Savage_Thundercock ago

Whatever the fuck I want

Broc_Lia ago

Off the top of my head...

  • Farming karma and vote manipulation

  • Astroturfing

  • Trolling

  • Partitioning (so you can have real life stuff in one account, and shitposting in another)

Gigglestick ago

Sounds retarded.

Broc_Lia ago

The last one is pretty reasonable imo.

CantBuySkills ago

I feel like alt accounts are for people who can't deal with the consequences of their words or actions.

khan476 ago

My alt makes me afk money while Im at bosses via merching and afk skills.

When Im afking on my main, I play through the quests and lower end content because I enjoy it. I dislike oldschool, but if I made an alt on there I would be doing the exact same thing. Im much more familiar with Rs3, so I stick with it.

475677 ago

There's only two reasons to have an active alt account, farming internet points or to be able to say things without it being tied to your main account. With inactive alt accounts it's usually to reserve a name for when you're done with your current one but it can also be to claim the account is an old head when it becomes active to prevent the whole member for 7 mins type comments shills tend to get here.

Gigglestick ago

Yeah man... I don’t tend to dive that deep into the Mariana, gnome saiyan?

forget-me-not ago

Sometimes, I want to make raunchy, foolish, or depressing posts, but i don't want them on this account. I think of it as getting into the right version of yourself for the right environment. E.g., i don't make sexual jokes at work but might when I'm hanging out with friends.

PolishBot ago

You'd be smart to have dozens lest you want the feds to profile you.

Gigglestick ago

I’ve been on national television for raunchy shit. I don’t care anymore. As long as I don’t go to jail again, I’m happy.

NassTee ago

It's the only way I can find anyone worth talking to.

475677 ago

lmao best comment in this thread.

TrumpNPC006 ago

Everyone who supports the orange man on voat is an independent individual with a high degree of intelligence.

For instance, how could you not support this?

All white nationalists of voat and other places of ill repute who make money off of the goyim whilst supporting the orange god are absolutely good people.

Their bibles tell them so.

All they have to do is believe in christ.

CantBuySkills ago

Its going to be entertaining to watch what happens to you

Gigglestick ago

How so?

knije_tahou ago

Maybe poorly choosing your first username? Outside of that I have no clue

Gigglestick ago

Yeah... GIgglestick... so masculine.

knije_tahou ago


Gigglestick ago

I wasn’t my sober self stfu!