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ShipFaced ago

I guess she s looking for it . Will make her a youtube star .

satisfyinghump ago

Anyone got today's fb post?

ToxicWhiteMale ago

This stupid cunt will be beaten and raped in no time. There is absolutely no fixing stupid!!!

Mr_Wizard ago

That bitch is dumb as hell.

Icecreamsammich ago

‘Real loudly’..... ‘fysical’....’dashboard thing’....’volleybal’.... I could name a few more grammar and spelling eye sores but to continue to put down someone whose first language does not a appear to be English but it would be like continuing to call a mongoloid a retard. It is apparent she is not American when she uses kilometers instead of miles. Anyone know what goyim country she comes from?

As a side note... reading that did provide mild amusement as she was more than likely raped by a sand nigger....

GoyimNose ago

She will never learn, even in death

I'm not buying her story though. It doesint make any sense. She either got raped and is trying to cover it up or is full of shit.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

If this bitch gets raped it will make her holiday, it’s what she a wants

scootypufftipper ago

Her poor parents.

F_Tard_Fred ago

What do you honestly expect dummy. You Liberals are SO stupid it truly defies explanation.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why did younpost a wall of text to PICS?

You must be an illiterate nigger. Rules says NO SCREENSHOTS.

Drunkenst ago

a point in time is on the horizon (before these estrogenic imbeciles reverse themselves) when they will beg for the return of chivalry. then it’ll begin all over again.

Drunkenst ago

Gullible’s Travels. Lilliputian brain, Gargantuan stupidity.

JimSoddell ago

Wait a minute. The guy stole her phone and here she is posting on to her account from her phone.

That means the post was written by the guy.

Her body's probably out in the woods.

HeavyBrain ago

Or she got away because you know she put out or did it for money.

Judasrope ago

What an idiot, she doesn't understand that to a Muslims she is a whore. Well maybe she is.

Tallest_Skil ago

you never know with taxi drivers.

They're mostly nonwhite, so you're right about that.

SoldDownRiver ago


Holonomic ago

She'd be the 3rd to travel in that shithole region with the deluded liberal dipshit mindset. Don't have any sympathy for them. It's the self-cleansing channel of Darwin working in glorious color. Keep us up to date OP.

togCirt ago

Not the hitchhiking not the fact that I am a solo traveler and not Iran. He and him only. Iran has been great so far.

She is not very smart, is she?

If this isn't a selective perception, I don't know what is.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

She says her first mistake was screaming? Really? Leaving aside that she went to Iran alone, I’d say her first mistake in this scenario was accepting the offer of a ride from a guy she had no reason to trust. Especially since she later says he was a taxi driver. How often have you had a taxi driver offer you a free ride? I think her entire story is bullshit, frankly.

moviefreak ago

At least the jews got the oil pipelines in place. How may american's came back mutilated and burned?

ToFat2Fish ago

Smug little cunt. I look forward to watching her beheading video.

jewsbadnews ago


Kekalicious ago

It's not like it was rapey rape. Sexual emergencies happen. It's the cultural enrichment of his ancient tribe. Besides you need at least three other female witnesses to equal out to one man's word. I am sure he would have felt bad for at least a few minutes. Until he remembered Allah said it is alright.

Neral ago

This is one of those cases where even if she actually did get raped, it still wouldn't affect her opinion on mudslimes or middle east shitholes at all. Being beheaded probably wouldn't either.

satisfyinghump ago

We were all waiting for this AND we received the story we expected to hear. BUT... anyone else feel like either she's purposely left out pretty important details (many people believe she either has memory loss of actually being raped, or, is purposely leaving out the part where she got raped) or something else is fishy with this story?

To me, some thing is not right with this story/post of hers...

There are subtle moments where she writes in a style who's purpose is to make her look stronger or braver than she actually is???

Palindromedan ago

What an idiot.

Fullmetal ago

Wasn't a white girl, also hitchhiking, raped and murdered in one of the sandnigger countries just a couple of years ago?

Do they learn nothing?

Truthsayer9000 ago

Oh god, the mental loops this bitch makes, clear example of feminist cancer in the last stages.

BumFightChamp ago

Lessons learned. Screaming works. Hitting does not.

She still hasn't gotten the "don't go to Islamic countries" lesson yet..

Conway ago

Seems more like a declaration that someone found her attractive enough to rape rather than. Oh fuck, I was almost raped and murdered in the middle of nowhere because I'm a dumb liberal cunt.

kammmmak ago

And that was the last anyone heard of her.

TheWheelofTime ago

I wouldn't believe anything she says. I wouldn't even believe she's there. If Allah reveals the truth to us infedels by way of beheading then we'll know she was actually there.

bagano1 ago

It says she was in Iran?? Am I missing something here?

Ave_Satanas ago

Is this even true? I think this is faked, because if it's such a public event why are we posting and hiding her Facebook/Twitter name? Plus there's a couple of times where the second letter in a word is capitalized. And physical is spelled with an F? Fake fake fake fake

bagano1 ago

I'm starting to wonder too. There would be no need to hide her name.

hillbilly_guy ago

She'll be "missing" soon.

chubsta ago

obvious fake - he was armed yet backed off because she screamed at him? He drove around looking for her yet she hid in the Forest (just like happens in every movie where the plucky heroine manages to escape the evil white rapist in the Forest). Of course, she also managed to run off after getting her large and heavy backpack from the car. And then she falls into the arms of 'Beautiful Moon'... not Fuckmilla or Jihadette, but Beautiful Moon... her new BFF who just happened to be nearby and who hadn't heard any screaming etc.

I smell a few talk-show appearances when she gets home saying how the Muslim world is so incredibly friendly apart from the one evil man who wads quite light-skinned actually and who had obviously been Westernised

noxiousnick ago

That part 3 though

"Almost raped and killed in the woods, but other than that Iran is GREAT!"

lol wtf

tokui ago

If she survives, she'll be the mother of a doon coon.

Somali ago

Great now I can't rape her since she has been defiled by stinky niggadick




tokui ago

Fucking pissed. The faggot obviously doesn't know the ABC's of rape. Fucking beat her into submission first, no talking!!

phillyjoe ago

December 19th. Sigh. Can't read

So basically she was raped in Iran, and is continuing on to Iraq.

con77 ago

over/under one day

African_Jew ago

She was raped and lied about it.

Nanoonanoo ago

dumb thot

mudbear ago

aaaaaaaand she learned nothing.

phoenix883 ago

We just haven't heard about the rape epidemic in rural Japan. They are probably just as bad, absolutely must be because all people are the same.

P33psh04h ago

Muslims aren't real people.

Drunkenst ago

Some of them Japper broads got nice tits.

PuritySpiral ago

Doesn't Japan have those train molesters?

phoenix883 ago

"Chican". Yeah. They have a bigger problem with college girls wrongly accusing men of taking photos from beneath their skirts to collect a little hush money.

Harasser in Japan take photos beneath skirts or press their hands on their butts, if they're really extreme. Escalators have warning signs to alert girls to take care of this.

Only a feminist will call that "rape". It's rather benign, when compared to a New Year's Eve in Merkel's Reich.

phillyjoe ago

4 days in, and raped. god damn.

so the countdown is 13 days until decapitation.

Sigh you can't fix stupid.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

She's only been there for four days. She points that out offhandedly, and mentions that she's traveled 30,000km while hitchhiking. I don't think she really meant to imply anything either which is sort of funny. I wonder if she's getting flak from people for making this public, maybe that will wake her up a bit. The ouroboros effect is very real.

Drunkenst ago

What’s that work out to in hitchhiking rapes-per-mile?

canadianpedistan ago

So in the middle of getting raped she had to get into the car to get her bag cause she didnt want him to have her underwear? This chick is either retarded for doing that or retarded for including that in her fabricated story. Either way shes retarded.

Holonomic ago

Well, she still needed something to sell on her Instagram page.

Hektik ago

Who would have thought? THOT?

Splooge ago

Iran has been great

When a country's name describes what you should do, it's probably best you don't go.

Allahdpigfucker ago

I couldn't read any further when it said " my career as a hitchhiker ". Her career for fuck sake. Deserved everything she gets for that sentence alone.

voats4goats ago

Shit there goes my hopes to make a career in couch surfing. You shattered my dreams mang!

ssaa6oo ago

This happened in Iran. If it was Iraq she would have been raped and murdered.

Soyboy69 ago

A totally made up friendly face at that...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Reads like fanfiction

Soyboy69 ago

Something seems off about this story especially around the middle...

OhGoodLord2 ago

Why the fuck is she doing this? GO HOME. Be safe! You're not in a Christian part of Indiana or a civilized country like the Netherlands or the UK. You are in a backwards ass society. Which is why so many Iranians come to the West, leave the fancy jobs they had with their good degrees there, and work as Uber drivers here.

level_101 ago

With an fierce attitude like that she might just live rape free for a whole 24 hours more!

phillyjoe ago

Assuming that moon beam isn't stalling her, so that she can offer the foreigner as rape tribute to the guys that harass moon beam all the time.

YoungChemist ago

Not just "almost raped", but almost murdered as well. If everything happened like she claimed, what does she think that the nice local man pondered to do with the screwdriver?

She's only lucky to be alive, since the guy seemed to be an amateur, likely the first time a dumb white tourist got into his car.

He'll be better prepared the next time, now that he has gotten the thirst for it and make up for his first-time fuck-up.

Feldorai ago

She's trying too hard to defend an irrational situation from a decision she made. She made no distinction that she was attacked and it's because she was alone, this point proves one fact. Females MUST have a male Escort in the Middle East at all times, this is not optional, this is mandatory, the women NEED the male Escort at all times because it is customary in the Middle East that if and or when a female wanders around on her own, to them, it means that she must be looking to be taken by somebody, most likely because in that part of the world when a woman wanders around it means it's because her father or lover is dead and she is looking for a mate -- this can explain the confusion of the attacker and the heightened sense of danger when thing started to look like it could easily take a turn for the worst. This is why fighting back and screaming more than likely did not help the situation at all, she only made the attacker react in a more hostile manner because in these situations being customary in the Middle East it means that she was never taught to be submissive.

She can try to play it off like this being just "one individual" as much as she wants, but what she is not admitting to is that this is the sort of environment she put herself in and she does not want to accept to waking up to this realization. There is beautiful scenery all over the world especially in the Middle East and there is of course by a majority good people out-weighing your bad people experiences, always. How ever when stories like this pop up the only thing anyone can say about it is the cliche obligatory "We Told You So!". We don't do it to be assholes or dicks about it from a racist or hateful anti-Muslim stance, that is just your own projected bullshit that you tell yourself.

Korinthian ago

Reading this made me realize something. These women are 99 times out of 100 the type that woukd say their horoscope of the day came perfectly accurate and the pattern of the stars can discern the future, but at the same time the patterns of human behavior are an unfathomable mystery. The position of jupiter has been associated with fortune for those born in march, but theres just no way of knowing what the behavior patterns are of the people who live in iran, no matter how much data you will ever collect on it.

SolidFoundations ago

Mhm... Logical inconsistencies don't seem to matter... Unfortunately.

Der_Untergang ago

I know everyone is completely terrified to say it, but the part where she says "my memory is a bit vague" is the part where she actually gets raped. It's impossible to know whether this story is real or not. It reads a bit like creative fiction rape fantasy shit that '50 Shades of Grey' was apparently so popular for.

These women are going off to fulfill some sick rape fantasy because no civilized human being wants anything to do with someone like this.

Splooge ago

I forget where I read it, but a large percentage of women have rape fantasies.

juicedidwtc ago

lol my GF, and pretty much every other girl with daddy issues

rektumsempra ago

well that's problematic as fuck, isn't it? it's not even like you can be nice to a girl with an "aversive" fantasy and force yourself to rape her, partially because of the paradoxical nature of trying to be cruel out of generosity (duh) and partially because the US will put you in jail for 10 years and the EU will put you in jail for, idk, 2? if you're not muslim. their only option, then, is to start hanging out in black neighborhoods if they live in the US or, if they live in the EU, muslim neighborhoods. Hitchhiking through Iraq, though? That's a fuckin Darwin award right there.

Rebooted ago

When I was a younger, single man, a female friend of mine I'd known since high school asked me to rape her.

We had been friends before and she had tried to hook up with me then. Years later, I was home visiting and we met again. I always thought she was attractive and ended up staying the night at her place. She told me she had been raped years prior while on vacation in Europe and it was "the best sex she'd ever had." I was conflicted and (because I was really horny) tried to advance a normal sexual encounter.

Yell at me all you want about not bolting for the door. I know I'm an idiot sometimes.

Anyway, before clothes were even ruffled she begins to cry and beg. I immediately back off. It was incredibly awkward, almost evil feeling.

Later, after she calmed down a bit, she did give me a blowjob. It felt like a consolation prize to her.

I haven't seen her since that visit.

rektumsempra ago

AAAH fuck that's so deranged. Evil is exactly how I'd expect it to feel.

midnightblue1335 ago

It reads a bit like creative fiction rape fantasy shit that '50 Shades of Grey' was apparently so popular for.

It does. It reads a bit like a fucking fantasy. Even the part where she says something about "trying to memorize a female hitchhiker's near-rape story"- it's like she's taking bits of reality and cramming them into her fan fiction.

Honestly I think she wrote this to make herself feel better. She clearly viewed the act of being raped as "the man winning", and she would never allow a man to win at anything. So she got raped, her phone stolen, and left in the woods- utterly humiliating, right?

So she tries to make herself feel better the way feminists always do- by deluding themselves into believing something totally false, but that fits with their worldview. In this case, she deluded herself into believing she was not raped- almost, but thanks to the wise words of another "female hitchhiker", she was able to use her sister's wisdom to overcome the beastly man and escape unscathed! It's ridiculous, but it fits into the childlike worldview this girl has.

HeavyBrain ago

Don't worry once the antibiotics ressistant STDs catach up to her she gets an reality check.

albatrosv15 ago

Too retarded to be a real story though.

Artofchoke ago

Why are you doing this to your parents, I would like to ask her.

Artofchoke ago

We need a betting pool on this, I'm in for rape. Can I get action on beheading and/or vanishing?

phillyjoe ago

Last thread had beheading in 17 days.

Artofchoke ago

I'll take gang rape and vanishing with an over under of hrmm, let's say 15.

phillyjoe ago

Like an idiot I just noticed the dates are from the 19th.

So who knows

1776Jimbo ago

Minor setback. What could possibly go wrong??

boekanier ago

Yes, stupidity can be lethal.

Omnidempotent ago

This reads like bad erotica.

nomorejewsinpower ago

Anyone who believes this 3rd grade level story is a retard. Most women are professional victims, don’t fall for their kike bullshit.

midnightblue1335 ago

I think she was actually raped. I think this is a "cover story" that is part of her coping mechanism. She clearly viewed the situation like this: "If he rapes me, then the man wins- that will never happen because of that female hitch-hiker's story I memorized!"

The part where she says "her memory is vague" is probably the part where the savage pinned her in the car as she went to retrieve her backpack. He had his way with her, took her phone, and drove off. In her eyes, the man won.

So she writes up this story containing half-truths and hints to the reality.

crazy_eyes ago

I expected her to be dead already

gazillions ago

I don't believe it's real.

Wonderful moon or whatever her name is supposed to be and her family wouldn't have taken in the dumb slut if they were Muslim.

If they were bahai or something else they would have wanted dumb slut moving along and not causing them trouble.

It sounds like typical internet bullshit with some bizarre idea of teaching everyone else a lesson because they have no kids.

HeavyBrain ago

This part is just as made up as the "almost" raped part.

Saturday405 ago

The name being blanked out is reason enough for me to call bullshit.

Mathurin1911 ago

Segments of Iran were westernized in the past, she might have stumbled onto one of them.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Please refer to this handy Internet Forum Flow Chart

gazillions ago

I freely admit it's rewarding to viewpoints verified by strangers.

What the hell; reality can't compare.

SaveTheChildren ago

Of course its fake. The story is ridiculous.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Uh, the part about him sort of retreating and her memory being vague and then grabbing her backpack... I think she might be leaving out the part where she actually got raped.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

I was thinking the same. Thank God that’s all that happened. She will be dead soon

DanijelStark ago

Remember , in neoliberal leftard logic , rapes , as long as theyre committed by brown or middle-eastern looking people , are a sign of enrichment of culture . And they will anyways blame white males for anything bad that happened to them , through their mental gymnastics .

I say , "play stupid games - win stupid prizes" , and she got what she deserved because of her utter stupidity . Let the stupid go there and get raped or beheaded if they wish so much ...

Blunt_Echo ago

That's what I was thinking. She got raped and is struggling to cope with it. Moreover, she can't let her social media fans know this happened—especially after so many people warned her that it will happen. She's talking about playing volleyball with people she met in the woods and making other statements like this:

“My beautiful moon as an important part of them!”

“This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me by a planet distance.”

Sounds like a mental breakdown to me—her magical view of the world got shattered and now she is trying to pick of the pieces, but doesn't know how to cope. Pending suicide case here.

tokui ago

Ya. Gotta keep up the 'strong independent woman' appearances. Hope I get to add her to my gore folder soon.

dudelol ago

When will you heathens wake up and realize feminine energy must be controlled and dominated by masculine energy.

Aldebaran7937 ago


dirt_reynolds ago

I'd put money on you being correct. She can't even bring herself to admit that she's wrong about her shitskin pets. That hubris will get her killed in a gruesome manner.

FloridaGuy ago

Please be right, Nostradamus.

PewterKey ago

I just realized she won't admit to being raped to avoid getting stoned to death.

PuritySpiral ago

It's sad honestly. Even if she did somehow manage to get away unraped, she's clearly deluded enough to blame this on men in general, instead of thinking to herself 'Maybe going somewhere in the world known for it's sexual violence against women and putting myself in position of vulnerability was a bad idea'. I think the main takeaway from this little AAR shouldn't be 'Muslims rape'. It should be 'Even after getting diversified, women still remain blue-pilled.'.

160065002 ago

Maybe that's why the dikes I know of are ugly as fuck for a reason, so no man ever rapes them while they are traveling around being butch?!

canbot ago

If you can't get a man then you settle for what you can get. The brain has an amazing ability to adapt.

Artofchoke ago

That actually is an intentional thing for many lesbians - an appearance specifically designed to be unappealing to males.

Blacksdonttip ago

Yea, I'm sure they would be beautiful if not for "attempts" to be unappealing to men. Anyone that thinks this isn't an excuse 300 lb bull dykes come up with after the possibility of ever looking like an attractive human female is gone is delusional

Artofchoke ago

I've seen it in victims of childhood molestation, rape. The weight is a shield, the weird haircuts, the ugly tats. Its a move. Whether it's leaning into failure or creating it for another reason, it's a move. It isn't 'accidental'.

Blacksdonttip ago

The weight is a result of over eating. Trauma could be a cause for overeating, but anyone that claims "I intentionally got fat to look less attractive" is making excuses for their lack of self control. The hair and tattoos are to distract from how hideous they are. As if those will features will stand out and overshadow the morbid obesity and smell. Your theory sound like something you learned from a feminist bull dyke prof in psych 101.

Artofchoke ago

Oh they'll never admit it. I don't know if they're aware of it, but it's absolutely a psychological issue causing that shit. No healthy, happy, sane person eats themselves into an early grave, punches holes in their face, etc. There are motivations behind these choices. These outward displays are indicators.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Odds can be worked out...

how many times was she raped before her journey?

zero, I bet.

satisfyinghump ago

I felt like she was deluded enough to remind herself that it's NOT men in general even, and NOT even taxi drivers. It is only this ONE man...

Merlynn ago

If it'd been a white man,it'd have been all white men. But since it's a sand nigger,it's just him. Also,where's the part where you called the cops? Where's that part? Since Iran is so great?

The whole thing read like bad fiction written by someone who doesn't have a lot of faith in their combat skills and didn't know how to resolve the conflict without violence. Also pretty sure a muslim would be fine with killing,then raping her. They have a history of rolling that way.

Uxg ago

Why would he get scared of screams in the dee forest? How was he circling around in a forest in a car?

Charlez6 ago

Imagine being in a shithole for just four days before you're raped, then excusing it because "Iran has been so wonderful the rest of the time!"

Three fucken days in a row of non-rape does not define a great place.

bambou1991 ago

Normal people consider it a shit vacation when it rains once.

HeavyBrain ago

Bu bu but in the west she was raped 100s of times everyday.

phoenix883 ago

Stare-rape is a true danger /s

satisfyinghump ago

Wow... how could you!? How could you completely forget the part where she played volleyball??? (With who was probably the rapists cousin or father) /s

PewterKey ago

25% rape chance of getting raped any day. That would be over 80 rapes per woman per year. I would expect most American strippers aren't groped 80 times a year (unless they are getting paid for it).

But at least she had a nice view while raped. That's a truly eye opening experience.

AmericanJew2 ago

My thought exactly, literally writing an alternative narrative as if that would re-write what actually happened to her into it not having happened. Delusional and really sad.

Frankenblock ago

If it happened in Tennessee it would be every white guys fault automatically

Schreiber ago

That volunteer who got gangraped in haiti by a bunch of nigs blamed the "evil white guys."

PuritySpiral ago

Actually that one was only one nig. But we also might be thinking of two different cases of a volunteer to Haiti and getting raped.

Chiefpacman ago

Who is the dumb bitch's dad? Dude fucked up.

If God sees fit to burden me with a daughter, I'd move to the hills in an attempt to raise her right and get her through high school a virgin and uncorrupted

rektumsempra ago

"get her through high school"

fuck dude I hated school -- so much so that I'm literally not having kids until I figure out a way to protect them from this disgusting prison sentence. not being allowed to leave for two decades? how is that not traumatic to everyone besides me? tens of thousands of hours down the fucking drain.

Chiefpacman ago

Especially when you figure out you can make C's all 4 years and then just go to a community college for 6 months and get an A. All colleges will look at is the community college

rektumsempra ago

...Holy shit dude that's fucked up. I never knew that. I looked it up briefly just now and it seems it's more of a public school than a private school thing, and I'm assuming the higher ranked private schools want to see high school, too, but regardless that's just so fucked up...


You know, I'm an atheist and thus never pray, but Chris Langan has an IQ of 200 and believes in God and that prayers can be heard. Just in case he's right...GOD CAN YOU PLEASE SMITE THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF THESE AGENTS OF CRUELTY?!

Chiefpacman ago

I'm sorry to pass the news like that. I dropped out and went the trade school. Welder. Good money if you're willing to travel.

Reccomend just getting a job for a year or so. Full time, grinding. You have to build/prove your work ethic.

The system does suck. I couldn't handle the professors.. Sorry to preach at you. I suppose I"ve already said to much to begin talking about Jesus now..

Sometimes I think I might do night school. Kinda want to get into construction management.

rektumsempra ago

I heard welding pays really well. I'm not interested in trade school, though. I just aspire to have a passive income and 24 hours of free time a day, lol

LivingRedInBlue ago

Who is the dumb bitch's dad?

Probably court-ordered out of her life.

HeavyBrain ago

Yet still had to pay for her.

CobraStallone ago

I'm sure the rapist is thinking the same thing

Made me laugh. "by allah I was this close, I'll get her next time for sure!"

sakuramboo ago


Tubesbestnoob ago

Give her a break. She just got gang raped by a pack of rabid sand niggers and hasn't made it past denial yet.

She will tell us the real story soon if she doesn't end up dead.

Nomowo ago

Almost raped 4 days in, yep sounds like an isolated incident.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

She was raped, read between the lines “my memory was vague”. Yup she had a mudslime sausage in her but doesnt want her pet sand niggers to look bad.

Nomowo ago

Sounds like a crazy way to call your parents and get more money.

NotMyFaultYourWrong ago

The only thing about this that is surprising is that Iraq has forests.

JimSoddell ago

The only thing about this that is surprising is that Iraq has forests.

She was in Iraq, the incident there happened in Iran. Iran has forests, mountains, skiing, beaches, lots of stuff. Iraq is more deserty.

Justwanttovoat ago

She says it is Iran in the post. Idk why everyone can't read.

Truthsayer9000 ago

She says it happened in Iran not Iraq. This makes it even worse since Iran is viewed as 'orderly' muslim nation, and the bitch still got almost raped.

Laserchalk ago

I think she said it was in Iran at the bottom.

Gorillion ago

Iran has forests?

PraiseIPU ago


~~~>Iran Forests. 8.8% of Iran is covered by forests

drakesdoom2 ago

Leaves the safety of the West and for nearly gets raped in the first four days, yet still in denial.

HeavyBrain ago

Actually I tought it would only take 2 days till an acutal rape occured.

chirogonemd ago

If something half as a vile as this had happened to her in America, she would have blamed all White men and tweeted about American rape culture.

But this happens in Iran and it's only the fault of one man, not Iranian men, not Iranian culture or Islam.

They will twist the narrative in whatever direction it's required to make Whites an enemy, and enemies "friends". What a sick form of brainwashing this is.

xenoPsychologist ago

while still blaming men on the whole.

Maroonsaint ago

Welcome to the new west. We should have a slogan “suicidal”

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

It took decades of public school instilling in her that Europeans are evil for this ignorance to take hold. She learned by trusted teachers how we murdered jews in the supposed holocaust, how we enslaved blacks, how we genocided Indians, how we live in a rape culture and how our current economy is polluting the world. She was never taught about the Jews leading genocides in Eastern Europe, how Arabs and jews enslaved blacks, how Indians would rape and murder white women every chance they got, how non-whites comprise almost 100% of violent rape, or how non-western countries are dumping hundreds of times more pollution into the oceans that the west.

Not only has she never been told her real history, the truth has been pathologized. If you dare tell her anything different from the established narrative it activates a built in defense that is a combination of guilt, shame, and fear. This was demonstrated by her primary response to anyone who points anything out to her in her clearly written response "Fuck you!". To her it is only logical that these people in the Middle East are noble and just and it's easy to say that this was just one man. Questioning even a single part of her belief system could require the rejection of her entire belief system, and she would sooner be raped and left to die in a ditch in the Middle East than face her own cognitive dissonance.

rektumsempra ago

wow I never heard of native americans raping and murdering white women every chance they got. are you saying that video of the girl in morocco could have been filmed 100s of times over in colonial america?

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Yes, we did not call them “savages” for no reason. The indians were disgusting people and not much different than what you see at reservations.

“When the Texans suggested they swap the Comanche prisoners for their captives, the Indians tortured every one of those captives to death instead.

‘One by one, the children and young women were pegged out naked beside the camp fire,’ according to a contemporary account. ‘They were skinned, sliced, and horribly mutilated, and finally burned alive by vengeful women determined to wring the last shriek and convulsion from their agonised bodies. Matilda Lockhart’s six-year-old sister was among these unfortunates who died screaming under the high plains moon.’

Not only were the Comanche specialists in torture, they were also the most ferocious and successful warriors—indeed, they become known as ‘Lords of the Plains’.“

rektumsempra ago

holy shit. I read the whole article...that degree of psychopathy puts ISIS to shame.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

This is the history that has been kept from you. This isn't theory or conjecture, the actual writings from 1600-1840 are a collection of horrors the Indians brought on unsuspecting settlers. It's only the propaganda in the past 100 years that has blinded the population to the past, but we can actually read it for ourselves.

rektumsempra ago

What the fuck is wrong with them dude?? Why hide that? Why the fuck do the jews hate Europeans so much?

MrPim ago

and she would sooner be raped and left to die in a ditch in the Middle East than face her own cognitive dissonance.

Well good news...

drakesdoom2 ago

Well she's about to get her wish then. I wonder if as she feels the dull machete saw into the back of her neck she will question her own decisions finally.

HeavyBrain ago

Nope, still will find a way to rationlize it that the whites are at fault.