Genuinely curious. What's the purpose of having an alt-account? (AskVoat)
submitted 6.2 years ago by Gigglestick
Farming? Devil’s advocate? Arguing with yourself? What’s the point? In my opinion it’s similar to being an actor/actress.
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NassTee 6.2 years ago
It's the only way I can find anyone worth talking to.
TrumpNPC006 6.2 years ago
Everyone who supports the orange man on voat is an independent individual with a high degree of intelligence.
For instance, how could you not support this?
All white nationalists of voat and other places of ill repute who make money off of the goyim whilst supporting the orange god are absolutely good people.
Their bibles tell them so.
All they have to do is believe in christ.
CantBuySkills 6.2 years ago
Its going to be entertaining to watch what happens to you
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NassTee ago
It's the only way I can find anyone worth talking to.
TrumpNPC006 ago
Everyone who supports the orange man on voat is an independent individual with a high degree of intelligence.
For instance, how could you not support this?
All white nationalists of voat and other places of ill repute who make money off of the goyim whilst supporting the orange god are absolutely good people.
Their bibles tell them so.
All they have to do is believe in christ.
CantBuySkills ago
Its going to be entertaining to watch what happens to you