thebearfromstartrack ago

You have to be one hell of a stupid bitch to get raped by a taxi driver.

swollamhsram ago

She was killed, and then raped again.

Holonomic ago

I have not heard anything, so I really don't know what has happened to this dipshit. If you hear anything please post.

forget-me-not ago

Sounds interesting. Got a link to the original story?

showbobandvagene ago

I cant find her original post were she announces the trip, But heres the update a few day in

first update

99887766 ago

She has been anused.

tendiesonfloor ago

How much poop?

SomeGuy ago

They say no news is good news so...

tendiesonfloor ago

I say she ded.

showbobandvagene ago

Me too, it was day 4 she was raped, i dont think she made it past day 7.