AlternateSelection ago

Go see the Dune remake when it's released.

whitesrbetter ago

Critters series,Jurassic Park,Turbo kid.

Native ago

12 Monkey's TV Show. GREATEST time-travel show ever made. 4 seasons. No woke bullshit. Barely any coloreds in there. And It wraps up with zero plot holes. Amazing show and you won't regret it. It's on Hulu if you have that.

SearchVoatBot ago

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DaliOtter ago

Firefly “Serenity”

DaliOtter ago


RobertJHarsh ago

Shit. I'd rather watch woke scifi.

SirNiggsalot ago

The original Blade Runner was real good. Its gotta be 30+ years old but was way ahead of its time. Rutger Hauer was amazing and his final scene was something else.

tokui ago

Blade Runner 1 & 2?

VitGet ago


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CrustyBeaver52 ago

Ghost in the shell is a personal favorite.

It does have the female lead hero, and the multiculturalism, but it is not anti-white, nor does it push LGBTQ themes - it's more cyberpunk than anything else. Japanese story telling - like a kill bill samurai style. Epic. Solid sci-fi themes. Family values. Good vrs evil.

klobos ago

Give Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets a try. New. 2 white main characters. Don't remember much about it but it isn't well know it seems.

glownig ago

Beyonce plays an alien, and I like the movie but its about how the WHITE MAN stole resources from the NATIVES, the poor simple nature loving NATIVES, fucked over by EVIL WHITEY.

klobos ago

I'll have to rewatch it. I don't remember that being the plot at all. I had no idea beyonce was in it and I wish I didn't know. I like the movie slightly less now.

glownig ago


I said beyonce, but its Rihanna. I dont even know the two niggers from each other (I am serious). I know they both sing on stages.

klobos ago

I only know of them by name, have no idea what they look like but I'm assuming big lips, huge nostrils, sloped forehead? Well maybe no if they got surgery or are half breeds with lucky genes.

sLnTsRvC ago

It's mandatory to shove blacks into every role of every movie now.

glownig ago

Moon (2009) from 11 years ago is nigger free, i think

and it SEEMS so far that movies like Sunshine (2007) and Pandorum (2009) from 13 and 11 years ago are light on niggers.

I do not know if any movies are NIGGER FREE and uninfested with genius knowitall perfect negros in any recent movies.

If so, it would need to also lack gay male kissing, and lack trannys

Wonder_Boy ago

I liked Minority Report. It's truthful.

glownig ago

If it was truthful.... all niggers would be doing pre-crime, all niggers, not white murderers

Ocelot ago

It's actually not Gay Niggers, it's Gayniggers.

RM-Goetbbels ago

It's been awhile since I've seen a sci fi movie worth recommending.

Dark Matter is pretty good if you haven't seen it. As far as "woke" you can't ever get past the girl hero thing but watching it doesn't make me want to throw things so it's not too blatant.

Leonidas4Q ago

Ozark to me is about one VERY smart white guy finding a way for his family to survive.

Leonidas4Q ago

I loved Lost in Space. Molly Parker and her screen husband Toby especially.

jstressman ago

Are you trolling? The Lost in Space remake was peak woke bullshit. Most males replaced with women, a black daughter shoehorned into a white family by making the white father a cuck raising a mulatto daughter his wife had with a black man, and of course the black girl is the smartest in the whole show... and of course it's a broken family, because wokeness hates a healthy nuclear family with a passion.

This is precisely what the OP did NOT want to watch.

Leonidas4Q ago

I guess from a paranoid, racist viewpoint you'd miss the characterization of the father and young Will Robinson as heroes. You display a profound disrespect for the opinions of others and a fear of strong women and intelligent blacks - yes there are some. How will those attitudes work in creating a society that is harmonious and productive in the future? The Robinson's are not a broken family. The world you're envisioning would be.

NakedWarrior ago

I thought these were decent:


The Beyond

The Endless

Simonbelmont27 ago

  • Blade Runner 2049 was gorgeous

Not movies but fun to watch:

- The Expanse (Amazon)

- Black Mirror (Netflix) - each episode is a different story, the first one is pretty effed up

- Sex, Love, Robots (Netflix) - similar

- The Man in the High Castle (Amazon)

- Castlevania (Animated Netflix)

- Ultraman (Animated Netflix)

Good luck!

ForgottenMemes ago

The Expanse is absolutely loaded with poz

Wonder_Boy ago

The Expanse is nothing but a POZ vehicle.

glownig ago

true, and Black Mirror is now only male bashing shit

PhilKDick ago

All that PhilKDick stuff, which would include A Scanner Darkly, about illegal drugs, the drug "war" and state survrillance

BumbleTummy ago

Try watching Sunshine (2007). And also Pandorum (2009).

Native ago

Pandorum is a fantastic show! THough the movie trailer spoiled the ending for me! It was after that movie that I stopped watching movie trailers.

glownig ago

NIGGER SCIENTISTS ? Minimal in Sunshine, so I will watch :

Nigger infested in Pandorum? No, it seems non infested with knowi-it-all magic negros, so I will watch it too :

I never watch niggerfied scifi featuring magic unicorn nobel nigger scientists.

those two look promising so far.

Hopefully they are not full of republican bashing, and Trannies, or gay male kissing

obvious-throwaway- ago

know-it-all genius magic negros

Stay away from [pretty much every pile of shit movie Kikewood has released in a minimum, and I mean bare minimum, of 10 years].

fuckinghell ago

Sunshine is damn good.

BumbleTummy ago

Oh, and I assume that everyone has seen Moon (2009) by now?

fuckinghell ago

I'll have to give that one a watch.

Chempergrill ago

v/theredpill compiled a list of non-woke movies:

Pick the scifi ones.

Wonder_Boy ago

American Beauty was at the top of that list. WTF?

SkrutinizeYou ago

A. I.

That movie is super underrated IMO.

Dangerly ago

Ender's Game

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Try movies from the 70s. I posted a list I liked.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Jeez, guys, I said I posted a list. It's in my posting history. All ya hadda do is look.

glownig ago


edwardbernays ago

I do too... where is the list?

tokui ago

Gattaca? I can't recall any niggers.

Lost in Space (original).

The Black Hole.

Silent Running.

Buck Rogers.

Leonidas4Q ago

Ozark, rhymes with dark, but it is not sci-fi.

wasteroftime ago

The Netflix show with the guy from (((Arrested Development))), who plays the main character, a cuck that is working for spic drug dealers (whom are depicted as having all the power over the white guys)? That's a shit tier suggestion, from beginning to end. As you said, it isn't even sci-fi, just a boring wanna be Breaking Bad.

Lately I've been watching a lot of movies where people are basically trapped alone in a dystopian future jail sort of situation. Will see if I can make a list, but there are several of these sort of movies with different takes. Best part is that with there being such a small cast, there is no room for an overly diverse cast. Maybe start with Moon (from 2009)?

borderline7 ago

alita battle angle wasn't that bad, its still got the female hero thing.... sort of like the first terminator, its there its just not full on SJW nonsense.

logans run, if you like classics... omega man, old planet of the apes, the old james bond stuff with connery, the newest ones are ok, but this is not really sci fi.

mad max?

Nosferatjew ago

Alita was non-stop propaganda, and it sucked.

Wonder_Boy ago

Alita is a flagship movie for the luciferian transhumanist movement, with a ton of masonic Easter eggs, but whatevs.

tastelessinvective ago

Can cyborgs accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior?

ex-redd ago

logans run, if you like classics... omega man, old planet of the apes

you hit the nail on the head with those--the real "Golden Age" in my book.

got any more suggestions along those lines?

NakedWarrior ago

haha Logan's Run, that IS a classic. Farrah Fawcett's first role

BjornIronside ago


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