CognitiveDissident5 ago

The owners of the site (whoever they are) allowed a tiny clique of alcoholics, addicts and welfare claimants to shit all over VOAT.

CantBuySkills ago

What Voat are you using?

Bottled_Tears ago

People freaking out and taking the internet too seriously who have literally nothing else going on in life.

I don't understand internet drama and refuse to. It's like taking card trading seriously.

You're fucking adults. Act like it. Jesus christ. EMP goes off and how much effort did you waste into this imaginative world of yous? For fucks sake.

version7 ago

bitches be bitching


Why the fuck would you want to follow it?

invisiblephrend ago

voat claims to hate jews, but the second putt tried to deal with people's subverting subs and committing vote manipulation, people started sperging out big time about muh free speech! then putt announced that he will be stepping down, which i hope to god isn't true because he's been doing a fantastic job. so way to go, goyim! enjoy your future reddit.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

SBBH and QRV had a kerfuffle, Putt got dragged in somehow and posted poetry.

CantBuySkills ago

I like this summary ^_^

clamhurt_legbeard ago

  1. Zyklon posted bestiality in v/GreatAwakening.

  2. Srayzie handled it poorly and blamed all SBBH.

  3. SBBH retaliated and showed how effective and cohesive it is when it actually wants to fuck with you.

  4. Srayzie made Crensch owner of GA and deleted.

Anything else is tangentially related skirmishing.

CantBuySkills ago


mitoriomyt ago

Zyklon posted bestiality in v/GreatAwakening.

False. He never posted bestiality. He posted porn.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What kinds of porn?

mitoriomyt ago

A naked girl with tits & pussy. He asked if the pic was Ivanka Trump when she was younger. Pic got deleted.

But was not bestiality, dude.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, just one picture ever? Poor innocent zyklon only posted a little bit of degeneracy.

True defender of the white race, lol.

And all the QRV flooding, no bestiality there you say? And that wasn't him either, right?

When zyklon admitted it, that was just satire.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

There's no evidence of who posted that shit in QRV. If I were to guess it would be srayzie & shizy because they have the most to gain from it

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Zyklon sure admits to a lot of stuff he didn't do! Ha.

mitoriomyt ago

This is the second time I've caught you spreading lies, man. The first time was regarding QRV mods.

zyklon_b ago

he a kike

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, it's just satire.

[–] zyklon_b -1 points (+7|-8) 17 days ago

Post tranny porn in (((qrv)))

[–] zyklon_b 0 points (+3|-3) 17 days ago

gotta post porn in em bro

 [–] zyklon_b 1 points (+1|-0) 17 days ago  (edited 17 days ago) halp please make all donations of tranny porn to /v/greatawakening

 [–] zyklon_b 1 points (+1|-0) 16 days ago

hey bro post gay porn in qrv and /v/greatawakening

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 16 days ago

the rules changed after zyklown was benned. it was not porn it was medical art

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 16 days ago

both my friend.

i didnt really spam the porn just took credit for it as

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+9|-9) 1 fortnight ago

If its art it is not porn.

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 8 days ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA

No degeneracy there, he's innocent!

SandHog ago

These faggots are pulling out all the stops aren't they?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh yeah.

SandHog ago

I thought this comment was interesting and probably quite relevant to the current situation.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Crackhead talking tough!

SandHog ago

The jibba jabba!

mitoriomyt ago

Encouraging a thing =/= Doing a thing

@ifuckdolphinseverday already went over this here.

I agree with him.

zyklon_b ago

all @clamhurt_legbeard is doin with this smear campaign is trying to deflect from fact he is doimg design work for the biggest pro-ZOG sub om voat

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[rent free]

zyklon_b ago

haha @katharzso @heygeorge @dortex @cheeseboogerhimself ok they must be over target cause "real goats" are calling em out for their ZOG support.


CheeseboogerHimself ago

You are a one-man wrecking ball and forced the zionists out into the open. I've never seen anything like it. You have to be an Aryan alien sent here to save us from the joos and their flunkies. I, for one, thank you.

zyklon_b ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

He's like Charles Manson! Zyklon dindu nuffin!

And those times he admitted doing it? It was just a prank! It's not porn, it's art! It's a joke! It was just a question about a naked woman, not porn!

mitoriomyt ago

So delete and move on.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you're so ashamed of it, delete it yourself!

mitoriomyt ago

Delete what?

mitoriomyt ago

Dude, all I meant was that if you're mod and porn bothers you, it's simple. Delete it and move on.

That's all I was saying.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm not a mod. Learn to read, nigger lol

I blocked him from v/soapdoxbanhammer days ago because he kept cryposting. He's easy to deal with. He'll be unbanned when he calms down again.

mitoriomyt ago

Then why you getting so butthurt like the pussy mods on GA?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Post to where you think I'm butthurt? It's not like I'm making any posts about him. He's the one making posts about me lol

I'm inside his head, unevictable.

mitoriomyt ago

You're pretty butthurt right here because there was no logic to whatever gibberish you were spewing on about.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, people calling you out is "butthurt" now? Haha, ok.

mitoriomyt ago

When it makes zero sense, it is indeed butthurt.

zyklon_b ago

@clamhurt_legbeard go back to reddit bitch

zyklon_b ago

haha. yeah tell more lies ZOG shill

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[–] zyklon_b -1 points (+7|-8) 17 days ago

Post tranny porn in (((qrv)))

[–] zyklon_b 0 points (+3|-3) 17 days ago

gotta post porn in em bro

 [–] zyklon_b 1 points (+1|-0) 17 days ago  (edited 17 days ago) halp please make all donations of tranny porn to /v/greatawakening

 [–] zyklon_b 1 points (+1|-0) 16 days ago

hey bro post gay porn in qrv and /v/greatawakening

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 16 days ago

the rules changed after zyklown was benned. it was not porn it was medical art

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 16 days ago

both my friend.

i didnt really spam the porn just took credit for it as

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+9|-9) 1 fortnight ago

If its art it is not porn.

 [–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 8 days ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA

No degeneracy there, you're innocent!

TheAntiZealot ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


virge ago

The best way to understand is to observe.


BushChuck ago

Some people are drama fags.

You are now up to speed.

SirNiggsalot ago

This is it in a nutshell.

zyklon_b ago

srayzie offerred $3500 to attack qrv and drive em off the site and then did not pay so her kids was doxxed and @pangaea ate em alive

SeanBox ago

Damn. I try and avoid those threads

zyklon_b ago

shizy aka srayzie threatening kids.

its ok cause of pussy pass rules