SirNiggsalot ago

Don't work a job. Get your own business. Work a job at first, start a side biz , until you can do it full time.

NeSisVictima ago

get over it, nobody fucking cares

Sosacms ago

"shut up and get back to work."

tjkac ago

Don't get a liberal arts degree.

remola ago

Get a job

lordvain2 ago

Don't join the military.

Lucky12B ago

Break a large problem down. How do you eat an elephant? Bit by bit.

YugeDick ago

Only spit when he's not looking.

Neskuaxa ago

CYA. Even if you don't think it's warranted, it costs nothing to send a follow up email about things you've agreed on verbally with coworkers or other teams. It will establish a record of the conversation. Be courteous and polite in it, even if the interaction was not the same.

GassyMcGasface ago

If they take your stapler you set the building on fire.

ScottRockview ago

Always build your own skills and become more valuable, even if it is only 10 minutes a day, make it happen every day. If your current employer can't or won't pay you more, someone else will. Always be on the lookout for the next step up, good employers will take note and pay to keep you around for fear of losing you; there is not a lot of truly good competition out there, especially if you're young.

Keep track of what you do and how it benefits the company, it is the best if you can track the monetary value that you add. When it is time for a performance review/raise, you go into that discussion armed with info and are confident. If you don't like what the HR moron who has no clue who you are or what you do has to say, find someone else who will like your proven results and who will pay you for them.

Setup your own retirement accounts and before you buy anything other than necessities, make sure you save up at least 6 months worth of loving expenses in an account and just keep it ready for the unexpected. Knowing that you can float your own boat for half a year gives you more confidence to go after what you want knowing you have something to fall back on if things don't go your way.

armday2day ago

Don't work for Jews. Don't buy from Jews. Don't sell to Jews (they'll either Jew you right there or come back and Jew you later).

Long story short, don't Jew.

RealBiggly ago

Best advice is to not doubt you can do something, and instead talk to those who have done it. They will take you seriously. DO NOT take your advice from those who have not done it and tell you it cannot be done.

CapinBoredface ago

Do the work that you want people to expect from you.

talmoridor-x ago

Don't work

slwsnowman40 ago

I've got several I try to abide by and the order in which I abide by them::

  1. Do it right the first time.
  2. Companies will only be loyal to you until they find someone cheaper to do the same job.
  3. Stay off the radar or don't be the tallest blade of grass or don't be highest nail. There are lots with the same message.
  4. Squeaky gear gets the grease. Which is odd, because it completely contradicts the one above it...

I try to stay in my specific job description as if you venture out of that and get hurt, you may not get worker's comp.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Work smart, not hard. Do it right the first time, even if it takes a bit longer cos you'll be coming back through to do it again if you half ass it

sweatingbullets ago

Don't work with niggers.

YoHomie ago

Girlfriend I was dating after high school, best blowjob I ever got.

SomeGuy ago

It’s not what you know it’s who.

mitoriomyt ago

Start your own business and be your own boss.

Delacourt ago

I agree this is a great idea. Any more specific tips about it?

mitoriomyt ago

Any more specific tips about it?

That's too general. Got any specific questions you want to ask?

Delacourt ago

Many startup businesses fail. For example, restaurants are particularly infamous for having a low success rate.

Are there any particular industries you'd recommend going into?

mitoriomyt ago

Here are a few. Might take some time to get into and learn if you are unfamiliar with these industries. But the will yield good opportunities if you are committed:

  • Big data
  • Plumbing
  • Electrician
  • Wireless/Theater installation

These are additional areas/ideas that don't require too much prior experience to start and grow. They either require good recommendations or successful case studies.

  • Pet sitting/dog walking
  • Virtual assistant
  • Social media management
  • Elderly support/care (errands, groceries, teaching them how to operate smartphones, meal prep, etc.)

Delacourt ago

Thanks man, this is a great list.

mitoriomyt ago

You're welcome and good luck.

Also, there are free resources out there that you should take advantage of. is one I can think of right off the top of my head.

Maggotfeast ago

Best answer

NiggerVirus ago

Pick something you are interested in and dedicate your time to become the best you can at it. Once you make up your mind about what this particular thing is you need to have laser like focus on it. There will be no changing your mind, there will be no exploring other ideas or other job interests.

SomeGuy ago

Better advice would be to find something practical that you are passionate about and can turn into a career.

NiggerVirus ago

That's not always realistic for everybody because many people do not have any Passions. For these people the best advice is to pick something stick with it and become good at it.

SomeGuy ago


CapinBoredface ago

Which is super awesome advice until something beyond your control goes wrong.

NiggerVirus ago

No point in worrying about that until it happens. I gave good advice, I'm really rich it worked for me.

CapinBoredface ago

Yeah me too except my advice was suck a mean dick

SlothyC ago

When doing your job, good enough is not good enough

Le_Squish ago

That's cuck talk. Do the work you are paid to do. Nothing more, nothing less.

SlothyC ago

I assemble the brake units for passenger trains. I dont half ass my job.

Le_Squish ago

Are you getting compensated properly for that kind of responsibility? You fucking better be.

SlothyC ago

Very much so. Union gig.

YoHomie ago

That's lazy-ass failure talk. Do the best you can and you'll gain experience and respect. You will also develop pride and be more valuable to future employers and have more opportunities presented to you. Lazy fuck.

Le_Squish ago

Modern employers don't give a shit about you, brah. Not sure why people don't understand about the state of the modern workplace. They don't care about your work ethic. You'll get the same compensation as shaniqua that calls in sick every weekend.

It is not lazy to protect yourself from exploitation by refusing to do work without proper compensation. You give people what they pay for. If they pay for your 200%, then that is what they get.

YoHomie ago

I disagree. Employers look for employees who will bring value to them. Be valuable and you can write a better future for yourself. You wouldn't know this because you don't have that as part of your work ethic.

Le_Squish ago

Most modern employers are like fat feminist that think they deserve everything while giving very little. You have no bargaining power because some suit at some corporate office miles away has already decided what the wage cap is and is not based on productivity. They have already decided how long they will throw you scraps before they stop trying to make you stay. I used to do hiring. HR knows exactly how long they can trick a good worker into staying before they get pissed and either start demanding a promotion or leave.

kneo24 ago

You're both right. There are companies that will give you the same no matter how your performance is. There are also companies who will reward you as much as they can if you are the top of the top. The trick is knowing which you're employed by.

SomeGuy ago

In many ways and industries going above and beyond can fuck you.

Le_Squish ago

The compensation should be realistic and fair in either direction. So many are infected with communist thinking that we can no longer have a dialog about jobs that are legitimately important and deserve best compensation. It hurts managers feeling to get paid less than subordinates you see.

GoatWraith ago

Companies dont care about you and will never be loyal to you. Don't be loyal to them. When a better offer comes along take it.

Karbuster ago

The ONLY exception to this rule is very small, locally owned businesses (like the one i work for)

There are literally 7 of us in the entire company and that includes the owner/operator, his two sons and his best friend

armday2day ago

I'd say your mom and pop shops are the exception, if you can find 'em

xx88 ago

Thanks for the reminder. Going to an interview in a few hours and I'm one of those faggots who has a hard time leaving a job when I should.

Le_Squish ago


Right there. If you a young niggerfaggot, this will save you a lot of heart break and for goodness sake, don't risk your health for theses people.

Rotteuxx ago

Currently working as an admin assistant, shop manager & onsite project manager. If I didn't dedicate myself to the company I'd still be a production welder who'd never have moved up to be the 2nd in command.

My boss has always been loyal & vice versa, I can use the shop to run my own jobs on evenings and weekends & borrow anything I might need at anytime.

Don't work for kikes and assholes but don't be shy of making a white owned business prosper because it's the only way your job will get better.

Le_Squish ago

I used to work for a old Japanese lady. She did require some old fashioned obedience but she took damn good care of her workers. You could work your hardest because you could have that faith she wouldn't fuck you over and she always kept us fed. Not snacks but meals. I learned how to be a good business woman from her. I gave her my 1000% because she deserved it. Even when I was being an occasional retard, she would give me the space to have a bad day and taught me to work through mistakes.

We really got to unkike our work culture and restore dignity to the working folks.

Rotteuxx ago

I gave her my 1000% because she deserved it. Even when I was being an occasional retard, she would give me the space to have a bad day and taught me to work through mistakes.

Same here, I've went through some shitty periods in life while working for him and he never made me feel like he resented my temporary & light drop in performance.

We really got to unkike our work culture and restore dignity to the working folks.

Got to teach youngins to have pride in their work & to work with passion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Le_Squish ago

I'm hoping in a few years I'm in a position to hire some noobs and teach them how to capitalism.

dlion ago

Know WAYY too many people who do this it sickens me. I currently work for a company with close to zero oversight, and the workers can get away with doing very little and still not get fired. Why would i overwork myself if the company doesn't care? In the end, i can just bide my time until they get wise, collect the paychecks, live a stress free life and find something else when they eventually fire me or it doesnt work out

Le_Squish ago

I used to get mad at the slackers until I learned better. Once I stopped being a fool, I was able to do a better job of evaluating potential employers and was able to find an employer that appreciated my skills. That job allowed me to save money to start my own business.

dlion ago

The slackers have just learned how to extract the most from the currently crap system. If they slack and still get paid for it, whose the real sucker at the end of the day? The company doesn't care, and if "enough" work gets done, is all that counts. I mean will the company save you when cullings come for your hard work? Nope. Will company give you a raise for your performance? Nope. And yet I'm supposed to slave away and give these people my life, for no other reason than to make some CEO rich. And worst, a lot of companies are pro globalist, they would happily fire you in a hear beat to get cheaper labor, or make a buck somewhere else. At the end of the day, who cares? What does it matter? If they pay you now, and they're consistent, just bide your time until something better comes along