PaulNeriAustralia ago

Yes. When I meet an attractive woman I pretend that I do not notice her bits and instead I only seek to engage her in conversation about the stock market, international news and if it looks like she knows more than I do on those topics...the weather when all I can think about is ... is running my hand up her soft thighs.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

No but very elderly people do. Like spiders they want to snare their children into becoming full-time carers for them.

NosebergShekelman ago

Me?? Neva!! I am your friend, goys. You can trust me. Shalomsโ„ขโœก๏ธ

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

I have a hidden agenda of using my job to train me to either start my own business, or get hired by a better company. Very secretive.

GoatWraith ago

I'm literally invisible.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm trying to force major shoe companies to sell shoes individually instead of in pairs because who the fuck are they to say my shoes should match. #FREETHESHOES

Rodjers04 ago

Was this inspired by the mismatched socks fad?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Don't even get me started on socks.

Goathole ago

Yes, to make you low lifes realize that your scum for voting money out of my wallet that you don't deserve. I also hate cops and veterans who think they are "owed" something every god damn day from every single person they come across.

Questionable_1 ago

As a vet I agree, it's cringey when I hear a vet ask for a discount or some other privilege. Might as well be a welfare nigger

DIY-Guy ago

I don't think I have hidden agendas personally, but I may be very passive aggressive at times after the years of putting up with some of the stuff in the world if not much of it (not all is bad is definitely true as well). I settle down for a while and kind of live my life again. I might then get angry / frustrated / upset again then vent here on voat or other places that I use online. If I don't I get passive aggressive and might seem like I have a hidden agenda is how I feel at times.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yes. My secret agenda is to slowly cause the kiwi fruit to be legally named the official fruit of Latvia. So far I am not having much success.


Planning To RESIGN!!!

CatsControlTheEU ago

Sure do, I have an alt that has infiltrated Great Awakening that posts stuff in line with their usual boomer civic nationalism but I subtlety throw in some very, very, light red pills against jews without being direct - I kind of nudge them in the right direction.

I figured that if they do not respond to direct red pills that they must be seeing on voat then there's no point in trying to force them to swallow them. However, I figured out long ago that the most fanatic believers of anything, be it a hatred for jews, a religion, or theory, are people who were not told those things but rather people who came to the conclusion themselves. So I essentially lay a sort of 'trail' without being direct. Often pretending that I have no idea that at the end of the trail is jewish subversion staring at you in the face. My ultimate goal is to convince much of the boomers who can be fanatics in their own right. I don't need to personally convince everyone but often with boomers come a sense of groupthink. If I just get enough - I can get most of them, like several chains of dominoes really.

I do this in an effort to enact revenge against the genocide of my people which the jews had helped commit genocide against in 1915. I am using jew tactics against jews - I do not feel bad about doing so, in fact, the irony is delicious to me. It is the best thing in the world to watch a jew...get jew'd, it is just pure music to my ears.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Q is a psyop and that board is infested with shills. All of the cheerleading and WAGAWAGA and "if we're taking flak we're over the target" nonsense are shills there engaging in consensus cracking. The whole operation is designed to steer radicals away from going all Brenton Tarrant and instead embrace the GOP. It's ridiculous.

VicariousJambi ago

Most of the "Q people" that I've interacted with actually know about the Jew, what you're doing is kinda pointless.

Hell, I just looked at the top posts of all time and found this by the board owner even.

CatsControlTheEU ago

That's because srayzie also is a big time pizzagate guy and you don't get far into pizzagate without directly seeing jew influence. The comments on that post are filled with 'patriots' arguing and screaming anti-semitism. And merely doubting the veracity of the holohoax is not even remotely close to understanding the full extent of the jew. I voted that post up over two months ago - a lot of the comments and votes up were from regular voaters. That sub is absolute filled with civic nationalist bullshit which is akin to white genocide and even you can find a strong defense of Israel and support of Trump's pro-Israel move. Not being total kikes doesn't mean they're red-pilled. Baby steps my friend. baby steps.

VicariousJambi ago

The comments on that post are filled with 'patriots' arguing and screaming anti-semitism

Anyone can go to that thread and see for themselves there aren't really any people doing that.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Anyone can go to that thread and see for themselves there aren't really any people doing that.

user Dragon40 active GA poster: "once had the pleasure of interviewing a woman who had been touted (by racial supremacists & neo-NAZIs) as a stirling example of the "modern woman" who "saw through" Jewish lies about WWII. At the time I met her, she had left "the movement" and begun to fight the racism inherent in Holocaust denial.

She related her experience meeting Canada's Hitler wannabe, Ernst Zundel, shortly after joining "the movement." She said that the first words out of Zundel's mouth were about how the Holocaust was a lie...only later in the conversation did he raise the issue of racial supremacy.

I asked her why she thought Zundel brought up Holocaust denial before anything else, and she said (after thinking about it for a moment) that she thought it was because Zundel & his followers believed that anyone stupid enough to swallow Holocaust denial was certainly stupid enough to buy into all the other skinhead BS. She was right."

user Pcpoet09 active GA poster: "hard top tell the difference between you racist and anti Semitic fucks and those here to fuck with Q posts.... any of you that believe this shit I suggest you go and educate your self on the history of mas genocide's because it did happen and through out history it has happen nothing new or strange about it. and there probably be more genocides of difrent people because as a group humanity has a few sick fuckers that get the sheep to fallow them."

user VOALTRON active GA poster: "Why did you post this on a Q sub? Fucking shameful direspect of Q."

user Lauraingalls active GA poster: " do believe Hitler was a MONSTER and the holocaust did happen. There are many photos and many GOOD decent people that survived and told their stories. Corrie Ten Boom was a Christian and had NO reason to lie.

"Ten Boom was initially held in solitary confinement. After three months, she was taken to her first hearing. On trial, ten Boom spoke about her work with the mentally disabled; the Nazi lieutenant scoffed, as the Nazis had been killing mentally disabled individuals for years based on their eugenics ideologies. Ten Boom defended her work, saying that in the eyes of God, a mentally disabled person might be more valuable "than a watchmaker. Or a lieutenant."

Corrie Ten Boom was also put in a concentration camp.

Also, people like Franz Werfel had to leave their lives and escape. Franz promised the Blessed Mother that if she would help him he would write about the Saint in Lourdes France at the time. He did write a book called "The Song Of Bernadette" and a movie was made about it too. He did get to the USA and kept his promise. The Von Trapps had to escape from Austria too, and leave everything behind. I think the people here that just about every day try to push this garbage that Hilter was some kind of HERO and the Holocaust didn't happen are just PLAIN SICK. Let the DOWNVOATS BEGIN I REALLY DON'T CARE."

user Patriot56 active TheAwakening poster: "In my opinion this is a shill report. the deep state has always hated the Jews. Evil forces in all the world always try to take down the nation of Israel and for what? Nobody knows why there is so much hate for the Jews except that it is based on evil. There are too many historical stories, pictures and accounts of the 6 million that were slaughtered to not be true. Don't you know now that the success the patriots are seeing now corresponds to the treatment the President and our country deal with Israel. The Bible tells us that who ever blesses them is blessed and whoever curses them are cursed. Proof positive of the Obama admin. America was cursed with this deep state junk and more taxes. Choose for yourself if Israel is your friend or not but be willing to accept also the consequences. Saying this does not mean that every jew is true or right but as a nation they are blessed."

user Jdtaylormm active GA poster: "๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ shill post right here.

Q says they want us divided by race, religion, politics and such.

Stop the anti semitic garbage. Its Its gotten really old.


user yellowoodneepuks active GA poster: "The Holocaust a LIE?-No!, No Way, Not possible- The German people are not liars. Been to Germany numerous times, took the time to visit several sites. The one that absolutely humbled me to my very core was the memorial at Eagles Nest of their local Holocaust victims. In spite of its exceptional documentation and facility of this horrifying history I could not finish the museum as I could not further stomach the human devastation represented there. I could not take the mass organized murdering of the women, children and elderly that was represented there. All for the glory of Nazism. I applaud what the Germans had accomplish in this display as they reviewed the absolute gory hell within their own back yard. This human atrocity was hidden as much as it could be from the German people, their reality was awakened when the locals were forced to clean up their local prison camps at war's end, primarily removing dead. If you think otherwise WTFU!"

user Pacagoat active GA poster: "There come a time when we have to go on offense. If you look at that post and the user names, many are sock puppets. They want the world to think this is who we are. And they hate Israel and claim oh they killed the Lord. (Like they care) fight we must. And thank you for standing tall."

user Shiftworker1976 active GA poster: "I agree with you 100%. I do support Israel 100%. But there is some truths and history has been compromised by the elects. Just stating there are bad people in every religion. Our father Yahweh sent his son Yeshua to this earth to redeem us threw excepting him as our lord. Yeshua was not sent here to to set up religions. They were created by man. Doctrines of religions corrupt man. Orthodox Jews donโ€™t believe Yeshua is There Lord. The Talmud states that. I pray for them almost everyday. Thank you Patriot."

user RetiredRogue active GA poster: "My father was stationed Erlangen Germany after basic training in early 1945. As a 6th Class sergeant was put in charge of classifications and started sending troops home. While he and others where stationed there they went to the Nuernberg trials. When he and other walked in they were given a 6 page brochure on the 21 defendences on trial. I have that brochure and have made copies and given them to friends. What I think that's interesting is (I live just outside of KC) the Truman Library in Independence Mo. has talked to me me about wanting it for the Truman Library, because they don't HAVE one. Trials were I believe Nov 19th 1945. Reason I believe my father got one was because most troops were going home he didn't and was there at the end of the war. I believe the Holocaust is real because of two things. This story and I've been to Dachua 15 miles outside of Munich Germany by train back in 1995 the 50th anniversary of liberation of the death camp."

and on...and on...and on...I recognize many of those people with the top rated comments criticizing the jew - most of them are not even part of GA. For ever GA that is wise to the jew there is one that denies any evil.

VicariousJambi ago

Like I said, anyone can go into the thread themselves and see if I'm right or if you are. I notice you didn't actually link anything either. Hmm.

VicariousJambi ago

lmao all of those were downvoted to hell.

You sure do have a funny way of representing the community there.

CatsControlTheEU ago

lmao all of those were downvoted to hell.

You sure do have a funny way of representing the community there.

"Lmao" go look at the top posted comments, they're not GA posters. Look at all the bottom muh anti-semitism people I linked. All GA posters. That post hit the front page of Voat - which meant that all of Voat saw it, upvoated it, and commented on it. All of voat is not an accurate representation of that sub. Having been here for 3.8 years you would think that someone like you understands that simple concept.

VicariousJambi ago

So what if they make a bunch of posts? Thats not what we're talking about. We're talking about the communities opinion on the kikes. Whenever people start saying "the holocaust was real" they get downvoted every time. Thats the communities actual opinion on the kikes.

CatsControlTheEU ago

No, that's VOAT's opinion on it. The GA sub is filled with people that disagree with it, even if as you say there are people who agree it was fake and hate jews as I said before from that one thread I picked 10 active GA users who are fully pro-jew. One thread. I never said that all of GA is filled with shills, maybe not even most - but enough that it's definitely fucking noticeable, and I'm trying to bring that number down and you're actively trying to dissuade me from doing so. What's the problem?

VicariousJambi ago

I'm not trying to dissuade you from redpilling. Never told you not to, go ahead. I'll even help if I can. I've sourced a few good talmud quotes recently if you want them.

I'm attempting to correct what I believe to be a mis-characterization of the community there. They get a lot of flak for being Jew supporters, which I don't think is right. Whenever I shit talk kikes, point them out, etc I always get support. I don't think I've dropped a big red pill thread or anything on v/GA specifically, though. I mostly just comment on Q related stuff rather than making threads. I think I'm up pretty high in that thread I linked even too lol.

I'm not disagreeing with you that there are people there who believe the kike lies, just that its way way way less of a problem / not really as prominent, however you want to say it, as the rest of voat seems to believe. Thats really all I'm trying to say, that they get a lot of undeserved hate for being kike lovers.

CatsControlTheEU ago

I'm attempting to correct what I believe to be a mis-characterization of the community there. They get a lot of flak for being Jew supporters, which I don't think is right.

I'm not one of the people on Voat who think all of them are shills or jew supporters. Just some of them. I used to hate them a lot more before as characterized by Voat but I've been on there recently and a lot of them seem like decent people and Voat material. Plus my OP was kind of jokeish - I don't even have an alt. I assumed this entire thread was more of a joke than for real. I just throw occasional red pills into the mix over there when I can. It's not some full fledged operation.

that they get a lot of undeserved hate for being kike lovers.

I agree, I get that my post probably contributed to that belief. Didn't mean for it to paint all of them like that, I just pay attention to the few shills that exist and not the redpilled people.

VicariousJambi ago

One of the reasons I love voat, discussion is actually allowed to happen. Sorry for gettin a little.... triggered... but most of the Q people are honestly pretty shitty at defending themselves. Someones gotta do it. :P

I just pay attention to the few shills that exist and not the redpilled people.

I do the opposite, I don't ever really pay attention to user names. I usually just do a quick check to see if I'm talking to an easily identifiable glownigger or not. I probably should try to remember whos who around here.

CatsControlTheEU ago

One of the reasons I love voat, discussion is actually allowed to happen. Sorry for gettin a little.... triggered...

Lol it's okay, I did too. Probably more than you did.

but most of the Q people are honestly pretty shitty at defending themselves.

Yea I know they are, I was a zyklonb supporter and defender but after I heard about the shit he tried to do to srayzie /the spam post shit he made the other day I renounced him and got set upon by his 'crew' lol.

VicariousJambi ago

I've never really like z_b myself. The few times I've interacted with him I just kind of thought he was a jerk/troll that wasn't really worth engaging. Now I see it's worse than that, but I'm not really surprised. I'm reminded of the v/aww gore debacle now too. That was almost the same thing as whats going on in qrv.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Too many of his posts were low effort eve if they talked shit about jews, the direct threat statements were just asking for trouble.

That's the thing with both of those situations, I didn't care for v/aww, and I didn't care for QRV - but both of the spam attacks on them made be check out the subs more and now I'm more fond of both than I ever was before.

VicariousJambi ago

What I really don't understand is voats odd definition of spam - it really should just be changed to "no advertising" since it doesn't cover most of what people consider spam. Unsolicited repeated content/contact.

I was actually in support of the aged ban and banning the gore posters on v/aww. The attacks obviously fit with the common sense definition of what spam is. I don't see properly categorizing content as "censorship". Its telling the niggers to fuck off back to their own shithole country, to make an analogy. They are free to make a gore sub and see how popular it actually is.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Literally talking to @SyriansFuckCorpses over PM right now about this exact thing. Though we're both in defense of Aged's posts. Not because we like them, but of what allowing it entails for the potential future of Voat. That is a good point though, people use spam attacks to destroy subs they don't like. Really conflicted about this, on one hand I agree with SyriansFuckCorpses on that I don't think we really need 'regular user mods' at the same time there are faggots trying to spam subs into oblivion and I'm not sure admin staff alone can handle it.

VicariousJambi ago

Yeah it's a tough call and I can definitely see both sides. I more lean on the "sub-ban the undesirables" side because they're not being censored site wide like what reddit does, but I do see the slippery slop concerns and it's something to be very watchful of. I think the fact that mod logs are open gives more support to the "ban them" side too. Users can keep tabs on mods if they're getting ban happy. I would suggest some sort of way for the community to remove shit mods, but I have no idea how the hell that would be subversion proof.

Either way I think everyone can agree that there should be some way to see whos samefagging in anon posts. I imagine that would kill most of the spam in qrv. I remember it was only really 2 accounts doing the v/aww spam, and aged was the only one spamming the gaming sub.

DIY-Guy ago

I ran into them for about a week with the direct hard red pills for the most part and you are right when you say that going in with direct heavy red pills is not the best approach. That hive mind mentality over there can be tricky to get through to as well I don't think most people that still believe in trump at this point are ready to accept the cold hard facts about him jewing / screwing / conning all of us super hard.

ScottRockview ago

No, I plan all of my life in one agenda. Having multiple is too confusing, and then if I hide it, I would have to remember where I hid it and I have too much on my mind already to be anything other than straight forward.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

People think I'm just a guy trying to raise my family but secretly, leans in it's a white family.

Neskuaxa ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

vastrightwing ago

Yes, to resegragate the world. I only hide this because the jews will crucify me for my agenda and it contradicts their pluralistic agenda.

i_scream_trucks ago

nope. i openly advocate for the capital punishment of child abusers and their protectors.

which includes my mother and sister.

ill tie the fucking noose myself.

suhmachungus ago

No you dirty goy, go back to watching TV and stop questioning my motives.

1moar ago
