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RogerByam ago

Stay calm.

Get your ducks in a row; don't let her know that you know until you've secure all your assets.

Then make the clean break yourself when you and your lawyer are ready. Move out or move her out, stop all contact.

Don't even think about vengeance, as it will stop you from acting rationally, it will make it harder for you to get what you need in court. At the end of the day, when you've done everything in a systematic manner and she is losing her shit... that is the true revenge.

FerdTurgeson ago

Second this...don't turn into a scorned woman...accept that you fucked up (it isn't about blame, if you really want a truly clean break you have to accept some responsibility for choosing her and for being fooled). Don't fuck with her school, that just makes your relationship consist of two shit bags; also it could really affect your legal standing. Finally you are setting her up to mooch off of you the rest of her life, you might as well not stop her from being self sufficient and you will be right back to paying for her when she moves on from the next guy. I am really sorry but FWIW my cousin didn't find out his wife was cheating until his (NOT his) son was 1, and he had already gone through with the vasectomy.

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DickbiterShekelstein ago

Get that cucked faggot bullshit out of here.

FerdTurgeson ago

There is no greater way to be cucked than to give away your personal agency and responsibility. If you get swung on a bad business deal you evaluate where your went wrong and learn and grow...or you spend your life balming others like a little girl

Intrixina ago

Cheating is 100% on the person doing the cheating. Fuck off with your blameshifting horseshit.

If the OP was even slightly to blame for any part of the relationship being poor, the cheater could have had an honest and frank conversation where they stated their needs and then left after said needs weren't met. Not monkey-branching onto someone else and fucking them behind the OP's back, making financial and health decisions for the OP without his knowledge.

FerdTurgeson ago

"needs' sound like a woman...when your shitty mom picked your shitty dad to procreate with does she bear any responsibility for you growing into a cunt? If OP wants to be a victim he can follow your reasoning...if he wants to be a man he can accept he made a poor choice, analyze what he missed, and grow...there is no improving yourself without accepting fault.

Intrixina ago

As I said in previous posts, Cluster B fuckwits hide behind a mask and they do it damn well, which is why they can subtly manipulate people. That's how a person can miss their bullshit.

Someone else being a cunt does not mean that their partner is at fault for being a cunt. It's the same reasoning as me accepting blame for you being a cunt and assigning blame to victims.

FerdTurgeson ago

Whatever a cluster B fuckwit is the only thing sadder is a man who can't control his cluster B fuckwit...accept that and move one is talking about fault, we are talking about ownership, responsibility, agency...anyone who uses "blame" and "victims" in the same sentence is already guilty of talking like a leftist, feminist, cunt.

Intrixina ago

You cannot "control" Cluster B fuckwits. Given that you don't know what they are - I suggest you read up on them. The only way to "manage" them is to get the fuck away from them.

One can only control themselves and what they put up with. When one has no knowledge of a situation that makes them a victim. It's when they find out and they continue to tolerate it, then yes, one could say that they are a fucking idiot. But when they are unaware of a situation? No. And those fuckers are damn good at hiding shit. One cannot (and should not) have to be hyper-vigilant and police their partner's every move - and Cluster B's use that to their advantage.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Read and include with your signature: "All rights reserved without prejudice. UCC 1-308." That is a binding clause and if she breaks it. She is done.

FerdTurgeson ago

I don't care about anything you just wrote...the legal system isn't my (nor should be) OPs main concern

Mustard_Monkey ago

Correct. Fuck that bitch OP. Divorce her ass stat!

FerdTurgeson ago

At least you are providing actual advice, whether I understand it or agree with it or even care to listen...the rest of these guys want OP to "let her live rent free" in his head, live a pathetic life, and then look back and blame everyone but himself. Blame isn't quite the right word but what is done is done and it could be MUCH worse...thanks for some practical insight instead of the ramblings of angry teenage minds

Mustard_Monkey ago

You know what your opinion is duly noted.

Phantom42 ago

accept that you fucked up

Oh you can fuck right off with that cucked shit.

"My wife is cheating on me, here's 10 reasons why I'm the BAD GUY (with pictures):"


I think it's important to accept you picked a bad partner. My sister has been dating a guy over 5 years who refuses to propose to her. She's over 30 now and wants to start a family but he still won't entertain the idea of marriage.

If you pick a partner who cheats or doesn't want a family/what you need in life you need to take a step back and consider why you were attracted to a bad fit for you and try to learn how to pick a better one moving forward.

Lots of people completely miss a huge layer of red flags about people when their emotions are involved.

FerdTurgeson ago

You talk like some kind of click bait buzz feed article. It isn't about blame or bad or good...obviously she is a cunt but OP picked her, locked her up, kept her and was the definition of cucked...if he can look back clearly and be honest with himself he doesn't have to be a victim the way you fags keep pushing him to be

ALIENS2222 ago

No shit right? What the fuck is that bullshit.

BoomerHater1488er ago

He's not completely wrong. He's implying that OP is to blame for marrying a shit tier woman, not for behaving in a way that made his wife cheat.

superspathi ago

He chose wrongly. That's a fuckup.

UndercoverRobot ago

Absolving oneself of all responsibility when one is the victim of deception is an invitation to be deceived again.

Intrixina ago

Not when someone is hiding behind a mask and being a manipulative cunt - that rule doesn't apply. It applies in most situations, but not necessarily this one.

FerdTurgeson ago

Far too eloquent for these man children to comprehend.

GoyimNose ago

It's his duty to keep his wife in line and in check, he failed. Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.

FerdTurgeson ago

Bravo my man. Shit is in like the first 6 pages of the bible...women make choices to survive...women lead by weak (or no)men make weak choices,women lead by strong man flourish. Letting your wife go to grad school and pursue a career is a huge mistake; I haven't heard anyone bash OP for it but to pretend he couldn't do differently next time to achieve a different result is a welfare nigger attitude. Thanks again for being a man on voat

Intrixina ago

So, why is it that the rich and attractive, or even not so rich and not so attractive, are cheated on for utter hags? That's got nothing to do with "keeping his wife in check".

FerdTurgeson ago

Because they are shit husbands and men. Women will marry gross little jews with money and then fuck their black do you not see the parallels to what we are talking about?

Intrixina ago

I wasn't talking about "gross little jews" - I was talking about those who actually uphold morals and ethics.

Fun fact: Someone close to me was cheated on some years ago. Of course you'll say "They need to accept their part of it" but I can tell you that's absolute horseshit - she did nothing to "make" him cheat - he was just a scumfuck who wanted to dick someone underage. Your next excuse will be "You don't know what goes on in their relationship!!!" as well, also fuck off. The victim of this was not a "shit person", quite the contrary.

There is no reason whatsoever to cheat. If the person is unhappy, they can leave the relationship honestly and after a while find someone else. Not fuck around behind their back. Fucking around behind their back basically says "It's all about me" which is the prime reason that people cheat in the first place - narcissism.

FerdTurgeson ago

You are basing everything on a logical fallacy...EVEN if someone is doing all the things they ought to be doing and get fucked by someone there are still only two choices...accept responsibility and move on like a man, or blame other people...this shit isn't jew legal nonsense it is about how to move forward through adversity like a man...

Intrixina ago

"I made an oath to lead a woman, and she made an oath to follow..."

Not relevant if the person who's supposed to be doing the following, does things in secret without your knowledge.

Note: I am not saying that one should stick their head in the sand about their partner being a cheating cunt, but nor is it their fault either. It's not about "acting like a victim" either - one should always better themselves, regardless.

i_scream_trucks ago

Careful, your shitting dick tits and unwashed fish stank pussy smell is overwhelmingly obvious.

Fuck off you narcissistic cunt. Bitches like you arw the reason we need to get rid of domestic violence laws so a bitch with a big mouth can get exactly what she desrves again.

Phantom42 ago

It's his duty to keep his wife in line and in check, he failed.

Holy shit you just actually attempted to use that as an argument. I thought I'd never see the day.

Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.


HOOOOOLLLLLLLY SHIT ANOTHER ABSOLUTE GEM! Jeez, man... Have you ever tried stand-up? I think you'd be pretty damn good at it.

FerdTurgeson ago

Do you want to know what message you are projecting with your attitude? You are such a pussy that your wife (if you have one) would fuck any strong man that comes around. Is that what you are after?

matthew-- ago

Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.

Nope. He is spot on. They can't control it.

The reason rape is so bad is because most women actually enjoy it - some achieve orgasm for the first and only times in their lives during rape. They know they're not supposed to like it, and that makes it even worse and they enter into a deep pit of guilt and depression that can fuck them up for life.

Trash_Panda ago

If you choose these kinds of women then yes it's ultimately your fault. My girl was celibate 4 years prior to us dating (3 for me). You think I'm worried about her cheating?

registerinsecond ago

You can never fucking know 100%

So when she leaves you in 10y what will you think?

FerdTurgeson ago

That is the kind of despair ridden faggot tier attitude we are trying to stomp out...if you have a foot out the door in your mind (totally single mom mode of thinking, congrats fag) she can tell and will treat you the same. Real men who have their shit under control don't even have an inclination to think this way.

Trash_Panda ago

I would be concerned for her spiritual wellbeing but overall I would be able to move on. I don't have much of a problem being alone and I'm pretty good at covering my bases.

registerinsecond ago

Exactly. You can never be completely sure.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

That you had your turn and now it's someone else's. Keep your affairs in order, protect your assets as best you can, and keep your kids on your side. Also, make as many white kids as you can.

Phantom42 ago

If you choose these kinds of women then yes it's ultimately your fault.


My girl was celibate 4 years prior to us dating (3 for me).

Ah, yes. Now I see it. You aren't young, are you guy? Shit has changed massively. There are no "good girls" available. They are dead and gone.

You think I'm worried about her cheating?

Well I found your first mistake...

Never let your fucking guard down. All that "talk it out with those you love! Don't hold it in!" shit? Consider it a jewish lie and do exactly the opposite. Never trust the one beside you. Hold the weight, carry the weight, and you just might make it.

Normally I'd suggest doing a covert sweep making sure your girl hasn't been fucking around on the side, but at this point there are nothing but bitches and whores running around so you may as well keep what you've got and just arrange a car accident for the side-guy she may/may not have been sleeping with.

FerdTurgeson ago

Keep lying to yourself about all women being is easier than improving yourself and seeking out the good are pathetic...instead of arguing with me go earn a good woman, there are plenty and they are begging for men to lead them

Trash_Panda ago

You aren't young, are you guy?

I am.

Shit has changed massively.

You're not wrong but I think this actually makes it's easier to spot the bad apples. I knew what every single one of my exes would do long before they actually did it. Heck, I knew what most women were about within the first few minutes of conversation. It's not difficult, men just choose to ignore the red flags or they themselves have their priorities screwed up (or both).

Consider it a jewish lie and do exactly the opposite. Never trust the one beside you.

It's not that you shouldn't trust anybody, but that no matter how much you trust or love someone you should always cover your bases. It's an acknowledgement that we are all inherently corrupt even though we try to do good most of the time.

Fahrvergnaked ago

What the fuck dude? I thought I was jaded towards women...

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

You are right to say that we should never let our guards down, but it's not true that there are no good women. Women who haven't been kiked are blank slates. It's out job to mold them into productive adults. Keep them in line and away from impulsive behavior. Our wives are just the oldest kid in the house. They need to be monitored and controlled just like a teenager, but that doesn't make them all bad. Just susceptible to shitty influence.

FerdTurgeson ago

The blank slate part is where you go off the rails...if you are a great member of a small, tight knit agrarian community you can get yourself a blank slate virgin, otherwise you must do as men have always done...take the best "hundred pounds of clay" you can get and lead her to righteousness. All of these phone jerking semi fags think they deserve a virgin when they would finger bang, face fuck, or sodomize any girl that passes out in their vicinity or will let them ...if you truly marry up (like I did)be grateful but don't pretend you deserve it

i_scream_trucks ago

Guarantee you that dumb bastard gets cheated on regularly for.trusting his woman withput question.

Either that or he has married a fucking ugly ham planet.

operation_wetvac ago

Or he got really, really lucky and won the lottery and found a unicorn.

FerdTurgeson ago

Stop it...neither you or the comm enter you responded to has it quite right...You can't have a real relationship without trust and if you keep his attitude you are likely doomed to become a self fulfilling should FEEL like you won the lottery when you are in good relationship but the odds aren't as bad as you think; women and malleable and even women with rough backgrounds will follow a strong lead...much of the problem is in all the porn and shit media this greasy retards take in leaving them thinking they deserve much more than they do.

AR47 ago

You should point at the doll and show everyone where life fucked you.

SolidFoundations ago

I got married to a 22 year old virgin. So you can fuck right off with your negative bullshit. Guys do need to make wise choices about their women. If you marry a whore, there was probably things you fucking missed about her character.

4 things you need to look for in a woman, BEFORE SHE EVEN KNOWS YOU'RE LOOKING AT HER:

  1. Honour.
  2. Loyalty.
  3. Nobility.
  4. Sincerity.

This advice will make your selection of women much better.

Trash_Panda ago

Amen brother. I think most of the guys on here are MGTOW types, they don't know much about healthy interactions with women.

I would say most important of all is humility. A man and a woman who make this their modus operandi are a very powerful force.

FerdTurgeson ago

It is a power that terrifies all the jews, commies, satanists, etc. that everyone here is so fond of babbling about.

matthew-- ago

I disagree with your list. Here's mine.

  1. Virgin
  2. Strong and present father
  3. Financially equal or better than you
  4. Not fat

SolidFoundations ago

I agree with all your points, in retrospect. Though, they need not be mutually exclusive.

matthew-- ago

I can't upvote you for some reason, but you're right. My bad.

FerdTurgeson ago

WHAT KIND OF FAGGOT CARES ABOUT HIS WIFE'S FINANCIAL POSITION? A faggot, that is who. You are embarrassing...1) if you aren't man enough to lock one down early you can't expect this and you probably don't deserve it if you aren't spending time in the right places. 2) This is important for me, women without strong fathers follow their (strong)husband's leads as good or even better than ones without 3)See demonstrate to her that you care more about fancy pants than being a patriarch...anyone who lets their wife work when there are kids afoot is a greedy cuck 4) Dr's are convincing cucked dads and stupid moms to allow their daughters to be on birth control at a young age, and this coupled with shit values at home is making for chunky teenage girls...what kind of a man can't keep his household on course for a healthy lifestyle? I will answer for like you

matthew-- ago

1) hahahahaha. Who said I had to lock one down early. That's retarded. Why marry early when you can work on yourself and marry the next generation of young girls a decade or so later?

2) women without strong or present fathers will follow in their mother's footsteps, and divorce you for half your shit just like her old lady did to her husband

3) eh, that's how I figure she's not using me for my money, it's pretty simple actually

4) calories in, calories out. If one is more than other you will gain/lose weight. It's very simple.

You sound like an old woman

Intrixina ago

That is, until you find a Cluster B fuckwit who hides behind a mask for years and then has an insatiable need to "find herself" by going to meat markets and being fucked by shitskins.

lordv1ldemort ago

Second this.

Taking responsibility after a breakup is realizing that the person wasn't who you thought that they were. You were wrong about them, and, that isn't a plus or a minus, just a fact.

FerdTurgeson ago

No it is a far as learning and growing for the future. I can tell you what the difference between my attitude and yours is, practically: Your attitude leads to a life of fucked up relationships that aren't your fault, mine leads to the potential for picking the right person next time and doing better.

prairie ago

If you chose her then there's something wrong with you. It's not a bad thing to have this revealed. It doesn't mean putting up with her shit, but doing some self-examination.

FerdTurgeson ago

Prepare one here wants to hear that they have any responsibility for themselves or how their lives turn out.

Intrixina ago

Cluster B fuckwits hide behind a mask often for many years, and they do it damn well. Being blamed for not seeing it, is utter crap.

FerdTurgeson ago

So who IS in charge of your life, then?

Intrixina ago

I am. What relevance does that have to anything I said?

FerdTurgeson ago

No you aren't. Anyone who can read can see that, and you probably aren't a nigger so that means you are purposely avoiding the reality.

Intrixina ago

Pretty sure I know my own thoughts more than you do.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

This was her choice that she made though. So the fault lies with her and not with the husband. By cheating on him, she betrayed his trust which is totally her doing.

FerdTurgeson ago

The issue is trying to lay "fault" at all...we say blame and stuff but I think some of it is one wants to BLAME OP, but he has to accept some amount of responsibility if he wants to recover

Maroonsaint ago

Shut up ya cunt. GOD YOURE SUCH A CUCK. It ain’t his fault his wife cheated. We all deal with fucked up people blaming yourself for that shit does no good at all. Fuck off

FerdTurgeson ago

Psst no one takes you seriously when you take a break from asking for dick pics...get one of those extra accounts that every one talks about if you are going to try to give out advice. I love how you guys throw out the word cucked : do you really not understand you are using i backwards or is that your point? When your wife is fucking someone else YOU ARE A CUCK. I am not a cuck and I am trying to help OP not get there again but also not be a bitter semi fag like you guys are craps in a bucket I am offering a lifeline and you call me the cuck....

everef ago

Really depends on the circumstances. If she cheated on previous partners and he knew about it, or if she was a slut before marrying him, he bears some of the responsibility.

FerdTurgeson ago

I understand what you mean but even if there was none of that you can see the circumstances that allowed her to behave that way and avoid them in the future. (ie a wife as a grad student..terrible idea). I am not about piling onto OP, I feel for him like crazy; I am trying to help him avoid adopting victim status and avoid colouring future relationships and ruining all his future chances

Maroonsaint ago

You know how sometimes things are so common sense and then you’re forced to discuss them and it makes you angry that people don’t already know these things? That’s how I feel on this subject.

everef ago

Have you considered that you're wrong?

Maroonsaint ago

Wrong about what. Things that are common sense? It is common sense to get fucked over and learn from that. If you don’t learn from that you’re stupid.

Brawndosaurus ago

I finally agree with this faggot

YoHomie ago

Birds of a feather stick together, faggot.

Brawndosaurus ago

Ah! Moron's alt account.

FerdTurgeson ago

If you can't come up with a better counter point to someone's second or third account it means you are the retard, not them.

Brawndosaurus ago

3rd? 🧐

Maroonsaint ago

Not a faggot

prairie ago

It's not about blame at all, it's about not having the same fucking thing happen again. Maybe you have a different attitude, but I relish finding problems with myself because it's an opportunity to fix them and improve things that didn't seem improvable before.

FerdTurgeson ago

Let me say I appreciate your attitude, and it is rare here. Thanks for understanding...I have kind of decided to spend less time here (not that I surf at work, or spend much time here; I have young kids) other than to smack around some of these gamma jerks trying to drag each other down. I have a loving wife, a night shift job, and two little kids (more coming soon hopefully) and I feel like I have won the lottery...I want to help these young guys get what I have

Maroonsaint ago

god shut up I don’t even care. I know what you’re saying at it sounds pathetic. If you don’t automatically do this you’re retarded anyways and can’t be helped it is something that really needs to be explained? How to not get fucked over. Probably avoid people who want to fuck me over. WOW INCREDIBLE INSIGHT

FerdTurgeson ago

I know why you do what you are too afraid to be real and have your sentiments rejected so you cloak yourself in a smart ass attitude...(make a mockery of yourself before anyone else can). If you want to be taken seriously stop acting like a fucking retard...this advice falls under the category that you are talking about: shit people shouldn't have to be told...except when you don't have any men in your life to model yourself after you end up being a smart mouthed little shit like isn't too late to change it up

Maroonsaint ago

NNOOo. I already said what the fuckin problem was. WHY PEOPLE THINK ITS SOMETHIN DIFFERENT IDK. Bunch of motherfckwrs

prairie ago

Well some people are interested in self-improvement. It's like learning anything new. Before you just see nothing, but after work you can see something you didn't before. But go ahead and blame circumstances, I'm sure they will listen.

Maroonsaint ago

You’re the one who told the guy who got cheated on to look at what he did wrong. It sounds cuck as fuck. I’m all for self improvement but you said that lamest thing Iv heard today

prairie ago

It's the difference between being at fault for a car wreck, and learning how to be a more defensive driver. You're not at fault for not driving defensively but you can sure save yourself a lot of problems by doing so.

My only purpose for the original comment was to dispel the common notion that there's nothing you can do to avoid even getting into this kind of situation. Shitty parents suppress their offspring's ability to see shitty people. To learn that this has happened and that it's reversible is liberating.

FerdTurgeson ago

Great fucking mom used to tell me I wouldn't care whose fault it was when I was in a wheelchair if I got hit crossing the street...

Maroonsaint ago

Send me your dick pics or fuck off

FerdTurgeson ago

Fall back into don't even have the courage to stand behind what you say so you always joke