the holocaust has been a scam to me for like three years now. I'm from one of the biggest cities in the states, its difficult being far right in my parts, gotta stay silent, and maneuver the bullshit daily. Thank you for your input.

Looking back, I don't see myself avoiding the wrong choices made, unless I was home schooled. I got indoctrinated early on.

veteran88 ago

Here is your choice for now.

Go full propaganda. You're on the enemies radar but aren't a threat and not a liability to a different type of group.

Or join one of those TRS groups, and on from there. I used to say DS book clubs, but it has been skitzo lately. That has the benefit of human contact with our people.

Splc and adl are actually good sources to find good people check the hate maps =)

Good churches and good social and motorcycle enthusiast clubs. Beware the untermench there though some do drugs and are still defense.

Always disavow violence online and everyone who specifically wants you to do it is a fbiglownigger who wants to throw you in jail for being white.

cohSh8Ca ago

What pack? What cause? The chance you will ever meet another Goat in real life is miniscule. Congrats on getting straightened out.

MikeNelson ago

Well, this isn’t exactly what you’re talking about, but most of the strongest Christians I know were atheists for many years. Ain’t no one kicking them out of church.

NicotinicAcid ago

Some real legends on this site.

Niggertown ago

Hitler is love. If you do not love, you do not understand Hitler.

HybridNerfGuns ago

I understand Hitler. Love.

gosso920 ago

I understand he paints bunkers.

nobslob ago

Tell me more about these homosexual experiences... for science

HybridNerfGuns ago

Wow haha, just drugs and alcohol used frequently opens you up to things you'd otherwise see as repulsive. Partying with shitty people, ended up with me having these embarrassing experiences. Drugs do something weird, IDK if its lowering testosterone or what, but for me in a deep binge I could see feminine men as attractive. Then when I sobered up, I'd be disgusted. Drugs are fucked up hahaha.

nobslob ago

No worries, we've all experimented with stuff that ended up not being our bag.

I'm gay and had a few experiences with some straight friends in my 20's, not a big deal. The reality of it is a lot less hot than the fantasy.

Yes there are faggots on voat, and yes not all faggots are queeny libtards degenerates. I don't sleep around /waves

muhfuggabixnood ago

Yeah, breaking the part of you that is used for decision making has that effect. Drugs are fucked up. Let this be a lesson to the rest of you niggerfaggots, drugs make you let twinks suck your doodle.


Welcome, brother, to one of the last bastions of free speech around. Always accepting repentant converts.

hakrsakr ago

Mate you can't change the past but you can always change the future. Of course you'll be judged by your past actions for a time, but if you keep your shit together for long enough you'll forge a new reputation. Happy to hear you learned the truth about the world.

M80TheMan ago

Do not let perfect be the enemy of good. We need all the support that we can get and we’ve all been damaged by the system to an extent. If you are truly for the cause, then sieg heil!

zxcvzxcv ago

Listen to GLR, and you'll have your answer: https://voat.co/v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel/2865126

HybridNerfGuns ago

I've listened to him a bunch, I go back to him from time to time. Will give your link a listen.

zxcvzxcv ago

In one of the linked audio recordings, he specifically mentions criminals, drug addicts and even faggots who had joined his party and became storm troopers. His words will answer your question entirely. I would paraphrase it for you, but he says it so much better than I could. I can't remember in which recording he mentions those things, though, and he mentions them briefly, so you'll need to pay attention and listen to them all, I guess.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Gonna definitely put these on for commute, work breaks, and general chilling. Thanks man.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Are you white? If so, redemption is always possible. I would wager that none of us here began this way - we all learned, and many of us with a hard lesson in truth.

If you're not white? Fuck off, we're full.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Hahaha yes I am %100 white. Thank you.

Sometimesineedhelp ago


If you aren't a cop yourself, you should know that the only people that are likely to talk to you in response to this post are going to be cops themselves trying to radicalize you for their agendas.

You sound worthlessly retarded and insane, but I'm sure someone would like to exploit you so be careful you fucking idiot. Get a vasectomy. Please.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Ya I'm not looking to get deep with anybody, honestly just curious on my question. Nothing so exciting is going to posted on this thread to excite cops.

hels ago

The vast majority of 'educated' Westerners were brainwashed by liberal media at some point in our lives. The ones who learn to think on their own and question everything start to see things differently.

One's views today are more important than their views yesterday.

HybridNerfGuns ago

I was definitely brainwashed, the programming is very real and strong.

waucka ago

While they obviously have to let go of their degenerate behavior if they want to be accepted, I can only blame them so much for failing to maintain perfect hygiene while living in a sewer.

cantaloupe6 ago

Pursue a healthy lifestyle beneficial to society; sounds like that's your direction. Avoid excess. Help others do likewise possible.

VoutGuy ago

Can I call you faggot?

HybridNerfGuns ago

Online who gives a fuck. In real life I'd get violent.

antiracistMetal ago

That's pretty stupid. What would Jesus want you to do?

HybridNerfGuns ago

What would Jesus do? In a situation where I'm called a faggot for sharing my past, I'd realistically get ready for a fight or get some type of apology or remission.

antiracistMetal ago

Oh my God, what a faggot. Do you not understand the teachings of your goddamn Lord?

What are you going to do, beat the apology out of him?

What do you care if he calls you a faggot?

They're just words you stupid faggot.

@sarmegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh @heygeorge

VoutGuy ago

It's a start. Welcome aboard.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Thank you brother.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Does the truth hurt that bad?

HybridNerfGuns ago

Online jabs are meaningless.

lion4liberty ago

As a national socialist you should reach a hand out to your brothers and sisters and raise them up with you. The most precious possession you have is your people. You might not be let in as a party members in the future because of your past but you can still lend a hand in our struggle.

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BalfourYourFace ago

Fuck socialists, you're worse than niggers

HybridNerfGuns ago

I think that is fair, and I think that would be right for the party. Bad optics to have somebody with a tainted past as a high up.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Lots of mental defectives, angry losers, poorly educated people in this scene. I'd be less concerned about acceptance than in being your own person. But me personally... I have no particular problem with any of your issues there. There are also a fair number of purists that will though.

muhfuggabixnood ago

lol what a faggot

Octoclops ago

I don't think his question was directed at people who are still degenerates.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Good point, definitely true. I still worry if my past would keep me from befriending people who think the same way as me. What is your issue with pro Nazism? I don't read much about that time anymore, but from my readings I saw Hitler as a great leader against evil forces.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My issue is mostly that I'm an American, not a German, which means I take my own country's side in that war. It is an insult to our family members that fought Hitler to glorify a guy that killed and wounded many of them.

But US national security dictated that we stop Germany too.

That being said I do some have National Socialist influences. Rosenberg mainly.

And I'm also not an anti-Semite. That is a real biggie on this website. Much bigger than it should be.

GrizzlyDark ago

Hitler gave us a blueprint on what works, and if you listen to his speeches, you can tell he cares for his people. Remember who writes the history books.


Joe_McCarthy ago

Works where? Hungary just now? Maybe. Certainly not the US. There is no political solution for this country. Any solution will likely look more like Pol Pot.

Hitler ended though seeing his country bombed into the ground. Is that what works in any grand sense? You could say he was a loser. As in he lost.

GrizzlyDark ago

He had the ENTIRE fucking world attacking him from all sides. I'm not saying he was the greatest general, and I'm not saying he's the greatest human alive. But he fucking cared and if he wasn't actually a compassionate HUMAN towards other whites, he would have fucking destroyed bongs at Dunkirk. That could have changed everything - same if he went on the offensive towards Britain. He DIDN'T want to do that. He wanted to be left the fuck alone.

Newsflash for ya. In America, we can fend off virtually the rest of the world. It would likely never reach "Full Hot" due to nukes, etc. But nobody can invade here and win. Especially if we bring all the soldiers home in defense mode. With the internet and no "Middle man/kike" to get in the way of messaging, soldiers talk to each other. Believe me, Europe is tired of Jews and Africans invading. So are we.

That leaves you with Chiner and it's shit fucking economy and Africa to invade. Honestly, I think the Pajeets will take our side. Africans don't know what boats are so we're good that front. Chiner will sit back and hope like hell the "Migrants" somehow overthrow the citizen population... Not going to happen fren.

GrizzlyDark ago

Everyone says about everyone in power that its Joos but I would imagine a redistribution of wealth and a peaceful, nationalist run world would appeal to Putin as well. Euro keeps the Middle east in check, Russia keeps China in check. Again, Africans won't figure out how to leave cuz they don't understand the concept that wood floats. Pajeets just accept their roll of "don't be violent or hostile and we will let you do as you do" and are not overly aggressive anyway. What a world.

muhfuggabixnood ago

weird how no one in the media makes that assertion

HybridNerfGuns ago

I see where your coming from, I still think Germany was on the right side of History. We can disagree on that idea all day, still I believe we are on the same side. Its fine we disagree on that issue, its long past, I believe we fight the same fight on most issues if your on this site.

QuickMafs ago

Nobody here likes you joe

GrizzlyDark ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Demonstrably false. Why make stupid claims like that?

ArielQflip ago

Me. You undermine anything that grows.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I undermine stupid ideas. Definitely. And it is deliberate. I embarrass you people.

ArielQflip ago

It's apparent you are not creative, imaginative, or positive any thing that may grow, for yourself or others I pray you do not have children.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm an idea man. I have ideas that are intellectually sustainable. Most of you lot though... not so much.

antiracistMetal ago

What are some of your intellectually sustainable ideas?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Observe and learn.

antiracistMetal ago

You couldn't even watch Japanese nipple porn. How can I learn from a mind so afraid of exploration?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm a little squeamish maybe. Doesn't mean I lack the capacity to think.

antiracistMetal ago

Does God exist?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I hope so.

antiracistMetal ago

Do you believe in God?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm a liberal Protestant by background. What that means essentially is that my answer ranges between yes and not sure depending on my mood. But it's not something I particularly dwell on. I am non-practicing.

antiracistMetal ago

What could possibly be more important to dwell on?

Why aren't you practicing? Do you really thinking posting old Playboy babes is more important than connecting with the greatest good?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Those are complicated questions. And personal even as I view religion as an essentially personal matter. The upshot is that I'll probably become more interested again when I get older.

antiracistMetal ago

If you saw a man beating a woman, would you just walk on by, or would you intervene?

So sometimes outsiders intervene in personal matters.

Here I'm an outsider, and I see rather than you connecting with the greatest good, you're posting old Playboys. Why is it not my duty to intervene?

Why wait until you get older? Why not start right now?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I would not compare Playboy to a man beating a woman. If that is your idea of an analogy I'd even say it is absurd. Playboy was most popular when Americans were more religious than now. So in practice a lot of Christian men have been into it. Especially compared with common social media fare nowadays it is even kinda mild.

But it's a value judgment. If you want to tell me what to post you can of course. But the question is if you want to make a big deal over something as mild as Playboy. That risks conflict and is kind of rude. Would you want me telling you what to post? This creates ethical questions even with regard to the golden rule even.

My father said he found religion as he got older, and he did, with the idea that you make peace before crossing the finish line. Maybe that is cynical but it is not irrational. It is common for people to become more religious when they sense death is near. I've been influenced by him in that respect. For now I'm still relatively young - so I like women and immoralist values more generally.

antiracistMetal ago

I would not compare Playboy to a man beating a woman. If that is your idea of an analogy I'd even say it is absurd.

They are alike in being a public sin welcoming intervention.

Playboy was most popular when Americans were more religious than now. So in practice a lot of Christian men have been into it.

That most Christians sin does not make a sin not a sin.

But it's a value judgment. If you want to tell me what to post you can of course. But the question is if you want to make a big deal over something as mild as Playboy.

It's not about me wanting to tell you something. It's not about me. It's about you. It's about whether Playboy is a sin or not.

That risks conflict and is kind of rude. Would you want me telling you what to post? This creates ethical questions even with regard to the golden rule really.

I would want you to correct my morality if you saw it was in error. I would want you to correct a factual error if you knew I was incorrect.

My father said he found religion as he got older

That is common.

and he did, with the idea that you make peace before crossing the finish line. Maybe that is cynical but it is not irrational.

What is most rational is to connect to the greatest good ASAP.

It is common for people to become more religious when they sense death is near.

You don't need to wait to get cancer to stop smoking. You don't need to wait until the end of your life to connect with God.

I've been influenced by him in that respect.

Is your dad some religious saint who should be your religious role model? If not, why don't you pick a better religious role model? Like, St. Francis of Assisi?

For now I'm still relatively young - so I like women

Do you like women more than God? If women have finite value, and God has infinite value, why would you pick the lesser over the greater? Do you like women more than a wife? Do you like a wife more than your kids? Do you like your kids more than what's good for humanity and the world? How can you live as if pursuing women was the ultimate goal or good, when clearly you can think of greater goods, with God being at the top? Why don't you pursue what's greatest?

and immoralist values more generally.

What are "immoralist values"? Why are they better than moral values?

Joe_McCarthy ago

This comes across as preaching. Why don't you do this. Why don't you do that. It is based on your own value system - which even many Christians may not even accept. Do you even believe in God? I saw you seem to express much graver doubts than I have. I ask because for you to even have legitimacy in saying I should accept the greatest good of God - it'd help if you actually believed in him yourself. Otherwise I dare say it comes off as somewhat insincere.

Immoralism though is a values system stemming from Nietzsche essentially. It deprioritizes guilt and is more goals oriented than command based. I'm not going to bother trying to use scripture to justify my political or social views. At this point religious arguments don't even have the respectability in intellectual circles they once had - so it is enough to say that immoralism is the worldview to equip one with the proper tools to address the emergency that is present Western crisis, or crisis of the white race. When your own kind are going extinct it almost inevitabily leads to a transvaluation of values or otherwise one's values are maladaptive.

antiracistMetal ago

This comes across as preaching.

Either it does or it doesn't. Am I not stating facts? Am I being overly rhetorical? Am I decorating my voice like a black Baptist preacher to impress you? And even if it is preaching, so what? Who cares? Is that bad?

Why don't you do this. Why don't you do that.

This isn't about me. This is about you. Mr. "I don't just post porn but I have sustainable ideas and am so smart". So I ask you about God, and you're like, "Yes no maybe so, it's all private, I like Playboy, leave me alone."

It is based on your own value system - which even many Christians may not even accept.

I'm not talking about my value system. I am talking about the Christian value system or your value system if they are the same.

Do you even believe in God? I saw you seem to express much graver doubts than I have.

This doesn't matter. This isn't about me. This is about you.

I ask because for you to even have legitimacy in saying I should accept the greatest good of God - it'd help if you actually believed in him yourself. Otherwise I dare say it comes off as somewhat insincere.

This is wrong. You are to consider the truth of these objective statements irrespective of who makes them. If a thief told you that stealing is wrong, you should agree with him. You should not say, "How can I believe you? You seem insincere." You can consider the suggestion in isolation, as if someone else had said it. So what if the pope or whoever asked you why you don't connect to the greatest good. Isn't that a more interesting question for you to examine yourself, rather than trying to prematurely end the conversation by insisting you don't have the right conversation partner?

is more goals oriented

What are the goals?

I'm not going to bother trying to use scripture to justify my political or social views.

Why not? Isn't scripture the best guide to how we should structure our politics and society?

At this point religious arguments don't even have the respectability in intellectual circles they once had

Okay... So, either the intellectuals are wrong, and religion still has clout; or, the intellectuals are right, and religion is bullshit. So, which side are you on? If you're on the side that religion has clout, then keep answering my questions about God. If you're on the side that religion is a bunch of bullshit, then remember when I asked you if you believe in God? Maybe you should have just said no instead of yes maybe I don't know.

When your own kind are going extinct it almost inevitably leads to a transvaluation of values or otherwise one's values are maladaptive.

Why aren't one's values immutable in face of death?

At least if one cares one's kind is going extinct.

Why do you care that the white race is going extinct? Aren't there more important things to worry about? Like where you're going to spend eternity?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Too many questions. And I must say: specious reasoning. Both preaching and gotcha seem to be your game.

But to attempt to cut to the essence of this: my social and political views center around race, or racial survival. So does my morality. Trouble is, this may conflict with the Bible. But if it does I'll risk that for the emergency that the threat to the white race. Of course it'd be nice too if I can make peace before crossing the finish line. It is entirely possible that I can. It is not a matter of either/or where I have to choose between resisting racial annihilation or salvation in the afterlife.

I think that is the essence of what is in play in our conversation. Well, that and whether my ideas are intellectually sustainable - which you seem to have taken as something to challenge for whatever reason.

antiracistMetal ago

Too many questions. And I must say: specious reasoning. Both preaching and gotcha seem to be your game.

Do you usually find yourself on the side of reading less? My reasoning wasn't specious. Your criticism is without substance.

If there is a conflict between your race views and the Bible, why do you choose your race views right now rather than the Bible right now?

It isn't an either/or. But I honestly doubt you're doing anything to help the white race, and I honestly doubt you're doing anything to learn about God. But you do seem to be posting a lot of Playboy. So if you are to take up a new hobby seriously, between saving your race and finding God, I'd recommend the latter. Since it seems to be the most important thing, and you can't seem to answer me about why saving your race is important.

Are you opposed to intellectual challenge?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm opposed to invasive, probing questions about things I had already indicated that I view as private. When that concern for privacy is indicated the courteous thing to do is desist. Instead you seem to have proceeded full steam ahead into some kind of apparent effort to prove I'm not smart - which is also kind of rude, when that even seems to be your explicit intention.

So then yeah - this does kinda become about you. Or maybe specifically your motives for doing what you are doing now. I hear you're black. That I suspect would be your motive basically.

So no, I'm not opposed to an intellectual challenge. More like I find your behavior rather unseemly.

And why would I need to explain why saving my race is important? It is one of those things that one either cares about or not. I care about it. Some don't. Some like the color blue. Maybe others don't.

antiracistMetal ago

I'm opposed to invasive, probing questions

I'm not exactly asking for your social security number and giving you a penis examination.

about things I had already indicated that I view as private.

But they're not private. They're objective. You keep making this about us personally, like that matters. Answer the questions objectively. Ask, "Does God exist?" not "Does God exist for me?" Ask, "Is Playboy a sin?" not "Is Playboy a sin for me?" And stop asking about my beliefs and my motives, and start answering the questions objectively as if you had thought of them yourself.

When that concern for privacy is indicated the courteous thing to do is desist. Instead you seem to have proceeded full steam ahead into some kind of apparent effort to prove I'm not smart - which is also kind of rude, when that even seems to be your explicit intention.

If I fail to prove you're not smart, you merely provided truthful answers to questions. Maybe it benefited you to think of the answers, or for me to read them, or for someone else who reads them to read them.

If I do prove you're not smart, you should thank me.

So then yeah - this does kinda become about you. Or maybe specifically your motives for doing what you are doing now. I hear you're black. That I suspect would be your motive basically.

What do my motives matter? You sure would hate if a black guy was smarter than you, wouldn't you?

So no, I'm not opposed to an intellectual challenge.

Carry on then.

More like I find your behavior rather unseemly.

Toughen up.

And why would I need to explain why saving my race is important?

Because it was asked.

It is one of those things that one either cares about or not. I care about it. Some don't. Some like the color blue. Maybe others don't.

Adults are capable of giving reasons for their beliefs when asked, better than just "I just do" or "Just cuz".

Joe_McCarthy ago

Why people care about racial survival is one of those mysterious, existential things I think. Like why are you attracted to this person instead of that person or maybe even why do you love your grandpa. It's not really something one explains in rational terms. It is probably something that is inborn. At least in part. I do know that there is data indicating that most white Americans express ingroup preference in tests at any rate. But to ask them why they do is basically to question them about their instincts. People are basically racists, as you might call them, without even realizing it.

antiracistMetal ago

There is a matter of description and prescription. The prescription is: "One should care about the preservation of their race." Either this is true or false.

The description is, "I care about the preservation of my race."

In the case of the prescription, you should be able to give reasons supporting your view.

Even in the case of description, people can often elaborate about why they like things. For example, if I said I liked heavy metal, I might add that I like distortion and fast music. If I said I was attracted to women, I might add particularly the breasts. Now I'm asking you to elaborate about your race love, and all I'm getting back is "I just do!"

The thing that gets me about this race stuff is... So, race is like family? Extended family? So you are yourself, and your family is close to you genetically, except your wife. But your parents and your kids... And then you love your cousins too. And then the whole white race. But why stop there? Why not love everybody? Or, if you don't love everybody, why stop there? Why not love only your family, or only yourself? Race seems to be an arbitrary stopping place in terms of resemblance. Family is closest to you, people of different race are furthest from you, and your own race is right in the middle. Why not extend your love out, or pull your love in a little? Why stop in the middle?

And then there are all sorts of problems with mixing. So, if your daughter had a black baby, you're not gonna love that baby? What if she had a baby with a Hispanic? Might you love the baby then, because its skin still looks white? Then, among your allies in the white nation, there will be some who have light skinned black wives, and mixed kids, who don't want you killing them off because of the one-drop rule. And they also don't want to tell their kids that they can't marry whoever they fall in love with. And Americans don't want to legislate race-based marriage prohibitions and bans on interbreeding. So eventually your kids and your enemy's kids will be the same people. Are you going to love them, or hate them? Because they look a little different than you, or resemble your enemy a little?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, your criticism is a mish-mish of reasonable observations and value judgments seemingly posing as objective truths. What I will say is that whites express greater hostility in testing to outgroups when they are informed whites will soon be a minority in America. So it's not really a matter of choosing how far out one should extend concern as how white people actually behave. The really strong part of your argument is the demographic reality. White America is quite simply being submerged racially - but that is very dangerous for everyone involved given the reaction it may elicit. I guess we'll see what happens. But I would hope in doing so we could process on more civil terms than we have here. I didn't even call you a nigger after all. At least not until now.

antiracistMetal ago

Well, your criticism is a mish-mish of reasonable observations and value judgments seemingly posing as objective truths.

No, this is wrong. If I say that God is the greatest good, this is not a value judgment, but a statement of fact.

When I then say you choosing temporary Playboy pleasure over strengthening your connection with the greatest good, this is not a observation or a value judgment uttered by me, but an objective fact that would remain true even if I wasn't in the picture.

When I say your lifespan is not the same as your races lifetime, this is not a mere observation or value judgment, but a statement of fact.

When I say on a long enough timeline humans will blend and evolve and your descendents will not resemble you, this is not a mere observation or value judgment, but a statement of fact.

Whereas your "I just do" answer is a value judgment, without supporting reasons. Emotional, like a woman.

Moral education alters people's behavior and feelings. Just because by description white people are uncomfortable with others doesn't mean that by prescription they should be. Actually, what "should be" is important. Morality is important.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Whether God is the greatest good is not an objective truth. He may be. But you don't even believe he exists. So to you God is not truth at all.

Your morality is quite different from mine probably. I don't think it is moral that white people go extinct. Or maybe moral is not even the right word as mine is a post-moral agenda. It is enough to say I don't like it and will do what I can to stop it from happening.

antiracistMetal ago

Whether God is the greatest good is not an objective truth.

Uh... What's greater?

But you don't even believe he exists. So to you God is not truth at all.

Okay...? What does MY BELIEF have anything to do with it? If I believe the earth is flat, does that make it not round? Why are you still making this about me?

Your morality is quite different from mine probably.

Morality is going to be founded based on consequences, rules, or virtues. Which of these is the grounds for your morality?

I don't think it is moral that white people go extinct.

You know everyone is going to die eventually.

Or maybe moral is not even the right word as mine is a post-moral agenda.

What is "post-moral"? Look, as soon as you say "post-moral" stuff is important or more important than morality, it automatically becomes morality, as the moral thing would be to maximize that which is most important.

It is enough to say I don't like it and will do what I can to stop it from happening.

And what are you doing?

Joe_McCarthy ago

God as the greatest good is an orthodox position in most religions I guess. Christianity I guess specifically as that seems to be our frame of reference in this conversation. But to say he is the greatest good is an objective truth is not necessarily true. Religion could be wrong. Or religion could be bullshit. Some don't even believe he exists. Including yourself - so I dunno why you're insisting on this at all.

My morality is essentially consequentialist.

Post-moralism is akin to immoralism roughly. Kinda involved. This book deals with it:


But it indeed does not discount morality but a certain type of morality. Traditional morality for lack of a better term. That is why it is immoralism in nature. But many would call if no morality at all, or immorality, and in any event is post-moral in its rejection of what is typically seen as moral. You can say post-moralism, is just another kind of morality, and you wouldn't be wrong, but it doesn't tell us anything essential.

antiracistMetal ago

So why are you concerned with the temporary consequences regarding your race rather than the infinite consequences regarding your soul?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Now you seem to be explicitly presenting this as either/or. I think I already addressed this.

antiracistMetal ago

Okay. So what are you doing to help whites?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not sure how exactly I should answer that question. Or if I should even answer it. But I'm doing stuff. Why do you ask? What works you expect that one white guy you meet on the net would be doing?

I mean, you don't know who I am or what I'm doing. But in most cases most lone guys aren't going to be doing all that much. So even going in the question seems to me to have a lot of potential to be loaded.

antiracistMetal ago

Well then since you're doing nothing, you have a lot of free time on your hands to find God.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You see, when I tell you I am doing stuff and you respond like that it projects less a desire to converse than hostile motives.

antiracistMetal ago

How is telling you to connect to the greatest good hostile?

Joe_McCarthy ago

No need to play dumb.

ArielQflip ago


See⬆⬆⬆ For eyes that see, and minds to comprehend!

Your beliefs show! It's much easier to change ideas than to change beliefs.

Dogma. What a crap show!

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno why you're posturing. You're spewing some bile about me not having kids. Definitely fall into the angry category. Not sure about the loser part exactly. But you're getting there.

ArielQflip ago

Good luck human.

ardvarcus ago

The thing that made Christianity such a popular religion two thousand years ago is that Jesus will accept anyone who genuinely repents. That includes slaves, prostitutes, homosexuals, and criminals. So, If you are sincere about cleansing your soul, Jesus will accept you. I, on the other hand, think you are a fucking troll and I reject you. But I'm not Jesus.

Monte_Carlo ago

And they were incredibly intolerant of everyone else.

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HybridNerfGuns ago

Definitely not a troll, I am for real. Thank you for your input.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

Don't worry about Jesus, everyone around here is Christian and wants to see white babies born. I married a gook and I'm agnostic. If you wanna go full fag find a respectable man and treat him right and tell the full on flamers to stop celebrating their sexual preferences please, there is no need to celebrate, I don't need a straight pride month so they need to shut the fuck up already.

I work with a ton of felons, some are great guys, others need locked up again, don't let your mistakes define you.

TheLesserApes ago

I like gooks as much as the next guy but your daughters will be whores and your sons will be incel. Best to stay within your lane racially barring incest.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

You're a fucking idiot to assume anything about me.

BearDolphin1488 ago

You sound unpleasant

HybridNerfGuns ago

I am most attracted to white woman, would love a nice white baby. Ya just because a person is a felon doesn't mean they're bad people. Some of my favorite people in this life are felons, not bad people, just twisted lives that go against the law. Mostly drugs and alcohol.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

I'm attracted to all women besides niggers, turns out my best match is a beautiful Vietnamese goddess who hates communism, niggers, greed and corruption and has the most desirable traditional nature. I'm too old to be breeding anyways. If you meet a woman expect your past to be an issue, they're all jealous and possessive and yours will be worried about everyone instead of just the females.

Labglass ago

My wife is Chinese and similarly hates niggers and communism - loves shooting and cooks for me every night - I just got her an ATN night vision scope for her rifle - she is sweet as can be and shoots 1” groups at 100 yards - don’t know what else I could ask for ! Most Asians are pretty based from what I can tell very traditional and only get along with whites - she fucking hates Japanese people too -

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

Oh so you have it good right now too. I just tell my girl to cough and people clear out of our way fast lol.

MAGAAyaBish ago

You had me until you said "she fucking hates Japanese people too". I'll take the Japanese over the Chinese any day of the week.

ArielQflip ago

Yes. The Love of God is infinite. Forgive yourself as you have the wisdom of pain. Use it to keep others from self-inflicted pain. It's the only way out! Imho.

Walk your talk. Don't talk your walk.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Thank you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


What are your feelings on gun ownership, and why?

agitatedwhiteguy ago

If you aren't liberal in your 20s, you have no heart. If you aren't conservative by your 30's, you have no brain.

daskapitalist ago

If you have philosophy, you never go left.

Plavonica ago

If you aren't liberal in your 20s, you have no heart.

I think that's more due to programming from school/media/etc and that it takes another decade of unlearning all of that before you come to reality.

FreeSpeechForever ago

Me to a T

user9713 ago

never been a liberal, virtue-signaling while causing harm to others doesn't mean you have a heart.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Thinking liberally and being a liberal are not mutually exclusive.

Paul_Stamets ago

Motherly love is liberal. Fatherly love is conservative. A conservative in their 20 is wise. Everyone should be striving for fatherly love.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Women are mentally children for their entire lives, it's the responsibility of a strong man to guide the tough roads in life for both of them.

Usernamenameuser ago

"The most responsible teenager in the house"

PagingDrBenway ago

I wish I knew this 5 years ago. I had a good one and gave her too much freedom. Lead to too many complications, and an unfortunate end. The next one is on the way and she is going to be guided and disciplined to be how I know is best. Fuck this world and the naiveté it breeds into us...

anonymous111 ago

We were taught that women can do anything men can do. 30 years or more later were seeing that very much isn't the case.

alele-opathic ago

This is exactly correct. All of us are necessarily converts, since it has been impossible to avoid the programming as a kid for decades now.

I was a convert as well. Was extremely hyper liberal. Was semi-conservative by the time I found Voat. Voat used to weigh heavy on my soul, and now it feels like a breath of fresh air. Just my two cents.

ScottMAGA ago

I was raised as a civic nationalist with a strong dose of race realism, as in "blacks tend to be dumb and prone to criminality, but we need to treat them as individuals, that's just fair". I was blue-pilled on women though.

So for many of us, the start of the journey was not too far to where we are now. I just had to take the red pill on women and to start people according to their race.

user9713 ago

Speak for yourself; my parents raised me right and I was never a liberal because of it.

TheSeer ago

My parents raised me conservative, but they became more liberal through media brainwashing. Have had to work for a few years now to show them how blatantly left wing and Communist the 'center' has become.

AnotherGrayman ago

Good for you, fucker. Some of us didn't have any parental guidance and were raised by the state, yet still threw off the programming and clawed our way out of the Matrix.

alele-opathic ago

Speak for yourself; my parents raised me right

You must have been raised country where everyone at school was already conservative. You are aware that, in most states, homeschooling was illegal until relatively recently (homeschooling was legalized in most states in the 1990s, and it didn't become popularish until over a decade later), right? School is where indoctrination happens - my parents tried to raise me conservatively too.

HybridNerfGuns ago

That's a great quote, I can relate to that fully. Thank you.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

OP is a kike and faggot

AmericanJew2 ago

If you fucked dudes at any point you’re a faggot.

I’m just sayin...

HybridNerfGuns ago

Ya the post is to address people who became degenerate from the programming, and have now woken up. I never fucked a guy, just got head from a twink a good amount of times, mixed with drugs and alcohol.

A person like me who has woken up from a degenerate life. Do i get the rope, or acceptance to fight the cause?

BearDolphin1488 ago

Keep in mind, that person you're replying to is a jew. I'd rather take you over a lying traitorous jew any day of the week.

Oy vey, not all jews!!

El_Syd ago

Oh, I get it. He sucked your dick, so you're not the faggot, he is.

DFW ago

Living right is about forgiveness.

fourdeesixntwo ago

All i ask is for you to leave out the details. God damn.

CapinBoredface ago

Don’t be a pearl clutcher lmao

This is voat, people say way worse than that all the time.

HybridNerfGuns ago

I gotta live with it, you just gotta hear it. Fuck

muhfuggabixnood ago

Just don't do it again, and you aren't babysitting my kids.

BordelonLoop ago

good point.

Derpfroot ago

You turned it all around and accepted that living a better, red-pilled life is the way to go. You looked our way and thought, "yes." I'd kill commies with you.