First; voat is great but doesn't repost animalsbeingjerks enough
Second; This past month or two reddit has tons of posts going against anti-vaxxers. They use straw men like polio or the grown adult who chose to get some shots as an adult after memes of children dying because they weren't vaccinated as if children who also got vaccinated dont also die. But they never address the statistics(which is a red flag since they apparently love scientist.. well only their scientist any way). There are charts that show certain development issues coincide with the rise of vaccinations. The fact that reddit is being shilled hard against anti-vaxxers only confirms that bolsheviks and other outside enemies have been harming our children. They always hate anti-vax and never question if 1. if ALL of them are needed and 2. if the manufactures of the vaccines have been audited and intentions are pure
I can't be the only one noticing the recent massive push for hate against anti-vaxxers on reddit, if you sort by controversial youll find some goats asking why no one is questioning if the illegal immigrants coming here are vaccinated and are the cause.. they get downvoted into oblivion
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alele-opathic ago
Because the original use of so-called 'Influence-Chatbots' was to argue against vaccine skeptics on Twitter - I've written about this before. Reddit has a very easy to use API (read: it's *very* bot friendly), and actively caters to corporations meddling if they pay for the privilege.
Very literally: bots that argue with people online with the intention of changing public perception were invented to first argue with so-called 'anti-vaxxers'.
And they claim in the whitepaper that they are combating misinformation, which we all know typically requires bot armies.
TheKnightOfGod ago
How do you see who is a bot and who isn't? What are your criteria?
alele-opathic ago
The companies running the bots already admitted which of their accounts were bots to DARPA. When doing training/testing of machines, you use something called a corpus, and, in this case, necessarily requires that you already know which users in the corpus are bots.
This is in the whitepaper, which I encourage you to read. It isn't paywalled.