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sosat_menya_reddit ago

You suck you whining piece of shit. Doesn’t reddit have a comfy and safe place available for you? Why are you even on a site that frightens you.

If it ever comes down to it the antifa pussies will off you on the first day of the war. Try New Zealand I hear it is completely safe now.

sguevar ago

As far as I can tell @srayzie hasn't engaged in any wrong doing here. The mistake she did with one of @zyklon_b's posts she apologized and asked him to repost. No authoritarian mod/owner has behave like that at all. Hence I disagree with @drstrangegov stating that she was been a dictator.

What you guys are doing constitute a brigading effort and I am against this type of shit.

drstrangegov ago

And what's at stake here is the harmony of voat. There are those that would love to disrupt that. Remember that factor.

sguevar ago

Sure I hear you but @gabara and @zyklon_b played their cards by pushing it way too far.

I mean, posting porn on a sub that has nothing to do with that? - and then saying that it was a joke, etc. Fuck off. Porn? A (((jew in the letter))) tool to sodomize society and then he goes ahead and calls her one? Nah that is unacceptable.

zyklon_b ago

kill yourself if u sad

sguevar ago

I am quite happy actually, simply calling for your rationality on the matter. I know you have it. Deep inside, but you have it.

zyklon_b ago

no.dude .u gettin involved in shit that aint none of your bizness so we must duel

sguevar ago

Do your worst! En garde! I will 1990 back to your sobbing crib!

zyklon_b ago

en garde komrade we duel and then get drunk

sguevar ago

Do we use our dicks or real light sabers?

zyklon_b ago

both my friend.

i didnt really spam the porn just took credit for it as

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Crensch ago

i didnt really spam the porn just took credit for it as

Given the landscape of the internet as a whole, and what this place means to so many, and how hard some of us fight to keep this place from becoming a shithole, that's a little disappointing.

You're taking the heat for something you didn't do - letting the unknown person that did have a scapegoat without even working for it.

Chaos is great when Voat isn't being attacked. If you, and all the goats didn't need a homeland, chaos would be fine constantly. If Voat gets flushed down the toilet because we couldn't fight back due to this kind of thing, you'll be shitposting with Redditors on a censored, leftist platform.

Shoot the niglets and sandnigglets for fun. Drop acid on their shitty little faces and laugh. Play pranks on your own when there's a lull.

This kind of shit is friendly fire, man.

zyklon_b ago

are you in love with that kike slut?..look at her nose and curly hair.

i made a joke to stir things up and i am catching bullshit from you of all ppl. you know is all a prank and hoax dude. friendly fire yes but not no bad intentions except to laugh

Crensch ago

It's just all so exhausting. It's not a lull right now, there's a lot of movement from a crew that is at least linked to freshmeat et al. The real culprit is probably some group of them, and who knows what other outfits they're linked to.

Is there really not enough lulz in watching the normies get triggered by the porn and gore? I was interested in how that would finally come to a boil. Instead, my eyes are rolling out of my head.

Yeah, I know it's just /b/ autism, it's just a headache.

I'm getting tired.

zyklon_b ago

@crensch i am laughing my ass off bro

chill out and start laughing again. this is entertainment and we are friends dude. have some laughs

srayzie ago

chill out and start laughing again. this is entertainment and we are friends dude.

Maybe it’s time to wake up and see that you go too far, to the point where it’s not funny.

Crensch ago

Yeah, I'd love to.

zyklon_b ago

only you can be happy and not be an NPC

Crensch ago

I didn't say I wasn't happy; I said I'd love to have some laughs.

zyklon_b ago

happiness is in you bro and so is hilarity.

Crensch ago

Again, no lack of happiness. Hilarity? Sure, just wish there was an external source of it.

zyklon_b ago

look around and not be so political and sensitive i reckon be the solution... have you met @niggervirus that dude is a gem and hilarious

Crensch ago

look around and not be so political and sensitive i reckon be the solution...

I have things to protect. Voat, my people, my family, and my land. If I don't take something seriously, and prepare or fight as I can, who will? I'll not have the Jews winning while I ride the lightning.

have you met @niggervirus that dude is a gem and hilarious

Can't stand him. Great name, but haven't seen any content worthwhile. Maybe I missed it.

I like you guys. I like SBBH and shitposting types. Your chaos is usually a welcome sight, as it helps keep others off-balance in a way that allows me to do what I intend more efficiently.

Porn and gore is fine. It's degenerate, but I recognize it as both important and useful for myriad reasons. Knowing who is doing it, or at the very least having no idea, is better than having someone take credit that didn't actually do it.

Threats to kids and doxxing to nambla is a bit more than I'd care to see in someone I hold in esteem; even as a joke. Those things aren't satire: they're neither humor, irony, ridicule, nor exaggeration used in an attempt to criticize or expose vices or stupidity. They fit zero parts of the definition. It's just mean-spirited stuff that causes unneeded stress and anxiety - suffering.

I won't ask you to stop. I won't necessarily think less of you for it, but I don't care for that kind of thing.

are you in love with that kike slut?..look at her nose and curly hair.

You're suggesting that a Jew could hide itself from all the goats textually, and not make a single Jewish argument or Jewish mistake that sets off the Jewdars of the shillhunters?

I didn't know you thought so highly of her.

zyklon_b ago

look at the curly hair and hook nose is all i meant

Crensch ago

I don't see Jew curls. Plenty of white breeds have curly hair like in her twitter pic.

I also don't see a Jew beak.

Where do you see these things?

zyklon_b ago

dude you thought i was being serious? dude is all a joke and none supposed be taken seriously.

Crensch ago

You know I'm not like you.

So you did mean to compliment her?

zyklon_b ago

the israel worship by not acknowledging (((trump))) is kinda off putting as far as compliments go..they can only claim ignorance and bein naive for so long.

Crensch ago

Maybe so. Lotta whites that are ignorant and naive.

Ignorance and naivete are slowly being chipped away, and she's the one that brought the Holohoax pill to them as a bloc.

She earnestly goes after anyone that is wrong or doing something she thinks is wrong, and she has the mind to apply Logos in her attacks on those people. I consider both to be human-only qualities with maybe some of the 2xDenisovan slant-eyes also capable of such things.

Which is why the accusation of her being a Jew was so intriguing that I brought it up afterwards. I thought you'd caught something I had not.

zyklon_b ago

i think we more aware now than 4 years ago so in that our experiment has been a success.

Crensch ago

Depending on which experiment you're referring to, I might agree with you.

sguevar ago

Just got home from work... getting into character... 3..2..1

Then I will put a condom that shines in the dark and bring my darth maul doble edge light saber and give you the biggest butt hole hurting 1990 has ever witnessed!

And regarding the prank deal man... come on... really? xD wtf is wrong with you?

zyklon_b ago

its all just a joke bro. come on it was hilarious

sguevar ago

Missed it to be honest, but wish you well man have a nice one.

zyklon_b ago

wish u great times and fortune too

all the trolling is for fun i aint got no hard feelings bout.sheeit mane. ima artist and voat is where i paint these materpieces of trolling