how do you stop job stress and work schedules from derailing other parts of your life? (AskVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by theoldones
especially if you like doing that job but doing it constantly would obviously wear you out
Cooking_with_Alf 5.7 years ago
Learn to prioritize, say no, and get outside.
bbqchipz 5.7 years ago
I found an employer that allows me to work as much or as little extra hours as I like.
thelma 5.7 years ago
I don't know what stress is....
theoldones 5.7 years ago
dortex is a spamming lying pedophile troll.
Dortex 5.7 years ago
You know, that's fair. Have a nice day, bro. :)
THEx1138 5.7 years ago
Be strong. Fitness and diet are the keys.
i keep working so hard and long i sometimes forget the whole thing about 3 healthy meals per day
jqueso 5.7 years ago
What type of job are you working?
self-employed and making creative stuff
Wake up. Exercise. Eat. Set yourself a list of reasonable goals for the day. Take a break mid day. Try to eat at roughly the same time every day.
A good addendum to this is to not beg for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then have a mental breakdown for over a day when you get called out for it. Also good to not keep running u/TruthDefender as an alt.
rebbutal post, fuck off
Crensch 5.7 years ago
The user above defends pedophiles and the summary of his links is a lie.
Cooking_with_Alf ago
Learn to prioritize, say no, and get outside.
bbqchipz ago
I found an employer that allows me to work as much or as little extra hours as I like.
thelma ago
I don't know what stress is....
theoldones ago
dortex is a spamming lying pedophile troll.
Dortex ago
You know, that's fair. Have a nice day, bro. :)
THEx1138 ago
Be strong. Fitness and diet are the keys.
theoldones ago
i keep working so hard and long i sometimes forget the whole thing about 3 healthy meals per day
jqueso ago
What type of job are you working?
theoldones ago
self-employed and making creative stuff
jqueso ago
Wake up. Exercise. Eat. Set yourself a list of reasonable goals for the day. Take a break mid day. Try to eat at roughly the same time every day.
Dortex ago
A good addendum to this is to not beg for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then have a mental breakdown for over a day when you get called out for it. Also good to not keep running u/TruthDefender as an alt.
theoldones ago
rebbutal post, fuck off
Crensch ago
The user above defends pedophiles and the summary of his links is a lie.