Develop interesting hobbies and find other people that engage in them. Don't cuck your beliefs to fit in.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Get a dog.

pathlesstrod ago

Go to a bar and have various drugs. You won't get quality friends, but you will quickly get friends.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Lol friends.

Sheitstrom ago

Go to the top floor of an IKEA or shopping mall, unzip your pants and pee over the escalators onto the people below. Whirl your penis around in a 360 and say "Hello, I'm looking for new friends!" as the pee rains down.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Avoid anyone that identifies as a liberal, or close minded, and overly clingy.

cavehobbit ago

Hang out with people that have similar interests and view points:

1) Keep connected to your family if those relationships are not abusive 2) If you have any social, political, or religious beliefs stay involved with those groups, attend meetings, conventions, or services. 3) If you have any recreational hobbies or activities join clubs or groups involved with those, whether those are physically active like hiking, biking, running and such, or things like gaming, movie going, cooking, etc.

slickleg64 ago

Get rich and buy some friends

imthefox ago

talk to people lol. university puts you in this weird position where youre forces to talk with others so now you dont know how to real life. just talk. yes to that girl at the mall. this dude crossing the street. doesnt matter. just talk. youll have 1000 friends in no time like real people. and dont fucking back down if only 10% of the people reply, thats how many people are in fact worth talking to

modsrcuntz ago


Astroqualia ago

You fucking degen

modsrcuntz ago

its called making a funny

theoldones ago

whats the least pozzed dating sites of all of them?

ButtonQuail ago, seriously. Lol

Delacourt ago

They're all pretty pozzed, but OkCupid seems to be the most popular and it's not an explicit hookup app like Tinder. GL.

MurkSquatch ago

Join AIM.

curiouserdude ago

Well if you're tall online dating sites work.

Damnpasswords ago

Hobbies. Just be careful with the ones that attract gym bunnies.

ShitboxMcGee ago

Have kids

friendshipistragic ago

Show bob and vagene and we will be your friend

unlimitedrulebook ago

Check out your local BDSM group

He already covered that, he said it would also be a good place to start.

Maddmartigan ago

Recreational sports

Winston321 ago

Check out the website You can find groups that get together for all kinds of activities. If you like sports, check local indoor soccer fields. They always have teams you can join.

ChrispG ago

Dog park - just got a puppy, trying to socialize her so she is used to people and dogs.

Jewed ago

I need to start a dog rental business, to cash in on savvy women hunters.

DontBeRacist ago

Make sure you train your dogs to bark at and be unruly with niggers.

Jewed ago

They naturally hate niggers.

prairie ago

Only humans can not recognize feral animals.

ChrispG ago

Sounds like something the reddit community would be interested in.

EnsignPossible ago

Did you have friends before you left university? Apparently not good ones. I'm still in contact with people (few) I went to grammar school with. NOBODY from college. Have no real interest in new people (WASTE of time and energy) since then. You sound needy too. Are you ugly in one or more ways? Pretty people usually have no troubles attracting people who WANT to hang with them.

FridayJones ago

Do you have any socially-oriented hobbies? I do karaoke once or twice a week, just to get out of the house and do something fun that's reasonably wholesome.

There's a web site called Meetup dot com that has local hobby-oriented and demographic-oriented groups that meet and do things. There are groups for hobbies, and for various types of enthusiasts, and just plain social groups. One group I'm in is dedicated to exploring the local region's unique aspects, and also gets volunteers for some projects.

DontBeRacist ago

I think I tried Meet Up when I was in a place too small. I haven't thought about it since then.

HenryDavidThoreau ago

Everyone knows that the hottest girls go to those orgies. Top notch. Not all fatties and dudes or all dudes. Its not even gay.

iLuvJews ago

Ha, you know.

1Paydaddy ago

Fraternal Order of Eagles. Nice private clubs where the members focus on helping the community. Loyal Order of the Moose is also great. They have a school in IL called Mooseheart for orphans and a retirement facility in FL called Moosehaven. Best place to spend your money.

zxcvzxcv ago

Wear a 1488 shirt to the gym.

con77 ago

I have one that says Soldiers of Odin

Tacops777 ago

Ill fucking punch you to start then Ill say a gay ass line such as "only 50 you nigger fag"

con77 ago

you would do no such thing girly man.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Doing things you love. If you don’t do what you love for work, you should still try to do it as a hobby. You’ll meet people as long as you are honest but friendly. People get creeped out by people who seem to be looking for friends. Just do you, it’ll happen.

prairie ago

Some of the best times have been working on projects with people on the internet. You have the same goal and work hard because it's something you care about.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago


Themooninthesky ago

Stand on a popular street corner at night. Ask passer by’s if they’re lookin for a good time. Tell them you are too.

thebassdude ago

Join a gun club.

DontBeRacist ago

Do I have to have a gun to join?

thebassdude ago

Only if you want to shoot. At my club you can fish instead, or just come to dinner night. Or just hang out at the bar.

Tacops777 ago

Gun clubs are for gays and FBI. Worse gun club was that shit out of DC. Full of pedos, state department, and FBI niggerz wanna bees. Worse place ever after the NRA Range full of cuckservatives amd cia personel.

thebassdude ago

Not where I live. Sorry for your bad experience, you would enjoy mine. During the summer we have a dinner every Thursday night that is open to guests, and it's a lot of fun. We have a nice club house and bar, and everybody's real damn polite.

Angryelectrician ago

Have you tried not being an annoying faggot?

Honestly though I've met a couple lifelong friends through the trade. You find others with values that you either have or wish you had and try to find common ground for discussion, camaraderie. Most times if you aren't a fucking jackass you'll fit in with the right people. Everybody is out there looking just like you are for good people.

I talk to my neighbors all the time. I made a habit of this the last few houses I've lived at. It goes a long way to know that when you're out of town somebody near by can watch your six in a world where it is dog-eat-dog- every man for himself. Just don't come off too eager or creepy like you're gonna steal shit as soon as he/she turns around.

Two of my buddies I've had for over ten years off and on. I think it's important to keep at least two friends that no matter what would bail you out of jail no questions asked. Or help you bury a body in the middle of the night.

Delacourt ago

It's a shame you got downvoated, I think people read "Have you tried not being an annoying faggot?" and downvoated reflexively lol. I upvoated you.

Astroqualia ago

Upvote for reading my mind

LiamOdinThomas ago

Who needs friends anyway?...

If you need a friend then I'll be your friend.

I will send you a list of friendly expectations in order to become my best friend too.

Astroqualia ago

Just curious, what are they?

KnightFalcon ago

start a conservative meetup on The people running, working at, and supporting are all super-libbies, and most people going to meetups are super left, so if you can get people to come to a conservative meetup, and they stay, and you can grow that group, then you're probably dealing with intelligent people that have values.

NiggerVirus ago

Pull out your dick in public and new friends will flock to you.

DontBeRacist ago

The police are not your friends.

NiggerVirus ago

I was a cop for 3 years.

xenoPsychologist ago

prostitution, of course!

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Go walking with a dog. It's a great way to meet people.

Nojoke ago

“Friends” is a word with many meanings to many different people, and a term used way too loosely, like “love” . imho. Make sure your “friend” is not a rapist or someone with a horrid hidden agenda. It takes a very long time to get to know a person inside...just sayin’. Good luck.

Hopium ago

You are generally correcet. This is why i prefer the company of autists and schizophrenics and the like, they tend to speak whatever comes to their mind and in some cases cant not speak their minds.

BoogieLou ago

better yet, join a support group for Tourette syndrome.

bonus: you get to shout out "nigger!"

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I misread it as "make sure your friend is not a racist"! But your advice is spot on.

Nojoke ago

Both are very hard to spot. I also liked many of the other posters, especially the “only meet in person”, so many liars who lie to your face. Stranger danger is real but one must take risks to gain. In truth, my best friends have always been my family.

HIVchan ago

Bloody butt sex!!!!

LibertarianForChrist ago

Hobby groups. Church groups. Gym groups.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Depends on what you are into. Go to a place that does that thing, find like minded people.

CrankyOldMan655 ago

Back in my day, we didn't have friends

Tacops777 ago

True. We just had a rock and a stick and responsibilities.

CrankyOldMan655 ago

What is needed is lots of good beatings so you learn respect

Tacops777 ago

Nigger fuck off I trigger people on 4chan, 8 chan, at AU chan, and on VOAT. Old man my generation is SAVAGE AF and you are probably too good to understand. You are from another time / class. I appreciate. You remind me of my great great grandpa; a true hero.

CrankyOldMan655 ago

Back in my day, we didn't have niggers

DFW ago

Ah yes, the 90's.

CrankyOldMan655 ago

Kids these days need lots of good beatings. It teaches them respect.

Pasin5 ago

Just take off your belt and beat them with it until they want to be your friend.

AntiMason ago

Go fart on people at wal mart

DayOfThePillow ago

Fucking kek, degenerate advice at its best

WordCorrector ago

Best ways I've found is through volunteer work like community cleanups. I've met some pretty high quality people through things like that. You can also try the gym or church, those are the type of people I want to know better, but it's up to you I guess.

DontBeRacist ago

Everybody has headphones on at the gym, and they're busy doing something.

WordCorrector ago

That's probably true as I have not been to a public gym in close to 10 years. Back then no one wore head phones, at least none of the ones I went to. I just do all of my working out at home these days or go out to a park for some cardio.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

What are the best ways to make friends as an adult?

Don't wear pants- just walk around in boxers. Let it dangle.

ReformedFeminist ago

Take a continuing education class at your local community college. Look for a class at a local shop that teaches a hobby you're interested in. Join a book group. Go to church. Join a class at your local gym. What you need is something that gets you to regularly meet up with the same people over and over again. And you're right, it seems to be much harder to make friends as as adult.

AlternateSelection ago

Very difficult to do.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Shooting range, Church, Hobbies/meetups

Rikhart ago

Join a group of people who share interests with you. I mean a group that actually meets, not just some social media thing.

Conway ago

Neighbors, inlaws, hobbies, reconnect with old friends. Probably the most important thing is be someone that people want to friend. If all you do is leech, bitch, and look out for yourself. What incentive does anyone have to be your friend.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

This is some hot advice! I hope OP reads this :)

bbqchipz ago

You mean shitheads that are only there for community service as part of probation?

Heer_me_roar ago

No one has mentioned the gym yet? Everybody knows that’s a den of “white supremacy”, hell you could’ve even run into Saint Tarrant himself.

CrispyLE ago

Join a group of some sorts, like a choir or slow pitch baseball team!

Chiefpacman ago

Work, hobby, wife's friends husbands.

That said, keep your old friends. I have guys in my life that have stuck around since before grade school. It's nice having some extra brothers.

Hopium ago

wife's boyfriends

ScottRockview ago

Start a business. Get clients and turn your clients into friends by hosting events for them.

Tistime ago

Mixing business with pleasure can and often is a recipe for disaster.

anzel2002 ago

99 percent of my friends have come through my job/professional life

ShitPostMcGee ago

Yeah but for example if you run a garage, you can host a car show/bbq, and get a lot of networking and socializing in very efficiently.

Tistime ago

Yeah in fairness maybe - I've always been strictly business to business in terms of what I do, so best to keep personal relationships out of it. Maybe different if you're business to consumer.

ScottRockview ago

Not enjoying your work is a recipe for a miserable life.

Tistime ago

Not what I meant at all. Social life is one thing, business is another.

capnflummox ago

after you've left university

Oh, dude... no offense but you're not an adult yet.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

Found the gatekeeper for adulthood

Big_Willy_Wallace ago


Bastionof_freespeech ago

Fair enough

slwsnowman40 ago

Why do you feel you need friends? Don't fall into the "humans are social animals" trap either, socializing and friends are not the same thing. Friends are people that haven't stabbed or betrayed you in the back yet.

I, personally, can't stand 99% of people.

Delacourt ago

Humans ARE social animals.

slwsnowman40 ago

You've fallen for it. What kind of socializing did your grandparents or great grandparents do and compare that to what people consider socializing today.

Humans aren't social animals as portrayed. Today's version of socializing is a way to push collectivism.

Delacourt ago

What kind of socializing did your grandparents or great grandparents do and compare that to what people consider socializing today.

Yeah, my grandparents and great grandparents socialized far more, with more people, and had way more true friends and closer relationships than the average person does today.

Humans are social animals.

Flirp ago

Thinking back on most of my friendships they were mostly one sided. I was calling them to hang out, they called me when they needed something from me (a ride or some sort). Kinda burned me out on friends, seems like everyone wants to use you up for their benefit.

Drunkenst ago

Squaredances - no shit. Bitches love squaredances.

DontBeRacist ago

Nah, get into poetry groups.

Bitches love poems.

oneinchterror ago

I have no idea how to be creative and really never have. I don't think I could write a poem if my life depended on it.

Gravspeed ago

You aren't wrong, around here we have lots of country bars. I suck at dancing but it's a good time.

HollaKost ago

Country bars are great. People actually talk to each other!

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

For some reason I was thinking you meant this:

LightestHour ago

I knew exactly what gif this would be before I clicked.

Drunkenst ago

Help me Tom Cruise.

YoHomie ago

Sniff their butt.

TheBuddha ago

They also appear to be seeking friends and not dates. Though I suppose the two are potentially related to each other.

When I retired and moved here, I spent a lot of time at community events, joined some clubs, and hit up the happening social scenes at places like the bar or bowling alley. From those, I selectively winnowed it down to things that most benefitted me and gave me the most amusement.

Today, I've got tons of local friends and contacts within the community. I am now invited to participate in many social functions and am considered a member of the community.

You know you've become a member of the community when they're finally telling you the gossip instead of you being the subject of the gossip.

Tallest_Skil ago

Who the fuck needs friends? There’s no one out there.

TradMan ago

The first one you black pilled was yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Blackpills don't exist. Get a real argument.

FridayJones ago

Everything you know is wrong; therefore, pie.

SirNiggsalot ago

Coats for keeiidz is the worse.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Ahem! A little imagination, sir!

The NRA is a charity. Americans for Immigration Control is a charity. The National Park Foundation is a charity.

HulkJizz ago


GassyMcGasface ago

Like I check Muslims didn't like to rape dogs.

Drunkenst ago

You must be childless

unlimitedrulebook ago

Obviously. What's your point?

Drunkenst ago

If you had kids you’d have friends. Have kids.

RealBiggly ago

When I moved to Asia I found the easy way to find friends was, sadly enough, Facebook.

Joined an off-road biking group, a hiking group and an off-road 4x4 group. I'd say of my 15 or so friends 13 of them came from Facebook or friends of friends from Facebook.

Yeah I hate Facebook too, but it does have its uses.

Tacops777 ago

Nigger you said a lot of details about yourself. I might even be your friend you fuck. The nigger that tells you to securr airspace.

RealBiggly ago


Tacops777 ago


RealBiggly ago

I'm happy to say I have no idea what you're on about :)

Tacops777 ago

10.4. We still friends.

RealBiggly ago

Roger dat :)

Tubesbestnoob ago

moved to Asia

It's easier to relax and be social with no blacks around.

DontBeRacist ago

You could probably say "I hate niggers" in their gook language. They'd be like, "Okay. Let's move on to something else."

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

They’ll agree with you. Source: I traveled all of Asia

HollaKost ago

They'll agree with you.

Source: I talk to Asians in america.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Asians from Asia love nigger jokes.

lanre ago

God's honest truth.

TheBuddha ago

That there is top notch advice!

Jewed ago

I post vitriolic comments on social media and travel alone internationally for long periods.

Some of the undercover cops are really hot. Would recommend.

Tacops777 ago

Are you yourself a gay undercover cop nigger?

Jewed ago

I identify as a ninja.

Tacops777 ago

Yeah you are FBI FAGGOT. I recommend putting 3 pvc tubes inside your cavity. It may help your ninja skills.

Jewed ago

We're backtracing your IP right now fucker. When you have a 1 inch cock you don't make internet threats.

Tacops777 ago

Also dear FBI I offered medical advice to you by recommending an old jewish Kabbalah art technique known as : "shuv pvc pipes in your ass ninja fbi fagget".

I hope we can discuss this at my home when I surrender my secret milf porn. Total of 2 vhs tapes.

Tacops777 ago

Nogger fuk please I did not threaten the fuck nobody... please for the life of me come yo my house and have coffee. Friday 3pm is perfevt time. We will all be here watching.

TheTrigger ago

Just think, one of them might have just read your comment and blushed a little. ;)

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Volunteer for a charity. You'll meet lots of good people.

Drunkenst ago

Get a dog, people stink

pushthis ago

friends are best found during day to day life. even more over, from a utilitarian aspect friendships can offer fairness and a lack of "co-dependency".

ask yourself what you want to Do. and then maybe you can see people who are worth your apreciation, even for a day, thats a friend.

TheBuddha ago

Social functions such as clubs and hobby groups. If you're into religion then your house of worship would also be a good place to start.

robot7247 ago

Hobby related is definitely good but check many of the same types for one that is a fit. My son went on a local hike meetup posted at REI. Group mean age was 20+ years beyond his, all couples. Most hobbies have an online forum and most of those have local chapters. You might also consider joining a local maker space if you have one nearby. Lastly, check out meetup. In my area tonught there are ~30 events with several of actual interest. You just never know, the main thing is get out there.