Civil_Warrior ago

How do you keep a moron in suspense?

IheartSwimming ago

Putt lives in (((Switzerland)))

fhaqyu ago

@puttitout no response here i see. I'll make a point to bring this up every day until you answer us. as it appears, looks like you are selling us out

YoHomie ago

Nobody gives a shit what you think, OP.

fhaqyu ago

quiet down schlomo. you might wake your rabbi up.

cat-facts ago

I'm pretty sure the kinds of people that can afford to save Voat can't afford to have other people knowing they did.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Is it somebody who is interested in ferreting out the true identities of the voaters? If so, you owe us, at least, that bit of info, so we can vamoose to somewhere's else. I'll assume silence on your part implies that your partner means to harm us for our "free" speech, though we INSIST on anonymity.

kammmmak ago

Mel Gibson

a_fucking_dude ago

Okay, not naming any names but the initials might be F.B.I.

fuckmyreddit ago

But the FBI can already find us. You think they are going to round up more than just us? Maybe.

a_fucking_dude ago

They need an excuse. Talk some shit, click a link, then they have a carcerable offense.

B166-ER ago

If you have to ask, you already know the answer...

Goathole ago

It's me. I own you all. You are my little minions, now do my bidding and defaggotize the rest of the internet.

tastelessinvective ago

Ehhh.... I really have mixed feelings about this. I can understand wanting to know who it is. I can also understand an investor wanting to keep association with this site on the down low.

keksupreme ago

i'm pretty sure it wasn't a jew because we still have free speech here so...

Mustard_Monkey ago

It would be nice to know. Why keep secrets from friends?

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

I think we all like to know who this (((nigger faggot))) is.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

James Woods

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It's called the CIA retard.

drstrangegov ago

there seems to be a lot of money flowing to the right of of a sudden. crowders getting traction, guys like owen Benjamin get "woke". the blaze got a massive cash injection from somewhere, and buys up another "network". we know where all money comes from, ultimately. I don't think big money moves happen unless the banks approve it. these banks own EVERYTHING. i'm inclined to just put up an am station and just play doowop music.

Redpilleveryone ago


drstrangegov ago

point number two is why I love voat. she's a precious thing. yes theres a lot of niggerfaggots but there is a kinship that all voaters feel. we are a band of misfits that congregated after being expelled out of everywhere else. we are the digital jews. if I knew of a voater in my area i'd help promote that guy as much as I could. because we have voat in common, and that makes us friends. enemies of voat, be warned. you aren't just fooling with 1's and zero's. youre dealing with hearts and minds. and wars where real blood was spilled have been started over less. and there are no rules in war. just nature and man and technology, red in bullet and blade.

HitTheGas ago

Digital Jews... that’s a fucking good one

GumbyTM ago

Devils advocate, why does anyone owe you anything?

Voat is heralded as a free speech website but Putt isn't allowed to STFU?

fhaqyu ago

Voat is heralded as a free speech website

is it now? since putt's announcement, the site has been flooded with right ended propaganda. so yeah, when users here were willing to pay monthly fee to keep the site going, i think we do deserve to know who is the (((man))) behind the curtain.

faggoteer ago

I think Putt was threatened.

The shill accounts are obvious.

The data collection / data miners are less obvious.

BraunF14 ago

Good point. I hope OP reads.

IsaacJan ago


You’re pissing me off with the “it’s a secret ;)” shit.

truthwoke33 ago

Ahh yes, the corporate winky face. I want to punch anyone who uses it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It's me. I did it.

Walk1 ago

It was probably some dirty little Jew trying to flood us with leftists as is usually the case.

Skirmish ago

We already know. 3 profiles have already "disappeared" or been "removed" that would post anti sjw stuff. Voat is now government funded so they can continue their psyop campaigns.

sup cowards.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

3 profiles have already "disappeared" or been "removed" that would post anti sjw stuff.

As if "anti-SJW stuff" was even 1% as dangerous to the kikes as the stuff that regularly makes the front page on voat.

"haha isn't that blue hair feminist that wants to kill all men craaaazy" got old 5 years ago, now it's time for you to learn about the 13% of the population that commits 50% of violent crime.

Skirmish ago

you're still a faggot and I am surprised you took the time to downvote my profile comments.

still a faggot

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Lie more faggot, why the fuck would I suddenly downvoat your profile comments 4 days after this comment was made.

Although between the comment I responded to and the two to left responding to me that's half of your comments that are downvoat able.

If you're really bitching because I downvoated 2 (as of now 3) of your comments you need to rethink your life.

Don't blame me for your posts being unpopular, blame yourself for being retarded.


Skirmish ago

Nothing to lie about shit banger.

Go bury your nut sack in a small woodland creature and stop fluffing people up.

Skirmish ago

take a shit somewhere else

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Sup 5 month old account with 26 upvotes.

Skirmish ago

yawn, your shit handle is still around? not enough dicks in your mouth, you gotta start babbling over here?

truthwoke33 ago

Voat is a government honey pot meant to pacify and defuse us.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

It doesn't matter to me. I'll be leaving soon. Truth is voat has some serious problems in terms of the future and some mysterious investor and then private subs... Well that didn't really help. At least not me.

I am willing to bet things will change for the worst soon. No faggot investor ever puts down money without intending to change or influence things to see his investment returned with a profit.

Voat doesn't sell or advertise much. That only leaves a few ways for some kind of investment repairing operation to occur. Ultimately I cannot help but feel that WE are the product.

fuckmyreddit ago

We, the digital Jews, might be the product. I question everything else.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Digital jews?

keksupreme ago

good jew post

drstrangegov ago

I've considered this as well. a plan to create a distinct mental breed. the niggerfaggot. using carefully crafted articles and "news", a certain worldview is implanted. driving them to behave antisocially.

cantaloupe6 ago

The leftists want socialism - not only does that destroy free speech it also destroys society. Even Pelosi doesn't want socialism. If free speech is surpressed by leftists eventually leftists will come for them too. Sites like voat should be supported.

EpiPendemic ago

You are ignoring the "secret" part of secret investor.

I wish I could financially support this place with a monthly subscription I want to give you money. VOAT I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY!

L3D ago

Same Chinese investors as reddit, I bet, timing would make sense.

fuckmyreddit ago

My first thought is always China. Some of the upper commies must have more money than God. They own our country fo sho.

L3D ago

Tencent invested $150 million on reddit 2-3 days ago, about the same time as ...oh nevermind, Voat angel announcement was 2 months ago already time sure flies. Oh well, I still wouldn't be surprised if that investor would be Chinese.

GoylentGreen ago

This was my exact thought

NotHereForPizza ago

That actually makes a lot of sense.

goatsandbros ago

Shortly after the announcement, BitChute implemented a "share to Voat" button. That's the biggest clue for me.

BB-3 ago

Bitchute had a fundraiser going to replace their Disqus comments section until indiegogo dropped them. It would be cool if a Voat comments section was embedded there.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

His mom.

NosebergShekelman ago

Would you be mad if it were me? oy vey, shaloms and praise israel

Phantom42 ago

I mean, you popped up, at least on my radar, around when that happened.

Was that when your personality flipped to full 1488?

NosebergShekelman ago


Nonetheless ago

We are all on a list already so who gives a fuck.

Civil_Warrior ago

They put me on a list. Now they are on my list.

Blunt_Echo ago

Many have not yet grasped this concept; they still think they are somehow going to avoid the upcoming 'unpleasantries'.

Critique ago

We are all already dead, we understand the decisive step taken to think negatively towards the government.

Blunt_Echo ago

There's a difference between being dead and being nonexistent. Being dead only means you are no longer limited by your meat suit. This war is being fought simultaneously on many different levels.

Goys-R-Us ago

Everyone is on the list. Paranoia runs deep in the yid world.

CameraCode ago

If everyone is on the list, nobody is.

MrPim ago

We're all gonna get a lump of coal. Hopefully it was named Shlomo.

WhitePaladin ago

Some other possible questions:

1-Why would anyone invest in here ?

2-Why remain anonymous ?

drstrangegov ago

theres good guys with money, right?

WhitePaladin ago

No. Not with the serious big money.

JustARandomStranger ago

Sites like Voat don't need "big money" to survive and thrive. It needs money, yes, but not "big money".

Tech companies only need "big money" when they get locked into the predatory cycle of "growth at all costs" that venture capitalists expect. They don't care about growing a sustainable, profitable business.

If you can pay the salaries of a core developer and a competent reliability engineer, pay server costs, and grow 10% year over year, sites can do okay.

It's only when you focus on the exit that shit goes haywire. That's when you need to scale out marketing and sales teams, focus your effort on monetizing via ads or subscriptions, chance buzzword compliance, and grow your customer base by millions every year without making any profit.

voatusernamevoat ago

Speaking of, if just a million Whites managed to get setup like so:, they'd save $15-20k a piece which prior was going to jew coffers and to pay for non Whites replacing us, if then took the savings and operated in concert as partners in an investment firm that would be 15-20 billion/yr, I figure that would be enough to setup/acquire a bank, credit card, payment processing, domain registry, web services, etc businesses that jews and friends are wielding to assert their dominance.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/8chan comment by @16822184.

Posted automatically (#23735) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Reddit-is-kill ago

So if I become rich will voat abandon me? Sad.

drstrangegov ago

yeah....I doubt there many good guys better than millionaires. the big power people are corrupt to the core

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Has anyone suggested that it coyld be Notch?

drstrangegov ago

I thought of that. But not everyone on the internet is famous. 8 billion people on earth. The odds are astronomical.

WhitePaladin ago

If i was a billionaire i wouldnt invest to protect free speech either, i dont give a shit.

anamericantale ago

  1. why invest? voat has a functional code base, and emulates reddit which is huge. It also has a number of built in advantages that reduce spam which reddit doesn't have. The voat codebase is superior at this time, but probably lacks the scaling technology to become colocated around the word with content delivery networks. However those are not too expensive to overcome.

  2. too many racists on voat.

you forgot #3. profit?

profit? comes when hatespeech gets outlawed in the USA. which it will under the next democrat president. So you have a little less than 6 years to speak your mind. Then it will be outlawed, and voat will expel most of it's userbase. The ones who remain will discuss cats and talmudvision shows. the targeted ads will come, and accounts will need to be linked to your fb/google accounts.

Reddit will probably fail from a bunch of infighting and bad management. voat has more agile management for now, so is poised to become a replacement for reddit.

why would redditors use it? every time they get expelled from reddit they come here already. once it's been sanitized, it will be nearly indistinguishable from a ui perspective.

Civil_Warrior ago

Too many racists on Reddit. FTFY. NIGGERS ARE REAL. I'm not racist, reality is racist and sexist. Reddit faggots think they can censor all opposing thought like Stalin and build freedom of expression. They can only keep their shared illusions as long as they can keep the truth away from them. 10% doing half the violent crime, and a long list of other nigcomplishments shits down the neck of their imbecile world view.they are more racist and sexist against white males because they are mainly betafagtards that not so secretly look forward to nigger booty call to make them feel accepted, but they are still idiots Uber bigoted racist fuckwits that circle jerk all reality away from their gay gangbang hivemind.

anamericantale ago

that comment really explained why people would invest in voat.

Civil_Warrior ago

And by people you mean niggers??

anamericantale ago

I dont understand? you think niggers have money to invest in voat?

not likely.

drstrangegov ago


MrPim ago

. The ones who remain will discuss cats and talmudvision

Have you read Maus? I like cats and I doubt the Maus story.

Artofchoke ago

You'd invest because you care about supporting free speech on the internet.

Remaining anonymous when supporting something that provides a platform for racial awareness? The JQ? Come on.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Giving money for a cause is charity, not investment.

Civil_Warrior ago

Depends on how you give it.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

If it's an "investment" for which you're willing to accept a smaller return then the portion of your return you're giving up is the charity part.

Civil_Warrior ago

Investment in society.

Investment in another's well being.

Investment in your race's future.

Investment in the extermination of niggers.

Charity can be an investment.

yellowthread ago

Do you really think this place changes people's opinions on anything, Qtards excluded?

The people who stay are already tolerant of free speech or ready for rahowa.

Blunt_Echo ago

Do you really think this place changes people's opinions on anything...

Yes. I've gotten several people to check out the site and over time their minds have changed, or they are currently questioning long-held beliefs.

14WordsToFreedom ago

Do you really think this place changes people's opinions on anything?

Yes. Full stop.

syntaxaxe ago

Do you really think this place changes people's opinions on anything

Yeah, I do. When I came here, I was already fairly right-wing and racially conscious, sure. But I was more along the lines of right-wing libertarian, and after much argument and discussion, I lean much more NatSoc now. I understood the weakness that diversity brings, but I did not clearly see the war being waged against white existence, and I had no idea how much anti-White rhetoric/policy/propaganda could be traced back to the Jewish community.

I used to hope hard that we'd find a peaceful solution in the culture war. I am just as unhappy at the thought of violence as I ever was, but I realize how pointless hoping for peace is when your enemy wants nothing more than your death. Now I just hope the war comes early enough that there's enough of us left to fight. Now I just hope we've learned our lesson by the time the slaughter is done, and we can go back to building peace and prosperity. I hope my kids survive the ever-growing chaos and the inevitable time when this cold culture war goes hot.

And, of course, there was /pol/ - a place that used to be like Voat in many ways. When I first found myself there, I was a progressive idiot liberal who thought I was going to trigger the stupid Nazis.

You may not have changed your opinion, but places like this do change people's opinions. The people on Voat constantly posing arguments, pointing to data, showing the flaws in others' arguments, being willing to fight and stand for their views - this is important for opening some people's eyes. There are plenty of idiots like myself who need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into uncomfortable realities. Where else are you going to find people to do that?

Phantom42 ago

Came to trigger Nazis... Then became a Nazi.

Sums up /pol/ and Voat, really.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The line between far left and far right is much thinner than the (((media))) would indicate.

Phantom42 ago


Part of why Nazism took hold. You want unity? Well, look no further.

It took the best elements of the left and the right, put them together, and before you know it you have a unified people and a wholesome nation.

Until the Kikes get pissed and call their friends and tell them to keep pumping out propaganda and propellers...

Deezedlat ago

You know I'd Honestly say yes to that. You'd be surprised how many lurk here and explore. They really do get red pilled. Hi from Canada!

Artofchoke ago

I didn't know about the enormity of Jewish overrepresentation in our media before Voat.

Are minds changed? No idea.

We've had some amazing existential conversations about abortion, abolition, the nature of human existence. Because we can be completely honest here. I don't have to worry about some anonymous cunt deciding my thoughts were too provocative, or offensive, or disturbing.

SubhumanTorch ago

Yep, pretty much a place to continue discussions we can't have elsewhere. Try out ideas however radical. Changing minds is reddits thing.

WhitePaladin ago

I agree with the second part in half, voat can grow and the investment might pay off, but your first sentence is so fucking naive it looks like something a 11 year old would say.

Artofchoke ago

You care about supporting free speech on the internet, right? I do. We all do. What's naive about that? Its pure.

WhitePaladin ago

Not enough to make such a huge investment, we´re talking big money. The guy that invested here is no Jesus.

Jewed ago

Money is not a problem for some people. The amount needed to moisten Putt's trowsers is probably just a day's stipend for thousands of family members of Irvings, Schlumbergers, Saudis, etc.

Artofchoke ago

Maybe they think there's gonna be a cultural shift and this place is going to be worth something in the future?

Maybe there's a sinister motivating, certainly possible. I try really hard not to live a suspicious life. It's exhausting and depressing. I'm earnest, you're earnest, other people are too. Damnit.

WhitePaladin ago

I dont believe in good samaritans dropping 7 figures here, sorry.

Good samaritans at maximum stop at the road to charge your car, they dont drop 7, 6? figures on a "nazi" website. Thats a lot of money to drop.

busybeaver ago

6-7 digit numbers? - A lot of money.

Helping to save the world from white genocide? - Priceless

Some people have scruples, even rich people.

WhitePaladin ago

It must be really nice there in La La Land.

busybeaver ago

If you suddenly became a billionnaire, you WOULDN'T put some of that money into political goals? Even Soros can manage that.

fuckmyreddit ago

Soros does it with our tax money from what I've read. An opposing force using tax money is the best outcome I could hope for. If it's not that, we need to build a new site.

Artofchoke ago

Is it good samaritan to be part of creating what you want? Was Aaron Schwartz a good samaritan?

You might be right, absolutely. But I don't think Putt would sell us out. Let's wait and see. ♡

madmardigan ago

Baron Trump is putting his savings to use at Voat.

quttitout ago

Ok i will tell you long as my comment right now gets 100 likes.

Blunt_Echo ago

Well, he is an autist.

Doglegwarrior ago

That would be pretty awsome actualy.

ToFat2Fish ago

More likely one month allowance

WhitePaladin ago

That kike knows best how to use his money ;)

InediblePear ago

He's 50% slav, 25% German, 25% Scottish - not to sure about the Scotts but Slavs and Germans historically hate the Jew

WhitePaladin ago

His dad loves jews, and so will the kid if he will want to continue being rich,

CameraCode ago

Barron isn't even part Jewish, dumbass. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they're automatically Jewish.

Timmy2 ago

It would be humorous if it was Tencent, who "invested" $150 in reddit.

doubleanalbypass ago

Israel and the Zionists recently had a policy change: they are about to stop sucking the life out of the US and focus on infecting china now. lots of partnerships and technology offerings, Israel is good at this, and China has no idea who they are welcoming there. bottom line: if china ends up investing in internet companies like reddit and voat, expect Israel to monitor and control the communications thereof. after reading about ptech and how it was involved in 911, you can be damn sure that Israel can and will try everything to infect china.

it's all about the greater Israel plan. scary how such a small group can take out 8 countries in the mid-east to "make room" for the biblical dimensions of greater israel... lol

not sure if chinese are idiots.

there are a couple of macro solution for this problems, one of which is boycotts of all companies connected to israel/zionism, the other would be more effective, but involves covert hit-jobs on key figures in this network, like the mossad itself does them to regular joes if they get annoying enough.

EpiPendemic ago

Tencent bought a mobile game that I have been playing for about 5 years and about a year after they bought SuperCell . clash of Clans they kicked off a bunch of players for swearing in chat or having a clan description of "no ragheads allowed". People that I know have spent 10s of thousands on the game but they are rich so not a big deal for them it's prob like me or you losing $50. I was and maybe still am #1 homo all of Clash Of clans! sad that a nice beautiful Nordic company got cucked and sold out the asians. this game was making 5 million a day a few years ago in their prime.

Doglegwarrior ago

I couldnt transfer to my new phone so lost hundreds of hours of time and dedication to my little people. That game is a simple concept seems like someone could make a much much better version. And make it fair not pay to play and make money. Im really dissapointed in the gaming industy.. u have a dream you have a movie a story to tell you can do it all in the world of video games. Instead we get the same old corporate shit.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Spending money on a free game?

Big gay

Civil_Warrior ago

Mondo faggo!

Diggernicks ago

Its the cia


WhitePaladin ago

Cia niggers, always treat them for what they are, niggers in suits.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

That sounds like something Terry Davis would say.

WhitePaladin ago

He was a crazy kike eheh.

cantaloupe6 ago

Some are okay and doing good works. There's always a mix.

a100167 ago

That glow in the dark.