fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

my investigation is complete, i am not wrong, in fact i wish I was.

Ive hunted pedos on here before.

if you look at the two alts they post the same exact way

Can you even tell the difference between fantasy and reality anymore....?

my focus is sound

I really do miss you, stay safe.... stay strong


Intrixina ago

There'd be plenty of corpses for the Syrians to fuck though.

majb ago

"yeah I work for JDIF. what's wrong with that?" Clearly if you have to ask what's wrong with that, you can no longer be helped.

XSS1337 ago

Who is that sexy poster poking Jews ?

SeanBox ago

ha. I just realized you did show up in this thread and only got 1 upvoat.

sulkembo1 ago

Jewish Inbred Dick Fuckers?

MrShekelstein ago

rothschilds own this website.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat is a pig shithole

Cowards galore

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

What a fucking faggot. It's kikes like him that make me want go out and grab a random Jewish child, pick them up, and slam them head-first into the ground repeatedly.

Fucking kikes.

/u/dial_indicator You piece of shit faggot.

jijklsdf772345 ago

shit alt @puttitout

Shit_Alt ago

You call me and I come running!

This song is for you!

CrudOMatic ago

Hey Dial/Sane. What's up, buddy?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You were trolled, OP

SeanBox ago

I’m not the one that said it.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No, you're the onewho believed it and spazzed out. Or just used your small cabal of shitposters with sockpuppets to upvote your OP and downvote all dissent in this thread. Either way you're a faggot.

SeanBox ago

k. So is your boyfriend.

sdgasd3453453 ago

your on the list dirt bag

sdgasd3453453 ago

@puttiout.... I present the PV goon squad

Shit_Alt ago

I expect The Buddha is clean too. He seems like he'd be a guy who values personal hygiene.

SeanBox ago

55 upvotes. How many goons we got, feggit?

Whiteflourguy ago

IDK That is what somebody had said few weeks back, But how do you figure? NOBODY that I ever read was pro Jew on here. And really we seem to have our fair share of Trolls as is.

SeanBox ago


sdgasd3453453 ago

so you not only aged but syian as well....... I can see it



SeanBox ago

Nah. Feel free to confirm Putts. I’m not that guy

SeanBox ago

It would be a clue tho...

Legalize-Murder ago

Aka the most powerful member of voat EVER

jijklsdf772345 ago

boom another shit lt @puttitout majical +2

Legalize-Murder ago

Okay now you have really made me mad, you asked for it kid, hold onto your socks and your shoes, your accounts butthole is mine.

jijklsdf772345 ago

try harder shit alt

Legalize-Murder ago

Now I'm really mad, just you wait until you see what happens, your account is done kat is cool but you have pissed me off.

sdgasd3453453 ago

shit alt

Shit_Alt ago

I'm starting to think you've got a thing for me. Why else would you keep summoning me?

Legalize-Murder ago

Watch it buddy, I could have your account shut down in 4 seconds if I wanted to. Dont make me want to.

Social_Construct ago

Watch it buddy, I could make you want me to make me do that in kosher seconds flat, oy vey!

SeanBox ago

Fucking lol. I’m the iron fist... not that feggit.

Legalize-Murder ago

Watch out, he can have your account shut down in negative 10 seconds, katharzo is cool but you gotta walk on eggshells with me, kid.

Samsquamch ago

SeanBox ago


SeanBox ago

I’m still waiting on my banhammer...

DHmountainbiking ago

Death to all jews

jijklsdf772345 ago

pew pew pow Another shit alt @puttitout

XSS1337 ago

5 hour account

wt1984yb ago

He’s most likely a basement kike trying to act like a bad ass.

NiggerVirus ago

So basically you're bragging about being trolled

SeanBox ago

No, I’m reminding everyone who is paying him to be here... kinda curious about you as well.

NiggerVirus ago

Dude, check incoming

middle_path ago

This is one of the cringiest interactions I've ever seen. You're both idiots.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Voat in a nutshell

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

@seanbox was called out @aged hes a pedohile

SeanBox ago

Called out by all of your alts?....k

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

because i just get downvoated by your pedo bots @puttitout so fucking busted

SeanBox ago

I am -1 for you. Everything else is the community’s opinion.

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

"oh dont look at me its everyone else"

you call yourself an iron fist, you fucking pedohile

SeanBox ago

I’m THE iron fist. There are no others.

TheBuddha ago

He's admitted to all sorts of things.

I suspect the JIDF actually requires their employees to come to work sober. Honest is not their strong suit.

lord_nougat ago

Perhaps he's in independent contractor? Or a co-dependent contractor maybe.

TheBuddha ago

Perhaps he's an alien!

lord_nougat ago

And an illegal one, at that!

TheBuddha ago

Build the space wall!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Space is fake and gay

SeanBox ago

I bet that dude even thinks the moon is real.

freshmeat ago

Low effort shit post. And you are proving cheese's point. If cheese is JIDF then im Barack Obama

God you fuckers are worse for Voat than he is

CrudOMatic ago

If cheese is JIDF then im Barack Obama

So, you're telling me that you're a nigger faggot? Just watch out for the AIDS, Mr. President - Michael is a shifty nigger that will fuck anything... and I mean ANYTHING.

freshmeat ago

No i think its hilarious how SRS is trying to stir shit up on a dead site

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

also @seanbox bots @puttiout

this post 3 upvoats in seconds.... 3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 something im well aware of @heygeorge

SeanBox ago

This is not true. I’m not a robot but my iron fist does confuse people occasionally.

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

bub bub bu bu backpedal muck you shit pedo botter

SeanBox ago

Did it ever occur to you that maybe I’m just funnier than you are?

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

pedohilia is no joking matter @heygeorge

SeanBox ago

You can’t beat me in an argument because the left can’t meme. How many times you gotta get Rekt before you learn?

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

you really need to back pedal aged..... you havnt presented noting that that an african nigger with downs could produce.

SeanBox ago

asdfasdfa354235 ago

pedo... i cant belive im wasting this much time with a pedo botter on voat @puttiout

SeanBox ago

I can’t believe you think your spam is effective. You should really be fired for incompetence. I’m gonna look up your outfit and Email your superiors about this. You suck at life. You can’t do anything right.

asdfasdfa354235 ago

I’m gonna look up your outfit and Email your superiors about this


doxxing is against the rule bann him

CrudOMatic ago

He didn't post dox, dipshit. Tel Aviv isn't sending its best. I miss the days of Abe Foxman - at least that kike could troll and weave bullshit.

asdfasdfa354235 ago

awww look at the good squad comming out @puttitout

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

im pretty 99% sure @seanbox is @aged and is a pedohile. @heygeorge should know this. They post at the same times everyday.

plus seanbox has numerous alt that were used to harass my bro Kat ultimately causing her to leave.... yeah it only took a couple days... im a little slow.

I always knew he was a creep


but i always come through

SeanBox ago

Is this some type of a death screech? How bad does your butt actually hurt while you lay there dying?

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

reeeeeeee ui hit a nerve


its okay aged, we all know you are pedo pic trader who downvoats with bots

SeanBox ago

Mmmmmhmmmmm...projecting again I see. JIDF tactics

fasdfasdf33asdfas ago

derup de durp you call me sanegoat again when the rest voat stopped after 3 years ago.... go trade porno pics you pedo

CrudOMatic ago

Holy shit, it's like prepubescent reddit in here. When the fuck did this site turn into the fucking Crayola factory?

SeanBox ago

Go blow your dad, sanegoat.

sdgasd3453453 ago

lmao, its what happens when you punch a retard with too much farmed ccp....

you see the shit in PV... zero rebuttal ... well you cant refute against truth... so what do they do BRIGADE


God you fuckers are worse for Voat than he is

to the choir, i really done nothing bad on voat other than shit post and protect myself

its the what i dubbed goon squad

nice to see ya... hey let me know where ya at...

8thDeadlySin ago

Thanks Obama!

SeanBox ago

Fucking doxxed!

heygeorge ago

[–] freshmeat -6 points (+2|-8) 3.1 hours ago
Low effort shit post. And you are proving cheese's point. If cheese is JIDF then im Barack Obama

God you fuckers are worse for Voat than he is

Wherein even dial’s friend freshie admits dial is bad for Voat

@kevdude will appreciate this, which seems it could be an admission of malicious intent.

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

only to a retard

jijklsdf772345 ago

grind your hands faster jew

heygeorge ago

u mad

jijklsdf772345 ago

maybe 1/16th of what capable of

you disappointed me

heygeorge ago

no u

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

soap box has mostly disappointed in me.... other that beat

seriously nothing in that verse i click on its a upvoat farm @puttitout

SeanBox ago

Good catch

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

like your pedo pics?

SeanBox ago

How many alts you got,feggit? Gonna catch a global ban eventually

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

Gonna catch a global ban eventually

reap your own words @puttitout

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

iron fist, lol you fucking weak

i cants bann somedom oh noes what do now

SeanBox ago


ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

its aged, i know you scoally retarded cause you loolk kess akage, if makes you easy to hit

https://youtu.be/H3GUMIgM-aM @gabarara @heygeorge @kevdude

ohh im on to all the

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Hey big guy, what's up?

SeanBox ago

Shut the fuck up.

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

okay @aged @puttitout this is soapbox @heygerorge

SeanBox ago

Is that a threat?

asfah5556565 ago

you touch kids aged @puttitout

SeanBox ago

Do you actually get some form of amusement out of me visciously iron butt fisting you so publicly?

asfah5556565 ago

if you think im doe with you im not pedo

SeanBox ago

Wow you’re dense

asfah5556565 ago

what wrong aged.... you thingk have shit from me


@seanbox promoxes pedos on voat

SeanBox ago

It was so nice when you were banned. Quiet. Peaceful.

asfah5556565 ago

you are aged, a known pedo on voat.... notice no one deines is

SeanBox ago

You never denied the 1990 thing, sanegoat

asfah5556565 ago

yor were denied puus... im comming after you shit face

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

Gonna catch a global ban eventually

for what reason?

you love to see me banned wont you pedo

SeanBox ago

Vote manipulation... just like last time.

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

fist aged, tell me how many pedo pics you have? I bet you have polaroids

SeanBox ago

Oh, brand new account. Too many downvotes on the other alts?

ddfsdfasdfasdf345234 ago

Too many downvotes on the other alts?

disappointed? @puttitout

SeanBox ago

I downvote when you speak to me. -1. All other downvotes are because you’re a douchebag.

Mustard_Monkey ago

I could give zero fucks about that shit stain.

SeanBox ago

Hey @puttitout. Did 4 of dial indicators alt accounts he is using today downvote this post? That would be brigading right? @fgsdfgsd5434563456 @kasdhkfahsjkf9803453 @askjdfhasdfk53479345 @dtaraasdfasdf @sdjasdlkfa789289134 and @OutRunning are what I have seen so far today.

also, Is his IP address listed in Israel?

dtaraasdfasdf ago

also, Is his IP address listed in Israel?

you are a pedo

Whiteflourguy ago

WOW I did not even notice that, Way to go, really. I was defending the person and it made me look like a idiot because I didn't even click on the title only the comments

SeanBox ago

It’s fucking sanegoat. We have been dealing with this fucker for years.

Maltherian1 ago

Sanegoatiswear pasted the same every time. Are you sure it’s him? Not really doubting. Just doesn’t seem like the same guy at a glance

SeanBox ago

It’s him

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Or you're sanegoat.

SeanBox ago

Nah. I double checked

Whiteflourguy ago

Ya I didn't even pay attention to that at first. Again I stand corrected and I was in the wrong

SeanBox ago

All good. Life goes on

Sheetz ago

If I was a Jew I wouldn't want anything to do with Israel.

LarryBagelstein ago

Israel is just a safe haven for Jewish paedophiles and international criminals. They like to live elsewhere when they're still making their shekels -- a parasite needs a host.

CameraCode0 ago

If I was a Jew I wouldn't want anything to do with Jews.

Maltherian1 ago

Like Bobby Fischer

Race_War_Now ago

What do you mean?

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

shit alt

CrudOMatic ago

Yawn. Try harder, Reddit.

Shit_Alt ago

You rang?

Rellik88 ago

What would you know 16day old account?

kneo24 ago

That is one of dials alt accounts.

sdgasd3453453 ago

What would you know 16day old account?

more than you

Whiteflourguy ago

After reading the other comments I stand corrected, Sorry bout that Goat

Whiteflourguy ago

Does it matter how old the account is? As long as they hate niggers and Jews and are red pilled I will welcome, besides I thought voat was invite only now?

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

what the matter pedo..... switching alts to upvoat your shit? @puttitout

it usually takes time to flip thru different vpn servers

fucking pedo, iron fist pffft you are shit to me. girl touching homo... I'm fucking on to you now fuck face

downvoating bot muther fucker @puttitout

CrudOMatic ago

girl touching homo

Anon... I'm not sure you understand how homos work.

SeanBox ago

I haven't upvoted any of my own posts. That's all random users watching you get iron butt fisted.

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

you see seanbox aka aged, im not one to fuck with on voat. I very sharp... especially when sober @heygeorge

I will slice you in half and feed you to dogs. I will certainly do it do it to a pedohile rapist as yourself

SeanBox ago

At this point I'm fairly confident you are paid by the post so the relevance of your dialog is only to waste time.

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

at this point im fairly convinced you choose the wrong battle, you pedo tranny aka aged

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

simpsons memes?

i thought that was going to kiddie porn aged

SeanBox ago


fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago


SeanBox ago

you have a bit of a one track mind don't you...what do you spend most of your time thinking about?

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

get iron butt fisted.

ewww so homoerotic

I can only imgine what you want to do with little girls/or boys ..... aged

SeanBox ago

look, I'm the iron fist and you're not. Get over it and go blow your dad, feggit.

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

ook, I'm the iron fist and you're not. Get over it and go blow your dad, feggit.

get orginal fuckface... you are nothing to me

SeanBox ago

I'm the iron fist

SeanBox ago

I’m no fucking ginger... but I am the iron fist.

lord_nougat ago

This must have been taken during that awkward sophomore year in high school. Holy fuck, we ALL looked like dorks that year!

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

no, you are a pedohile rapisct who prays on little girls and boy. I hope you dont live next to a elementary school.....

I can you see you sitting in a parking lot with a high zoom lens taking pictures at recess

SeanBox ago

you project too much. JIDF tactics

fgsdfgsd5434563456 ago

you guys remember when dial_indicator said he strangled 13 girls on friday the 13th... i do

fucking pedo, tell seanbox aka aged tell me how many pedos are on the site? ive been always curious to know. someone like would surly know the answer to this.

fucking creep

p.s. yup im totally JDIF

you are fucking retarded... and a pedo

@puttitout voat manipulation it was +3 in seconds with one 1 view from me......hahahhaa BANNNNN

lord_nougat ago

Be sure to go tattle to your mommy also.

sdgasd3453453 ago

my mom is dead goonie

CrudOMatic ago

my mom is dead goonie

She's a dead goonie? Serves the bitch right.

lord_nougat ago

I've never heard of dead goonie, but may dead goonie rest in peace. I feel sorry for the fact that at least one of her kids was retarded, but hopefully she still lived a happy productive life, for someone called 'dead goonie', at least.

SeanBox ago

Did she off herself to get away from you?