drstrangegov ago

did he come up with the idea for kerbal space program and flappy bird, or are the games he made knockoffs?

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WhitePaladin ago

Isnt he jewish ?

dassaer ago

I went through the posted links and read comments accompanying the linked clips. So I'll copy/ paste part of a comment ;

"The TempleOS can be used in any sector of society, industry, on any machine and works with any arquitecture having the capability to power and run entire sectors, countries and continents but keeping humanity in control of the machines!, without the human species loose controll to the machines and to the artificial intelligence! With TempleOS it is impossible for the machines and for the elites with the AI to become omnipotent, simply because it is impossible to control a system that is completely open and hackable with ring-0 only (working directly in kernel with machine code!). This a completely revolutionary and visionary way that reinvents the Art of Programming in Computer Sience!

It is a 64-bit 2Megabyte only Operating System, non-preemptive multi-tasking, multi-cored, it supports 256 Gig of RAM or more! It is public domain, open source, ring-0 only, single address space, no network capabilities, no cloud computing, no USB, therefore immune to any cyber attack, virus or hacking, 100% secure, and it is completely open source in every way with graphics running in source code with 2D and 3D graphics library and it has his own file system, RedSea file system! All of this and much more only in a 2 MegaBytes distro made by one simple man alone!"

Anyone care to respond to any of this ??. Society Elites Control and this OS ??.

Terrentist ago

Really interesting how many aspects of his spiritualism resembled pagan ideas. One being, for example, a man-divine reciprocal relationship.

His disdain for the safety and fear of danger of the modern world is also really appealing. I guess many of his thoughts will appeal to like minded people.

He said that war is good, necessary. He said that it is the cleanser.

One cannot overlook his advocacy for the rule of the King. Or him valueing mom&pop's over giantic corps.

He said the world was perfectly just, while also advocating a culling. I think that this is a way to say that we are actors in the making of justice.

And of course his racialism. He said god wanted his creations to glory, an in that way glorify him. And so he said that different races had different glories, and have to live away.

He wanted to organize a militia, his templars. I would have wanted to see where it went. Perhaps it could have developed as an actual purger.

He started as lolberg, a capitalist for big corps, and an atheist, but later changed into a much more nationalist, "socialist" (in reality fascist) outlook.

FuckBitchesGetMaga ago

This made me really sad to read. I liked that guy a lot, I didn't even know he died. Reading this I realized I have a lot more in common with him than I realized. I asked him a question on YouTube one time and he said "CIA nigger faggot" and that was it. I'm glad I got to have that interaction while I could. He was too good for this world.

Hirion ago

Lmao, his website wa static. He didn't even have a backend. While his templeOS was useless and lacked basic functionality. All it had was some old-ass games, e. g. Tetris, and the dude spend half of his life building it. The only reason everyone talks about him is because he loved the N-word and was insane. I feel bad for the guy nonetheless, rip.

Hirion ago

So his os was written in holyC. What the actual fuck?

Hirion ago

"How can you defend the niggers? Niggers are the peoblem."

Now I know why he's being mentioned here xD. Intelligent guy who just went insanse at some point and ruined his life.

justlogin ago

This is a really good article...

Davis made many claims in the thread, such as the CIA were to blame for the lack of innovation for OS design. Claiming he missed his chance because his OS didn’t have a backdoor and the CIA wouldn’t allow it to become mainstream.

That part could have some truth to that. :/

If you have ever seen some of his writings parts of it look very very suspicous... Like the admiration for the IRA and other themes.

Sometimes he looks like a loony tragic character and sometimes you have to wonder.

But technical subjects usually make sense, loosely.

Aprioned ago

That part could have some truth to that. :/

Certainly a hint of truth to it, but realistically this OS wouldn't have taken off anyway as it uses Ring 0 to operate, that would be hard to write drivers and applications for.

justlogin ago

What if... TempleOS was some kind of honeypot, and being useless was part of the point? If it was some kind of honeypot they didn't expect so many pranksters crashing the party! Maybe TAD just became that class clown who picked his nose and ate it.

I for one would like to watch the stream that the elephant quote came from and know more about how the graphics worked, whatever the case.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The Official programmer of Voat.co

NosebergShekelman ago

So he learned to code?

xberb ago

It's amazing what these dumbasses here on Voat will praise as a deity so long as he drops some ignorant racist rants that they can point to as validation of their ignorance

It's remarkable

Malayar ago

ignorant of what

Gitmo_money ago

But here you are

NosebergShekelman ago


StoneRights ago


this interview is great, the beginning is a bit cringy but it gets very good when he starts explaining stuff and he talks normally

rip :(

speedisavirus ago

Why people are so obsessed with this moron is beyond me.

ELS_BrigadeWarning ago

Pure meme power.

xberb ago

Because dumbasses look to him as validation for their own prejudice/simple-mindedness - and he talks about things most of them don't understand.. so they automatically assume he's a genius

Jeckle ago

It's probably because you are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger the world has ever seen.

justlogin ago

Everyone has reasons, good and/or bad reasons...

Incty ago

Great story, thanks.

buggermeevenharder ago

Davis wrote an entire operating system from scratch, all by himself. That's a gargantuan task.

speedisavirus ago

Not really. I wrote an operating system in a semester in college. If you put all of the various classes I have taken and put those efforts to the same goal my OS would have been better than his garbage shitty OS.

Aufag ago

would have been

But you didn't though

speedisavirus ago

Because it's a waste of time.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"I could have painted something better than Picasso Leonardo da vinci and Adolf Hitler combined, but I didn't ayy lmao"

If you could do better at him but didn't, then he still did better than you.

speedisavirus ago

He didn't do anything useful. Did you even fucking read how garbage it was?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're simply, objectively wrong.

speedisavirus ago

I see you don't understand words. Please define objectively. You low IQ cunt.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Everyone in computer science writes a compiler. Usually spend about a week or two on it, maybe 20 hours? Of course the compiler usually only has basic expressions, control statements and for loops and functions.

felisgoodman ago

this. However, if you're in cs undergrad, chances are you only wrote a parser, or at best a transpiler. There is a good chance if you took more involved courses you may have fucked around with LEX/YACC and done some TAC stuff.

I love this OS, but I hate the tards that think "this is fringe os, must be best os"... I even had some chromosome farmer try to claim that templeOS could be used for IoT devices.

prairie ago

At best it's a rough sketch of an OS. A real OS has to do far, far, far more than boot on a PC and sort of provide some services. There's a lot that goes into design of all the components in one, and trade-offs between the different uses that will be made and benefits different design approaches have.

Assuming it wasn't a total rat's-nest of code and didn't involve a big amount of duplication of code, it would serve as a good basis for experimentation by OS hobbyists, especially given its lack of memory protection.

felisgoodman ago

I don't know a lot about this os, but TAD was a genuinely talented programmer. I think that there's a more than decent chance that the code wasn't a rats-nest.

But you are right. It's at best a rough sketch. Still a massive accomplishment

prairie ago

A lot of software developers would benefit from doing something like this, if only to see the value of stable interfaces and specifications, clear delineation of responsibilities of different parts of the systems, isolation boundaries, etc.

felisgoodman ago

that's a very good point.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

yeah undergrad => fsm tokenizer, parse tree, risc assembler so yeah probably more than 2 weeks... as the course material.

chrimony ago

He didn't just write a compiler. He wrote all the code to boot a PC and be able to run the compiler, edit code, and lots of other stuff.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

What a great post

GoatyMcGoatface ago

A white man uses an iso

fysi003 ago

I'm trying to self learn computer science from this website (https://teachyourselfcs.com/) since june 2018 but I didn't do it consistently. Thanks for Terry A. Davis story, the story itself motivates me.

Tb0n3 ago

TempleOS guy? He was pretty nutty. Knudsen did a whole long video on him.


drmarshall ago

Looks like an interesting read, I'll finish reading it later

albatrosv15 ago

So that's where the "cianiggers" comes from.

talmoridor-x ago

Fucking newfags

16652820? ago

I wish we could have saved him

patientplatypuz ago

The CIA got to him too soon.

16652886? ago

Fucking CIA Niggers. I believe Terry was a failed MK ultra

captainstrange ago

the key traits for monarch test subjects are

  1. high levels of introversion and social anxiety, this makes the subject easily pliable and influenceable with or without hypnosis.

  2. conscientiousness and neuroticism, a follower mentality, for obvious reasons

  3. a parent or family in a three letter agency, for clearance reasons. someone close to them to monitor and handle the subject.

  4. preferably a military background

  5. history of early childhood trauma

justlogin ago

I don't know about that, but maybe.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

He was taken too soon. He taught me that no matter how good I get, I will still only be programming like a nigger, until I write my own compiler, like a white man. Someday, Terry! Some day...

speedisavirus ago

He wasn't taken soon enough. If he was there wouldn't be gigabytes of video with him jerking off on camera crying to porn.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

gigabytes of video with him jerking off on camera crying to porn

No shit. Well, at least now I know I'm not the only one that does that.

How was the quality? Did you see full frontal or was the desk in the way? Could you see what he was watching? How many hours did you watch?

Joe10jo ago

CIA Niggers That Glow In The Dark, bwaaa! I loved that guy!

TheTrigger ago

I will forever-and-only refer to any alphabet-soup agents as CIA Niggers. Or "glow-in-the-dark spooks," if I happen to be in polite company.

patientplatypuz ago


Tranix ago

Sounds like he would fit right in on Voat

Hirion ago

Voat hates more jews than blacks though.

Malayar ago

I hate them all

CameraCode ago

We could teach him.

chrimony ago

I wonder what was wrong with his brain.

DeliciousOnions ago

Geniuses are more common than you might think - it's the stable genius that's rare.

Wowbagger ago

IIRC, schizophrenic symptoms are caused by the atrophy of the temporal lobe. The exact mechanisms are still up for debate but it's a mix of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Certain flus and cat parasites have been shown to have a strong correlation.

CarthOSassy ago

Cat parasites. Communion wafer in nostrils.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago


chrimony ago

However things would get worse, by May Terry believed his was in psychic communication with Elon Musk and General James N. Mattis designing new features for TempleOS. At one point even believing that Dianna had cheated on him with Elon Musk himself.

By August of that year Terrys ability to focus on one thing and speak properly had diminished. His speech was slurred and his general appearance and health had deteriorated.

JimSoddell ago

Terry believed his was in psychic communication with Elon Musk

I have no doubt this is true given Musk's recent behavior. They are like long lost twins.

fusir ago

Is it scary that I kind of see some of him in me?

I'm even trying to build my own defunct OS but in javascript-ish instead of c-ish.

6cd6beb ago

OS but in javascript

You poor, poor bastard.

justlogin ago

Recompiling the kernel is UNIX tradition and it is normal to seek understanding of your infrastructure.

TheTrigger ago

Scary awesome. Embrace it, man. I honestly think that a lot of shit that people perceive as "mental illness," is just the brain rejecting artificial programming. I'm not talking about trannies; but more like, "being anti-semitic and knowing there are only two genders is not a mental illness." Davies most-certainly had mental problems, but he was an extreme. Being passionate about things that people think are weird is nothing to be ashamed of. Neither is calling stupid people "niggers."

Tranix ago

Is it scary that I kind of see some of him in me?


psioniq ago

“There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.”

― Oscar Levant

Just roll with it, like the rest of us :)

jollux ago

(((Oscar Levant)))

daddybarloz ago

The quote in the title is from the all-time best TAD video clip, which is this one:


TheTrigger ago

I never bothered to try and figure out what the guy on the other line was saying. Someone in the comments posted a transcript, and it makes the clip that much better,

"You wrote a port of GCC?"
"You wrote a frontend for GCC, right?" x2
"No no no no no. Your compiler, you know? The frontend GCC port."
"OK so you ported GCC, congratulations."
"It's GCC."

yellowthread ago

You're forgetting about

The Hardest Question in Programming

S3xthrowawayforfun ago

"The differences between an amateur and a professional, nigger, is that you write your own compiler. I have a 20,000 line divine intellect compiler that compiles just in time and ahead of time. [...] YOU'RE A NIGGER. YOU'RE A FUCKING NIGGER. So..."

daddybarloz ago

What a beautiful quote from a beautiful man.

WhitePaladin ago

cia niggers killed him