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XSS1337 ago

Look in a mirror

Pasin5 ago

Its a black guy who's turned radioactive.

danielktdoranus ago


BloatedVoatGoat ago

When they smile

RustyFender1 ago

Obama after the U1 deal.

eyeswide0pen ago

I miss Terry. His shopping trips were the best. Those damned glow in the dark CIA niggers were everywhere. He also coined another term, "nigger cattle feedlot". He said God was getting bored because the earth had turned into a nigger cattle feedlot. Terry was right, RIP.

HughGlass ago

Talcum X?

FuckTheMoshe ago

A CIAnigger. A special agent. It's based on what the one and only Terry Davis said about them once ("if his eyes glow in the dark, he's a CIA nigger")

ginx2666 ago

They glow in the dark so you can see them when you're driving. You just run them over.

That's what you do.

Those god damn CIA niggers.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

syntaxaxe ago

Well, based on how many times I've been called one on the Q subverses, it seems to mean anyone who thinks Q is a psyop and Q's followers are a cult.

It is a pretty cool sounding term, though. I like Davis' use of it better.

a100167 ago

As others have said it's a reference to Terry Davis, who was a bit of an internet celebrity. In real life, he was a tragically mentally ill man who in his last years became homeless. He created the operating system Temple OS which is pretty neat but totally useless. He was also famous for thinking that the CIA spooks, whom he referred to as glow in the dark CIA niggers, were after him and it became a bit of a meme, even though it was very real to poor Terry.

Aufag ago

Temple is actually pretty great if you aren't a very social person

pushthis ago

I remember first hearing glow in the dark when ips on voat or 4 chan got ran or somthing and some govt bodies were undeniably id'd

Aufag ago

Lurk moar

OP is a faggot

RIP Terry A Davis

HitlersMomWasAJew ago

They glow in the dark CIA men, you can literally spot them

If you see em, hit em with your car

whiteboy77 ago

RIP Terry Davis!

danielktdoranus ago

He’a not dead, his Twitter account is active

ranch-othelioma ago

I wonder if he's hanging out with Tay in the big network in the sky.

menstreusel ago

Um... by now he's made his own Tay, with his own compiler because he's white.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Only niggers don't make their own compiler. The CIA wants us all to be niggercattle

IdoubtIt2 ago

CIA. Glowing in the dark is basically when they try to “fit in” generally, on 4chan but also H8 chan, but they’re so fucking retarded and cannot in any way understand the “culture” beyond PP presentations, they fail dismally, like a dumb nigger fails at everything.

In other words, they stand out from the crowd as not fitting in. Different from just someone whose new and openly doesn’t understand the culture, but hasn’t followed the “lurk two years” rule.

Glow niggers generally, like FBI, are either trying to start shit (“hey, we should all get together and shoot up a synagogue!”) or are committing basic bitch shillery, usually trying to make the Chans look bad. They also post a lot of porn and gore. Again, trying to make it look bad/inhospitable, especially to newbs.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

this guy is correct. it's really a reference to how easy it is to spot them based on their language and behavior. they're trying to be shadowy but really they glow in the fucking dark. It seems like the decent, sporting thing to let them know this, because they are so blind to it. In a world of mediocre shills you learn to appreciate the pro's.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Gotta fit in goy, gotta fit in. Never try to do anything different. Gotta fit in...

What a fucking coward this cunt. "Wait for a saviour, keep memeing, memes will save the white race"

Fat fucks, too lazy to save their own country.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Case in point...

varialus ago

They're demons. God's Prophet, Terry A. Davis, all blessings be upon him, saw clearly the demons of this world, which are terrible to behold.

TheBuddha ago

Anyone you don't like, if voat's usage is to be believed.

NiggerVirus ago

Is a nigger with really white teeth.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It's when you get on voat and become a fed by hating niggers because voat is run by feds and were really just helping the feds.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Its not removed from urban dict u dumb nigger:

WhitePaladin ago

Its CIA agents on their vans with high tech gear spying on you or someone, basically gov thugs doing surveillance.

B-------D ago

A black person who is in the employ of the US Central Intelligence Agency. Or a way to deeply insult a white man who is employed by the CIA by implying he is a lowly nigger. Hence... Glow-in-the-dark Cianiggers.

DeliciousOnions ago

Clowns In America put a special type of IR light, or a reflector, or some shit, in their clothes. It makes their whole body look like a big blotchy blob on security cameras, masking their appearance and making them impossible to identify. Anyone who looks at the footage just sees someone who appears to be "glowing in the dark."

Lately it's turned into an insult, as their tactics to control dialogue and astroturf arguments are pretty transparent. So when someone "glows in the dark" on forum posts, they are doing a shit job and giving themselves away.

PoundSign_999 ago

Whoa! I didn't think there was a logical reason for the term, thanks!

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

or just apply your favorite standard titanium oxide based spf 45 sunscreen....

sakuramboo ago

The correct term is Glow In The Dark CIA Nigger.

Watch this.

drstrangegov ago

dude is very crazy. however.....there is weird little echos of stuff we know is going on. i'll bet this guy saw REAL shit that broke his mind.

Civil_Warrior ago

Well now I know to stick a gun in the mouth of any glow in the dark child cia niggers trying to come onto me all horny(FBI). THIS is critical to know in life because you could get run over by Bill Gates herd of nigger cattle!!

stringcheesehustler ago

Video covers a lot of the basics about TAD, but holy shit, that narrator and his Jew sarcasm.

ginx2666 ago

Jim's not a jew (he merely has a lot of rabbis donating superberries) - he's a 100% potato nigger.

Charilko ago

Jim’s Asian girlfriend idolizes Hitler. I don’t think the guy’s a Jew

NosebergShekelman ago

ah yes many of us jews have a fascination with Hitler

Fambida ago

It's a CIA nigger. They glow in the dark because they're fucking spooks.

Civil_Warrior ago

It's because they are aliens, faggot nigger at the bottom of the sea.

i_scream_trucks ago

see i always thought a glownigger was just a nigger pretending to be reasonable (aka white) but failing dismally at hiding the fact theyre 100% black.

ex-redd ago


love that old term