flopsymopsy ago

Was on morning mainstream TV in Australia.

ExtraDouble ago

I saw it amazingly on some Hollywood news program. Literally the last place I expected. It appears to have been on the Daily Beast too. Has Trump cleaned the swamp??

sore_ass_losers ago

No way, they would have to present the story that ABC wouldn't cover, which they never covered either, for it to make any sense to the NPC.

MassTooter ago

Maybe one day and then they'll drop it again.

Foursome ago

Top story on Fox and featured by being.

Cum_control ago

The abc video?

SIayfire122 ago


New Project Veritas video.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

ABC sat on a story about Epstein, and an anchor was caught on open mic about it

TheAmerican ago

That exact story from the exact same woman has been out for over a month.

SandHog ago

The fact that abc sat on it for 3 years and never said shit about it wasn't.

TheAmerican ago

YES IT WAS. She was never allowed to run the story because she was pressured from a lawyer and the head of the station and other. Buddy, this exact story is in there.

SandHog ago


TheAmerican ago

The mysterious mr. Epstein podcast series.

SandHog ago

Ugh. I hate video as a medium as it's so time-consuming. Got a link to that particular one? I'll check it out later tonight or maybe tomorrow if you do.

TheAmerican ago

It's going to take you too well to check it out because it's a five-part series. I listen to it on TuneIn Radio app

SandHog ago

I might check it out. I just hate sinking a bunch of time into audio/video when I can read through material much faster. Is it an ongoing series or did they wrap it up already?

TheAmerican ago

Just do what I do and play it on 2 x regular speed. There's an option on the TuneIn app and it's a good podcast.

SandHog ago

Cool, thanks for the heads up.

TheAmerican ago

Listen to sword and scale if you want to see what an excellent interesting podcast sounds like. Even if it doesn't sound like your type of thing at first give it a chance and you will have hours and hours and hours of great content to listen to.

SandHog ago

That does look interesting. True crime stuff can get pretty crazy. Thanks for the suggestion.

TheAmerican ago

Let me know what you think after you listen to a few of them

SandHog ago

Will do. I binged on something similar a while back but I can't remember the name of the channel/podcast. It was mostly focused on internet mysteries though.

TheAmerican ago

Let me know if you remember it

SandHog ago

I just went and looked it up and it was Barely Sociable. Not a ton of content and it's fairlly reddit-centric thus far. I just stumbled across it by searching 'internet mysteries' one night when I was bored. Nexpo has some good stuff and is more established.

TheAmerican ago

Cool, I will check them out

Queef_Anon ago

It will be up to us to spread far and wide.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

“Mainstream” is dead. Disregard.

LaRiver ago

Threatened by British Royal. How come? We are still a colony in actuality?

TheFlameOfTruth ago

More in practice. Not by Britain itself, per se, but the entities that control Britain and the world.

Comes back to the banks, who's controllers are the unelected oligarchs that control this country, and most others worth anything.

SandHog ago

I can't help but wonder how many other news outlets were approached at that time with this same info and declined to do anything with it?

Hyst ago

Probably most of them.