blumen4alles ago

Post was deleted but here is the original text (notice it started out with "So" like a retard):

So tonight I found concrete proof my wife of two years is cheating on me since Aug of this year. I took photos of her texts with the guy and she was already talking about divorce a month back but now it seems all but certain. She is a grad student at university. How do I:

  1. Fuck over the rest of her graduate student program(smoked weed in DOE campus, alcohol while operating instruments) 2. Get a clean break so I can retain most of the assets(car, money in shared bank accounts) 3. Show how fucked up she is to the rest of the world?

I am not one to seek vengeance but I want to absolutely destroy her in every conceivable way. I have contact info for her prof as well.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Don't be a bitch.

Your only goal is to break ties with her as quickly as possible and to move on.

DO NOT jump into another relationship.

Go your own way.

Maevtr ago

I would contact a lawyer first and foremost. Don't listen to idiots on the internet like me. Just talk to a lawyer so he can tell you exactly how to proceed. Do not confront her, that will just give her time to cover her tracks. Act like everything is fine for now.

Becky2972 ago

First of all Im truly sorry that you had your heart broke, it really sucks to be betrayed by a loved one. Thank your lucky stars it was only two years of marriage and not more. Two years is a drop in the bucket compared with the rest of your life. Move on,it sucks but dont become bitter. You met and shared a short span of your life with a person who unfortunately grew apart from what yall once had. You are lucky to not have to live with the lies anymore. Go live life for yourself, grow and let go of the hate. I'm still working on the hate part myself but I will pray for you tonite. Good luck.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

lawyer up (with all of them), delete facebook, and hit the gym

Intrixina ago

Bury her while she's still in "la la" land with her fuckfest. They are still in the "honeymoon" period and I guaran-fucking-tee that once she gets past that, the shit will hit the fan. Hopefully by then you'll be long gone.

Intrixina ago

You can always get her removed from her graduate program after the divorce is final, and when you're long gone.

"Oh, you were smoking weed on campus and operating machinery whilst under the influence? Bye bye to you then". And if you're no longer around, she can't pull shenanigans on your life after it has been done.

The best revenge is living well, but you always have that leverage after the divorce is done.

SpaceVapor ago

That’s my plan. She’s an alcoholic now, most grad students are anyways.

Intrixina ago

Nuclear grade bullet dodged, then.

FerdTurgeson ago

If you are worried all the time about shit like this you don't have real concerns or you know you don't deserve what you have.

Vc83 ago

Do not say or write or do anything that can be used as evidence against you. Any retaliation must be completely secret and unconnected to you.

rhanon ago

listen to to totallynotFBI's advice. IS solid, and will be your best course to navigate this obstacle in your life. prayers for you friend. WWG1WGA.

errgnomeous ago

First I would start talking to every amazing divorce lawyer you find out about that way she can't be represented by them unless she's already spoken to them.

Chuck_Brown ago

were you the guy in the military who just learned his wife was doing porn?

SpaceVapor ago


nouseforaname ago

How little did you fuck her or eat her out and how much time did you let her spend with other men alone?

bbqchipz ago

Revenge is best served cold. Finalize your divorce and tread lightly like many mentioned already, and seek vengeance by building a future for yourself that she will envy and wish she didn't mess up.

Mustard_Monkey ago

So OP this is actually constructive opinion as I am not a lawyer: The following is why you use UCC 1-308 despite those suffering cognitive dissonance when I recommended this: Please read.

Any who are fed up with having their Constitutional Freedoms taken away and Trampled on by our Public Officials and their agents may find this of interest.

Found in the Uniform Commercial Codes, which by the way regulate ALL Financial Transactions, which means nothing is done without being regulated by these Codes!

UCC 1-308 Performance or acceptance under reservation of rights

(1) A party who, with explicit reservation of rights, performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice," "under protest" or the like are sufficient.

(2) Subsection (1) of this Code section does not apply to an accord and satisfaction.

Standard procedures for using UCC 1-308 ---Contract Law---

When signing anything, turn it into a contract using UCC 1-308 and protect our Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty and Property.

Example of things to sign: Drivers license, lease, buying a automobile, buying business equipment, contracting to do business, Building Permit, marriage license, Code enforcement ticket (if we did not already agree to the terms), Sign ordinance, etc.

Do not sign anything without turning it into a Legal Contract. No individual by Law shall be forced to sign any Contract containing any part they are not in agreement with. Thus we may alter the Contract to suit our needs and protect our Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty and Property.

Do this by following these instructions.

Before we sign!!!!

We have the right to take a ruler or straight edge and draw a fine line thru any letter, word or group of words, which we do not agree with. At this time we may add anything we want in the contract. Any changes we have made, initial and date below each change. If the other party agrees and you both sign it is a done deal. Yet we should not sign this without writing UCC 1-308 or stamping it on and signing thru this.

The above is Normal Contract Law based upon an Offer & Acceptance by two or more people.

In the case of dealing with permits or Code officials or other Public officials this must be done Different:

In this case we have a Demand by a Public official upon our personal self and or our Private property, they are not necessarily offering us a Benefit, but trying to control us.

In this case we have the right to take a ruler or straight edge and draw a fine line thru any letter, word or group of words, which we do not agree with.

Initial and date below each of these corrections.

For if we make additions the public official did not 1st tender in the Demand, they then have to agree to these additions.

This way we are agreeing with only what is agreeable to us and has been presented to us by the public official. Thus they cannot state they did not before agree to these parts we agree with.

Then write or stamp across the form: UCC 1-308 in red preferably and at a 45 degree across the form in the lower right ¼ section of the form in an open area of the form for readability.

Then sign our signature across this stamp.

Then along the edge of the lower 1/2 right side of the form, sign our signature and date it.

Then we must either get the public official to Time Stamp this or sign it or get a Notary Public to stamp and sign and date the form.

The Notary has more power than the public official.

In the case of permits and other Codes use the Notary if the city clerk will not time stamp it.

Get a copy to keep for our own records.

If taken to court by the public official, we must file a copy of this Contract with the court clerk and judge as evidence immediately as far ahead of the court date as proof of the Contract.

This must be done to show the public officials have given up any rights they may have had, if we had agreed with the original to us per the contract.

Now the only control they have over us is what we have agreed to.

Again, this must be done before court date. If we fail to file this Contract ahead of court date, then we may not use this as evidence in court, thus getting ourselves into trouble.

If done correctly under most conditions it shall never make it to court and never need to be filed with a court, because any public official who violates a written Contract may lose their Corporate immunity and face having to pay all court costs themselves and be subject to criminal actions against themselves. This is per 42 USC 1983 Violation.

The below info, One should find something similar to this in each States Constitution Laws:

( c ) The state’s defense of sovereign immunity is hereby waived as to any action ex contractu for breach of any written contract now existing or hereafter entered into by the state or it’s departments and agencies. In other words any public official who has made any Un-Constitutional Demand upon a Citizen by trying to Force a Ticket etc upon a Citizen for some supposed Code Violation this public officials claims to have control over the Citizen and the Citizen uses the UCC 1-308 to turn this Ticket into a Legal Contract, Now this Public official may Personally face all court cost personally, without the state paying for this official to try to come against the Citizen. See how many public officials are going to be willing to pay all court cost to come against you and face Federal Criminal charges themself for trying to take away your Constitutional Freedoms.

Learn to use the UCC 1-308 contract code to protect our Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty and Property.

Seek the Truth and learn How to properly apply the Truth and the truth shall set us Free!

Cause and Effect!

DeliciousOnions ago

teach her a lesson

Not gonna work. I'm all in support of revenge usually, but this case you'll never get a whore to change her ways. They always double down on the easiest option.

They never, never learn.

You've had lots of good advice already, and I recommend you follow it. A few other things to note:

Find out which things you guys have jointly and separate yourself from them. So many divorces end up in a race to the joint bank account. Move your job's direct deposit over to an account in your name only - or just get your checks in person and cash them out instead of depositing them. She wants to fight you in court? Gonna be awful hard to do that when she's a student and the shared bank account is already overdrawn.

Cell phone account in both your names? Get an account on the side for yourself, you'll probably even get some good Christmas deals on a new phone. If she's the typical woman then you cancelling a line and transferring your number over to a new account, she won't even notice. As far as she's concerned your number never changed so nothing happened.

Find out whose name is on the title to the cars. Be ready for her to try pushing off her student loans on you.

In many places, debt is shared among a married couple so you may be holding the bag for a good portion of her grad school loans. However that doesn't mean it's set in stone! You can negotiate debt the same way you can negotiate cars or houses, and the fact that they'd be in her name makes a strong case for who should be paying it.

If you provide bulletproof evidence of cheating then the courts with be very favorable to you. I would recommend dropping a few hundred on a private investigator to collect evidence, then get a lawyer to have everything ready and try to slam through the divorce proceedings as fast as possible. The less time she has to react, the more she will rely on a tearful plea to the judge.

HesitantUnsureness ago

My best guess about what you should do is to cover yourself and separate in a peaceful manner - do not seek vengeance. In most cases you are seeking to get back at a cowardly-lying-baby-making-machine. The way you would (fairly) get back at them would result in you behaving in a similar manner as they do. You would have to drop down to their female level, like backstabbing, not engaging the threat directly and attacking when absolutely safe. In your particular case the fair response would be to cheat on her and not tell her; just like a sneaky little coward would do.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not calling women bad due to this behavior ... being cowardly, and hence liars, is something women naturally do ... when they live in a clown world where men are all messed up and not behaving like men. In a funny way, it always seems like men's fault to women in all the minor problems that arise in relationships. They always make it sound like it is your fault, somehow, as they keep whining and complaining. I do not know your situation in full detail but consider, perhaps, that it might really be men's fault most times (meaning your fault). If men behave like men, women would not shit-test them all the time ... they would not cheat ... they would be content, satisfied, happy. Men, naturally, dominate - women submit.

Derpfroot ago

All I gotta say is "no fault" divorce states are jewed. She should be left with only her shitty self in the end.

ichlibejuice ago

shameless karma whoring

Planetoftheclown ago

Step 1: Delete this post. The last thing you want is for her lawyer to parade your post requesting revenge advice as evidence of your character.

Step 2: Lawyer up

Step 3: Immediately transfer all money in joint accounts to a personal account.

Step 4: Stop arguing with her. Do not discuss the issue with her. It's over. Everything you say will be used against you, especially if you say mean things.

Step 5: When she gets you arrested with false accusations of domestic violence, and she will because she can, do not talk to the police. Their job is to arrest someone & collect evidence so the DA can prosecute that person. That's what they do. That's all that they do. If you explain anything to them now, a year, 2 years later in court if your testimony differs at any time from your original statements to the police then you will be considered committing perjury and you will have to prove you're not. So, respectfully decline to speak with them until your lawyer is there.

Step 6: Get divorced.

Step 7: If you still want to plan your revenge now, then do so.

modsrcuntz ago

Do not make revenge moves before going to court that is a really really really really bad idea dude.

Shituar ago



Bobby_Lee_Jackson ago

Hire a hardass female divorce lawyer.

iitpanun ago

You're getting good advice. Not sure if this was mentioned though. Get checked for any possible VD. It's unlikely since you would prob know by now, but it's still possible to not know...just get checked for safety so when this is all over there isn't anything you missed.

ados ago

you actually think anyone will care about her weed and alcohol thing in the dorms or wherever? Get your naive head out from your ass. I'm trying to help you by simply stating no one will care.

Just get all your ducks in a row covertly and then when the time is ready drop the hammer. There is a thing called the, "women are wonderful effect". Don't take it lightly that everyone even your friends are likely going to take her side if you're not careful. Consider yourself lucky you have no children, and you didn't sink half your life into this whore. you are lucky!

LastCowboy ago

Do your research and completely destroy her. I wish I had better advice for you but I am definitely on board with your line of thinking. What she did is terrible and there should be consequences. Of course do not physically harm her in any way but there has got to be other avenues of revenge. I'm sorry that happened to you. Get her.

hillbilly_guy ago

Don't bother, she will look like the victim no matter what you do.

Get an attorney, secure your assets. DO NOT clean out the accounts, open an account in a different bank and secure half the funds you have.

Have any credit cards that she has that have your name on them shut off. Or just freeze the accounts if you can.

Don't say shit to her about any of this until after you have your shit together and have a lawyer.

Move on, don't worry about any revenge. When you see where she's at while you're living your life to the fullest without her that will be the best revenge ever.

Let her take any household goods that are not a personal heirloom to you. Before this shitshow starts take all your firearms out of the house and get them to a safe location that she can't access.

If you need any other advice please ask. I ran my ex off years ago, got custody of my children and raised them right.

She's now on husband number 3 or 4 and is a fat, miserable bitch.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Hire the most fucked up beast of a lawyer that money can buy and prepare everything while keeping her in the dark (as happy as a roastie can be).

Stay poised, legal and calm and strip the white of her dignity.

I wish you all the best and good luck.

1John_Doe ago

Talk to a lawyer. I'm a retired lawyer. Fault no longer has anything to do with a divorce. You don't need a private eye. She'll be entitled to half of every marital asset. Take the money and hide it and deny that you have it. Hide it as in bury it, in a bank they attack your SS# to and it can be traced. Anything of value that is even remotely both of yours, she'll get if you get a bad judge, so take and hide that kind of stuff too. I wouldn't wait, get out now. She'll accuse you of abuse and get a restraining order and you'll have to turn in your guns. I've never practiced domestic law, but I have been divorced myself. Get out with all your stuff NOW. Have no further contact. Anything bad happens to her, you will be blamed. Don't let the bitch see you unhappy in the least. Go, have a great life, that is the best revenge.

Reverse-Flash ago

I am not one to seek vengeance but I want to absolutely destroy her in every conceivable way.

Cognitive dissonance much?

YoureAFaggotHarry ago

Hey, OP, regardless of anything else here, if she because abusive and violent, make sure you call police first. They favor heavily on the person who makes the call first.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Yeah definitely ensure you keep your shit, take all your money out in cash and bury it somewhere.

gabara ago

Your path to victory and / or peace is the same, keep control of your emotions. Anger is the mind killer.

cyclops1771 ago

This smells like activation of a new LARP trolling account, a la SoldDownRiver.

You took pics of the texts, you claim, prove its no LARP.

Post them.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Keep documenting everything and go start your paperwork now. Don't let her file first. The reason most women get to fuck over their husbands is because they start the paperwork months in advance and you're left playing catchup and holding out hope playing games. Take it seriously the whole time like you're trying to win.

I work with a ton of divorced guys and the 2 that were able to keep their children both have this same story. Be first

Sheetz ago

Start spying on her more. Then when you know where she’s at at all times, what’s she’s saying to who make a plan. Could be as easy as just showing up somewhere. Never know until you know her routine etc.

ALIENS2222 ago

First give EVERYTHING you can to a trusted relative/friend. Bank accounts car, shit like that. Get a place to stay lined up etc. Likely if there is a court battle she will win. So just siphon off everything you can and guilt her to death. Don't really attack her but mention that if you don't get what you want her parents and friends will get to see it all...

It sounds shitty but in cases like this the money and physical goods are what matters and that is your target. Don't forget that. The revenge and feeling hurting is fake and gay.

altro87 ago

Damn wish I got this advice when I went through my divorce lol.

KnwThmByTheirFruits ago

Jesus did not support eye for an eye because its childish and petty.

Bigbensbathroomstall ago

Does she know that you know??? This is important

BordelonLoop ago

assume that she has passwords to everything on your computer. just assume it.

YoHomie ago

Don't get revenge... it has a habit of not only making you look like a child, it always comes back to bite you.

Diggernicks ago

Kill yourself for entering into a rigged legal contract which only favors women.

magkz ago

Control your emotions and think before you act. Don't stoop to her level or her tactics. She won this battle, accept it and move on.

Cut her out of your life completely. This includes her family and friends.

Regain control of your life and make it the best possible one in accordance with your beliefs.

When she learns (women always keep tabs on their exes) how well you are doing without her, how happy and fulfilling your life seems you will have won a battle as well.

If by this time you still want her to hurt as you did; You win the war by living a life she regrets not getting to be a part of. Best of luck.

bosunmoon ago

Get all your guns out of the house. If you piss her off or lose your temper they'll all be taken away.

uvulectomy ago

Those damn boating accidents causing so many guns to go missing every year...

matthew-- ago

The most important thing here is to protect your finances.

Don't do anything crazy, work something out with work so that it looks like they're paying you a lot less. Sell assets and start hiding away money.

Another trick is to start going to a casino regularly, you don't have to gamble, but it'll be a legitimate way of explaining where all the money went.

Another thing you could do is eventually say you're open to an "open relationship" but only people you choose and no talking, then post her ad on Craigslist. It'll really piss her off when she realises she's been pimped out by you, and you "gambled" all the earnings.

Roughboy ago

Dont do anything retaliatory. Be the first to file. DO NOT TOUCH HER. Yeah it hurts but if you do anything to her a judge will nail you.

corewarrior ago

Don't be stupid. If you are in a no-fault state she will get half of everything and you will get half of the debts. So, go on a couple of trips, long weekends. Party up. Essentially empty as much of the bank account as seems reasonable(of things that are not pre-marital property). You don't actually have to spend the money, just make it look like you did and then hide the cash(I lost it gambling). But, be crafty about it and don't get caught. If you are not in a no fault state things may be different.


A lot of these guys are right. Get your divorce and get away from her. Try to keep all your stuff.

But come on, go get tested for std's! Do you personally know the dude she's been screwing? Is it just one guy or is she on the carousel? And who all else has he been screwing! Nobody on here has said anything about this! The first thing I would be thinking about was what kind of crazy screwed up disease has she given me!

This is part of protecting yourself! Get some tests run!

Shadowlight ago

First get a very good lawyer.

Second make sure you interview ALL of the other very talented lawyers in tour area before selecting one. This prevents her from using the best lawyers.

Third, do not let her know.

Fourth, she will likely use false accusations to destroy you, like the fake news tries on Trump. Make sure you have recordable evidence hidden theough out the house, and that it is not illegal to do so in your state. Think hidden nanny cams.

Fifth, protect your assets. Consider it likely sue will clean out the accounts one day soon. But the moment you take all the money, the gig is up and you will be considered the bad guy.

Sixth, Winning is revenge. However if you know of a way to fuck her over, then do it. But only do it when you have already done all of the above and protected yourself as much as possible.

Good luck.

dangerous_ai ago

divorce her, first. make sure you get your half or more. then, you make a report to her school. She doesn't have the moral character to be in any secure program. what if the guy she's cheating with were a spy? she's capable of being flipped and blackmailed.

SpaceVapor ago

The guy she is banging had a live in gf too, he broke up with her because of my skank wife. He lives in on the south mid country and we are up north. Hope they find the worst in each other.

clymer ago

If she is in Grad School, that would suggest that you are both young. 1.) Call a lawyer, 2.) follow his / her advice, 3.) start over. You have plenty of time to find a woman worth your while.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Forget everything you read here other than this: talk to a real life attorney. Most consultations are free.

Seventh_Jim ago

Most consultations are $100 for a half hour meeting. I don't know where the fuck the free consult meme came from.

When I was doing legal sec work, you fuckers were my morning ruiners.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I mean the phone call before you go into an office.

OccularIrritant ago

Get a burner phone to talk to your lawyer. Stay calm and rational. Live the facade until you get everything lined out and then leave. Keep your evidence safe and backed up.

I have been there. Don't think about revenge until at least after the divorce is said and done. You should really spend more time healing and rebuilding than worrying about revenge.

Best of luck to you.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Wait until the ink is dry on the divorce decree

BlowjaySimpson ago

Then come back for more SpecOps ideas

WolvenWargod ago

Once you make the break the disruption will probably make her self destruct anyway

goatsandbros ago

  1. Buy gold with your cash and then hide it (not in a bank deposit box, where there's a record of at leas the box existing)

  2. Don't fuck her over. Appear to leave amicably. Feels aren't real, but if you make her think you want her to do well in life, she may be less of a cunt in the divorce

  3. Probably other things. Use above as a starting point.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Call her boss and get her pissed off in general about some stupid fuck on the phone.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Put sugar in her gas tank!!

transitive ago

Bleach works better according to the Myth Busters.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Put hot sauce on her dildo! Hot sauce on the rags.. tooth brush, deodorant... That'd be fun to see. Can ya fill it?

trackmeplease ago

I don’t think fucking with the grad program is the right move. Peoples advice here is generally good. That’s a back burner option.

Malayar ago

I do.

WayneKer ago

Just walk away bro. If a woman wants to cheat she is not worth your time. Focus on yourself. Success is the best revenge.

NiggerDestroyer ago

Destroy that whore without doing anything stupid or illegal

Brawndosaurus ago

Record everything. Install an app to record calls automatically.

Sell the assets to friends/ family, then drain the money from the joint account. It's your right if you're on it.

You are going to be accused of some shit. If you have guns, move them to a friend's house. If she attacks you, lock yourself in a room and call the cops. It is about to get nasty.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago


Record everything. Install an app to record calls automatically.

Make sure of the wiretapping laws in your state/country first. This is illegal in many places. Your attorney will be able to let you know if it is or not.

Brawndosaurus ago

Good point. But don't blow your cash. Just Google single party consent states. If she's in Illinois, you better not record her. But you get the general idea.

ToFat2Fish ago

Damn bro that sucks sorry. The good news is I don't believe marriages of only 2 years ebb bd up in alimony payments plus you have no children with her so your fortunate there.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

In case the other comments didn't hit on this, you need to hide your assets asap. Cash is your best bet. Use family to hold it, in case she uses cops to "collect her belongings" and she steals your stuff.

transitive ago

All women are like that.

As said below make a clean break at the time or your choosing.

Are you in a community property state. If so act to protect yourself, by securing the assets. Do you have shared credit card accounts. Who is the primary and who is the authorized user. If you are the primary remove her from the accounts. Do you or she have loans that were taken out during the marriage? If so the other spouse is responsible for 1/2 that debt. Get her to agree that her loans are hers alone as part of the divorce decree.

You could play nice and get thru your divorce as unscathed as possible. Vengeance will not preserve your assets. If you need vengeance save it for after your divorce, when you can be cold and calculating. Your emotions are running high now and that is never a good place for a man to make rational decisions.

rejectedfromreddit ago

(((Banks))) have the ability to ignore a judge's divorce degree. Make sure the ex is legally required in the decree to refinance the debt out of your name within a reasonably short amount of time.

AgentSakura ago

legal smeagol

GeneralDisposition ago

She's your wife until she cheats. Now she's GOD's problem. You go live your life. You've done nothing wrong. I wish the Bible was taught in School.

AgentSakura ago

Fuck the female lawyer and rub it in her face

Hellion ago

The best advice I can give - delete this post. You have a bunch of people giving you illegal advice, on a post you have clearly indicated your desire for vengeance on. It won’t look good if it shows up in court.

uvulectomy ago

If OP is following proper opsec, there's no way to know he posts on Voat.

Intrixina ago

I was thinking this too. How would they know he's posting on Voat?

Xantha ago

1) You have to do this calmly, reals > feels. If you haven't tipped her off that you're going to divorce her ASAP, then keep that under your lid until you got your A, B, C, D, and Es all squared away. That way when you do hand her divorce papers she'll be totally broadsided and you'll be completely prepared. I knew a guy who documented his cheating spouses behavior for over a year so when he finally handed her divorce papers (caught her off guard) he got custody of the kids and all the other shit--- it was ruthless, but the man kept his kids, can't put a price on that.

2) Get a divorce Lawyer, you're going to need it.

3) Graduate Program - I can't speak much here, if you don't have any evidence poor character/breaking university rules, there's not much to be done here. The evidence would have be pretty substantial (eg: pictures of her smoking weed on campus, DUI citation on campus, etc). If you have been paying for her graduate program, you can discuss with your divorce lawyer about suing her to recoup funds, your lawyer will need to examine if the situation is sufficient to do so. (There's been plenty of spouses who have put their SO through med school or something and then that SO try to divorce them after getting out, since the financial burden was significant-- judges have allowed cases like that to proceed and the offending spouse will essentially have their wages garnished and paid to the other)--- Although for this to work, it may require you to do something you can't stomach like stay pretend married and play dumb patsy with her until she finds a job.

4) You're kind of fucked on co-mingled assets, the only way to truly protect assets is to never co-mingle assets. (eg: have your own account that your entire paycheck goes into, then take money from that for the joint account, NEVER EVER EVER EVER use your personal account to buy anything for her or the household, move the amount to the joint account then use it. (If you get married again, don't co-mingle your shit again--for future reference) Luckily you haven't been married long so alimony is out-of-the-question for her unless you live in a shit tier state like the Communist Republic of California. Immediately try to un-co-mingle your assets, from this second forward, you may be able to protect what you're earning now, but everything up until this moment will be under the 50-50 guillotine of a judge's decision (depending on how badly you co-mingled). So get a personal account if you don't have one, then only move what is bill necessary to the joint. Alternatively, if you have a little bit of cushion in the joint account, you could stop adding to it and only use it for living expenses-- that way you're spending her share too and there's nothing to recuperate if you end up in divorce court. (Do not spend joint account money on personal luxuries--- like buying fancy watches just to drain it-- a judge will fuck you for it.) ---------- Alternatively (and this is a good option sometimes) just pay her to get the fuck out of your life if she's not an ultra-malicious scorched earth cunt, cutting ties easily may be the best option. I know this is counter-intuitive especially when your feelings tell you to absolutely destroy her to 'win', but sometimes taking a financial hit up-front can be the 'real win' in the long-run. You'll have to review your own situation in any case. Your lawyer will advise you on what you're legally allowed to for a clean break.

  1. Cheating bitches hate getting their reputations fucked with, anything you do will make her and all other cheating bitches who sympathize with her come after you 100 times harder. They'll defame your character pretty much any way you can, "Oh look at this weak little bitch being butthurt that his woman found a better man"---- be prepared for all sorts of malicious / deep cutting bullshit directed at you. IF you haven't tipped off that you know she cheated, then make copies of the evidence, sit down with a lawyer and get all your financial (primarily) ducks in a row. Serve her with divorce papers out-of-the-blue, send evidence of her adultery to her parents and social friends circle (if shared with you), then never speak to any of those people again. They'll likely turn on you because society says "Women > Men", but it'll always be a lingering mark against her in their minds even if they stay best friends. (She'll know that they'll know, etc and that will fuck with her mind). Making moves to destroy her reputation CAN work, but it's not fool-proof and may result in people trying to retaliate against you (aka calling your place of employment and telling them you're a wife beater). Esp if the dude fucking her is some white knight fag (or her friends are), who tries to save "mi'lady's honour'. Just tread carefully with this if you use this route.

But I've found that the most damaging thing to women is not to allow them any sort of closure, aka rising above her shit-hurricane/shit-apocalypse of drama and handling everything logically/ruthlessly and without emotion. Even a single argument over her cheating is closure for her. (if you give her that, she'll spin it in her own mind that cheating was justified and so will her friends, just like every bitch everywhere) So if you haven't tipped your hand yet (again), when you serve her divorce papers, just stop talking to her completely and completely remove her from your life--- don't answer texts, calls, absolutely nothing-- if she wants to talk legal stuff, do it through a lawyer. If you had good rapport with her parents, I might do something like answer one phone call from them to say why we're divorcing and be very apologetic TO HER PARENTS that the situation turned out this way, then be done with all of them. If her parents are any kind of decent people they'll understand. Find a new place to live (seriously, even renting a bedroom for a few weeks can be a much cheaper/easier option than a new apartment/otherwise if you're tight on money--- you'll feel a lot better without her around you anyway.--- bonus points if you can move all your shit out when shes not home and just leave divorce papers on the floor/table/chair for her to sign without another word) Completely move on with your life with no contact with her, don't look her up, do nothing with her ever again, it'll fuck her up super hard. She'll mentally run circles around herself for the rest of her life. 3/4s of the women I've done this to still try to contact me 5-10yrs+ later still trying to get back together, absolutely tickles me pink (ive become a jaded sadist over the years) that they know they fucked up even years later. (Obviously never respond to their attempts) I've had drunken voicemails left on my phone, flowers sent to me at work, bitches going to my old address asking for me. Disloyalty is the blackest of marks for me, not all disloyalty involves sex or emotional cheating, but IMO it should be the most severely punished. Them torturing themselves inside for the rest of their lives is sufficient for me as they'll do much worse to themselves than I could ever do. If you find a new bitch to fuck (not date), that'll fuck with your soon ex-wife too if she finds out you moved on quickly after handing her the divorce papers (don't tip her off yourself obviously--- if you're inside a new girl, let her find out on her own)

Take what you learned from this relationship and don't make the same mistakes in a new relationship. I let women hang themselves, I don't keep them on a short leash. Be in-tune to potential avenues of cheating in the future, but don't get hypersensitive controlling of them (that backfires 100% of the time, unless you're also willing to actually physically beat her... but I don't think you'd be here asking for advice if you were willing to do that) Don't constantly worry about a new girl cheating, a girl can bang a dude in 5 minutes if she wants and NO ONE can be around 24 hours a day to babysit their SO. So don't waste huge amounts of energy constantly worrying that a new girl might cheat, you're just hurting yourself if you do. If she cheats, immediately dump her and never speak to her again (bonus points if you don't even tell her why-- but she'll always know why herself). Women that are worth your time will keep themselves on a short leash all by themselves. The rest of them will neck themselves being idiots, when they do, dump them with no further contact and find new ones.

Fahrvergnaked ago

This is the best non-legal advice in the thread. Can confirm that lack of closure kills women inside.


This is probably Jewish demoralization. "Blabla all women are bad. Be a faggot"

Maroonsaint ago

If she takes half your stuff kill her. That’s what my plan is. Or don’t. We’re not all as suicidal as I am

Maroonsaint ago

Y’all to every attorney you can Iv heard that once you talk to an attorney that attorney can’t see her. Idk if that’s true though

SpaceVapor ago

All of you goats have been superb. Tonight I'm backing up the phone for texts/pic/vids.

I'll keep a straight face and treat her like a princess until the paperwork is finalized.

Bless you all.

Intrixina ago

Don't treat a cunt like a princess. Just don't tip your hand.

SpaceVapor ago

Hand has been tipped, inn paid for through the week, texted her ‘we are now separated’ no communication.

Intrixina ago

Do not give in to any emotional text, do not answer any phone calls, and do not justify yourself. She will try anything and everything to manipulate you.

Cpt_Falcon ago

Sorry to hear that. If you brought credit cards into the relationship that have a balance, make sure her names on em too so you dont get stuck solely with shit she rang up. If you have kids do everything possible to fight for them and make sure you get your fair share of time with them

thirdright ago

Best wishes. And I repeat what most have said: remain as calm as possible ... or pull out your pistol, shoot her, and dance on her corpse until the police arrive.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

don't treat her like a princess! just don't treat her so badly that she knows, is all

trackmeplease ago

Don’t pull the fucking “she smoked weed” bullshit. It’s easy to see the motivation of wanting to fuck her life but this sorta shit only hurts your case.

That’s your ace in the pocket.

JohnnyCage90E ago

...but did she smoke weed around children? That would be fucked up. Kids shouldnt have to deal with 2nd hand smoke and getting a contact high. Its bad for them.

AR47 ago

Adultery isn't against the law.

Won't mean a fucking thing in court.

Intrixina ago

It's considered using marital funds to fund a fuckfest in some countries/states though. It can be taken out of her share of the cash in court.

binrobinro ago

But it can sure affect the decision of whoever is ruling in the case.

i_scream_trucks ago

Absolutely does if its a man cheating.

Doesnt when a woman does.

arathans ago

Are there kids in the mix? No, than thank your lucky stars, this is your lucky break. cut her loose man and move on. like other pointed out, dont get bitter about it, just move on.

AR47 ago

Dude I been there.

My first wife cheated on me when I went to sea the first time. 97 days aboard a submarine. Came home and found her goddamn love letters.

Put a gun to her fucking head and actually had my finger on the trigger.

She told me she was pregnant with my child. She wasn' second patrol I got home and she popped out a fucking Muslim half breed.

I didn't fight....I didn't bitch. She took my savings. 30k and I kept the car.

Stayed in the Navy and got to see the whole fucking world.

Met up with her a few years back on Facebook when I was living in PA. She was 38 miles from me for years and I never knew. She wanted to apologise, say how sorry she was.

He took her to somlia. Got her hooked on opium. Tricked her out till she made it to an embassy some years later.

Point is karma is a hell of a thing and I assure you it will come back at her. You be a man. Just pack your shit and don't be like her. Be a real man with your head held high and say good bye.

Don't respond to her words with any emotions. That will kill her inside I swear to God.

You gonna be alright without revenge. It won't make it better if you have it. Just means that you can be as petty as she can.

Be better.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Dude. Is that true? Holy shit man....

AR47 ago

No reason to lie to OP or the rest of you.

Hopefully it helps someone. Namely OP.

Mr_big ago

Is that true that the whore went to somilia With the nigger and was pimped out to other chimps. Lol I would have wanted to meet up with her in person just to laugh in her face. God dam karma was a mother fucker here haha

AR47 ago

She claims it, but it isn't like I will check her passport. To be frank I wouldn't doubt it.

Also I wouldn't laugh in her face. It's childish. She got hers and she knows it.

Le_Squish ago

Pimping your woman out to friends and family is a common thing among muslims so it's probably true story.

andrew_white_forever ago

Man that's a horrible tale.

registerinsecond ago

Dodged the bullet eh!

475677 ago

Fuck all these people that say don't get revenge. This woman used her only real value and power, her sexuality, as a weapon to stab you in the back. That level of betrayal should warrant execution. I know that's some muslim tier thinking but fuck it they're right about women...

Now having been through a similar experience myself I'd recommend not letting her know you know at all because the second she gets a hint that something is up she's going to go from romanticizing the idea of divorce to activating her succubus mode while feeling on the defensive and she absolutely will use everything she can against you including allegations of rape and general violence. So with that in mind talk to every single divorce lawyer you can for 100 miles. Force them to have a conflict of interest and be unable to represent her so that the costs on her end and the work she has to do increase dramatically. Now once you have settled on a good lawyer who knows all her secrets like drinking and doing drugs that can be used against her have her get caught for doing as much. This will crush her mentally and set her back in life considerably undoing years of work just the same as she's done to you with the marriage. Bitches want equality, give it to them...

Once her life is in tatters kick her while she's down. Show her you know she's been cheating, inform her that you've forwarded all the evidence to all your friends, family and lawyer and then hand her the divorce papers. Make sure you've got it set up so that you can tell her to leave the house and then be nice about it and give her maybe a few weeks to get her shit together. This is done for two reasons, first to make it look to the court that you were trying to be decent about things when you didn't have to and secondly, but more importantly, it will give her the idea that she has the possibility of making shit work during that time period which will stop her from taking the house hunting so seriously. You want this to happen so that you can kick her out and force her to go with friends or into a shelter so that she prolongs her suffering. She'll lose everything except the dick she's been riding and you can make that happen too since you have his number and can inform him he needs to get tested for std's as she was cheating on more than just you with him.

Take everything from her. Give that succubi cunt hell on earth, leave her with nothing and then move on with your life. Speaking of which it's gonna feel like you've had a loved one die when it all finally goes belly up. It doesn't get better for a long time and there's nothing you can do to help as such. All the exercise, eating well and picking up chicks will do is distract you and while that can be good you just need to remember that it hurts because you gave it your all. You loved her, you were there for each other, etc. but consider it setting yourself free from an abuser and it will hurt less and given time you'll look back on it as one of the best things you ever did for yourself.

jthun2 ago

Don't do anything. Nothing. Nada.

My sister did that when she divorced her husband. She meddled, and it cost her bigtime.

Wait until AFTER any court/legal issue has been resolved.

For now, the best revenge is to get fitter, and get a hot young girlfriend.

Professorballs ago

  1. Go with number 2. Trust me.

Niggertown ago

Worst thing you can do is leave with dignity and not act like a groid.

Drunkenst ago

It happens. If you’re childless, it’s okay, you’ll muddle thru. Warning: you can waste boku time & energy trying to figure out “why”? Figuring out motive can become an obsession. Don’t let it. Oftentimes it’s a learned behavior and modeling on part of the adulterer. Count on this: given the chance they’ll (the other party) do you dirty again. Lastly, the shame rests with the guilty party (or parties if her paramour seduced her). If you unknowingly wed a snake but fulfilled your marital role, forgive yourself. (Sounds silly, doesn’t it?). Blame overdone can be a sort of self pity. Blaming won’t do shit to help you. Some people e.g., narcissists and other serious personality disordered types, just do not care. They don’t care. They don’t care and that ain’t your fault. Generally speaking it’ll take one third of the time you were together to get thru grief over the death of one’s marriage. Calendarize it and get thru the beginning, middle and end of that stretch. You got choices to make, choose wisely.

Attac ago

Tell her you are a genuine cuck. Make her send you videos. After you get them, send them to every person you know and post them online. See her get shamed by every other girl she knows.

GreenSlug ago

I dont think anyone mentioned hiring a hitman, not that i recommend it, but you could always spread around that she has information on the clintons.

Tb0n3 ago

Anything you do will come back to you. Make a clean break and leave it behind you. You might want to seek counseling to help, but leaving her nothing to get back with is your best bet.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Don't ruin her life until you can do so without a cost to your own life. Ask your lawyer how to achieve this, shop around for a lawyer that understands.

LazyJello8 ago

Kill her and then kill yourself. You both took vows that said "till death do you part". It's time to show her that you were serious. It sounds like you don't have kids, so if you can kill her and not get caught then it's your job to kill her, not get caught, marry someone else, and then have children.

That is the only option you have. Either you fulfill your vows, the words you spoke before God and be a man of your word. Or you don't, and you just be a chicken shit coward whos word means nothing and isn't to be trusted.

Fwiw, my wife knows full well that with me: it's till death.

Herkules97 ago

Ye, marriage doesn't mean anything.

This isn't news.

AgentSakura ago

psycho alert

GoyimNose ago

Handle it like a man. Don't be some drama queen. Let it go and move on as quickly and peacefully as you can. Cut her off completely. I'd only seek revenge if she was cheating on me with a shitskin

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I have just the documentation, delete your browser history after reading:

binrobinro ago

I just went there and read the whole book. Thanks.

trackmeplease ago

This. @spacevapor

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Fire Your 

First Edition 
Copyright © 2004 

Jon Hertzog 


This book is not a legal text and the information contained within does 
not constitute legal advice. 

The author is not a lawyer and does not claim to be a lawyer. The words 
in this book constitute an expression of the freedom of the press. The 
author is not responsible for the actions, results, or events that may 
occur in the lives of any readers of this book. 

The purpose of this book is to entertain. 


Chapter 1 - page 3 

Is your wife depressed and generally unhappy? 

Chapter 2 - page 5 

How modern American women typically approach divorce. 

Why it's important that you prepare for divorce. 

Chapter 3 - page 7 

Things to do and not to do when you are preparing for divorce. 

Chapter 4 - page 18 

Withdrawing and hiding money before you get divorced. 

Chapter 5 - page 23 

Document illegal and unethical things your wife does. 

Chapter 6 - page 24 

If you want custody of children. 

Chapter 7 - page 28 

Marital torts. Consider filing one and know that your wife may file one 
against you. 

Chapter 8 - page 30 

Prenuptial and Postnuptial contract can be challenged in court. 

Chapter 9 - page 31 

Warning signs that your wife is preparing to divorce you. 

Chapter 10 - page 34 

Divorce advice your wife will be getting. 


Chapter 1 

Is your wife depressed and generally unhappy? 

There are many reasons people get divorced. I don't want to discuss most 
of these reasons here. If you want to divorce for whatever reason, then 
it's not for me to have an opinion on that. 

But I want to discuss the possible depression and general unhappiness 
your wife may have. Woman's depression as the reason for divorce is 
given very little attention, but it's either the main reason or the 
important contributing reason to why Americans get divorced. It's 
important for two reasons: 

1. You need to be able to understand if it's happening and if it's 
having negative affect on you. 

2. You need to understand that your wife will likely behave irrationally 
and in vindictive manner during divorce (including possibly fabricating 
accusations against you in front of the judge). 

Several things contribute to why western women get depressed and unhappy 
after marriage: 

1. Conflict between "being taken care by a strong man" fairy tale she 
was listening to since childhood and having a powerful and fulfilling 
career. This conflict gets much worse when she has children and has to 
make choices and compromises between career and being with children. 

2. Conflict between being an independent woman and a wife. Western women 
are always told that they need to be independent and "grow as an 
individual". That inevitably comes in conflict with being a wife and 
thinking of herself as one unit with her husband. Western women spend a 
lot of time thinking if they are "truly fulfilled". The more they think 
about it, the more depressed they usually get. 

3. Stress. Women are often stressed over superficial things like which 
shoes to wear. After she has children she is also stressed because of 
the new responsibilities, time, and financial commitments. Stress is a 
leading contributing factor to depression. 

4. Personality Disorders and being mentally unstable. A large percentage 
of western women have personality disorder(s) since they were teens. A 
lot of women are on medication. Many personality disorders have 
depression as one of the main symptoms. 

All the above contributing factors usually come together when she is in 
her mid thirties and has small children. From that point on the husband 
is usually stuck dealing with increasingly depressed and unhappy wife 
who views her husband as a walking paycheck and who blames him for 


everything. The menopause in her 40s further increases her depression 
and unhappiness with her present life and the present husband. 

Western women often start getting depressed since they were 18 years 
old. Society tells women that they're not successful unless they can get 
a gorgeous, well-paid man (yet someone who does not work too much and 
spends a lot of time at home), and have kids. They're told this from 
when they're tiny kids. Then, as they get older they're told they also 
have to have successful and fulfilling jobs. They are also told that 
they are not successful unless they are "truly fulfilled and grow as a 

Your wife probably asks herself if she is "truly happy" and "truly 
fulfilled", as well as "growing as a person". She probably reads self- 
help books and magazine articles that deal with these subjects. One 
thing almost all of these books have in common is that they are written 
by men-hating feminists. The more she reads these books and articles, 
the more she will start thinking that she is not happy in life and in 
marriage and that you are the main (and possibly the only) reason for 

Her female friends, women's magazines, and daytime TV shows will 
reinforce these feeling even further. The media will also reinforce her 
sense of general helplessness. 

Women also greatly underestimates emotional and financial costs of 
raising children. 80% of women get at least short-term form of 
postpartum depression after they give birth. Many stay depressed for 
years after that. 

All these things contribute to women's sense of hopelessness and 
confusion and lead to their depression and you being trapped and blamed 
for everything. 


Chapter 2 

How modern American women typically approach divorce. 

Why it's important that you prepare for divorce. 

At some point modern American woman decides she wants a divorce for 
whatever (often petty) reason. 

She plans out the divorce in detail, taking her time shutting down all 
her feelings for the man. She does this by building up a mental store of 
his every fault - real, exaggerated or imagined, until she hates the guy 
- which is what allows her to cut off her feelings for him. 

Even though the above is not fair or necessary, she does this because 
it's a lot easier to be self-righteously angry, shifting all blame to 
him, rather than go through the painful, yet honest process of mourning 
the death of a relationship where fault can't really be placed fully on 
either side. 

She doesn't tell the man until she has fully cut herself off 
emotionally, reversing her feelings for him, and has made most 
preparations to divorce. 

The man may have noticed her feelings cooling to him, but she has 
deliberately hidden her deeper change, and her future agenda. 

So from the guy's point of view, one day a loving wife turns 180 degrees 
into absolutely hating him, acting in spiteful, psychotic ways he never 
would have imagined her capable of. It's like a switch going from on to 
of f. 

As she has pre-justified it all to herself, demonizing him in her mind, 
she has no hesitation in acting in ruthless and hateful ways towards him 
from the moment she declares her intention to divorce. 

It is almost always a shock for men to discover this side to women, as 
for most men this is an unimaginable way to think and behave. 

The way it really works is that women do what they want (for any 
irrational reason) and then rationalize why they did it later. There's 
no point looking for rational explanations. 

If you are trapped with a modern American woman like that, then 
preparing for divorce and divorcing your wife is your only way out. 

You need to assume that your relationship with your wife during divorce 
will be adversarial. She may start lying and acting in bad faith. Your 
wife will be influenced by her friends, co-workers, daytime talk-shows, 
her own divorce attorney, and other sources. She will be made feel like 
she will be betraying all the present and future generations of women 


unless she uses all the tricks in her disposal and takes all your money 
and punishes you. 

She will be told by everyone that she is the victim and you are the 
scumbag, and that she deserves to take you to the cleaners and punish 
you for the rest of your life. 

Many divorce attorneys routinely recommend women to start divorce with 
false abuse accusation against the husband. That way they can 
immediately gain the upperhand and the husband is put in the defensive 
position where he has to spend time and money trying to prove he is not 
an abuser scumbag instead of trying to get a fair divorce. False 
accusations by women are becoming standard procedures in divorce courts. 

Things you may get falsely accused of in divorce court: 

1. Hiding money 

2. Emotionally and/or physically abusing wife 

3. Emotionally and/or physically and/or sexually abusing children 

You can expect a court order barring you access to your house and/or 
seeing children based on abuse accusations above. Another court order 
can freeze your finances. 

You need to prepare for divorce and file for divorce first in order to 
improve your odds of getting a fair divorce. 


ADaniels ago

@Adam_Jensen_ Thank You, holy fck, Lifesaver.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Chapter 3 

Things to do and not to do when you are preparing for 

Preparing for divorce can take several months or even longer. 

What not to do - be in denial about your future divorce and not 
preparing for it. 

What to do - prepare for divorce, then divorce. 

What not to do - act before you properly prepare for divorce. 

What to do - prepare everything, then act. 

What not to do - start treating your wife badly. 

What to do - treat her better than ever while you are preparing divorce 
(but do not overdo it, or she may get suspicious). 

What not to do - argue with your wife and threaten divorce. 

What to do - prepare, then file for divorce. 

What not to do - assume that your prenuptial and postnuptial contracts 
are bullet-proof. 

What to do - know that your wife may challenge their validity (see 
chapter 8). 

What not to do - feeling guilty about your divorce preparation. 

What to do - prepare. You wife will prepare for you if you do not. 

What not to do - think that your wife will be rational and fair during 

What to do - ASSUME she will be completely irrational, vindictive, and 
start acting in bad faith. 

What not to do - assume the divorce court will be fair towards you. 

What to do - prepare the best you can and leave as little for the court 
to decide as possible. 

What not to do - assume that your wife is not preparing to divorce you. 
What to do - assume that she is, or assume nothing in that regard. 

What not to do - withdraw money in a lump sum the day before you file 
for divorce (although that may still be better than leaving the money 
there) . 

What to do - withdraw money in reasonably small (small as it relates to 
your lifestyle) amounts over a period of several months or even years. 

What not to do - talk to a therapist. Anything you say can later be used 
against you in court (particularly as it relates to children) 

What to do - do not see a therapist with your wife. It's a lose/lose 


What not to do - trust people you know with your divorce preparations. 
What to do - trust no-one. The less people know the better. 

What not to do - admit that you are preparing divorce if your wife gets 

What to do - say "I love you more than ever". 

What not to do - move in with your GF during the divorce. 

What to do - do not mention your GF to anyone until your divorce is 
over. You GF will give your wife extra sympathy and advantage in divorce 

Make as little money as possible 1-2 years before divorce. 

That is absolutely crucial. If possible, postpone any income until after 
you get divorced. Work less, or do not work at all if you can get away 
with that. Your paycheck is the single most important thing that will 
determine how much you will be paying your wife after you get divorced. 

You should give your wife and the judge reasons why you started to work 
less. You don't want to say that you quit your job so you can lay on the 
beach all day and pick up young women. 

Here are some good reasons to stop working or work less before filing 
for divorce: 

* You want to spend more time with your children and be a better father. 
Women do that all the time. Who can blame a father for wanting to spend 
more time with his children. 

* You got laid off. Make sure you get laid off before filing for divorce 
if you think you are going to be laid off anyway. 

* You are going back to school and/or re-training yourself. See more on 
that below. 

* You are stressed and burnt out. That's a perfectly valid reason to 
stop working or work less. Women do it all the time; so can you. Go see 
a doctor so there are records of your stress. 

* You are depressed (work-related or not). Another thing women love 
doing. Depression is an illness and a valid reason to work less. 

* You want to have a more "meaningful life", want to "find your true 
self", "grow spiritually", etc. Buy some books on "finding true self" on 
Amazon so there are records of you being interested in this subject. 


You have to care for a sick relative. 

* Start (temporarily unprofitable) business. A lot of businesses make 
little or no money in the first couple of years. Starting a business can 
help you in several ways. It can explain why you work less on your day 
job and make less money. It is also potentially a good way to hide 
assets. You can invest a lot of money into your business and acquire 
"assets" that are hard to locate, or that somehow "lost" value. 

Lower your standard of living (at least your documented standard of 
living) before you file for divorce. 

This is one of the most important things you should do. 

Lower yours and your wife's standards of living one-two years before 
divorce. The lower your standard of living before divorce, the better 
off you will be after divorce. All divorce help books for women tell 
them to start spending like crazy before divorce, so she might be trying 
to increase her standard of living while you are trying to lower it. 

If you own a business you can tell her that you are making less money 
short-turn, but will have a big payoff that she will greatly benefit 
from in the future. You can say that you are using money to expand your 
business or something along this line. 

You can tell your wife that you are saving money for a big purchase that 
will benefit her, like a new house, or even a big SUV she has been 
dreaming about. 

Or just explain that you are having financial difficulties. 

Start paying for things with cash. Pay cash when you take your wife to 
expensive restaurant, but use credit card when you go to Macdonald's. 
That way there are records of you eating at inexpensive restaurants 
only. Don't allow you wife to buy expensive things for herself with your 
credit card. Buy things for her yourself if you must and pay cash. That 
way there are no records of you living lavishly. 

Reduce your apparent long-term earning power as much as possible. 

You want to look like a man not capable of making a good living when you 
stand in from of the judge. Use the above suggestions when you are 
explaining why your life focus changed and you are no longer a hard- 
driving workaholic working 60-hour weeks and making a lot of money you 
once were. 


Astroqualia ago


idk ago

I'm not offering any advice except to seek a lawyer.

But we love you. This sucks, power through it.

nomadriders ago

Sell everything you can and buy bitcoin with the money (do it anonymously, not through an exchange), then say that you got hacked and don't have the bitcoin anymore.

Other than that just ignore her and get on with your life. If you seek vengeance it will just validate her actions in her mind and she will forever be convinced that she has made the right choice.

i_scream_trucks ago

So instead of giving her half your money.... y9ure g9ing to give ALL of it to a ponzi scam.

Sounds legit.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

You withdraw it all out of the bitcoin slowly in a few hundred dollar increments 2 or 3 years later. Even if the bitcoin price goes down, you are still not losing half of it +lawyer fees. You can easily be left with 10% of your money after a divorce.

trackmeplease ago

It’s a horrible idea but it’s not a Ponzi scheme.

Ernpress ago

Hatred gives lawyers shekels. Hand your layer a great case, and fight with love rather than hate.

allahead ago

Go get a free consultation with all of the good divorce attorneys in town (especially the female ones) so that they will have a conflict of interest and she won't be able to use them.

Put a GPS tracker on her car and spyware on her phone.

Reverse-Flash ago

Spread a rumor that she information that could lead to the indictment of the clintons.

Dan_Glenzig ago

Get a good lawyer immediately. As someone who did well in my divorce I recommend treating her like she’s a police officer in the sense that NOTHING you say or do will help you and can only incriminate you. So interact as little as possible with her.

The best revenge is a life well lived. I know it’s tough right now, but focus on why you didn’t see the warning signs and chose a shitty wife. Don’t get caught up in the petty shit about why/who she cheated with. Cheating has very little to do with sex and more to do with personal unhappiness and insecurity.

It’s a long road my friend, but 7 years after my divorce life has never been better.

Glipglup ago

∆∆∆∆listen to this guy. I know way too many divorced families lol.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Good advice

Phantom42 ago

and chose a shitty wife

As if there are any other options? LOL

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You can always go gay

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Good goyim. Don't reproduce.

SolidFoundations ago

Again, fuck off with your negative bullshit. Good women do exist, if you can't see that you don't deserve children and your gene pool can die in a hole with you and your pathetic negativity.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Again, fuck off with your negative bullshit. Good women do exist,

Exceedingly rare in current year.

thirdright ago

The context might be different, but the subtext remains the same. In 40,000 BC, the same shit was happening.

Tallest_Skil ago

In 40,000 BC, 90% of women were worth a damn. Today it’s less than 5%.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Traditionally minded women were more abundant previously. Both the culture and the law promoted this behavior, whereas the opposite is true today. Because of this they are obviously far more rare now. Men are going to naturally be frustrated with being dealt a shittier hand. All of this is undeniable.

You have to be a fucking retard to argue that the path to marrying a good woman, purchasing a house, and having children is just as easy now as it was in the 1950s or 60s. And if you acknowledge its harder, then why talk shit to men who are simply venting about the fact that 98% of the women around them act degenerate into their 30s and have higher body counts than prostitutes in the 1930s?

thirdright ago

You have to be a fucking retard to argue that the path to marrying a good woman, purchasing a house, and having children is just as easy now as it was in the 1950s or 60s.

Yeah, I bet it was even better in libertine 1920s Wiemar Germany since that is even earlier. Cycles, genius, cycles.

Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck your cycles. Today is literally unprecedented.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Yeah, I bet it was even better in libertine 1920s Weimar Germany since that was even earlier. Cycles, genius, cycles.

Yes and the people in the Weimar republic were right to have expressed disapproval and disgust over the sick culture around them genius.

The rest of this comment has nothing to do with the wide spread of degenerate women or the collapse of the family. Its some weird boomer strawman about young people overstating how bad things are. Just curious how old are you?

thirdright ago

  1. My father is a pre-boomer. I am a post-boomer (genX). I guess we are all edge cases though.

You need to look up the definition of "strawman." I stated facts that obviously distressed you.

Just curious, how irrational are you?

i_scream_trucks ago

Youre funny as fuck.

Guarantee you she fucks around behind your back because youre too fucking thick to realise that women are lying cunts in general and will repeatedly tell you what will get the reaction that they want out of people around them

Trusting a woman without question is hands down the dumbest fucking shit a dude can do, youll find out the hard way the way youre going.

Glipglup ago

My mom is proof that you are wrong. And I don't even really like my mom.



maaaxheadroom ago

Get a lawyer. A real sheisty hook nosed one with a tiny hat. Hint to the lawyer your wife has sheckles in her belly.

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registerinsecond ago

And that she denies the holocaust lol

MarauderShields ago

Contact a lawyer, but establish a solid timeline of events. Saving yourself time, saves the lawyer time and keeps your bill down. It's gonna cost you. But if you get to (and really want to) burn the bridge and make a clean break this may be the only way. You may wish to try and get a restraining order to avoid teary apology phonecalls, or block her number from your phone.

Hope your life straightens out soon. Remember, plan and don't gove in to knee jerk responses to shitty attitudes that get thrown at you. You can shake it all off with buddies and beers on a camping trip later.

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RogerByam ago

Stay calm.

Get your ducks in a row; don't let her know that you know until you've secure all your assets.

Then make the clean break yourself when you and your lawyer are ready. Move out or move her out, stop all contact.

Don't even think about vengeance, as it will stop you from acting rationally, it will make it harder for you to get what you need in court. At the end of the day, when you've done everything in a systematic manner and she is losing her shit... that is the true revenge.

AntiMason ago

Agreed 100%

YoureAFaggotHarry ago

when you've done everything in a systematic manner and she is losing her shit

This. Always document everything. Let her take as much rope as she wants because people will hang themselves gleefully and everyone love to watch a good hanging. The best revenge is the high road that goes right past the rest area where people fuck themselves over. It's always a great show.

Gopherurself ago

Check out offshore companies. It takes putting 3-5 grand in a banking account to open one, there is a few items of paper work you will need. Search them on Google, give them a call, and all your money will be safe from the United States govt.

skidder ago

record every conversation, especially heated ones. Store them where they can be retrieved, not lost.

SirNiggsalot ago

Sage advice.

Glipglup ago

Don't even think about vengeance

You're goal is to get out clean, not to fuck her over. I beg to take this mindset. I've seen many screw themselves in court proceedings because they wanted to "show that bitch a lesson". She won't learn and she's not worth it. She's not even worth being angry over. You got caught up with a trashy person, that happens and it's not necessarily your fault, being a cheater I imagine she was hiding many things from you. Please OP I'm literally begging you to look after yourself before thinking of getting back a her. The public humiliation of being divorced for cheating on you will honestly probably be enough punishment.

Pronebone45 ago

Exactly. As someone whos divorced two; let her walk & move on. She did you a favor. Dont even waste the energy.

pushthis ago

third this

Intrixina ago

OP, please listen to this. Revenge can come later when you've had your day in court. You have the rest of your life for that.

Or you could get the best revenge by living well and not giving a fuck about her any longer, while she destroys her life. I can guaran-fucking-tee their fuckfest will implode the second the divorce is final - the other guy will run for the hills once she is "available".

What matters most to you at the moment is documenting everything. And finding out the laws in your country/area so that you benefit the most from it. Get a lawyer which will tear her to shreds.

19810708321b ago

If the place they live is his, he needs to keep it and make her move out. Don’t give her a single thing.

totallynotFBI ago

Also seconding this. This will effect the whole rest of your life. You can get revenge now, but it will cost way, way more than it's worth. Instead focus on keeping her from being able to lie in divorce court. It's time to get busy! Channel all that rage into the work of protecting yourself.

Document everything. Learn whether you're in a one or two party state. Decide whether a private investigator is better than your own records. Get the best lawyer you can afford. Protect your assets. If possible document situations she may lie about as abuse. (audio recordings, etc) DO NOT TOUCH HER IN AN ARGUMENT. It doesn't matter what violence she perpetrates on you, do not respond. Don't let her push your buttons. Don't even yell at her. Her best weapon against you is an allegation of abuse or rape, so keep an audio recorder going at all times in the house, and transfer the juicy bits to an off-site hard drive.

Plan to be arrested on an allegation of abuse. Memorize your lawyer's number, give bail money to a trusted friend, and learn your state's domestic violence law and case history. Read the A Voice for Men site and other mens rights groups ahead of time to learn the dirty tricks she can pull.

Some or all of the above may prove unnecessary. It's possible this will end in a quick no-fault divorce. But it's better to be safe.

Also work out and practice a martial art.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

It doesn't matter what violence she perpetrates on you, do not respond.

What a cucked nation you are...Jesus christ. How the mighty have fallen...

Intrixina ago

When she can self-inflict bruises/cuts on herself and get you thrown in the slammer on trumped up DV charges, you keep the fuck away from mentally ill twats.

nouseforaname ago

Hurrr durrrr hit a woman and go to jail to make a point, goy

matthew-- ago

No one fears the woman. They fear the guys with guns (the state) that will shoot and kill you if she asks them.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

So what? I'd rather die as a man, than with my dignity taken away from me.

Obviously a Jew would always choose financial assets over money so its no surprise a jewed people would choose like Jews do.

Woke USA whites are the next Khazarians and you're not even aware of it

matthew-- ago

It depends on the stakes. A politician that was enacting laws that would infringe on your rights? Sure. That's worth fighting and dying for.

A bitch? No. Not worth throwing your life away for a woman. They're a dime a dozen, and get cheaper as you get older.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Oh good now you're turning against your women

Dont you know that women are merely reflection of their men?

Strong men control their women, weak men let them run wild.

Your woman should be more important to you than politics. How do you think about changing the world when you cant even get your house in order?

matthew-- ago

What are you talking about.

A woman's nature is to secure the best mate and the most resources. And every human responds to incentives.

All the incentives are there for a woman to either cheat or divorce and live their lives off of alimony.

I don't have this problem with my wife because the power dynamic is skewed in my favour, but I can understand why others would.

SubtleDissonance ago

You're an idiot. There is nothing cucked about not beating on delusional or cheating women. Seriously? Don't hit your cheating wife if you want to come out in the divorce is pretty solid fucking advice. Moron.

markrod420 ago

Where exactly do you claim to live where the laws dont favor women heavily?

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

In a non-Jewed country. Where women arent the bosses of the household like they are traditionally among the Jews.

This practice of not harming women no matter what they do to you is as Jewish as a bagel.

Jesus Christ what have (((they))) done to you...

GlowWorm ago

The only countries that are non-jewed were either already destroyed by them (Soviet block) or shitholes no one wants to live in (shitskins).

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Yeah yeah...Sure they were. Misery loves company thats why you think everyone is jewed like you are.

USA, UK and Sweden are the biggest degenerate shotholes of all btw. I'd rather live in Iran than in degenerate faggot/nigger infested shithole like those countries i mentioned above.

Only degenerates are attracted with degenerate life in the west. You can have them all.

Enjoy living in a country with the biggest debt in the history of this planet.

Tallest_Skil ago

in a non-jeweled country

So you don’t live anywhere, got it. You have nothing to add here.

ruck_feddit ago

I'd say this is the most correct observation of the day.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Whores think that all the other girls are whores just like they are.

I hope you're smart enough to understand that

Tallest_Skil ago

Whores tend to be fairly prescient about those things, though. It’s why they scheme to bring others down to their level. Studies on neurology show that women DO naturally avoid others if their sexual exploits are grander than their own.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Mate, do you even have contact with real life women?

I highly doubt a character like you does. If you meet normal average non virgin girls they all think among the lines of "Oh good luck finding a virgin girl older than 14 years old.

But in real life thats rubbish. I've met loads of 20+ year old normal/cute girls who are virgins, and they get extremely shy when they reveal that to you.

Whats the last time you had pussy, weirdo?

Tallest_Skil ago

That’s cute. Run along now, kiddo.

markrod420 ago

Hmmm. Well that sounds like a paradise. Its what i seek to return our society to. But if OP were to pretend we had already returned our society to that state during these divorce issues he is having then the rest of his life will be completely ruined. This is not something he has control over at the moment. This is the reality we live with. Its like calling someone a cuckold for breathing air. Its not actually a choice.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

No it wont. He can start over again with his pride and dignity intact. You can always earn money back, but you can never regain your dignity again.

A real man would even die to protect his dignity, losing financial assets is nothing.

Again, another proof of how Jewed you are. To you your financial assets > Dignity.

Typical traditional Jewish logic and how they managed to tolerate their women sleeping around with rich Goyim to preserve their financial assets.

markrod420 ago

If you find dignity in a gutter or a jail cell thats your business.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Yes, you die with your dignity. Even if it means in a gutter. To live in a castle without a dignity is a logic of a scared little man who is afraid of death as he doesnt believe in God or life after death.

Quite satanistic view on the world you got yourself there. Lot similar to the Jewish thinking

totallynotFBI ago

For a Christian you don't have much "turn the other cheek" in you. Also atheism isn't satanism.

fuckinghell ago

It's because he's writing to you from Langley, this dude glows hard as fuck.

totallynotFBI ago

I don't think he's glowing. I think he's just bitter and unkind.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Yes it is. According to the bible satanism is procces of creating bad/degenerate people. Jewish propaganda made you believe that satanism is some occult shit where you worship demons. Thats the extreme form of it. Atheism is Satanism 101.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Context. Its all about context in which Jesus said that. Jews are portraying Jesus as some kind of hippie and you're all falling for it.


markrod420 ago

I have no faith in anything religious. If im dead then i can accomplish nothing. If my family is dead then i have accomplished nothing. Thats my reality.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

First step of Jewish attack on whites was our religion. There's a reason for this.

Guys like you are already Jewed in so many ways. You're just not aware of it

markrod420 ago

I know what the jews are doing. I know they seek to destroy white western christian society. This does not enable me to believe in anything. But i support christian society. Im aware the common boob needs religion to be a decent human being. Again this does not enable me to believe. I have not and likely will never be able to believe in a specific religion short of the hand of god himself coming down and slapping sense into me on the topic.

markrod420 ago

I was never going to be religious. I rejected religion at a very very young age. I have never believed something without solid evidence in my life.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You are finished there's no use to you.

Just out of curiosity... Would you be prepared to die to save your race? Are you scared of death?

markrod420 ago

Yes i would and yes i am. And you are a fool to reject all those who dont blindly believe in your version of the creation myth when they seek the same goals as you.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I highly doubt someone who is scared of death could ever sacrice himself. All the great Caucasian armies believed that something awaits them after they die, no matter whether they were Christian or Pagan.

Only a psychopath would sacrifice himself while not believing in life after death. Are you a psychopath?

If you are, that means you are born with exceptional gift, so maybe there is some use to you after all

markrod420 ago

If my race dies then the purpose of my life dies with it. If my progeny have no future i have no life. A life without meaning isnt a life. Sadly no. I doubt im a psychopath.

Pointyball ago

Strong men don't need to hit women.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

What the fuck... Am i on Reddit?

This is classic liberal cuck thinking.

ados ago

ya, i think somehow some anger was misplaced. I really didn't see anything wrong with mentioning a cucked society.

Pointyball ago

You should go back. Only a Soy Boy thinks that beating on a female is acceptable. Do you also punch children? Sane western civilization understand that women are physically weaker.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You call a Nation where majority of your kids are now of brown ethnicity to be sane?

Not to mention all the other degeneracies that came about ever since Jews forced you to stop beating your out of line women.

Poor fucker. Your civilization is definition of insane and degenerate.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

At least it makes it possible to easily identify them and vote them into oblivion.

God damn fuck pussy-starved white knights manginas.

Feldorai ago

Strong men don't need to hit women, but they also don't have to take hits either.

Pointyball ago

The law sees men as physically superior. It is a common tactic for women in divorcing couples get physical and even when simply restrained get bruised. When the police arrive the man goes to jail. The woman's lawyer files a restraining order and the man ends up screwed in the impending divorce. The best advice is to walk away.

Feldorai ago

Actually, the best advice to men dating in general is not the "Pump n Dump" style of courting women. Men should only ever enter a relationship with a woman on the intended premise of expecting more from their partner other than sex, literally and adamantly refuse to have sex before marriage -- even then, they need to scope out more potential out of women than the women they find at parties -- if she's more of a "sporty" or a "party" girl, stay the fuck away, especially if she's willing enough to give up the nookie on the first or second date. Men, while courting a woman, should expect a woman to know more than self-taught muscle memory crap (hand jobs, blow jobs), if she's open to offering "favors" (again, that's hand jobs, blow jobs, etc.) then men should simply walk away.

The point of doing this is to force women to change their perspectives of what they believe that men want. Right now, women believe that all they have to do is sexual favors and that they don't need to learn or know how to cook, clean, or do anything other than those sexual favors to get or even keep a man.

Men also cannot expect women to have the energy to even do anything other than sex at home especially if she has a job, she went from the meme that women are "slaves" in the kitchen to a wage slave for her boss, so men will have to compromise in those situations to help with cleaning, cooking, etc. as well.

If a woman is solely focused on succeeding in her career, she is the one who needs to make the compromise in her dating preferences to choose a man who makes less or none compared to her and just settle for a "House Husband", hopefully any women reading this at least understands that I'm not suggesting that she choose some deadbeat drug & alcohol abusing dipshit in the same breath -- just simply choose a man who has no problems with taking on the "Home Maker" role in the relationship so she can expect to come home from her work to a relaxing environment meant to pamper her and make sure the house is clean & food is prepared, etc.

I also have tons of criticism towards Western women in general but that's a different rant for a different topic.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Why act chivalrous towards women that reject the practice of chivalry?

hello_reddit ago

Chivalry has nothing to do with women

Pointyball ago

Because I don't do it to impress them. Civilized men do not beat women and children.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

How Jewed can you possibly be?

Pointyball ago

Within the tribe they only accept heterosexual patriarchal relationships. At the same time they push christian societies to accept biological degeneracy. You should look at a mirror.

It_was_the_juice ago

Where does it get you to hit a woman back? Niggers hit women because they don't know how to control themselves or understand consequences.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Before western countries got Jewed a man would be allowed to beat his wife to death if she cheated on him.

You are a jewish shill, your time will come soon.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jewish shill because you don’t want to be killed by jews in court

This is how stupid your shilling is.

FerdTurgeson ago

Second this...don't turn into a scorned woman...accept that you fucked up (it isn't about blame, if you really want a truly clean break you have to accept some responsibility for choosing her and for being fooled). Don't fuck with her school, that just makes your relationship consist of two shit bags; also it could really affect your legal standing. Finally you are setting her up to mooch off of you the rest of her life, you might as well not stop her from being self sufficient and you will be right back to paying for her when she moves on from the next guy. I am really sorry but FWIW my cousin didn't find out his wife was cheating until his (NOT his) son was 1, and he had already gone through with the vasectomy.

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DickbiterShekelstein ago

Get that cucked faggot bullshit out of here.

FerdTurgeson ago

There is no greater way to be cucked than to give away your personal agency and responsibility. If you get swung on a bad business deal you evaluate where your went wrong and learn and grow...or you spend your life balming others like a little girl

Intrixina ago

Cheating is 100% on the person doing the cheating. Fuck off with your blameshifting horseshit.

If the OP was even slightly to blame for any part of the relationship being poor, the cheater could have had an honest and frank conversation where they stated their needs and then left after said needs weren't met. Not monkey-branching onto someone else and fucking them behind the OP's back, making financial and health decisions for the OP without his knowledge.

FerdTurgeson ago

"needs' sound like a woman...when your shitty mom picked your shitty dad to procreate with does she bear any responsibility for you growing into a cunt? If OP wants to be a victim he can follow your reasoning...if he wants to be a man he can accept he made a poor choice, analyze what he missed, and grow...there is no improving yourself without accepting fault.

Intrixina ago

As I said in previous posts, Cluster B fuckwits hide behind a mask and they do it damn well, which is why they can subtly manipulate people. That's how a person can miss their bullshit.

Someone else being a cunt does not mean that their partner is at fault for being a cunt. It's the same reasoning as me accepting blame for you being a cunt and assigning blame to victims.

FerdTurgeson ago

Whatever a cluster B fuckwit is the only thing sadder is a man who can't control his cluster B fuckwit...accept that and move one is talking about fault, we are talking about ownership, responsibility, agency...anyone who uses "blame" and "victims" in the same sentence is already guilty of talking like a leftist, feminist, cunt.

Intrixina ago

You cannot "control" Cluster B fuckwits. Given that you don't know what they are - I suggest you read up on them. The only way to "manage" them is to get the fuck away from them.

One can only control themselves and what they put up with. When one has no knowledge of a situation that makes them a victim. It's when they find out and they continue to tolerate it, then yes, one could say that they are a fucking idiot. But when they are unaware of a situation? No. And those fuckers are damn good at hiding shit. One cannot (and should not) have to be hyper-vigilant and police their partner's every move - and Cluster B's use that to their advantage.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Read and include with your signature: "All rights reserved without prejudice. UCC 1-308." That is a binding clause and if she breaks it. She is done.

FerdTurgeson ago

I don't care about anything you just wrote...the legal system isn't my (nor should be) OPs main concern

Mustard_Monkey ago

Correct. Fuck that bitch OP. Divorce her ass stat!

FerdTurgeson ago

At least you are providing actual advice, whether I understand it or agree with it or even care to listen...the rest of these guys want OP to "let her live rent free" in his head, live a pathetic life, and then look back and blame everyone but himself. Blame isn't quite the right word but what is done is done and it could be MUCH worse...thanks for some practical insight instead of the ramblings of angry teenage minds

Mustard_Monkey ago

You know what your opinion is duly noted.

Phantom42 ago

accept that you fucked up

Oh you can fuck right off with that cucked shit.

"My wife is cheating on me, here's 10 reasons why I'm the BAD GUY (with pictures):"


I think it's important to accept you picked a bad partner. My sister has been dating a guy over 5 years who refuses to propose to her. She's over 30 now and wants to start a family but he still won't entertain the idea of marriage.

If you pick a partner who cheats or doesn't want a family/what you need in life you need to take a step back and consider why you were attracted to a bad fit for you and try to learn how to pick a better one moving forward.

Lots of people completely miss a huge layer of red flags about people when their emotions are involved.

FerdTurgeson ago

You talk like some kind of click bait buzz feed article. It isn't about blame or bad or good...obviously she is a cunt but OP picked her, locked her up, kept her and was the definition of cucked...if he can look back clearly and be honest with himself he doesn't have to be a victim the way you fags keep pushing him to be

ALIENS2222 ago

No shit right? What the fuck is that bullshit.

BoomerHater1488er ago

He's not completely wrong. He's implying that OP is to blame for marrying a shit tier woman, not for behaving in a way that made his wife cheat.

superspathi ago

He chose wrongly. That's a fuckup.

UndercoverRobot ago

Absolving oneself of all responsibility when one is the victim of deception is an invitation to be deceived again.

Intrixina ago

Not when someone is hiding behind a mask and being a manipulative cunt - that rule doesn't apply. It applies in most situations, but not necessarily this one.

FerdTurgeson ago

Far too eloquent for these man children to comprehend.

GoyimNose ago

It's his duty to keep his wife in line and in check, he failed. Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.

FerdTurgeson ago

Bravo my man. Shit is in like the first 6 pages of the bible...women make choices to survive...women lead by weak (or no)men make weak choices,women lead by strong man flourish. Letting your wife go to grad school and pursue a career is a huge mistake; I haven't heard anyone bash OP for it but to pretend he couldn't do differently next time to achieve a different result is a welfare nigger attitude. Thanks again for being a man on voat

Intrixina ago

So, why is it that the rich and attractive, or even not so rich and not so attractive, are cheated on for utter hags? That's got nothing to do with "keeping his wife in check".

FerdTurgeson ago

Because they are shit husbands and men. Women will marry gross little jews with money and then fuck their black do you not see the parallels to what we are talking about?

Intrixina ago

I wasn't talking about "gross little jews" - I was talking about those who actually uphold morals and ethics.

Fun fact: Someone close to me was cheated on some years ago. Of course you'll say "They need to accept their part of it" but I can tell you that's absolute horseshit - she did nothing to "make" him cheat - he was just a scumfuck who wanted to dick someone underage. Your next excuse will be "You don't know what goes on in their relationship!!!" as well, also fuck off. The victim of this was not a "shit person", quite the contrary.

There is no reason whatsoever to cheat. If the person is unhappy, they can leave the relationship honestly and after a while find someone else. Not fuck around behind their back. Fucking around behind their back basically says "It's all about me" which is the prime reason that people cheat in the first place - narcissism.

FerdTurgeson ago

You are basing everything on a logical fallacy...EVEN if someone is doing all the things they ought to be doing and get fucked by someone there are still only two choices...accept responsibility and move on like a man, or blame other people...this shit isn't jew legal nonsense it is about how to move forward through adversity like a man...

Intrixina ago

"I made an oath to lead a woman, and she made an oath to follow..."

Not relevant if the person who's supposed to be doing the following, does things in secret without your knowledge.

Note: I am not saying that one should stick their head in the sand about their partner being a cheating cunt, but nor is it their fault either. It's not about "acting like a victim" either - one should always better themselves, regardless.

i_scream_trucks ago

Careful, your shitting dick tits and unwashed fish stank pussy smell is overwhelmingly obvious.

Fuck off you narcissistic cunt. Bitches like you arw the reason we need to get rid of domestic violence laws so a bitch with a big mouth can get exactly what she desrves again.

Phantom42 ago

It's his duty to keep his wife in line and in check, he failed.

Holy shit you just actually attempted to use that as an argument. I thought I'd never see the day.

Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.


HOOOOOLLLLLLLY SHIT ANOTHER ABSOLUTE GEM! Jeez, man... Have you ever tried stand-up? I think you'd be pretty damn good at it.

FerdTurgeson ago

Do you want to know what message you are projecting with your attitude? You are such a pussy that your wife (if you have one) would fuck any strong man that comes around. Is that what you are after?

matthew-- ago

Women have no choice in the matter who they are attracted to.

Nope. He is spot on. They can't control it.

The reason rape is so bad is because most women actually enjoy it - some achieve orgasm for the first and only times in their lives during rape. They know they're not supposed to like it, and that makes it even worse and they enter into a deep pit of guilt and depression that can fuck them up for life.

Trash_Panda ago

If you choose these kinds of women then yes it's ultimately your fault. My girl was celibate 4 years prior to us dating (3 for me). You think I'm worried about her cheating?

registerinsecond ago

You can never fucking know 100%

So when she leaves you in 10y what will you think?

FerdTurgeson ago

That is the kind of despair ridden faggot tier attitude we are trying to stomp out...if you have a foot out the door in your mind (totally single mom mode of thinking, congrats fag) she can tell and will treat you the same. Real men who have their shit under control don't even have an inclination to think this way.

Trash_Panda ago

I would be concerned for her spiritual wellbeing but overall I would be able to move on. I don't have much of a problem being alone and I'm pretty good at covering my bases.

registerinsecond ago

Exactly. You can never be completely sure.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

That you had your turn and now it's someone else's. Keep your affairs in order, protect your assets as best you can, and keep your kids on your side. Also, make as many white kids as you can.

Phantom42 ago

If you choose these kinds of women then yes it's ultimately your fault.


My girl was celibate 4 years prior to us dating (3 for me).

Ah, yes. Now I see it. You aren't young, are you guy? Shit has changed massively. There are no "good girls" available. They are dead and gone.

You think I'm worried about her cheating?

Well I found your first mistake...

Never let your fucking guard down. All that "talk it out with those you love! Don't hold it in!" shit? Consider it a jewish lie and do exactly the opposite. Never trust the one beside you. Hold the weight, carry the weight, and you just might make it.

Normally I'd suggest doing a covert sweep making sure your girl hasn't been fucking around on the side, but at this point there are nothing but bitches and whores running around so you may as well keep what you've got and just arrange a car accident for the side-guy she may/may not have been sleeping with.

FerdTurgeson ago

Keep lying to yourself about all women being is easier than improving yourself and seeking out the good are pathetic...instead of arguing with me go earn a good woman, there are plenty and they are begging for men to lead them

Trash_Panda ago

You aren't young, are you guy?

I am.

Shit has changed massively.

You're not wrong but I think this actually makes it's easier to spot the bad apples. I knew what every single one of my exes would do long before they actually did it. Heck, I knew what most women were about within the first few minutes of conversation. It's not difficult, men just choose to ignore the red flags or they themselves have their priorities screwed up (or both).

Consider it a jewish lie and do exactly the opposite. Never trust the one beside you.

It's not that you shouldn't trust anybody, but that no matter how much you trust or love someone you should always cover your bases. It's an acknowledgement that we are all inherently corrupt even though we try to do good most of the time.

Fahrvergnaked ago

What the fuck dude? I thought I was jaded towards women...

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

You are right to say that we should never let our guards down, but it's not true that there are no good women. Women who haven't been kiked are blank slates. It's out job to mold them into productive adults. Keep them in line and away from impulsive behavior. Our wives are just the oldest kid in the house. They need to be monitored and controlled just like a teenager, but that doesn't make them all bad. Just susceptible to shitty influence.

FerdTurgeson ago

The blank slate part is where you go off the rails...if you are a great member of a small, tight knit agrarian community you can get yourself a blank slate virgin, otherwise you must do as men have always done...take the best "hundred pounds of clay" you can get and lead her to righteousness. All of these phone jerking semi fags think they deserve a virgin when they would finger bang, face fuck, or sodomize any girl that passes out in their vicinity or will let them ...if you truly marry up (like I did)be grateful but don't pretend you deserve it

i_scream_trucks ago

Guarantee you that dumb bastard gets cheated on regularly for.trusting his woman withput question.

Either that or he has married a fucking ugly ham planet.

operation_wetvac ago

Or he got really, really lucky and won the lottery and found a unicorn.

FerdTurgeson ago

Stop it...neither you or the comm enter you responded to has it quite right...You can't have a real relationship without trust and if you keep his attitude you are likely doomed to become a self fulfilling should FEEL like you won the lottery when you are in good relationship but the odds aren't as bad as you think; women and malleable and even women with rough backgrounds will follow a strong lead...much of the problem is in all the porn and shit media this greasy retards take in leaving them thinking they deserve much more than they do.

AR47 ago

You should point at the doll and show everyone where life fucked you.

SolidFoundations ago

I got married to a 22 year old virgin. So you can fuck right off with your negative bullshit. Guys do need to make wise choices about their women. If you marry a whore, there was probably things you fucking missed about her character.

4 things you need to look for in a woman, BEFORE SHE EVEN KNOWS YOU'RE LOOKING AT HER:

  1. Honour.
  2. Loyalty.
  3. Nobility.
  4. Sincerity.

This advice will make your selection of women much better.

Trash_Panda ago

Amen brother. I think most of the guys on here are MGTOW types, they don't know much about healthy interactions with women.

I would say most important of all is humility. A man and a woman who make this their modus operandi are a very powerful force.

FerdTurgeson ago

It is a power that terrifies all the jews, commies, satanists, etc. that everyone here is so fond of babbling about.

matthew-- ago

I disagree with your list. Here's mine.

  1. Virgin
  2. Strong and present father
  3. Financially equal or better than you
  4. Not fat

SolidFoundations ago

I agree with all your points, in retrospect. Though, they need not be mutually exclusive.

matthew-- ago

I can't upvote you for some reason, but you're right. My bad.

FerdTurgeson ago

WHAT KIND OF FAGGOT CARES ABOUT HIS WIFE'S FINANCIAL POSITION? A faggot, that is who. You are embarrassing...1) if you aren't man enough to lock one down early you can't expect this and you probably don't deserve it if you aren't spending time in the right places. 2) This is important for me, women without strong fathers follow their (strong)husband's leads as good or even better than ones without 3)See demonstrate to her that you care more about fancy pants than being a patriarch...anyone who lets their wife work when there are kids afoot is a greedy cuck 4) Dr's are convincing cucked dads and stupid moms to allow their daughters to be on birth control at a young age, and this coupled with shit values at home is making for chunky teenage girls...what kind of a man can't keep his household on course for a healthy lifestyle? I will answer for like you

matthew-- ago

1) hahahahaha. Who said I had to lock one down early. That's retarded. Why marry early when you can work on yourself and marry the next generation of young girls a decade or so later?

2) women without strong or present fathers will follow in their mother's footsteps, and divorce you for half your shit just like her old lady did to her husband

3) eh, that's how I figure she's not using me for my money, it's pretty simple actually

4) calories in, calories out. If one is more than other you will gain/lose weight. It's very simple.

You sound like an old woman

Intrixina ago

That is, until you find a Cluster B fuckwit who hides behind a mask for years and then has an insatiable need to "find herself" by going to meat markets and being fucked by shitskins.

lordv1ldemort ago

Second this.

Taking responsibility after a breakup is realizing that the person wasn't who you thought that they were. You were wrong about them, and, that isn't a plus or a minus, just a fact.

FerdTurgeson ago

No it is a far as learning and growing for the future. I can tell you what the difference between my attitude and yours is, practically: Your attitude leads to a life of fucked up relationships that aren't your fault, mine leads to the potential for picking the right person next time and doing better.

prairie ago

If you chose her then there's something wrong with you. It's not a bad thing to have this revealed. It doesn't mean putting up with her shit, but doing some self-examination.

FerdTurgeson ago

Prepare one here wants to hear that they have any responsibility for themselves or how their lives turn out.

Intrixina ago

Cluster B fuckwits hide behind a mask often for many years, and they do it damn well. Being blamed for not seeing it, is utter crap.

FerdTurgeson ago

So who IS in charge of your life, then?

Intrixina ago

I am. What relevance does that have to anything I said?

FerdTurgeson ago

No you aren't. Anyone who can read can see that, and you probably aren't a nigger so that means you are purposely avoiding the reality.

Intrixina ago

Pretty sure I know my own thoughts more than you do.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

This was her choice that she made though. So the fault lies with her and not with the husband. By cheating on him, she betrayed his trust which is totally her doing.

FerdTurgeson ago

The issue is trying to lay "fault" at all...we say blame and stuff but I think some of it is one wants to BLAME OP, but he has to accept some amount of responsibility if he wants to recover

Maroonsaint ago

Shut up ya cunt. GOD YOURE SUCH A CUCK. It ain’t his fault his wife cheated. We all deal with fucked up people blaming yourself for that shit does no good at all. Fuck off

FerdTurgeson ago

Psst no one takes you seriously when you take a break from asking for dick pics...get one of those extra accounts that every one talks about if you are going to try to give out advice. I love how you guys throw out the word cucked : do you really not understand you are using i backwards or is that your point? When your wife is fucking someone else YOU ARE A CUCK. I am not a cuck and I am trying to help OP not get there again but also not be a bitter semi fag like you guys are craps in a bucket I am offering a lifeline and you call me the cuck....

everef ago

Really depends on the circumstances. If she cheated on previous partners and he knew about it, or if she was a slut before marrying him, he bears some of the responsibility.

FerdTurgeson ago

I understand what you mean but even if there was none of that you can see the circumstances that allowed her to behave that way and avoid them in the future. (ie a wife as a grad student..terrible idea). I am not about piling onto OP, I feel for him like crazy; I am trying to help him avoid adopting victim status and avoid colouring future relationships and ruining all his future chances

Maroonsaint ago

You know how sometimes things are so common sense and then you’re forced to discuss them and it makes you angry that people don’t already know these things? That’s how I feel on this subject.

everef ago

Have you considered that you're wrong?

Maroonsaint ago

Wrong about what. Things that are common sense? It is common sense to get fucked over and learn from that. If you don’t learn from that you’re stupid.

Brawndosaurus ago

I finally agree with this faggot

YoHomie ago

Birds of a feather stick together, faggot.

Brawndosaurus ago

Ah! Moron's alt account.

FerdTurgeson ago

If you can't come up with a better counter point to someone's second or third account it means you are the retard, not them.

Brawndosaurus ago

3rd? 🧐

Maroonsaint ago

Not a faggot

prairie ago

It's not about blame at all, it's about not having the same fucking thing happen again. Maybe you have a different attitude, but I relish finding problems with myself because it's an opportunity to fix them and improve things that didn't seem improvable before.

FerdTurgeson ago

Let me say I appreciate your attitude, and it is rare here. Thanks for understanding...I have kind of decided to spend less time here (not that I surf at work, or spend much time here; I have young kids) other than to smack around some of these gamma jerks trying to drag each other down. I have a loving wife, a night shift job, and two little kids (more coming soon hopefully) and I feel like I have won the lottery...I want to help these young guys get what I have

Maroonsaint ago

god shut up I don’t even care. I know what you’re saying at it sounds pathetic. If you don’t automatically do this you’re retarded anyways and can’t be helped it is something that really needs to be explained? How to not get fucked over. Probably avoid people who want to fuck me over. WOW INCREDIBLE INSIGHT

FerdTurgeson ago

I know why you do what you are too afraid to be real and have your sentiments rejected so you cloak yourself in a smart ass attitude...(make a mockery of yourself before anyone else can). If you want to be taken seriously stop acting like a fucking retard...this advice falls under the category that you are talking about: shit people shouldn't have to be told...except when you don't have any men in your life to model yourself after you end up being a smart mouthed little shit like isn't too late to change it up

Maroonsaint ago

NNOOo. I already said what the fuckin problem was. WHY PEOPLE THINK ITS SOMETHIN DIFFERENT IDK. Bunch of motherfckwrs

prairie ago

Well some people are interested in self-improvement. It's like learning anything new. Before you just see nothing, but after work you can see something you didn't before. But go ahead and blame circumstances, I'm sure they will listen.

Maroonsaint ago

You’re the one who told the guy who got cheated on to look at what he did wrong. It sounds cuck as fuck. I’m all for self improvement but you said that lamest thing Iv heard today

prairie ago

It's the difference between being at fault for a car wreck, and learning how to be a more defensive driver. You're not at fault for not driving defensively but you can sure save yourself a lot of problems by doing so.

My only purpose for the original comment was to dispel the common notion that there's nothing you can do to avoid even getting into this kind of situation. Shitty parents suppress their offspring's ability to see shitty people. To learn that this has happened and that it's reversible is liberating.

FerdTurgeson ago

Great fucking mom used to tell me I wouldn't care whose fault it was when I was in a wheelchair if I got hit crossing the street...

Maroonsaint ago

Send me your dick pics or fuck off

FerdTurgeson ago

Fall back into don't even have the courage to stand behind what you say so you always joke

theoldones ago

ask a lawyer, not random people on the internet.

Footnote220 ago

Divorce lawyers tend to try to max out billable hours until both sides are broke.

SpaceVapor ago


ados ago

yes this is true. mine also did/does bankruptcies too so we went ahead with that after he stole all my money.

oldzeke ago

People here are pretty smart and a lot of lawyers are inept or or scummy. I've gotten good advice here that I couldn't get from a professional.

i_scream_trucks ago

Dude youve got one dude spamming the post with braindead sycophantic HURRRR WAMENS ARE T3H GUD UR FAULT SHE A SLUT.

people arent smart here.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

About random topics (perhaps not always relationship advice), voat in general is a pretty good forum that will find 2-3 people who will give good advice. Thats about as good as it gets on the internet.

thirdright ago

You just said "one dude" out of how many posting advice. And you probably had to go to the bottom of the thread to find that one asswipe dude.

trackmeplease ago

You say that like intelligent people don’t see right through that bullshit.


Get her drunk then log into her social media and make posts about how you're sick of all the jews in academia. If she's drunk she'll more likely believe it was actually her.