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tendiesonfloor ago

how it makes Voat users look

It makes them look exactly how they are. This is the shit that gets upvotes, not deep diving articles and dissertations.

CameraCode ago

You are extremely stupid. Yes, that is what voat is for, but it's not because

People here aren't looking for deep thought, or to learn, or to challenge their beliefs

It's simply the nature of curation sites. If you post a detailed artilce or dissertation, only the people who have taken the time to read at least enough of the article to know whether or not it's good content will upvoat it. A meme takes seconds to read, a detailed article takes minutes. That doesn't mean the users don't want to be challenged, it's simply mathmatics that less people will spend enough time reading an article to know whether to upvoat it or not. You could have the most intellectually stimulated user-base, and the results would be similar.

Finally, you are a major hypocrite for criticizing the behavior of users, and at the same time feeding that behavior by making lesser quality posts that you think will get more upvoats. If you believe what you say, then you are encouraging less intellectual users to stick around on voat and more intellectual users to leave, perpetuating the behavior. As I said I do not believe this to be true, but it doesn't have to be true to make you a hypocrite. But at least you've got your internet points, right?

Womb_Raider ago

OP is a soapbox sockpuppet, moron. They've probably been here as long as you.

TheWheelofTime ago

Agreed. Most people are here for the same reason that liberals and Neo-Cons visit sites like Reddit: to reinforce their own beliefs. Some nigger faggot told me he would 'choke and smack me' if he was around me because I disagreed with what he said about a movie earlier. This was after he went on a tirade about how they're killing all the whites. I guess he was trying to do his part...

The reason I'm here is because there isn't the censorship there is on other sites. When you do get a gem, like this thread, it's pretty damn sweet too.

Chiefpacman ago


Look at the comments on both. Smaller plsts have good discussion often.

somebody112 ago

You really just described the internet. Post deep shit anywhere and you get the same reaction. Why do you think /pol/ relies on meme's more than "deep thoughts"? Because deep thoughts require deep thinkers, memes can be absorbed by even the dullest among us.

Goys-R-Us ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

Devon Island Canada.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Fuck you faggot STFU no one cares and do me a favor and create a new account with an original name instead of tarnishing mine.

andrew_jackson ago

LOL h3 schooled you, Nigger!

admin2 ago

Though he copied your name, I do HONESTLY think "TendiesOnTheFloor" is way funnier because it implies a small cramped bedroom and a gamer enthusiast having to put the chicken tendies his Mom microwaved for him ON THE FLOOR next to his gamer chair. Hah! Its a more clever name.

Admit it... its funnier... even if possibly inspired or plagiarized.

There is no u/Admin, I had to take Admin2

In fact there is a huge comprehensive list of banned usernames and admin is just one of countless.

Goys-R-Us ago

I thought you were trolling but damn if your account isn't older than tendiesonfloor. What a faggot he is.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I never lie.

Ulfghar ago

Tendiesonfloor posts a whole bunch of misleading faggotry

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Exactly, he's a pos cuck nigger faggot cum guzzler. He'll post a few good post then go right back to being a faggot.

TeddyJackson ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

It is the largest unpopulated island in the world in Canada near the Arctic circle. That is why there are walrus bones and dead lemmings.

middle_path ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

Hence, even those calling out how retarded Voat is - signal how retarded they are.

I do agree with everything else except the quoted text, Voat has just become dominated by the conservative version of SJWs.

Goys-R-Us ago

How do you know it isn't? You think all those billions of dollars go to NASA? Sorry, you're the gullible retard.

juicedidwtc ago

Only because he said its North Dakota with a sepia filter when its really Devon Island with a sepia filter.

Close enough.

SoldDownRiver ago

I dont care about scp and I don't even know what it's for. My issues is not with them posting a particular thing, it's with them giving China credit claiming that we're not doing the same things. It's the fact that it's so blatantly wrong and ignorant and people are so uninformed that they just mindlessly agree with it. Everyone here talks about NPC this NPC that not realizing they are exactly the same way. This is a forum, people aren't here to become educated or learn so I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I dont care about scp and I don't even know what it's for.

cough bullshit cough

SoldDownRiver ago

Honest question, why do people care about that?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Nobody does. It's worth nothing. Neither is CCP. It's all a bunch of meaningless numbers that mean... nothing.

But I said BS cause you know that's for submitted links. That's all.

SoldDownRiver ago

I don't know what any of these points are for and I don't even care.

SoldDownRiver ago

Please downvote every post and every comment I ever make.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

No, because that would imply I give a shit about you on Voat and realisticslly, anyone who does that is SERIOUSLY pathetic. Like, their life has amounted to nothing so they spend time doing that type of pathetic

SoldDownRiver ago

I agree

Putzmiester ago

Cool. Show me a link to the video of the probe landing on the surface. Not a video of the soyboys at NASA geeking off while looking at a monitor. Show me what they were looking at.

I am also skeptical of if China actually went to the moon as well.

chuckletrousers ago

Show me a link to the video of the probe landing on the surface

Are you stupid? Do you think Marlin Perkins is standing on Mars holding a video camera waiting for the probe to come along?

Putzmiester ago

No retard. The probe has cameras all over it.

chuckletrousers ago

So you'll get some good pics of the rocket flames going by. Retard.

SoldDownRiver ago

Did you know it's technologically impossible to produce such video? You cannot have a live feed or any video feed of something entering a planet's atmosphere. It's physically impossible. That is why there is no videos of these things Landing, try to think things through fully in the future.

Putzmiester ago

You are a complete dipshit if you really think that. If they can get data from the probe, they can get video. Pics or it didn't happen applies especially to space exploration.

SoldDownRiver ago

You tarded.

cantaloupe6 ago

Probably the best proof for not having visited the moon is there is no photo of the cow that jumped over it - I've heard a myriad of other evidence but those theories are just stupid - where is the cow???? There should be at least a skeleton.

R00STRE ago

LOL troll fight!!!!