Joe_McCarthy ago

Stupid, sensationalistic clickbait with low info gets highly upvoted here all the time. And it is mostly what gets highly upvoted. In Voat's defense most other places are even dumber.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I homestly don’t know if I upvoted that particular thread or not. I upvoted several threads with the news that China had done that, though, because it was interesting news.

That said, I do agree we should be exploring the far side of the moon. It will be awfully embarrassing if China finds the Nazi base before the US does.

SoldDownRiver ago

China isnt even real man.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Blocking redditard links, i.redditard links, twatter links, and any pro-libtard posts would help too....

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

It's almost like normal people use this site! Oh noes!!!

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

Can't go to space bra.

SoldDownRiver ago

Earf iz flat

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

It has hills and shit. The important thing to note is that jews say it's a spinning globe.

SoldDownRiver ago


MossadareDumbFaggots ago

You got penis on your mind? lol

SoldDownRiver ago

Yes usually

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

Another faggot atheist. It's like you people don't even understand you are being brainwashed.

SoldDownRiver ago

Right. Ok. Sure. So you think earf iz flat n space be fake. My weiner + your ear hole = 😀

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

I am a man of science. You sound like another brainwashed atheist faggot.

SoldDownRiver ago

Why because I pointed out that the person who made that thread was completely wrong and a idiot. Same for the morons who upvoted it. I'm deacon at my church so you tell me if I'm an atheist.

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

Do you believe we can go to space? What shape is the Earth?

SoldDownRiver ago

I don't even believe Earth or space exist. I'm not joking either.

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

Denying Earth is a new one. Do you exist?

SoldDownRiver ago

As much as any other character in a video game does.

MossadareDumbFaggots ago

you bought into the this is a simulation one?

SoldDownRiver ago

No, thats not what im saying.

6gorillion ago

I went and upvoated it just because you are a faggot.

SoldDownRiver ago

You go girl.

gramman74 ago

We went to space in the 50's.China went in 2000's. We have had a 50 year head start. We should be light years ahead. No pun intended

SoldDownRiver ago

You really really need to get yourself up to date on current events before you make comments. You do realize China has not sent men to the Moon right?? They set up a very simple probe. We just sent a very sophisticated 134 Million Miles Away to Mars. Good God man.

sjw_slayer_2 ago

Dude, just realize that most of the assholes on here are here because they're trying to provoke a violent reaction, or build a personality profile on you. Have you noticed the tailored content yet, the kind of post that is too eerily similar to something you've mentioned casually to a friend, or something trivial you researched?

Tread with caution.

Is it an echo chamber? Of course it is, but if you realize that then it just becomes another form of entertainment.

JIDF, FBI, any of the three letter agencies have their agent provocateurs on here day in and day out trying to provoke the next mass shooting. There are some on here that just truly hate everything too.

Was Voat set up for that purpose? Probably not, but it's not really a good place to be if you don't want to feel like shit after 5 minutes.

Advice: Don't start your morning with Voat.

Just gloss over the first few pages, get some news, and be on your way. An in depth discussion around here is a needle in a haystack.

Take frequent breaks from this place, come back for the entertainment value it provides.

If you have a good job that you like try to refrain from saying anything that can be used against you. Don't trust anyone on this site, period. You don't strike me as that kind of person anyway.

Me, I just don't really have any other place to go for entertainment anymore.

Every place else seems phony and propagandized.

This is my 2nd username in several years, I was an ex Redditfugee, and I will never go back to that shithole.

This seems like the most fun place for now.

Just my two shekels worth.

FattestManOnMars ago

I think about this exact thing all the time. You've got to be able to handle yourself if you stick around here for long periods of time. There were a couple months where I definitely spent way too much time on this damn site.

I mostly check to compare what's in the news on Voat vs. whats in MSM... And also it's great for poop breaker.

SoldDownRiver ago


Jwolfsen ago

Big if true!

GhostSkin ago

You're a faggot.

SoldDownRiver ago

And i thought you were nice lol

slickleg64 ago

Chinese are probing the moon for h3 (helium-3) deposits. Not for the hell of it. Rather spend your money on israel, than investing in the next greatest resource exploration. Yeah sure USA has been to the moon, what like 50 years ago.. But cant do it again?

This sub makes you look stupid and out of touch. Are you a boomer?

SoldDownRiver ago

You made my point for me by stating that we went to the moon 50 years ago on managed missions. Yet here you are so impressed that China put a little Probe on the moon in 2019. We just put our Lander 34 million miles away, you know on the planet that humans will probably be living on next. Thank you come again.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Fuck you don't talk shit about the Moon

SoldDownRiver ago

I'm sorry, you're right I love the moon I love the moon very very much

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/soapdoxbanhammer submission by @BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS.

Posted automatically (#17454) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

draaaak ago

Fuck you nigger, Earth is a cube.

IquitzuOcha ago

Voat's appeal isn't its user base. It has the same ratio of clueless retards as any other social site. The reason I'm here is that those same retards aren't allowed to silence me.

SoldDownRiver ago

See, you're wrong I just silenced you

SoldDownRiver ago

Shut up

TheWayIWalk ago

Voat users have a lot of smart


draaaak ago

When I first read the title, I thought for a moment that it was implying that China had landed actual people on the moon. So, if those upvoats were the result of people not reading the article or the comments and thinking the same thing, then I get it. I'm not one of those people though, and when I saw it was just a probe, I moved on to more interesting subject matter. Probes on the moon are cool and all, but nothing new or ground breaking.

SoldDownRiver ago

That makes these people even dumber because if any country was about to put people on the moon it would be major headlines around the world. Most people would have known about it years in advance. These are just uninformed NPC who don't think and believe everything they read. They are the exact same people that they make fun of.

draaaak ago

No argument here.

SoldDownRiver ago

I like movies and long walks with my dog. What kinds of things do you like?

draaaak ago

Same. I also like shooting bullets and arrows. What are some of your favorite movies?

SoldDownRiver ago

Terminator 2 of course.

draaaak ago

Well, obviously.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Remind me when the US landed something on the DARK SIDE of the moon.

It’s unique, it’s not about distance and totally unrelated to how USA now owns Mars.

chuckletrousers ago

Remind me when the US landed something on the DARK SIDE of the moon.

You mean the far side we can't see? The side that's brightly lit with sunshine when we see a new moon? Maybe because they can't transmit data through a couple thousand miles of solid rock

SoldDownRiver ago

"The us should be doing things like this" come on man don't be one of those people that so stubborn they can't admit when they're wrong

FuckYesJefferson ago

You're projecting and putting words in my mouth. Oh the irony.

nobslob ago

I'm only here to scam on the desperate st8 dudes.

MadWorld ago

There was another one that I could recall of:

Chiefpacman ago

Thanks for calling us out honestly. We need grounding occasionally.

Don't upvote stupid fake shit..

SoldDownRiver ago

I don't know why I got so irritated about it normally I don't.

Chiefpacman ago

There's a lot of snowflakes on here. Just at the opposite end of the spectrum.

People like to reinforce their narrative. Fuck those weak people.


The USA should be landing 10 fucking lunar/Martian landers for every 1 China can land. And, at a much higher level of sophistication. Get that small minded shit out of here.

SoldDownRiver ago

We actually have about a 35 to 3 ratio of landers to china shit bird. Hahahahahaha


I mean 10:1 on a year to year comparison. Counting landers from the 1970's doesn't count for shit in 2019.

SoldDownRiver ago

So you're one of those stubborn morons that's going to defend an absolutely ridiculous point no matter what even though you yourself know you're wrong and have been proven false. Don't be one of those people man. I admit I'm wrong all the time when I'm wrong it's not a big deal



The USA should BE landING 10 fucking lunar/Martian landers for every 1 China can land.

I did not say that the USA should have landED 10:1... That would have been a past tense statement.

But I was not speaking in past tense. My statement is speaking in present, and future tense. L2grammar.

SoldDownRiver ago

So you're just going to keep on arguing this point huh? Carry on with your night young man.


I thought you claimed that you were good about admitting when you were wrong?

SoldDownRiver ago

I am. As soon as I am I will tell you lol. Maybe we could move to China together.

SoldDownRiver ago

You're the first person to make me laugh out loud on voat. Thank you I actually needed a good laugh today lol.

SoldDownRiver ago

Are you really this stupid?? We have several Landers 34 Million Miles Away on Mars. China just now put a probe 236,000 miles away on the moon. You don't consider Mars a much higher level of sophistication?? OK there short bus.

SoldDownRiver ago

We have at a 10 to 1 ratio. Try again

Doglegwarrior ago

The dumbest looking mother fuckers on voat besides the jdif shills are the fucking retards that think we went to the moon 6 fucking times and took 3 fucking dunemoon buggies! Those are the stupid looking fucks.

PhilKDick ago

Where in the constitution does it give congress the right to tax us to fund such expenditures as NASA?

SoldDownRiver ago

What does that have to do with anything in this thread? Your mind is all over the place, try to focus.

cylon-z34 ago

most voat users ARE stupid.

headfire ago

We should be doing manned missions to both by now.

SoldDownRiver ago

That's not the point I'm arguing I'm arguing out about how stupid people are on here to blindly upvote something so blatantly wrong. Perfect example of NPC.

Somali ago

Not surprising, voat is an inbred hivemind of morons compulsively spamming muh shitskins over and over like boomers on ethanol

SaveTheChildren ago


chuckletrousers ago

How do you and your 50 odd alts avoid the "You have recently posted a,similar comment" thing, little tranny?

miguelserrano ago

Fucking ghostskins alt account.

SoldDownRiver ago

We've already been over this. I don't care what you believe LOL!

middle_path ago

This place is absolutely lost.

Jwolfsen ago

I didn't upvote the article or even read it. But I do think we should be doing a lot more on the moon as opposed to mars. The moon is only 236,000 miles away, mars is 34 million. Plus since all the Nazi scientists have died it's very likely Mars is actually North Dakota with a sepia filter. But honestly voat isn't my "go to" place for serious discussions about the world. I come here to get outraged and pissed off about politics and chuckle at some funny pics. Not even embarrassed about the stupidity here, I like it.

SoldDownRiver ago

And what actual research have you done to come to the conclusion that Mars is Dakota? Because there's a lot more believable scientific literature that says it's Mars rather than North Dakota. Perhaps you're just regurgitating stupid crap you hear other people say?

Jwolfsen ago

I saw it on voat.

TheSeer ago

Maybe if NASA 'returned a man to the Moon' sooner than once (or six times) every 50 years, we would be impressed.

Putzmiester ago

We didn't land shit anywhere unless I see a live video. Pics or it didn't happen applies to the government especially.

SoldDownRiver ago

People like you never think things through fully you just regurgitate stupid stuff you read on the internet. It would be technologically impossible to have a live feed of one of these things Landing.

Putzmiester ago

Shut up shill. Pics or it didn't happen.

SoldDownRiver ago

Boy you're stupid. There are 100s of pictures of it.

HesitantUnsureness ago

I do not know if these probes really did what they did but if I had to guess I would say it is bullshit. After going through all the evidence gathered on how the moon landing was fake, and how NASA is for the most part all fake and just collects tax payer money, I kindaa don't trust any noise I hear about space stuff.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Damn, retard, the lack of self awareness is real in you. You cry about people not wanting thought provoking material and people here not looking deep enough into things, and you still believe NASA's fairytales.

SoldDownRiver ago

So you don't believe that America landed anything anywhere but when China says that you're all about it? The post wasn't thought-provoking it was blatantly inaccurate and wrong and really stupid. That's probably why you found it so intriguing and thought-provoking, because you're really stupid.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I don't think either one did anything, you retard. Nice assumption though. Holy fuck, you have the IQ of a nigger.

SoldDownRiver ago

That still means I'm far smarter than you

UnknownAlias365 ago

No, child, I'm afraid believing everything you see on television is a trait of stupid people. Hate to rain on your little parade there, bud.

SoldDownRiver ago

Why don't you simply stop eating when you're full? Why did you let yourself get like this?

SoldDownRiver ago

You do realize a live video feed won't work when you're entering an atmosphere right?

Putzmiester ago

Oh, an interstellar video technician!? Great! I never said live feed, just video. It cant be actually live, because there would be a serious delay. That is what I am getting at. Go back to shilling.

SoldDownRiver ago

Please try to learn to think things through fully. A video recorder of the Lander entering the atmosphere would look like a black screen. It would look like nothing and people like you would be crying that it was fake because you couldn't see anything.

ricardas2 ago

Sure you wouldn't be able to transmit anything while entering the atmosphere, but why wouldn't you be able to record? Only problem that comes to my mind is that there's no way to heat shield the camera lens.

SoldDownRiver ago

Exactly and it would only look like a blank black screen.

Goys-R-Us ago

Meh, they landed one on Devon Island.

Anarcho_Varist ago

I know right!

EnterTheUnKnown ago

What it shows is the ease of group think. The follow the leader mentality that humans have. It shows that even people who are "woke" are not immune to mindless clicking of likes. These same people make fun of the reddit place, and the facebook and twitter. Yet they do the same things. There are NPC's everywhere, on every side. Everyday I see some post that is from years ago, or the title is blatantly mis-titled. Thankfully, there are enough people here who will call it out, and there is no one censoring those who call it out. Every community will have this. Group think is real. Follow the leader is real. It is how humans are wired. They are wired to obey. Keep calling these things out. Keep bringing them to light. Keep doing this and we will be fine. No matter how many NPC's and shills come here, if you continue to bring the dark to light (added for the QPC's), we will survive and the real messages will be brought forth.

SparkS ago

mother fucker... u dont even know what oil to put in ur car... why do u talk about sophisticated landers on moon and mars and distances and shit?... about voat users... u hit a spot with that.. rly... the most upvoted comment also said something about thsi and basicly he has a good point... i do agree that the majority in here are with nothing better than socialists... i know everything what needs to be known about them and this environment...

SoldDownRiver ago

I'm sorry to make you so emotional lol! I just thought it was kind of funny. I use baby oil.

SparkS ago

try some aromatic oil too

SoldDownRiver ago

Thank you

Whiteflourguy ago

This is a stupid thread. So I will say what everybody should say, ALL NIGGERS SHOULD DIE

brokespanker ago

The rocks on the moon are prettier

DesertFox33 ago

I view both as an accomplishment for humanity. If aliens come they'll have both the Chinese and the Americans in the same labor camps, eating our kids.

When it comes to accomplishment of a star trek future where we have amazing technology and are soaring through the stars, in my opinion, we're all in this together.

SoldDownRiver ago

Sometimes I think we could use a global catastrophe. That's probably the only thing that could ever happen that would bring Humanity together. I think I'll make thread right about that.

Kannibal ago

That's probably the only thing that could ever happen that would bring Humanity together.

Except it won't

there will always be people who say

  • there is no pending disaster,
  • that it is all a set of lies by the (((Jews))) or whatever, or even better,
  • this is just what we need to bring the population down, by killing off all of the people we don't like

DesertFox33 ago

Unfortunately for all human kind, that disaster is already on our doorstep. If you look at what happened to Easter island, they just ate all the resources and then destroyed themselves via infighting.

The planet itself is a larger scale model of the Easter island phenomenon. You will get your wish nine times out of ten so there's no need to hope. Or to think it would help. It's coming.

Unless the decent people of this world insist on stopping it.

lazylance ago

The people of Easter Island were just a bunch of inbred faggots, fuck them.

aGameCalledCountries ago

Yes, you spacefags will believe anything printed on the internet!

Goering ago

Are you suggesting that NASA did not land a rover on Mars?

aGameCalledCountries ago

I'll explicitly state it: NASA did not land a rover on Mars!

That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

This is the correct answer. I got downvoated for stating this fact. Mars' atmosphere at its surface is as dense as Earth's atmosphere at about 150,000 feet. Mars Surface density: ~0.020 kg/m3. And this only extends for about 11 meters from the Mars surface.

This lander and previous ones were supposed to have used a parachute to help slow the decent of the craft when landing. How can a parachute of any kind do any good when the atmospheric density is pretty much nonexistent at the altitudes NASA states they were being used? There is NOTHING for the chute to grab onto to create friction, no molecules or pockets of matter, like at say, at 10,000 feet on Earth.

Example: Watch the Red Bull space jump from 6 years ago. The man reached speeds in excess of Mach 1, and he couldn't deploy his chute until he was much lower in the atmosphere. Why? Because at that height, Earth's atmospheric density was so thin, it was not impeding the man's fall, nor could a chute be used to control or slow him down.

This fact and this alone is why NASA is full of shit, about the Mars landings.

Rajadog20 ago

The atmosphere isn't non existent.. The Parachutes don't slow the rocket down enough, you are correct, but it slows it down from violent speeds to speeds slow enough where rocket boosters can reliably stop the rover before it reaches the surface.

They actually test the parachutes at 150,000 feet, and there is still a large amount of drag

Come on, not everything is a conspiracy. There is an insane amount of money from private corporations that goes into these devices.

juicedidwtc ago

thats why they have rockets on the bottom to slow it down before it hits the ground. a parachute in mars's thin atmosphere will only slow you down to about 200mph. And I am saying this because thats how viking 1 and 2 landed. I believe those ones were real because they sent back realistic data. But at some point between then and now, NASA for sure started faking missions to fake an expensive project where the money really goes to the CIA's black budget. No other way to explain why plants and animals of earth, along with airplanes, sometimes show up in the mars rover imagery.

That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

Did you read my submission? There is essentially NO atmosphere at 20,000 feet above the Mars surface. None. Try working a chute in a vacuum. Tell me how that goes.

juicedidwtc ago

did you read mine? open the chute at 5,000 ft, and it sort of works good enough to slow you down enough where a small rocket motor can give you a soft landing. Its not rocket science, oh wait, it is.

Goering ago

What makes you believe this?

juicedidwtc ago

he clearly stated his reason for believing this, even if its flawed. Why dont you just bother to read what he wrote?

Goering ago

Where? I'd obviously be interested.

crazy_eyes ago

its all knee jerk reactions to the npc programming. People dont think. People dont want to be challenged, they want confirmation. In simple little titles. They dont want to read the articles. They will upvoat any title that appears to agree with their worldview, facts be damned

CameraCode ago

The fact that this post is upvoated says more about voat than the China one being upvoated does. This post is by a known troll, just look at his submission history.

The Moon is 236,000 miles away, Mars is 34 million.

The logic of this is so extremely childish and manipulative, which is exactly why OP said it. Distance alone is not a measure of how impressive a feat is, by that logic, we have not made any significant achievements since Voyager 1. People are envious of China's drive to do something different and push boundaries even with their vastly inferior space program, their rover is the first time humans have ever landed something on the far side of the moon. The current Mars rover certainly is doing important scientific work, but if we had the same drive to break boundaries as China's space program did, imagine what we could have accomplished by now.

OP is laughing at you right now for the irony of you responding to his bait troll post by saying "it's all knee jerk reactions to the NPC programming. People don't think.""They will upvoat any title that appears to agree with their worldview," Having a knee jerk reaction to OP's title is exactly what you are doing, btw. The only difference is that your world view is that you think you are the only one who can see through the programming and think for yourself.

TheWheelofTime ago

Reactionary. That's what more and more people are becoming on all sides of the political spectrum. They are quick to make up their mind, quicker to judge and they are regressive in their views. Fuck research. Fuck due process. If you disagree, you're the enemy. Everyone is a spy. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone is against them. They're everyone's last hope.. if only they could get us to realize it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/UnpopularAnon comment by @15911823.

Posted automatically (#17447) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SoldDownRiver ago

Only if it's China that says it

Kippering ago

in regards to manned flight the STS Shuttle has no 'eject' or abort mechanism. While the Russians, Chinese and Apollo missions have an option to abort and save their crew. Many shuttle flights had a chance of tragedy, the first Shuttle was tested to the point of failure. Each Soviet Rocket ship or Russian craft is a new vehicle, whereas there have only been 5 flight-ready shuttle orbiters and the same Shuttle re-used after launch. Shuttle was very expensive and Shuttle killed more people than any other space vehicle in history.

SoldDownRiver ago

I understand that comrade but we're still farther ahead than them. Always have been, of course that could change in the future

kingdomhearts123 ago

don't you think the curious number of upvoats kinda indicates that we have shills rather than just stupidity?

SoldDownRiver ago

They just mindlessly upvote things and believe everything they read. Just very uninformed people

SoldDownRiver ago

No I don't, I think people are really just that stupid

fuckinghell ago

It could be both, honestly.

There are stupid people on either side of the pendulum.

Phantom42 ago

The pendulum isn't real... Just tricks people into a negative mentality of "Oh, it'll swing our way eventually" (Apathy) or "What's the point? The pendulum will swing to our enemies anyway!" (Defeatism).

The pendulum is a bullshit myth and I despise it by itself as much as I hate this modern world supporting all types of degeneracy.

fuckinghell ago

The pendulum just refers to the false left/right dichotomy in politics, the pendulum swings but still remains in the same place.

kingdomhearts123 ago

there's only 2 posts with 200+ votes on the front page... and one is a pay back the debt post lol.

i don't think it's both. i think it's shills.

tendiesonfloor ago

how it makes Voat users look

It makes them look exactly how they are. This is the shit that gets upvotes, not deep diving articles and dissertations.

CameraCode ago

You are extremely stupid. Yes, that is what voat is for, but it's not because

People here aren't looking for deep thought, or to learn, or to challenge their beliefs

It's simply the nature of curation sites. If you post a detailed artilce or dissertation, only the people who have taken the time to read at least enough of the article to know whether or not it's good content will upvoat it. A meme takes seconds to read, a detailed article takes minutes. That doesn't mean the users don't want to be challenged, it's simply mathmatics that less people will spend enough time reading an article to know whether to upvoat it or not. You could have the most intellectually stimulated user-base, and the results would be similar.

Finally, you are a major hypocrite for criticizing the behavior of users, and at the same time feeding that behavior by making lesser quality posts that you think will get more upvoats. If you believe what you say, then you are encouraging less intellectual users to stick around on voat and more intellectual users to leave, perpetuating the behavior. As I said I do not believe this to be true, but it doesn't have to be true to make you a hypocrite. But at least you've got your internet points, right?

Womb_Raider ago

OP is a soapbox sockpuppet, moron. They've probably been here as long as you.

TheWheelofTime ago

Agreed. Most people are here for the same reason that liberals and Neo-Cons visit sites like Reddit: to reinforce their own beliefs. Some nigger faggot told me he would 'choke and smack me' if he was around me because I disagreed with what he said about a movie earlier. This was after he went on a tirade about how they're killing all the whites. I guess he was trying to do his part...

The reason I'm here is because there isn't the censorship there is on other sites. When you do get a gem, like this thread, it's pretty damn sweet too.

Chiefpacman ago


Look at the comments on both. Smaller plsts have good discussion often.

somebody112 ago

You really just described the internet. Post deep shit anywhere and you get the same reaction. Why do you think /pol/ relies on meme's more than "deep thoughts"? Because deep thoughts require deep thinkers, memes can be absorbed by even the dullest among us.

Goys-R-Us ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

Devon Island Canada.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Fuck you faggot STFU no one cares and do me a favor and create a new account with an original name instead of tarnishing mine.

andrew_jackson ago

LOL h3 schooled you, Nigger!

admin2 ago

Though he copied your name, I do HONESTLY think "TendiesOnTheFloor" is way funnier because it implies a small cramped bedroom and a gamer enthusiast having to put the chicken tendies his Mom microwaved for him ON THE FLOOR next to his gamer chair. Hah! Its a more clever name.

Admit it... its funnier... even if possibly inspired or plagiarized.

There is no u/Admin, I had to take Admin2

In fact there is a huge comprehensive list of banned usernames and admin is just one of countless.

Goys-R-Us ago

I thought you were trolling but damn if your account isn't older than tendiesonfloor. What a faggot he is.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I never lie.

Ulfghar ago

Tendiesonfloor posts a whole bunch of misleading faggotry

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Exactly, he's a pos cuck nigger faggot cum guzzler. He'll post a few good post then go right back to being a faggot.

TeddyJackson ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

It is the largest unpopulated island in the world in Canada near the Arctic circle. That is why there are walrus bones and dead lemmings.

middle_path ago

Third, that's not Mars, that's North Dakota with a sepia filter.

Hence, even those calling out how retarded Voat is - signal how retarded they are.

I do agree with everything else except the quoted text, Voat has just become dominated by the conservative version of SJWs.

Goys-R-Us ago

How do you know it isn't? You think all those billions of dollars go to NASA? Sorry, you're the gullible retard.

juicedidwtc ago

Only because he said its North Dakota with a sepia filter when its really Devon Island with a sepia filter.

Close enough.

SoldDownRiver ago

I dont care about scp and I don't even know what it's for. My issues is not with them posting a particular thing, it's with them giving China credit claiming that we're not doing the same things. It's the fact that it's so blatantly wrong and ignorant and people are so uninformed that they just mindlessly agree with it. Everyone here talks about NPC this NPC that not realizing they are exactly the same way. This is a forum, people aren't here to become educated or learn so I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I dont care about scp and I don't even know what it's for.

cough bullshit cough

SoldDownRiver ago

Honest question, why do people care about that?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Nobody does. It's worth nothing. Neither is CCP. It's all a bunch of meaningless numbers that mean... nothing.

But I said BS cause you know that's for submitted links. That's all.

SoldDownRiver ago

I don't know what any of these points are for and I don't even care.

SoldDownRiver ago

Please downvote every post and every comment I ever make.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

No, because that would imply I give a shit about you on Voat and realisticslly, anyone who does that is SERIOUSLY pathetic. Like, their life has amounted to nothing so they spend time doing that type of pathetic

SoldDownRiver ago

I agree

Putzmiester ago

Cool. Show me a link to the video of the probe landing on the surface. Not a video of the soyboys at NASA geeking off while looking at a monitor. Show me what they were looking at.

I am also skeptical of if China actually went to the moon as well.

chuckletrousers ago

Show me a link to the video of the probe landing on the surface

Are you stupid? Do you think Marlin Perkins is standing on Mars holding a video camera waiting for the probe to come along?

Putzmiester ago

No retard. The probe has cameras all over it.

chuckletrousers ago

So you'll get some good pics of the rocket flames going by. Retard.

SoldDownRiver ago

Did you know it's technologically impossible to produce such video? You cannot have a live feed or any video feed of something entering a planet's atmosphere. It's physically impossible. That is why there is no videos of these things Landing, try to think things through fully in the future.

Putzmiester ago

You are a complete dipshit if you really think that. If they can get data from the probe, they can get video. Pics or it didn't happen applies especially to space exploration.

SoldDownRiver ago

You tarded.

cantaloupe6 ago

Probably the best proof for not having visited the moon is there is no photo of the cow that jumped over it - I've heard a myriad of other evidence but those theories are just stupid - where is the cow???? There should be at least a skeleton.

R00STRE ago

LOL troll fight!!!!