MuhTriggersGuise ago

Not unless Iran was an existential threat, which they're not. The nukes are an option of last resort for a threat to the survival of the state. Use of the nukes for anything less would likely end the state as they would have an order of magnitude harder time keeping international support, and their enemies would get much more support from neutral parties.

watch_listed ago

I don't think they'd use them unless they were about to be wiped off the map. Not even the US would be on board with them committing to first use of nukes, so they'd risk becoming a pariah state if they survived. Given that the policy seems to be the Samson option, I'd further speculate that the system is run like the Soviets' dead hand setup and designed to be fail dangerous.

zxcvzxcv ago

No. Israel would nuke America and blame it on Iran.

bourbonexpert ago

Hopefully, I hope the entire Middle East Nike’s itself

123456butts ago

Is this a trick to make invading israel seem less palatable?

They have nukes... they have 51 nukes.... 51 very scary nukes.

With that said, people are living happily in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Nukes are not a deterrent to destroying israel. In fact the presence of an israeli nuke makes invasion more imperative for the safety of the us.

VicariousJambi ago

Its a reference to this post

Poal supposedly discovered a glow nigger test - Let's try it out!


@puttitout how many nukes do you think Israel has? Why?

Personally I think they have at least 10, but probably less than 200. I base this on the Voat stories about their "Samson option" being used to threaten the USA to help them, but I have not actually researched this topic in detail.

I will also start to ban those that refuse to answer the question seriously.

123456butts ago

Yea I get it... I just find that everything dealing with Israel has a pretext...

I think it’s jews trying to make invasion look unsexy

Invasion is always sexy though

VicariousJambi ago

Well thats the ongoing theory for people that don't believe in nukes - just a scare tactic.

123456butts ago

I believe in nukes... they’re just not a conversation-ender when it comes to use of force.

progressbin ago

Yes, goy. They need to protect themselves with their 300+ nuke arsenal against those filthy NPT signatories. (Our brutal puppet, for whom we overthrew democracy to install, signed the NPT after all. Good thing the Strzok family spooks continued to enjoy such a fabulous like there after our puppet got cancer.) This couldn't possibly be an election year divide and conquer tactic by the CIA.