SeanBox ago

Fuck you sanegoat

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago


PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

You're not your, you illiterate nigger!

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

You're not your, you illiterate nigger

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

Shit alt sane

19472788? ago

So this ( ) I would think is clearly a dox - username and pic combined In one image. Also this ( ) where the user in the pic is hinted at in title and then named by OP in comments.

But this ( ) - just a dump of photos without naming or linking to the doxees voat account still seems like doing while technically may not be, "it's just a series of images of a random woman posted for no reason" but if that was me I would want it gone. If someone has seen that woman in other pictures someone else or the same person has posted in connection with that woman's voat username and then that woman in the pictures without connection is kinda being doxxed again, no?

@PuttItOut I will just report when it feels wrong but clarity would be nice so I don't flood your report inbox.

Gothamgirl ago

Maggotbait88 ago

If you don't have equal enforcement you have corruption. This needs to be addressed.

WhiteRonin ago

But we have #paytriotPussyPasses given out by Putt.

The srayzie gate cover up goes to the top!

Nadeshda ago

I am just going to post here even though I have read all three posts..

I have seen various pictures of Srayzie here on Voat. I have seen various pictures of GothamGirl on Voat.

Yes, this! Both sides of these present circumstances we find ourselves in have started throwing crap at each other like monkey's. It's so long and ongoing and nasty that it is starting to shadow and bury the fact who started it... I think that most people at this point don't care and just want it to go away...

Why is it ok that mud slinging on crappy alts isn’t punished and whack a mole game played, while taking out a solid main is?

Well if the source of the Alts is established then it is always better to approach the main but this is not something we will know, only Putts can confirm the main from the alts and IP changes make that a hard task.

As you mentioned elsewhere, Alts just circumnavigate the main banning/leaving and continue from their beaten down path; as we have witnessed recently.

About CCP: The restrictions on how many negative CCP one can have is a good idea but how to implement it? Like a -[NUMBER] is tagged and an automated message sent stating that if say -[NUMBER] is reached the user will be further restricted? But how?

Hopefully the warning will encourage said user to participate in a more positive manner to gain CCP ?? Which in turn could act like a cooling off period.

Hotheadedness witnessed here has seen many people bruised and fighting what seems to be an overwhelming situation possible coupled with real-life troubles, that we do not see added to the mix.

For new accounts to just continue the process of attacking regardless of negative CCP further separates them from thinking about the after-effects of their actions and gives average users no track-record to assess who they are dealing with even though distinct characters have certain styles of communicating, not everyone has that ability or time to invest in that.

Relating Post 3: We won’t ask if you were one of the multiple people she sent for pics to.

Then you say:

I’m gonna say: #paytriotPusyPass and tit pics have something to do with this.

So you don't ask you will just downright say it... geez the Angel Investor is a curious case and I hope they are not some Q Jewish conspirator investor, oi vey imagine the outage outrage... wooo, no do[n't]?!

Just some thoughts shared ...

WhiteRonin ago

Voting has to be transparent, even that Jew @virge will agree. The current system although helps spam just is too open for brigading. The flaws have been exposed and people know how to rape it in their advantage. Being transparent will make it easy to see who are dicks and such.

The spam is the concern which is why the report button gets over hauled too. This is where you idea for CCP works with my idea. A certain minus pulls the post/comment from the public view and a check can be run. Why do we have moderators if they don’t moderate and just feel good? Removing minimum CCP will also reduce noob brigades but leaves spam. Spam like I said gets reported and after 10 hits is removed from site. This quarantine of posts means you can focus on functionality to ban spammers more efficiently.

We have lots of owners and moderators because of submission issues. So add a setting to allow sub to set their own counts. I wanted to be on SBBH only because I couldn’t sub slide.

Somebody told me that Putt wants to create Polls for sub governance. Well, that will be a farce because if I have 30 alts I could screw that system all up. We can’t control alts. Some people like to cosplay with them and others make them because of brigades and some because they got brigaded to hell. Which is where my idea that if CCP is transparent, most people would just create alts to good off rather than create attack armies.

Haha! You caught me doing the Virge by saying I think he got tits.

I really think 3rd Angel is Srayzie related. This whole shit show is tied to her floppy tits. Gawd, men are retards :-(

Nadeshda ago

Voting has to be transparent, even that Jew @virge will agree.

Are we pinging @virge for documentation purposes? He is really good at data.. He is not going to buy you lunch, new shoes, or even your data, I seriously don't think he will do that, lol but I see you like to prepare for your retirement and this isn't all a bad thing... ;)

Being transparent will make it easy to see who are dicks and such.

I agree my Voat counts if my name is attached to it... We will quickly notice the bad actors through this, but some posts get like 300 upvotes so umm, how does that fit into the code? That is a shedload of names, just saying... How would this look, do you have an example and how would you build that functionality into the existing code?

The normies are coming, free speech is being plundered in the not-so-free world we live in and that means 300 point posts will just excalate and grow. Maybe @TerannotTerran would know how to build this and faction in the potential growth.

This is where you idea for CCP works with my idea.

I like it when peeps here idea together, it's a good thing :)

A certain minus pulls the post/comment from the public view and a check can be run.

Who checks, the mods? But what about dead subverses or those that are not moderated? Like an email notification in the mod inbox or something? So for review? Un-moderated or dead verse reports straight to Putts? where he can draw a report and do what with it? Obviously we want to encourage people to participate but what if they are speaking the truth about something and are getting downvoated into oblivion for truth, the moderators have to take a call on that, but how can we ensure that even that won't cause drama.

I am starting to think this is not a very good idea but these last few weeks of drama perhaps has an effect on that.

I am just thinking about functionality and the more I think about it, it may not work... Oh well...

It needs to be automated to some degree to even work but would possible cause more trouble then worth..

Removing minimum CCP will also reduce noob brigades but leaves spam.

So you are saying delete negative CCP contributions? Geez that is a slippery slope I am thinking more if you hit a certain negative marker the account freezes, done. You get a warning halfway there. All automated, too may cooks in the kitchen often spoil the broth in my experience. Just a thought about potentially how.

I wanted to be on SBBH only because I couldn’t sub slide.

Sorry, not sure I know what this means...

Well, that will be a farce because if I have 30 alts I could screw that system all up.

Not as far as I am aware, you cannot Vote on the same IP when we tested it. There are measure to counter alts but just how effective it is, one will know fully unless tested large scale.

CCP is transparent, most people would just create alts to good off rather than create attack armies.

Best idea here I think, @peaceseeker what are your thoughts about what we are talking about.. You have a lot more knowledge on these things then I.

Haha! You caught me doing the Virge

This is going to become a thing I see... lol

Gawd, men are retards :-(

They may be but they can be super lovely too! Let's pray they can stand strong against the power of those digital tittays for the sake of our future children as far worse is coming, outside of Voat.

WhiteRonin ago

I called in Virge because he wrote up a post on transparency. He was really big into and gloating about how he got me to agree. He did back peddle real fast because I didn’t want transparency from X day forward but rather do it from the past. I’d search for his post but he deletes almost everything outside of gun comments and posts so I won’t bother.

I agree about him not even buying me a burger which I did offer to him at one time. He’s too much of Jew to part with a measly 9 bucks.

You’re pretty good at this. You could get a job as a QA!

True 300 upvotes would be a pain, so I’d just redirect to a page that lists all the votes. Putt does track users who voted since you can only upvote 1 time. It’s not that difficult to do. A separate page call isn’t data or bandwidth heavy. He just exposes the data. Anon isn’t worth the hassle to do it for. Anon is another abusable system but not as urgent to fix.

Next up: down vote hell. The posts / comments sent to hell are to be reviewed by mods. Remember, lots of alts will disappear since CCP death is regulated by transparent votes. Yes, the mods will actually need to be mods instead of badges given for being a member. I suggested allowing subs to set their own limits to how many posts per hours can happen. This removes some of the modding for people like me who just want to spam certain subs and don’t necessarily want to be an owner or mod. I love sliding the front page of SBBH. Well, I used to.

So with mods being more active they can scan for legit spam verses don’t vote death. A limit of -10 also saves somebody from being wiped out of CCP. You do bring up a point of mods being dicks. So, I have been thinking on and off about appeals. The mods say nay and you can say WTF. But if it were me, I wouldn’t want my -10 to go to -100. It’s like a stock which drops too fast in a day - it gets pulled to prevent from completely crashing.

No, I was talking removing the 100 CCP from noobs. It was designed to fight spam and retard floods. But the reddit retards will still up vote their friends so they can post. It’s just a pain in the ass for them. I get the idea, but unnecessary throttling just makes noobs moan and groan. But like I said, they will just beg to get CCP.

I originally created an alt to test the IP system. I wanted to see how Putt managed up votes from alts. Simple to break and yet causes some people a situation. If spouses are on the same wifi then they can’t up vote the same content. It’s a good way to figure out if your spouse is on Voat though! Just refresh you IP like Putt suggested. There’s other ways to do this but yeah, running 30 alts successfully is a bit tiresome. But look at what we are talking about, alts. Take away the CCP problem and you reduce the need for alts and you can focus on the problem ones. This leaves it down to people with 10 cellphones and other techniques.

In reality I’m one of those lovely guys that women should be married to. I’m still an asshole just like how a wonderful woman still can be a bitch. Lol, such is humanity ;-)

virge ago


P.S. WhiteRonin argued against this fanatically. Calling for transparency is the reason WhiteRonin started stalking me to begin with. He was extremely upset with the idea and wanted to make sure nobody agreed to it or saw it. It's both extremely hypocritical and superbly suspect if he's now pretending he's for voting transparency. I'll happily provide a total of nine different conversations where he adamantly opposed voting transparency, declaring Putt would never do it.

Then again, he's a lying subversive so I'm not surprised.

WhiteRonin ago


Lol, @virge you larp. I love how you are too dumb to realize why I said that. I enjoyed you back peddling when I called for full transparency versus your from X date start. I put my dick out there and you wanted to make sure you and your team srayzie wouldn’t get caught.

I’ll say it again. If voat were to open past history, shit will hit the fan so hard because people like Dial will be vindicated and your team will be caught in the middle of all that you said they weren’t doing.

You got caught in my trap.

Exactly! putt will never open past history up because of the reason I just stated above. He’d ended up probably destroying lots of old accounts because of the blow back. Duh.

You are still extremely upset and you are trying to make it look like I don’t want it. No, I want it and I want your shekels. Lolololo Larp.

Do you need my lawyer’s number? I do have one on retainer.

Nadeshda ago

Well I am glad I got to see your post, there really are some great ideas there not sure how easy to pull off under present circumstances though.

Thanks and have a good evening!

WhiteRonin ago

Ahaha, a post he didn’t erase.

Let’s see, pull excel file, quick search, refer to side notes, and make a comment.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

@puttitout doesn’t give a fuck about old VOAT anymore. Benjamin is the new VOAT angel

Like the Qcumbers like to say “follow the money”

WhiteRonin ago

I can see why he wants shekels. I would want them too.

However, selling out seems to be the way to irrelevancy because Reddit, Phuks and Poal exists. What separates Voat from them?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

They exist and I am going to eliminate VOAT.

Everyone says this site can withstand anything? It is an election year and this site is full oy Qtards and trump cucks

This will be easy. By Election Day VOAT won’t exist and it will all be because of @crensch and @ srayz

WhiteRonin ago

@srayz/@shizy (same person)

Putt needs to deal with Srayzie.

Srayz ago

I think Putt is a lot smarter than you and has access to tools we don't. He would know of me and Shizy are the same person. I bet he knows you're also DarkRaven.

You're right. You freaks keep posting pics of different people and claim they're me. Anyone that argues with you or your troll army, you think it's me. Whatever homo.

@Katharzso make up your mind girl. How many different women are you going to claim is me? You post all your bullshit on subs I'm banned from so I can't reply.

One of your comments says you're gonna rape me huh? You're a freak. That's not very traditional for a lady. If you want to meet, all you've got to do is ask. If you think you found me and want to meet Monday, have at it. 😁 Take pics.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#50915) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Srayz: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

WhiteRonin ago

Bahaha, look at you twisting the narrative to your favor.

If Putt believed your story, he automatically is dimmer than me. I don’t care if he really is smarter than me because many are. Except you!

Oh? You found possibly 1 alt of mine? Wait you are dumb. @virge says I have a shit ton. He’s scared to prove it though because he is a larping Jew with no shekels. You should help crowd source him to buy me out. Do it! Get rid of me for good! I promise you, if he pays my challenge amount I will leave for good! Because it will be all legal contracted. Lol, you can challenge Kat but you can’t buy me out with Virge. Hell, for that amount, I will be at larping Virge’s lawyer office. You can show up, take pics and add your name to NDA. I’m quite handsome! You really should have kept pursing me. I’m not some incel sitting at my pc all day long sitting on voat. You are just calling me homo because I didn’t fall to your guile.

Those pics are you.

Oh? Did you use someone else’s pic on Twitter? Fake identity? Like you 40-50 alts here? Yeah, that could be it because that’s your MO.

Putt has tools! Lmfao! Those are just functions and classes. Duh. Buggy functions at that too. Maybe you should offer to get him a QA and UAT. He also needs help on DevOps. He’s running on MS tools so I can’t see why he doesn’t run tests before deployments.

But yeah, those are “tools” big bad scary tools!

Don’t be talking shit to me that you obviously know zero shit about.

Try the Keto diet!

Srayz ago

Take a video of you going thru your PM's so we can see where I flirted with you even once. I would love to see it. You either fell for the trolls lies so decided to help them, or you're a liar your damn self. If I was like everyone claimed, you should ask yourself why I wasn't ever interested in you if I was supposedly interested in 98% of the men on Voat. Fricken retards.

I guarantee you that Putt is a hell of a lot smarter than your lame trolling ass. You are not impressive in the least. Your obsession with me, @Crensch, and @Virge is weird.

You're welcome to believe whatever you want. No thanks on the Keto Diet. Oh and 40 to 50 alts? Damn, you guys think I am genius! Kek. I think you need to lay off them drugs.

ImJewish6million ago

Hello Suzie.

WhiteRonin ago

I charge $150 per hour for my services. You can pay by PayPal. I precharge and heavily pad for my time.

You gonna pay up?

And if I win you get to pay for @vitge too.

No, my obsession isn’t weird. I caught you all. I’m just exposing you all for shitz and giggles. Virge is real. He needs to pay.

Yeah, yeah and yeah about your alts. Keep trying.

KatHarzso ago

Assuming I am a traditional or even a lady. You're the Queen Freak in which I wish to learn from. You're fucking amazing...

Gothamgirl ago

She is the Whore of Babylon 😂🤣

Srayz ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

I’ll take care of it

WhiteRonin ago

Nice :-)

SeanBox ago

You gotta huff paint to try and repurpose my attack on you this hard. How uncreative are you?

Goathole ago

Or is it, create a bunch of alts which coincidentally happen to know new registrations are open before a site wide notice is made, then post the same shit as the other side, but because it’s a crappy alt, you don’t get in trouble.


WhiteRonin ago

I counted 10-15 team srayzie alts soon after registration was opened. The fuckery was some were already 2-3 days old. Think! Did somebody click the register link every day or were they given a heads up!

SeanBox ago

mmmmmmk, sanegoat. same time....1...2...3...go.

SeanBox ago

I'm not at all the only one who knows who you are. I just tell you more often. fucking sanegoat

fluhthreeex ago

if you think those were actually srayzie's pics... hoo boy, have i got a bridge sum sexy nudes of my own to sell you.

WhiteRonin ago

Pics on Voat are Sryazie. Or she lied about her Twitter pic.

But she does like sex shops. lol 😂

SeanBox ago

Fuck dial right in dick scarred asshole. Fucking sanegoat

WhiteRonin ago

As much as Dial can be an ass, I blame the creation of the Dials of the world on the CCP system. Think about it. Would Dial be this bad if the system was different ?

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

Yes, he's an annoying whiny faggot

SeanBox ago

I don't think it would matter. they pay him his shekels to be here regardless of how much we verbally abuse him.

WhiteRonin ago

Maybe ... but he is a great example of why alts are generated.

SeanBox ago Either he is telling the truth in this post and we have an answer or he is just a liar anyway so who cares?

WhiteRonin ago

He’s a drunk.

But I’d want to play with a drunk, be my guest.

SeanBox ago


WhiteRonin ago

True. I ain’t defending his drunk posts or such.

I’m just saying that the CCP system being abused created much of this and other problems.

SeanBox ago

I don't think it was actually being abused though. everyone just hated him that much. he is really annoying. no one actually coordinated "a brigade". it was natural because he is a douche.

WhiteRonin ago

The CCP system is totally being abused. Explain @virge point counts. Explain why brigades happen.

That’s 2 examples.

Putt has to run an inorganic voting algorithm because? Yep, the system is abused.

Why do you keep making this only about -Dial? I haven’t disagreed with you about him and some others being douches at times. But is that enough reason to run people off the site or force them into making alts and double down? Push a dog into a corner and it will bite.

KatHarzso ago

Rules for us but not them. Simple as that. It is obvious Putt picked his fucking side in things...

WhiteRonin ago


KatHarzso ago

Apparently the secret angel donor of this site is what is protecting her. Which means this site is horribly compromised by kikes...

WhiteRonin ago

Putt could tweak his algorithm to clean up this all situation srayzie and team Crensch created.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@puttitout unben me of face federal consequrncez in newzealand and europe.

test me now

WickedBaker ago

Or is it, create a bunch of alts which coincidentally happen to know new registrations are open before a site wide notice is made, then post the same shit as the other side, but because it’s a crappy alt, you don’t get in trouble.

This right here.

WhiteRonin ago

I just want fairness and equality. If one aide is bad then all others who do the same should be punished too.

Putt has an algorithm that checks for inorganic voting. Tweaking it a bit would also pick up all alts associated with certain users.

WickedBaker ago

I agree with you. If one main is banned for doxx, which we don't even have a clear definition of, then the other sides alts should be as well. I've seen alts doing it. Nothing seems to happen...

SeanBox ago

VPN... now what

WhiteRonin ago

Then this means Putts algorithm is just a shame. Should never have been run.

WickedBaker ago

Clarify, please. Are you stating the VPN prevents the banning of alts?

WhiteRonin ago

You can change up your IP which is recorded against your posts and comments.

Poor man VPN. Cellular data then switch to Wifi.

SeanBox ago

It would ban the alt but not the creation of a new one.

WickedBaker ago

Gotcha. That makes sense. And yes, it is the writing style that gives it away. My point was simply: if we don't have a clear definition of doxx, the banning for it is unjustified. And when one user has "doxxed" and been banned, but others are using alts to do the same, but are still active, it seems very one sided.

SeanBox ago

it does but I don't see how banning an alt prevents more alts from showing up. look at sanegoat with his gibberish alt in this thread @asfasdfdf. this idiot has so many alts like this it would take days just to identify them all. he works for JIDF and he admitted it one time.

WickedBaker ago

I agree. Alt creation is what it is. He did admit that? Wow.

SeanBox ago

WickedBaker ago

These cockroach jews...I'm sick of this shit. White people can't have anything. Thank you for the post.

SeanBox ago

he is also using @345345asdf further down in this post. same dude...get it?

WickedBaker ago

Yes. He has several. I've seen the dial signature on comments made by several alts of his.