EpiPendemic ago

I don't see a campaign to motivate a copy cat I see few fucking cunts saying he did a good thing a bit too much for my liking but not much more than expected. The only good thing about seeing people support him is you know we have free speech here. I spent a lot of time reconciling my participation in the meme that is the alt-right but this guy streamed on fb its their fault not ours /pol is anonymous so you don't have followers there, not their fault... . twitter, fb, yt all have subscriptions for followers with counts that is where you get a wide audience and notoriety.

24601_JeanValJean ago

I certainly hope not; seems like the real looney posts are outliers.

NotHereForPizza ago

That seems like a hilarious question.

version7 ago

Likely not.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

What Voat campaign?

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Lots of posts about it lately. At work so I can't compile a list right now

Tranix ago

Tranix ago

This is the question that needed to be asked.

Redpilleveryone ago

No. It is not. It was a false flag.

belrial ago

What he did was just a matter of time, and it is just a matter of time before there is another one.

Tranix ago

This was the second one, in a sense.

There was that guy who hated brown-skinned Muslims being in Norway so much that he went and shot a bunch of white-skinned Norwegian teenagers.

KinkRaven ago

3rd, don't forget the guy in Montreal a couple of years ago.

Tranix ago

Didn't hear about that one, unless you're talking about the incel who killed feminists

KinkRaven ago

No, it was a kid in Montreal and it made no sense, he shot up the mosque and then turned himself in on a bridge (he called them supposedly)

It was never even clear if he was the shooter or a plant. The whole thing was memory holed really fast. No one in Canada talks about it, very little reporting.

Tranix ago

how about that

today I learned

KinkRaven ago

Yup that's the one, got the city wrong.

Tranix ago

This is what I thought you were talking about, the incel one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_Polytechnique_massacre

KinkRaven ago

Yeah that was back in the 80s and was used to cement feminist ideology into our culture.