edgelord666 ago

Good question - I would advocate they do sign the agreement and would support sanctions against Israel to help make that happen. See how easy it is to admit to your beliefs if you're not a coward? Makes you wonder why Putt won't do the same, eh?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

That's true. Look, I am happy to stand arm-in-arm with a Protestant or Orthodox, or even a Mormon against the forces of degeneracy and the culture of death, but it doesn't mean I will accept their doctrine or not defend my own Traditions against theirs.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Considering the high Q presence now I would say they have been led here in a corelative way

frankenmine ago

Most people above the age of, say, 35, haven't heard of the Streisand Effect. You take your internet culture exposure for granted.

CanadianAndProud ago

Democrats are always rats

sosat_menya_reddit ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

Really it’s me.

This is a fascist website that bans some for less egregious offenses than others. Why should it matter if @srayzie brings more cash than @Zyclon_b?

When zeke got burned in favor of the whore of Babylon I said this site would burn.

It will.

boekanier ago


totallynotFBI ago

An alphabet agency, learning how to suppress Voat if it should become necessary in the future

ChimpStenographer ago

voat is like a 24/7 free ad campaign for Putin. The mere fact that it "seems" to come from Russia is almost proof it's one of their enemies. :yup my 1st post.. sorta

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

There was even a difference of opinion between the Fathers on this one. You had some arguing about "the Rock" being Peter and some arguing it was Peter's statement, but the person who got the Keys and ultimately the headship over the Church was Peter.

ChimpStenographer ago

/ """ \\


/_ >/

++'' /


KarmaPuleeze ago

Given whom we're up against I'm surprised this site is back up. Nice work! @puttitput

HiJoker ago

I think it's Deep State, and by that I mean (((Deep State))). We've been compromised so bad it's beyond belief at this point.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I considered Orthodoxy, and still have a great deal of respect for the Eastern Church, but: "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Also love the Eastern Liturgies better than the Novus Ordo, tbh.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

They didn’t expect the site owner to publicize this. If they were smart they wouldn’t have blasted the URL, they’d have hit the domain. This stinks if a crisis-management PR firm being told to address something immediately.

Cavemandrums ago


deleteme123 ago

Do we have a world map of IPs flooding voat? Curious to see the overall picture.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I WOULD LOVE to know. HAS to be liberals and NOT niggers (too stupid). Probably Antifa (pussy boy) nerds If I had to guess at this point. WHY would a foreign government give a rat's ass about voat viewpoints??? OOH. COULD be East Indians too. I just told one on the phone yesterday they were going to be exterminated (also called him an Indian piece of shit). He called my mom, spoofing to calling AS my mom (phone number). Told me he was Microsoft and was going to cancel mom's Microsoft license in 48 hours AND needed to CHANGE her IP address. That burned me up! They are PREYING on our senior citizens! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! Get the FUCK OUT of my country East Indians!!!

arniecuntingham ago


My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Your mom.

bourbonexpert ago

The democratic party

Fagtardicus ago


pull apart the subversion!

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Ok that's pretty damn funny. Although I prefer a lighter touch


worthlesshope ago

Since a lot of the attacks were coming from the Russian Federation it's obviously the Russians. /s

It annoys me that people were using evidence on "Russian interference" just because IP addresses came from Russia, it's like they have never used the internet before so they don't know that it's cheap to host stuff on Russia servers, and also a good way to avoid being tracked if you want to do any unlawful activities.


and it still continues to this day with the left calling people "Russia trolls". Unless they're all glow niggers. Which is equally a possibility.

Garglemysac ago

Who nose?

Garglemysac ago

But seriously it's the fucking kikes.

Malayar ago

I think if they have nukes it's only a matter of time before they Samson option the planet so they can rule over the ashes. I have no idea why they haven't signed it, but I'm sure whatever reason they gave is bullshit

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

No, but assuming they are magically capable is an even worse one. If the opponent appears to be dumber than you, they just might be.

Malayar ago

you must also be retarded as I just got finished saying that the kikes AND Catholics are likely complicit and trying to consensus crack by introducing a false dichotomy wherein it's implied we should forget about the info in the post in favor of something else is something shills are paid to do so no, I'm not a shill or a kike.


Copy/pasted from other thread

NicoleJ of CARBŸNE, led us to The Serpentine which then led to The NSO Group: a "Hacking Company" worth $1B+, who is definitely ARMED for a voat crash and potentially digging/doxxing all of us.


The Serpentine and NSO

The head of the Serpentine Galleries has resigned after the Guardian revealed she is the co-owner of an Israeli cyberweapons company whose software has allegedly been used by authoritarian regimes to spy on dissidents.


NSO Group Technologies is an Israeli cyber-arms dealer. It was founded in 2010 by Niv Carmi, Omri Lavie, and Shalev Hulio. It is reported to employ around 500 people and is based in Herzliya near Tel Aviv." wikipedia


NSO Group says it is "a leader in the field of cyber warfare" that utilizes its proprietary monitoring tool it calls "Pegasus," which can monitor and extract all data from a target "via...


NSO Group Technologies Ltd. develops mobile device surveillance software. The software called Pegasus developed by the company can be used to record conversations and gain access to photos, text ...


(dead links) I had trouble finding the two above articles, so you may have to use the wayback machine, or they've been scrubbed.

Heres how they hacked iphones etc with Pegasus Malware:



Definitely a biorhythmic interference initiated by an " ACTIVE MEASURES " phsy ops infiltrator who thinks Richard Sorge was really Georg Lukacs with a cleft palate....

whambamthankyouham ago

There should be IP addresses to track down.

shmegegy ago

Those can be spoofed easily.

Kr3mlin ago

It’s an inside job

AdmiralEnchilada ago

(((Garlic festival)))

LiamOdinThomas ago

I dont know but its pissin me off!! For 2 days now!! I finally just got on before this post. I bet once I submit it, it will give me a goat sayin its on fire again!!! Fire Extinguishers People!!!

475677 ago

I think it was some lefty faggot that made some good profits in crypto and then used it to hire a botnet off some onion site to shut us up. Either that or it was kikes.

housefly13 ago

It's all in the DECLAS that's never going to come out

ShakklezthaKlown ago

ahaaaa i'm fucking back. Voat is going through a transition. beware.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Jews and the Vatican.

NotHereForPizza ago

Jack Dorsey.

He's freaked out that we know.

ComradeUseless ago

Could be the ones mentioned on the info during the down time. It could also just be some very angry visitor triggered by something here. Could be a different party with a different interest, paying someone. Competitor is also possible.

With all the money at their disposal, if it was them, would VOAT really be able to get back up? Or the people behind VOAT just that talented to go against all of them?

It won't end. I hope the people who run this place can come up with things to ... keep the place afloat. Think of how the other places turn into such shit. It didnt happen over night, it was a slow gradual takeover in some cases. If you can pool your observations, you can come up with workarounds...

If they cant shut it down through these means, they will find a way to legally or create reasons to from the inside. If it gets to a point where its a problem for them, its not a secret what lengths they are willing to go.

IrbyTremors ago

Jews, obviously

BlueDrache ago


bas1848 ago


newoldwave ago

Just as I thought, nobody knows.

drozzxd ago

kikes for all the money

AmazingFlightLizard ago

People offended when we say things like...


Lord0Trade ago

Probably (((someone))) who hired a bunch of hackers in Brazil, Ukraine, Thailand, and Russia to flood the servers.

HenryCabotLodge ago

It was the RED CROSS

THEx1138 ago

The basement dwelling adults in their parents basement surfing the Internet and stuffing crap in their faces all night long.

Plague1 ago

This was a pretty high level attack considering the level of shilling against us while we were down on full chan. Looked like our plight was completely censored from half chan. Full chan had a large amount of threads about us purged as well.

blit416 ago

Agreed, they had little 4 man teams in the threads on fullchan...agreeing with each other...calling voat a honeypot, and that one faggot that said his phone’s camera flicked liked 5 times (hahahahahahaha)

Plague1 ago

Lol, I saw that retarded post!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Hooked noses.

con77 ago

my10thaccount/niggervirus.ghostskin has been operating here under false pretenses. he is a luciferian globalist that militantly supports the homo agenda.

HansWithTheGas ago

The smll hats with the big big egos

jimibulgin ago


XSS1337 ago

Jews. Israel. Communists. Rothchilds, Dupontes , Silverstienburgs ?

rektumsempra ago

Intergalactic reptilian demons that also don't like Trump

Nonymous608 ago

Deep State

headfire ago

and the paedophiles they love so much.

pushthis ago

Gabara. Soapbox ban hammer. They pen test the site

I do recall gabara hanging(crashing) the site by posting without a title year amd a half ago?

ColaEuphoria ago

Filthy authoritarians.

Nosferatjew ago

I have a suspicion that @DuskGrader was involved. I will be making a post about this this evening, but here is a synopsis of my theory:

@DuskGrader gets exposed as a shill, hard. Then voat gets ddos'd. Then, by the time it comes back, his account has been fully wiped and shut down. Then, the site, along with archive.fo, gets ddos'd some more. And then, today he makes an account on poal.co with the handle DankYou where he posts this:

The attack isn't because of the Epstein post.

The post was on the front page of Voat when the DDOS attacks started. The headline of the post was misleading, when you clicked on it, the body of the post explained the "glownigger" test. I forget what the headline was.

A user posted a test to verify someone was not a "glownigger". Apparently, there is a secret law (which is not so secret anymore) which government agents must comply with. They're not allowed to comment on Israel's nuclear weapons. Even if they are undercover, they cannot answer whether or not Israel has nuclear weapons, or comment on the state of their nuclear weapons program. The law name they linked to was called WPN-136.

It's ironic that Israel's demands to not allow government employees, including elected politicians, discuss Israel's nuclear weapons program with the public would knee cap their operations infiltrating groups for the benefit of Israel.

The secret law will have to be repealed, or they won't be able to carry out their tasks protecting Israel from American public scrutiny and organization. It's a no win situation for Israel, if they repeal the law, civil servants will start talking to the public, if they don't repeal the law they won't be able to infiltrate even the tiniest most obscure group.

I'm not aware of any law forbidding US citizens that do not have particular security clearance from discussing this. Only a little under 1 million people have top secret security clearance. So the rest of us should be able, as far as I can tell, talk about this as much as we want.

Long live the USA. This will be a difficult transformation, but without it the USA will not survive.

The user he is referencing here, the one he says failed the glownigger test by not answering if Israel has nukes, is me. I never answered his stupid voatfarming question because I wasn't going to play his shilly games. Israel has nukes. This alleged test is bullshit. I, of course, responded.

SO, here are the 2 possibilities I'm considering here:

1 - DuskGrader was involved in some way with the ddosing of voat and the archive sites. The timing of this and the shooting at the Gilrow Garlic Festival may not be a coincidence, and DuskGrader trying to trick goats into taking violent actions in the name of white nationalism may have been an attempt at baiting someone on voat in some way, or was an attempt to make voat and voat users look like they had some sort of influence on this shooting, similar to what has happened with other sites and previous shootings.

2 - DuskGrader is merely taking advantage of this whole situation to continue his shilling agenda, but this time on poal.co.

I don't know exactly wtf is going on of course, I can only theorize at this point. But it does smell rather fishy.


-draaaak / Nosferatjew

Bfwilley ago

Communists, socialists, liberals, islamofascists, moslems paid shills, trolls and NPCs, share blue, antifa....

metricisokay ago

It really is a very large pool of suspects.

Bfwilley ago

Just follow the soros money...

ideteststicks ago

The faggots over in I'dride it if it has a cock balls and a nice gaping wide anus. That is one seriously cancerous site, I've been doing a bit of snooping over in fag lover land and it's just the usual shit fawning over queers and new 'citizenship' pakis n arabs but the front page of the internet as they call themselves the front page is always anti Trump.

They have the money and man power to pull off a DDOS attack at will


Faggot kike niggers. Niggerfaggot kikes. Possibly Jews.

VoatIsRetarded ago


StudSupreme ago

It could be any number of people.

What's clear is that Epstein was an extortionist. Either he's calling in favors or somebody (or a group of somebodies) are taking action to protect their reputational facade. Such people can call upon dangerously capable resources - especially if they feel deeply threatened.

We live in a world teeming with evil, especially at the top.

p.s. All you joo-ish conspiracy tards: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

This is waaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger than your conspiracy theories.

ItsOkayToBeMexican ago

do we have an archive of when before the ddos occured?

uvulectomy ago

Come on, we all know it was @NosebergShekelman.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Peretti is a known jewish name...

gazillions ago

Let's not omit the traitors that shape their beliefs to suit them because they made big cash money off it.

CameraCode0 ago

Yes, when people say "the jews" we should not be as naive to think they are literally all jews; what is meant (or what I hope is meant, anyway) is jewish people and their golems, whether they are doing their bidding consciously and sell out their race, nation, or culture for personal gain (such as neocons, warmongers, most of the general "elite" and politicians) or unconsciously (such as African or south American migrants to western countries, anti fascists and marxists, or even just low-consciousness normies who consume all media propaganda).

gazillions ago

Getting the jew out is necessary. Getting traitors out is going to be pleasurable.

justalittlecancer ago

so yea, jews

also; could we do something about all these bots spamming /new?

SexMachine ago

Not just Jews, but their useful idiots who sided with them to further their own degenerate goals. Gays, niggers, feminists, SJWs, silicon Valley, those in Hollywood who aren't Jewish, politicians.

Reminder, 50% of all Democrat funding comes from Jews. Without Jews, Democrats wouldn't fucking exist. They take their shekels and destroy our country.

AntiMason ago


FeLp2 ago

Reminder, 50% of all Democrat funding comes from Jews.

That's pretty damning.

LionElTrump ago

shabbos goy? That the right term

Dopey Prince & iran plus their allies in the bolshevik group did a number on this planet. Israel borders were plunders of ww2 and Gen Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy. Now that israel got their borders it was time to remove everyone elses.

It is all about pedophilia. Both doctrines 'ok' it; Mohammed and his daughter bride, Torah with you not being a Chosen and they are mandated to herd/profit you like cattle.

FeLp2 ago

Gen Patton

Yeah that was during ww2. I was born in the 90's and I AM NOT A MEMBER OF THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION. PERIOD. FUCK THE FUCK OFF.

FeLp2 ago

Patton was the only real General who we can speak about.

What Rommel should of won? Fuck off. He was good, in Africa. So you think he was good enough to have conquered Europe, Africa, and Eastern Europe???


I find your last bit of comment hard to comment on.

Mohammed and his daughter bride, Torah


Tabbynya ago

Given it's coming from Russia, and the FBI/mossad/GCHQ etc have been outed as using russian false flags, I'm gonna go ahead and say them. But realisticly, we all knew that already.

lanre ago

Israel. An Israeli agent was outed. Maybe the actual people executing the DDoS are NSA but I'm sure the orders came from Israel

Sitnikoff ago

Israeli agent outed


lanre ago

Did you miss the sticky on the vote DDoS site? It had a link to an archive of the vote post that started it all.

Sitnikoff ago

No, I was treating that as a given; hence my brief mentioning of "pizzagate".



edgelord666 ago

@PuttItOut why is there so much anti-semetism on this site? Do you also hate Jews? Why are you so quick to "stick it" to those supposedly 'powerful' people attacking your site, but every time the question of whether or not you hate Jews comes up you shy away?

beesmeesmonies ago

"jews" are not semites, retard, "jews" are yiddish-gypsies who have adopted "jewish" Occult practices... nothing more, except for the dirty-talMUD!!!

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Shut the fuck up you ridiculous kike.

blit416 ago

Why do you care ?

Why is there a special term for anti-shitty-behaviour-by-Jews ?

HonkyVitamin ago

this reminds me how i introduce voat to friends:

"it's an awesome site where you can say anything you want and nobody will downvote you, unless you say something positive about the jews."

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Go read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E Michael Jones for starters.

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

you are confused mr edelord.. its not hate, its a disgust for certain behaviors..ie: usury, immigration for other countries but not for them,, control of a Hollywood that pushes degeneracy if nothing else, control of a multi-platform media conglomerate that is used to deceive instead of inform... so on and so on... if these behaviors were to suddenly STOP, I think the aahheemm, (((jewish))) people would find , anti semitism as you put it, would disappear over night..

Plague1 ago

Kikes deserve far more hate than what you see here. Fuck you. People like you make me wish the holocaust had happened.

NatSocTemplar ago

He's just a troll going for the all time negative CCP world record. Best to just not feed him.

YoHomie ago

You're a faggot.

sweetholymosiah ago

I think partly shills making voat worse than it is. But also, lots of racist assholes.

Edit cowards downvote without responding

PeacefulAssassin ago

ok, so. who cares, ignore those you don't like

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

No I agree that there still should be debates

PeacefulAssassin ago

notice how they are not responding though

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

yeah they ran out of debating fuel

fat_b0i ago

The main cause of anti-semitism is jewish behaviour. That's why.

DavidHogg ago

Why do you care?

kammmmak ago

(((They))) HOPE we don't see what they do but to be sure try, buy and censor because they know we know and are waking up to The bullshit. So must shut it down.

not_saying_a_thing ago

There would be no anti-semetism if there were no jews.

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Final redpill

DavidHogg ago


Bigdickedelf ago

Because kikes are behind everything horrible happening in white countries

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Jewish behaviour.

Here's an example for you: https://i.imgtc.ws/dU18n8k.jpg

ChiCom ago

Free speech is anti Semitic and islamaphobic

FreedomLover ago

Because "hate speech" is free speech. Faggot.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


keksupreme ago

it's clearly jews....in the deep state.

jews using proxies to make it look like it's russia.

jews are really disgusting rats

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

It's @puttitout you stupid inbred fuckwit.

He does this every time traffic drops off to stir things up and get the retarded tinhat faggots excited again.

Just another in a long string of false flags.

It works pretty well, just look at you dumb fucks.

fluhthreeex ago

no one can even prove the site was ddos'd lol.. faggots take sites down and put up "this site was seized by [...]" and run away with BTC all the time... this faggot has the entire resources of the pentagon, pudget for cloudflare, and can't handle a dods? my ass is less conspicuous after a dozen egg omelette. either that or some faggots wanted to market the site for him. fuckin' moron pointed out the thread, as if that's the one they were "mad" about, and the "guilty" IP's? lmfao. where did you not see ip's coming from?

western countries


5i's attack. you should all know by know this is a pentagon honeypot with nothing but worthless shitbag trollbergs paid to post. no, no... people just spend all day every day posting articles, images, and videos. TRUE STORY. REAL PEOPLE. NOT PAID. k.

Malayar ago

prove it

SurfinMindWaves ago

It always warms my heart to find people even more cynical than me.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You're dumb as a rock

Windmill_of_Peace ago

Oy vey, antisedimentaryism!!

downvoatmachine ago

Someone trying to get Voat some publicity, that pizzagate thread in particular. Maybe that thread was way off target but now this make it look on target! God I love a good conspiracy! This world is a lie.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I doubt it's Jews. The anti-Semitic content here is mostly too ridiculous to fear all that much.

If I had to guess it may be some antifa group that thinks Voat is some kind of terrorist training ground. Another possibility is a disgruntled Voater pissed off for some reason.

DrHatchetWound ago

it may be some antifa group


Joe_McCarthy ago

Antifa is a lot of different people, homes. The number one dude in America is probably this guy:


You people see a couple of Jews in a scene and you think Jews run the whole show. It usually amounts to something like 1 Jew out of 5 people or some shit.

keksupreme ago

found the jew shill

Joe_McCarthy ago

Case in point. Too absurd to be taken seriously. On the other hand Jews can be pretty paranoid and it only takes one nut to deliver a body count - albeit a small one.

keksupreme ago

you are a blatant jew shill...people are waking up to the scale of jew crimes.

voat content isn't unbelievable or absurd, what is absurd is the scale of jewish lies and censorship and the fact the general populace hasn't woken up to this blatant fact yet

Joe_McCarthy ago

You people are absolute morons. I'd sooner believe this place is targeted because I post shit like Siege.

keksupreme ago

yeah because jews are totally ok with people pointing out their corruption....i mean just look at assange.

totally absurd they would want to destroy a site that allows people to do that.

nice try troll

Crikes ago

The enemies of truth are the enemies of humanity.

Maggotbait88 ago

It's the Russians! They're always meddling! jk

Octocopter ago

Pedo defending trash like you. The world would be better with you dead.

SexMachine ago

The majority of the requests came from Russia....

ChimpStenographer ago

...means it wasn't Russia.

SexMachine ago

I asked Putt about it on the preview site. The tech is out there for spoofing location, but with that many requests that quickly, it wouldn't be possible? Or at least that's what I made of what he said.

My guess is the botnet they used for the attack has an arm in Russia. Not Russia government, but the main part of the botnet that can be paid for and directed to attack.

A couple of years ago some group called the. Lizard squad or something like that unleashed a botnet on 8chan. They were paid for their services. Kept a client list too. They were arrested and went to jail I think.


PuttItOut ago

This is funny because it's literally the truth! RUSSIANS!!

ChimpStenographer ago

voat is like a 24/7 free ad campaign for Putin. The mere fact that it "seems" to come from Russia is almost proof it's one of their enemies. :yup my 1st post.

eyerighteye ago

What about vpn stuff masking true location? Any chance the info is misleading?

So glad the site is back, thank you for your effort.

ridleychozo ago

Ever hear of a thing called proxies?

PuttItOut ago

No, please tell me. Send it to my email at [email protected]

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago


StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Many professional cybercriminals come out of Russia because....

1) Russians tend to be stellar in science/math (possibly genetic, possibly the educational system)  
2) There aren't enough opportunities for excellent computer scientists  
3) Since there are already some hackers there, they recruit friends

That doesn't mean it's the Russian government; it means that maybe someone hired a Russian-based hacking group to pull off the attack. Or just the segment of the botnet that was composed mainly of Russian computers. Or it was designed to look like Russia.

RIPRBG2018 ago


zxcvzxcv ago

Lots of jews in Russia. not only did the jews run the USSR, but they also have that huge jew land over there: (((Jewish Autonomous Oblast)))

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

why did you ((())) the JAO you retard

SearchVoat ago

Hey Putts I think the api.voat.co site is still offline?

PuttItOut ago

Emailed you

swordfish69 ago

For those who actually read what @puttitout shared while the site was down

House of Peretti/Borromeo - Italian Noblemen

NJF Capital/OWKIN (Nicole Junkermann)

Vatican City

Epstein & Associates

theHubrisOfMan ago

YOu failed to mention the deep ties that the IDF, specifically Ehud Barark, has to Junkermann and Epstein

Somefuckinguy ago

Absolutely correct you are fren. Junkermann connects Epstein to the UK and Israel through the m0ssad. Peter Listermann may also be a connected child sex trafficker. Lotsa counter$emitic g0yim kn0wing habbening so be careful. Wouldn't surprise me if Jeff gets suicided before his hearing.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

You and all of the (((anti-Catholics))) go straight for a vague Vatican connection while missing the big kahuna: the Red Cross.

The Red Cross was also involved in human trafficking in Haiti after the earthquake and now they are again tied into it, but this time with Italian nobility instead of the Clintons. Organization like the Red Cross give a good cover for smuggling people during a crisis.

Also, as has been said, a dollar to a dozen doughnuts says that post has little or nothing to do with the attack.

Intrixina ago

You're implying that both can't be involved in the same shit. Both are fucking foul.

Godgiven ago

I remember when they had a container of human body parts like eyes or kidneys or some shit. I think it was on live video.

kuhmayamaya ago

Any Bible believing Christian is "anti-Catholic". Everything about the Catholic Church is unbiblical. The Pope holds an illegitimate office with no biblical basis, church leaders call themselves fathers which goes directly against what Jesus said, the church tricked widows into paying indulgences, confession booths are unbiblical (we should confess our sins to God, not men), priesthood celibacy is unbiblical (you cannot be a pastor unless you have a wife and child(ren) and rule your house well), infant baptism is unbiblical (proper baptism is for believers, a baby cannot believe, and it involves full body immersion and not sprinkling), purgatory is obviously unbiblical, the church is full of pedophiles, it is obscenely rich, etc. It is top to bottom an unbiblical institution.

andrew_white_forever ago

The Catholic Church is biblical, so many volumes have been produced on this topic to appease you dumbfuck prots. Keep 'sinning boldly' while watching our civilization go down the toilet.

kuhmayamaya ago

Because some unsaved people wrote things, it's Biblical? Lel.

Also, not a protestant. I am a Baptist.

shrink ago

priesthood celibacy is unbiblical (you cannot be a pastor unless you have a wife and child(ren) and rule your house well)

Explain to me how this is true. It says this in the bible somewhere? It tells you that you can't be a true man of the cloth and shepherd for Jesus without having wife and kids?

kuhmayamaya ago

I already posted the scripture.

kuhmayamaya ago

Weak rebuttal. Are you even trying?

Jesus is the rock. He is the rock that smashes the statue which represents the world empires. In the post gospel acts we see no evidence of Peter being annointed into Popehood or being lifted up as "Christ's vicar" or being made ruler of all churches. To say otherwise is to delve into fables.

As for the second scripture.

1 Timothy 3:

"1This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil."

Read it and weep. If you lead a congregation you must be married. NOT CELIBATE.

Omnidempotent ago

Jesus literally says that Peter is his rock. Not himself, but Peter.

kuhmayamaya ago

Read the scripture he linked. He did not say that.

Omnidempotent ago

That is what Matthew 16:18 says

kuhmayamaya ago

No, it doesn't. It literally does not say that and when you couple the complete lack of evidence of Peter's authority over the churches after the ascension it shows you that Peter was never appointed as a "Pope".

You Catholics childishly stomp your feet and insist on bizarre interpretations of scripture that lack context and Biblical evidence.

Omnidempotent ago

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Peter is ancient greek for rock. Jesus said he's going to build his church on this rock. Do you not understand puns?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

You're right. The Catholic/Protestant divide is simple Extroverted Collectivism vs Introverted Indivualism. A Protestant is a Catholic who reads the Bible. An Atheist is a Protestant who finished it. And a Transcendentalist is an Atheist who read Plato and took a fasted hike to a mountaintop.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

...one who understands the Bible becomes Catholic.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

-Matthew 6

Pope: Hold my Eucharist

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

And yet this teaching was given by a rabbi who engaged in public liturgy as part of His Hebrew tradition. Public Liturgy is still a part of real Christian Tradition and the video is exactly that.

Christ is talking about people who are praying just to be seen, or think eloquence is necessary for prayer, not Liturgy. Notice that Jesus never told people to stop going to the Temple or synagogue for public prayer.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

That's right. I hadn't thought of it like that.

I was baptised Catholic because my mother's adoptive father is Italian, but my blood is Welsh American with disputes with Catholics going back neigh 1,000 years.

I'm a bit biased, really.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I was born and raised Southern Baptist with a German Protestant family going back hundreds of years, so I get it.

One day I decided to see what the Church had to say for itself, and now I'm doing chant for the High Latin Mass. Yeah, Francis is almost definitely working against the Church, and he is a horrible Pope... but we've had bad popes before and it doesn't invalidate the institution.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I've listened to The Distributist talk about Catholicism a lot. At this point, I think it works great for other people. When I was a teenager, I planned to be a minister, but after my loss of faith in the Creationist paradigm I found myself better served by seeking God in my own manner.

I found the work of Spinoza, Schopenhauer, and Hobbes to be enlightening. The Catholic Church is expert at manifesting a popular false promise (corporeal immortality) into something beautiful which serves a greater purpose. I'm grateful for its contributions to culture and charity, but myself I find the decentralized frontier of knowledge to be my home, not the safety of a slowly evolving orthodox.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Dude. Go read the Church Fathers.

Seriously read John of Damascus or Dionysius the Aeropagite, or even someone like John of the Cross.

The problem with a lot of Creationism is that it tries to accept the premise of scientism rather than from that perspective of the Fathers, where the Fall of Man is what introduced the degregation of the universe. Once you view things from that perspective, the "young earth" thing ceases to be a problem.

The article from the Catholic Encyclopedia on the soul might be a help.

Also check out the Classical Theist

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Why are you a Catholic and not a Mormon?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

...because Joseph Smith was a fraud, and Mormonism is theologically unsound. Mormonism believes that everyone becomes "god" of their own planet, which leads to an infinite regress instead of an Uncaused Cause.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Is Catholicism all about these logical riddles then? I quite enjoyed getting back into apologetics. Christians stepped up their game since the late 2000s.

I grew up Evangelical, so Christianity is a verb and attitude more than anything to me. If I had to choose what fit my temperament, I'd be a Quaker.

I'm drawn to the LDS after leaving Church because it seems they've done the most good works with the best attitude, but obviously they're openly mocked by other Christians.

I can get deep into the Catholic logic of pre-creation, but then when I read the Bible I'm left with, not the God of Logic, but the Jealous, Vengeful, and Compassionate YHWH of the Ark of the Covenant: War God of the travelling Israelites.

It seems that Jesus Christ, perfect teacher as he was, had to use the language he was given to fulfil his promise of:

Most unfortunate bastard is actually only son of the king who is a paid sacrifice for all the sin and suffering of the his kingdom. Retribution paid in full, all is eternally forgiven, and in this spirit we are to give up what we owe which is only our sin, doubt, and pain.

Its like if Ratatouille and Captain Marvel had a baby.

Anyway, I promised a week of Catholic study. I'm reviewing Mere Christianity for a broad overview because I loved Shadowlands.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

First thinf first, it isn't about riddles, but about discovering objective truth. Objective truth cannot be a philosophical or theological dead end, but instead leads one to the Ultimate Truth. This is why the Church Fathers are so important: they were taking the mantle from the people who knew Jesus personally and seeing how revealed Truth from God Incarnate meets with the philosophical truths discovered by the Greeks. E Michael Jones has some good talks about how Christ as Logos solves two previously unresolved ideas of God discovered and agued over by the Greeks. Search BitChute for E Michael Jones Logos.

Mere Christianity is a great book and almost Catholic in its understanding, because Lewis was close to conversion when he died. Another good one to read is Chesterton's The Everlasting Man. Honestly I cannot recommend that book enough.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I'll look into it. I'm very familiar with Logos. Not only is it the Logical/Emperical mode of Aristotelian Persuasion, it's also the Pythagorean geometrical mode of divine proportion, wheren Christ is Phi, the Father is 1, and the holy Spirit is 1/phi to form the Golden Triangle.

One of the reasons I left Evangelicalism was the wisdom of Plato and Aristotle, not because they contradict Christ, but because in that theology they'd be in Hell. Obviously, that would make Hell better company.

I wish it were easier for me to download where I'm coming from so that you don't have to waste your time on the basics.

Christ represents forgiveness in an eternal game of Tit for Tat, he ends retribution cycles which enable cooperation. Forgiveness is good.

Grace is the capacity to forgive yourself in light of God's unconditional love for you. That's an ideal way to treat yourself in light of your own failures and shortcomings because it encourages you to try again. This is also a game theory idea, too many failures (>30%) results in quitting without proper expectational hardening. Original sin and grace states directly "You have sinnned and will sin" so it hardens against discouragement.

I pity that you have to make a hard sale converting people into the "Totally the Good Guys' Kid Fucking Third World Invasion Society" at this point in time. Catholicism without the Vatican is Sedevacantism, and without the Pope it's the Church of England.

The spirit of Christ lives in me, I'm just not a sonic autist about the bastard God. Catholicism isn't the Cult of Reason, that as the Nightmare in France. It's not the church of Science and Metaphysics, that's in SF and it's led by a friendly nigger. CATHOLICISM is the Roman Empire, so in a sense the Nazis and Fascists are more Catholic than Catholics.

Infinite regression isn't just a problem at creation. We weren't there, we don't know, we only know what makes sense to us. Our capacity to be persuaded is limited by our mental faculties and experience. Spinoza was a Jew, Schopenhauer was a Hindu Mystic, and Wittgenstein was a Mathematician.

I think you see Truth = 325 AD Old Boys Club

and I see Truth = Observation - Error + Iteration over time

And Christ is the reset button which forgives when we divide by zero on a mechanical calculator.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Seek and ye shall find...

I have an alternate suggestion in addition to reading. Find a local Catholic Church. Could be Orthodox too, but somewhere that has the Blessed Sacrament, and those are the only two options for Apostolic Succession. Anyway, if one has an Adoration chapel, go there, and if not, just go sit in the Church and pray for wisdom... then sit in silence for a while.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Amen brother. Thank you for your patience.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Catholics aren't Protestants. We understand that conversion is a process, not something that happens immediately. Even after embracing the Church, we must be continually converted by cutting away out attachment to sin.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I'm nearly finished with Mere Christianity. What's bothering me is the blatant plaguerism, or fashionable attachments, Lewis attributes to Christianity. To Christ he attributes all of Euclid, Plato, and Aristotle; when Jesus said nothing of the sort.

Christianity to him is all the good that survived of Western philosphy, metaphysics, and art; from Pinocchio to Flatland. It is all Charity, all Wisdom, and all Love; and all this through Grace alone.

That's not the functional definition of Christianity, those are it's good intentions. The functional mode of Christianity is as a bottleneck of social change via the slow reinterpretation of popular texts to justify survival adaptations. It grants the authority of the past to the innovations of the present to lead the congregation into the future.

It seems dishonest or incoherent for Lewis to say that a Christian society would be neither Individualist nor Collectivist, Capitalist nor Socialist... then disparage the Nazis when that was their goal. If followed to the letter, Lewis' philosophy would be a kind of Universal Patriarchal Fascism which is more similar to Mormonism than to his own Church of England.

The problem of Christianity ultimately comes down to denominations, where even those United in Christ are yet divided by nationality and class and all the things Marx railed about. Marxism is in this sense a completion of Christianity, of the Protestant reformation, induction of all into the priesthood. But there has not and will never be a priesthood of all, an aristocracy of all, nor a joint stock corporation of all. This is the pillow of naivete upon which all utopian nightmares are dreamt. The Catholics, seeing this contradiction early, then set out to pacify the underclasses with promise of ascendence in the next life because we won't all be equal in this one. Christ was once a harbinger of revolution and became a weapon of contentment. What it provides is a spiritual yoke for each lamb to pull so that they do not flee from the flock. The yoked lambs will certainly be stronger and won't be eaten by wolves, but one must wonder if this is truely what God wants.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

First things first: I would really like to suggest going to discuss these things with a learned and orthodox priest. Any parish with a Traditional Latin Mass should be a great place to start, otherwise just start with your local parish. All priests have a philosophical training, but like every other group of people, some are better at it than others. I am not a scholar in these things by any stretch, but I read a lot and listen to a lot of debates and discussions.

Second: it's been a while since I have read Mere Christianity, so I'm sort of going by memory here.

There is no such thing as plagerism in philosophy. Every philosopher builds off of others. That being said: the first thing to understand is Who Jesus Christ is as the Logos. Here are some plain links for a better explanation than I can give:




What you have to understand about Logos is that it is what allows us to make any sense of the universe; it is what allows us to look at a chair and understand it is a chair, or to look into a microscope and understand bacteria. Because the Logos is a Person, True God and True Man, all Truth flows from Him; so if a philosopher hits on a universal truth, then that flows from the Source of All Truth, which is Jesus Christ.

The Catholics, seeing this contradiction early, then set out to pacify the underclasses with promise of ascendence in the next life because we won't all be equal in this one.

Before I hit on this, yes, it does boil down to denomonations, but there are only two with an Apostolic claim: the Catholics and the Orthodox. If Jesus was Who He said He was, than "You are Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church ... and I will give you the keys to the Kingdom and what you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven..." means that the Orthodox are incorrect in their assertions and the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

Now, one clarification: the Church makes no such claim that everyone will be equal. In fact, we clearly see that Heaven is a place of inequality. However, we all are a cup which can be filled with God's grace (power), and a full thimble is still as full as it can get, meaning that even those who are least in the Kingdom will be unimaginably filled with joy. This was preached by Christ and His Apostles and contined through the Church Fathers; the doctrine of Heaven is clearly revelatory.

Christ did bring a revolution, but not the physical one the Jews awaited and so they had Him killed. Christianity merged the Divine Revelation of the Hebrews with the philosophy of the Greeks through a Final Revelation through the Traditions of the Church, from which the Bible stems.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I'm going to dig into this.

I'll let you know what I think in a week.

Talmuhdick ago

You don't read the Bible like a regular book in any case. It has multiple subsections with multiple purposes written some of the books hundreds of years apart. You don't read the Bible, you study it.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I read every book as if it were the Bible, with deep consideration, contemplation, and application to my life.

Some books are more useful than others, including the Bible. Bible just means library. Euclid's geometry should be in the Bible.

Talmuhdick ago

Oh you're a Neoplatonist...

Should I start talking in triangles instead.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I'll let you ogle my golden section.

madmardigan ago

Any and every public organization is a Target for infiltration. Just look at how Papa John's was taken over and the founder ousted.

These (((people))) cannot create. They steal from others. Usurp power and authority by offering a payout while plotting to take control.

The Catholic Church most likely has many evil people involved. That does not discredit the religion, just the organization.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Absolutely, and there's no doubt that the Vatican has evil people working there even at high levels (look into what happened to John Paul I). However, the Red Cross is being almost completely ignored both here and on infinitychan.

madmardigan ago

Yeah, I think because it is so wide spread (the corruption). The red Cross video with the boxes of cash has been around awhile and linked to Libya, iirc. It's old news, and people are chasing fresh crumbs.

kuhmayamaya ago

Your pope says that many roads lead to God. That's a load of crap. Only Christ is the the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the heavenly father through any other person or way but him. The very leader of the entire institution is a false prophet. How can you speak as if the CC is a godly institution with some bad apples? The very foundation and nature of it is against God.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Well... many roads do lead to God, but there is no salvation outside the Church. Ultimately those many roads have to lead to the Church founded by Christ (see my other comment).

And I'm not going to defend a lot of the in context stuff Francis says, but a great deal is taken out of context.

BowlOfWeedies ago

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31 doesn't say "there is no salvation outside the Church". The believers in Christ are the saints, this is the Church, not some building, not some religion.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

The early Christians believed that Jesus founded a Church:

“One should obey the presbyters who are the successors of the apostles….We should follow those who preserve the doctrine of the apostles and who are qualified, with the order of the priesthood, to instruct and correct others privately and publicly.” - Irenaeus (2nd century AD)

“You must continue to do nothing apart from the bishop. Obey priests as apostles of Jesus Christ. Similarly, all should respect the deacons as they would respect Jesus Christ, just as they respect the bishop as representing the Father and the priests as the council of God and the college of the apostles. Apart from these there in nothing that can be called a church.” - Ignatius (2nd century AD)

...and that that Church has a single, visible head:

“The blessed Peter, the chosen, the preeminent, the first among the disciples, for whom alone with himself the Savior paid the tribute [Matt. 17:27], quickly grasped and understood their meaning. And what does he say? ‘Behold, we have left all and have followed you’ [Matt. 19:27; Mark 10:28]” (Clement of Alexandria - Who Is the Rich Man That Is Saved? 21:3–5, A.D. 200).

“For though you think that heaven is still shut up, remember that the Lord left the keys of it to Peter here, and through him to the Church, which keys everyone will carry with him if he has been questioned and made a confession [of faith]” (Tertullian - Antidote Against the Scorpion 10, A.D. 211).

“The Lord says to Peter: ‘I say to you,’ he says, ‘that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.’ . . . On him [Peter] he builds the Church, and to him he gives the command to feed the sheep [John 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were that also which Peter was [i.e., apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, whereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one chair. So too, all [the apostles] are shepherds, and the flock is shown to be one, fed by all the apostles in single-minded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith? If he [should] desert the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he still be confident that he is in the Church?” (Cyprian of Carthage - The Unity of the Catholic Church 4, A.D. 251).

Besides, the Scripture you are using as your argument is not self-referential. In other words. the Bible didn't come with a table of contents: the books you reference (Acts, Mark, Ephesians) are only in use in the present day because they were part of the ancient liturgical Tradition, which was passed down through the Church. The books of the Bible weren't a single list for centuries, and for that matter, the Eastern Orthodox Churches didn't even have the same Canon until within the last hundred years or so... and even now they don't completely agree.

And while we are discussing Sacred Scripture, does your church believe Our Lord when He says:

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.

The early Christians certainly believed Jesus was being literal when He gave us the Eucharist:

“...they abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in his goodness, raised up again” (Ignatius of Antioch - Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2, 7:1, A.D. 110).

“Not as common bread or common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nourished, . . . is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus” (Justin Martyr - First Apology 66:1–20, A.D. 150).

...and according to Christ, Himself, if you do not partake in this Sacrament, "you have no life in you".


kuhmayamaya ago

Traditions of man, not Biblical doctrine. You would have to be an absolute fool to believe that we actually have to eat the literal flesh of Jesus. That's as stupid as saying Jesus is an actual physical lamb, complete with wool and muzzle.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

No, and you saying it doesn't make it more true than when Calvin did.

Please go read the Church Fathers. They certainly believed in the Real Presence, as did every Christian up to and including Luther.

Read John 6, and Jesus makes it abundantly clear that He is being literal, to the point of repeating Himself.

kuhmayamaya ago

The words of the "Church Fathers" don't mean anything. What the Bible says matters. Stop relying on the vain traditions of man. By your standards, Jesus was literally a lamb, water will actually flow out of the bellies of believers, etc.

Scripture is spiritually discerned and your bizarre interpretations are due to your lack of salvation (as you have obviously not discerned these verses).

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Again, who said what books go in the Bible? Does your Bible contain the Deuterocanonicals or not? What interpretive tradition do you follow, or do you assume that you can read a book thousands of years old, which was written in multiple languages, and still interpret it as intended by its authors while completely ignoring what the immediate successors said it meant?

What hubris!

BowlOfWeedies ago

Besides, the Scripture you are using as your argument is not self-referential.

the books you reference (Acts, Mark, Ephesians) are only in use in the present day because they were part of the ancient liturgical Tradition, which was passed down through the Church.

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The Gospel was completed by 60 A.D.

The law can only condemn, It is by grace through faith that we are saved. You have not addressed this, You are just deflecting, bringing up old traditions and debates of man, whereas I have quoted scripture, conclusively showing that to be saved you must believe, and that alone, by God's grace, are we saved.

Believing and being saved is the most important thing. All else follows.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

All scripture

Which ones? The Old Testament? The Shepherd of Hermas? The Protoevangelion of James? What about Romans, the authorship of which is still under debate.

How are you saved then? Peter says that "baptism now saves you", and Jesus says that His body and blood give you life.

No, this is not deflection, this is questioning your premise which indicates that the Scriptures have some sort of authority. Well, who decided which books were to be trusted as an authority? The answer is The Church.

BowlOfWeedies ago

No, you are dead wrong, unfortunately for you. It is clear you are not saved.

Yes, I am saved, I do believe in the Lord Christ, that he is God, come in the flesh, born of a virgin, that he bled and died for our sins, that he was risen after 3 days and ascended to heaven.

If you are not saved, you are being warred upon and have no defenses. Our human minds are a weakness and will be used against us.

2Corinthians 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

1Corinthians 14:33  For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.**

Please, I implore you, confess to the Father with your mouth these things if you believe, and be saved. Ask for the truth, ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit, that you may increase in knowledge, ask that you may be given discernment and that you may not be deceived.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

You still didn't address the origins of the Scripture you're quoting and where you get the books which are in the Bible. And for the record, we say this in literally every Mass: We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,

Maker of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial

of one Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again

in accordance with the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,

and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.

He has spoken through the Prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

We look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

BowlOfWeedies ago

All is good on that prayer until you get to the Catholic church bit. I have already quoted you the answers via the word of God regarding most of your questions, particularly regarding salvation.

And I also already quoted you 2 timothy, that all of the Bible is good for reproof and teaching, you either believe it's the word of the Lord or you don't. Not sure what else to say to you here, I'll ask.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The point is that without Sacred Tradition there is no New Testament. The Scripture St. Paul refers to would have been the Hebrew Scriptures, (and, according to the Sacred Tradition which has been confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, almost definitely the Septuagint which means it would include the Deuterocanonicals removed by Luther at the recommendation of the Jews), because there was no such thing as the New Testament when he wrote his letters.

The fact that you include what we call the New Testament indicates that you are acknowledging the authority of the Liturgical Traditions of the Church. As St. Paul also says:

So then, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, whether by word, or by letter from us.

So, according to St. Paul, there were already Sacred Traditions handed down "by word or by letter" from the Apostles. (Note: The word used in Greek, παραδόσεις, means "teaching" or "tradition", and some translations like the NIV translate it as "teaching" when used in a positive context, and "tradition" when used in a negative context in order to cast "tradition" in a negative light). Sacred Scripture is the inerrant Word of God handed down to us through Sacred Tradition, which is the only way we receive which books are to be included in the Canon.

Now, back to the Creed: "Catholic" literally means "universal", and so the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed are both referring to a visible universal Christian Church, not 30,000 separate denominations which include everything from high church Anglicanism to snake handlers.

BowlOfWeedies ago

Our tradition as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is in the Bible. The traditions and letters Paul was referring to ARE in the Bible. That's what the letters to Corinthians and Galatians and such, are, literally written by Paul. It's all well and good to have familial traditions or those of your nation/people, but as long as they are not in contradiction with the Bible. If they are rebuffed by the word of God, then we would do well to reconsider them.

I should have started with "do you believe the Bible is the word of God?".

John 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

And actually believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is not the same as "just believing in God" or "I believe Jesus existed." I'm not saying you said that, just making a point that to fully believe in the Lord is to put your full trust in him, in his word.

I'll leave you with this scripture, as Paul wrote (my emphasis in bold/note, it's plural);

Gal 1:1  Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) 

Gal 1:2  And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: 

Gal 1:3  Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Gal 1:4  Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: 

Gal 1:5  To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Not all of the Traditions St. Paul refers to are in Scripture. Scripture, for instance, never once mentions the word "Trinity": that is pure Tradition.

Scripture also never mentions what the early Church liturgy looked like: for that, you have to wait until Justin Martyr in AD 155.

Ignoring this Tradition also means that you ignore things like "baptism now saves you", and the absolute necessity of partaking in the Eucharist as the actual Body and Blood of our Savior without which "you have no life in you".

And yes, Paul uses the plural for "churches", because there was more than one community in Galatia, but they all practiced the same thing, and almost definitely recited the Apostles' Creed.

Just do me one favor: go read Justin Martyr's First Apology; if your church doesn't look or act like this, you're in the wrong place.

BowlOfWeedies ago

I'm done rebuking you, I really hope you pray to God in the Lord Jesus Christ's name and accept the free gift of salvation and that the Holy Spirit will fill you with truth and discernment. It is by Grace alone through faith that we are saved. God Bless you.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Literally none of that is Biblical. You cannot interpret Scripture on your own without devolving into something not remotely Christian... like believing in sola scritpura, or sola fide.

You haven't addressed anything I've mentioned, let alone debunked anything.

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Baptism ... now saves you

BowlOfWeedies ago

I'll pray for you.

kuhmayamaya ago

Lol you have to alter your false prophet's words. Context nothing. There is no salvation within the CC. Figure this out before you croak so you don't burn. You obviously have some moral fortitude and aren't a degenerate so don't let your eternity be a hot one, it would be a waste.

FeLp2 ago

Why do you think we don't go there?

HonkyVitamin ago

@puttitout how do you know who has been attacking the site? do you have proof or is this just a hunch?

PuttItOut ago

Are you serious?

fluhthreeex ago

no proof. fake. gay. let the e-begging begin. plis s3nd sh3k3wlz5dd0z pr0t3kts0nz iF JEHOVAH calls u2 g1bzM3d4t d3n dududu pls pls pls ty

HonkyVitamin ago

yes. and i officially don't like you now.

PuttItOut ago

Uh oh, I've never had anyone not like me before.

HonkyVitamin ago

how incredibly immature for a site admin.

i'm guessing the data is from web requests, but everyone knows about proxies and VPNs.

but you had to be rude.

i recommended voat to all sorts of people. i spammed it everywhere from twitter to youtube to people in the AFA. won't be doing that anymore because the admin is an autistic nigger.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's a completely FREE service he is working to provide you.

Bitchy fucks like yourself would do well to remember this fact. Puttitout owes you nothing.

TheTrigger ago

Lol. You're giving up free speech because someone else's free speech hurt your feelings. Gas yourself, we don't want your here.

Omnidempotent ago

Butthurt! Go cry in your safe space

BearDolphin1488 ago

Is this serious, not just your post, but this thread? I'm gonna gas myself

Omnidempotent ago

Thank you for your sacrifice

ThisIsMyRealName ago

He's super cereal.

BlueDrache ago

super retarded is more like it.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I think that was a false target. If you were DDoSing a site, would you DDoS the specific info you wanted removed (thereby telling the site admin what you wanted removed), or would you find something unrelated (maybe something that implicated a different religion...)?

The particular post didn't really have much damning information in it anyway.

fluhthreeex ago

putt's a fuckin moron

Eualos ago

I don't think they're that tech savvy, they just paid someone to try and take it down for them

zxcvzxcv ago

I think you might be right. That attacked link also had false info on nazis. It could be just a coincidence, but still...

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Good point, it also seemed to have that implicit "Nazis are evil" mentality that permeates the media. That's the very post the attackers want highlighted.

NatSocTemplar ago

Yeah I noticed it had "muh Jesuits" faggotry in it and implied the NSDAP were pawns. Which is funny seeing as they are the only ones to ever arrest a Roth, and Jews were Jewing long before the Catholic Church even existed.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

They’re not smart

RedPillCrusade ago

Smart enough to take over your culture.

Stop underestimating.

TheKnightOfGod ago

or you're not smart enough to accept the possibility that they are smarter than you/us?

SexMachine ago

Either could be true.

Malayar ago

nice false dichotomy. the real answer is there all complicit

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Yes, goy, get distracted by these Catholics and don't stop to look at what other posts were on the front page that day the attack started (like a certain post about Israel's nuclear program).

blit416 ago

No wai ? Israeli nuclear program is a good reason for DDos, they got NUTS over info leaks on that

Malayar ago

are you literally retarded?

tokui ago

They hate us for our freedoms.

showbobandvagene ago

I would say the democrats/jews/wealthy people connected to epstein.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Are there some (((Russian))) or just Russian wealthy people connected to Epstein or Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross, and the Vatican?

ChimpStenographer ago

((())) would imply connections the second.

Theodoric ago

Or hackers these wealthy people hired to destroy the dissemination of incriminating info.

Titanbikes4ever ago


enormousatom ago

Our own state. It's the feds.

the_illusive_man ago


Gopherurself ago

So Jewish puppets because the FED controls all govt

Levantine_Leveler ago

So... jews.

Zebezian ago

Clearly it's just a massive influx of new, legitimate users who want to become part of the community. Nothing to see here whatsoever.

cthulian_axioms ago

Well, @NosebergShekelman did name-drop the site during his late-night DJ set in Haifa last weekend. He yelled "JOIN VOAT DOT CO" to the crowd right before launching into the Hava Neglia Remix.

BlueDrache ago

Oy vey, being against immigration from 3rd world countries that want freedom of speech is anti-semitic!

American-Patriot ago

Those that fear the truth.

Sitnikoff ago

I know it also has something to do with v/thedarkoverlords release of classified documents on 911, along with pizzagate, so probably Israel hiding through proxy technology to make it look like it's Russia.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Epstein associates.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Epstein, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross, and the Vatican connections.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Why did you intentionally leave out Mossad, and the IDF links?

Rajadog20 ago

Rabbi Shekelstein. Oy vey!

DrHatchetWound ago

or at least those taking orders from him

Rotteuxx ago

There are definitely Thai trannies involved in this !

ilikeskittles ago

The Russians. It's always the Russians.