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Maggotbait88 ago

The u/theoldones has been known to beg for child porn,Repeatedly, And again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown when he got called out for it.

theoldones ago

oh hi Dortex/Aged

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

Maggotbait88 ago

"I-I had a good reason for asking for naked child pics!"

Lul you're an idiot