sirRantsalot ago

It takes a certain type of person (in your case, robot) to interact with voat on a regular basis. Someone either isolated, socially awkward, lacking the resources to do anything else, or just wired that way. Maybe putt isn't any of the above.

LastCowboy ago

I am not a shill I'm not going anywhere in the world combined with the Square footage of a movie that is not me or the same.

Shotinthedark ago

He sold voat and doesn't care.

LastCowboy ago

To who?

Shotinthedark ago

Good question

Tallest_Skil ago


mxcviel ago

Some hope that Putt is not dead is that @Atko is silent. When searching what is happening I think I found him and it would be extremely out of his character regarding who he is and where he is from, not to tell us.

@discoball ( owner) is silent too, so maybe Putt is in some bad legal trouble, so do I hope.

SirNiggsalot ago

Putt is probably at a CIA black site in Tajikistan being interrogated by some filthy ragheads .

LastCowboy ago

And I can promise you this place is worth a considerable amount of money to the right person

Tallest_Skil ago

400 people on a dead website that has no advertising and can’t be viewed by anyone not logged in. That’s not worth a damn.

LastCowboy ago

Monitoring a certain demographic of people is very valuable to certain institutions. I don't think you realize how much information is contained within this website. It's been up for years and tens of thousands of people have left information here.

Tallest_Skil ago

They can monitor us without buying the website. They already own the ISPs.

CantBuySkills ago

Ownership means nothing anymore... thanks patriot act!

LastCowboy ago

It's not the monitoring that's valuable it's the database of information. You could develop thousands extremely tight profiles on people that certain institutions would find to be a potential threat. A database like that could be used for so much.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why do they need to own the site for that? They own the ISPs. All the data is already available to them. It’s copied as it’s transferred across the wires. All our posts are visible; they can have a scraper troll the site to grab all the data they need.

LastCowboy ago

I'm not really worried about trying to convince you to be honest. I think I explained everything in the content of my post pretty thoroughly. If you think none of that sounds fishy then by all means carry on.

Tallest_Skil ago

Who the fuck said anything doesn’t sound fishy? He hasn’t posted here for MONTHS. The site got totally locked down without explanation or timeframe, and now that it’s partially open again he still doesn’t talk about it, despite the paid shills and spambots immediately cottoning on to the fact that registrations are reopened. And the servers are still fucking shit, even though we’re not under attack–IF WE EVER EVEN ACTUALLY WERE.

I’m saying that they don’t need to own the site to get data on its users. Because they don’t.

LastCowboy ago

So then what is your theory as to what is going on?

Tallest_Skil ago

Not enough information. We could speculate about anything, and we’d be at least a tiny bit right on any given theory. I always hesitate to say anything when I don’t know enough. Here’s what we do know:

  • Voat’s service ground to a halt for days several months ago.
  • This was claimed to be the result of a DDoS attack.
  • No evidence to this effect was provided (to my memory; correct me otherwise).
  • New registrations were shut down.
  • This does not stop a DDoS.
  • Viewing any page on the site other than the signup page was shut down.
  • This does not stop a DDoS.
  • No communication with the site administration has happened since that time.
  • About a month ago, new registrations were opened up again.
  • Still, no communication has happened.

That’s literally all we actually know. It’s not much.

LastCowboy ago

So we agree.

LastCowboy ago

Money will make people do things out of character

slwsnowman40 ago

I think the feds bought the site and servers wanting to know what is actually being talked about by us plebs.

cyclops1771 ago

Putt isn't going to go down and be liable as assholes try to take the site down through illegal actions.

Warrant canary is dead - there are warrants on this site now. NSA, FBI, CIA, Mossad, Interpol, etc. are all listening and watching and trying to instigate words that they can use to incriminate.

You're one of them, you should know. Why do you pretend to not know? Been ear fucked too much?

kobold ago

angel of death

LastCowboy ago

Good one! Mind if I use that sometime?

kobold ago


TradMan ago

Voat is compromised. We're done here, question is when.

sirRantsalot ago

Then the entire internet is compromised. Which is possible.

TradMan ago

Literally here though

sirRantsalot ago


LastCowboy ago

When what?

Tallest_Skil ago

When do we all get arrested and killed for being white.