voatusernamevoat ago


Is fully involved in White genocide. https://files.catbox.moe/gv0g3b.jpg

antiliberalsociety ago

That is the current corrupted state it is in. The way (((Pope Francis))) came to power has all the signs of a coup. He refers to Rabbis for "spiritual guidance". But I ask you, which religion is the writer of that article, publisher, editor, and owner of said paper that released it?

voatusernamevoat ago

It's jewbart, but it's not the sidestep you're hoping for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmyGC96ClcE christcuckery is mind poison, born a sinner, everyone god's children, christcuckery and the after life aka death is all that matters. As gone over in the video, christcuck leaders see africa and china as the future of cuckstianity, Whites don't matter, okay if they're genocided, guilty sinners anyway, completely involved in White genocide hand in hand with jews.

antiliberalsociety ago

I'm not looking for a sidestep; what you recognize as Christ cuckery is playing into the atheistic Jewish agenda. The one thing they despise is Christianity. What you think you know about it is the lies and misinformation (((they))) feed you. What religion was your grandparents and great grandparents? What was the crime rate during their lifetimes? Why in the 1960s did churches never have locks but now you can't get in unless buzzed in?

There has been subversion for decades whittling away at what they see as the "enemy". How is it "Christ cuckery" had been successful for thousands of years all over the world? The most successful of all religions, and only in the last 50 years have you seen it smeared, undermined, and read nothing but negative press about it?

One must realize even to be an atheist/agnostic, requires a leap of faith.

voatusernamevoat ago

You threw up nine "what about this?" by my count. christuckery is kill on the basis of christcuck doctrine alone, pre scofield, founding doctrine, down to the core, born a sinner.

antiliberalsociety ago

Cognitive dissonance doesn't help our cause.

voatusernamevoat ago

A cross that bridge when we come to it. When christucks are actively genociding Whites, you're at the bridge, you have to face it. Detox what christcucks you can in what time there is and move forward, "have to love all" isn't viable and not all are needed and It's not narrowed down to just catholics, they aren't the only christcucks heavily involved in carrying out White genocide. The only good christcucks are the "bad" ones that go against christcuck doctrine saying screw you to it by caring about themselves, family, & race, guilt free.