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Merlynn ago

The thing is,most people believe what they see on TV because they assume some kind of authority is behind it. They believe libel and slander laws are observed and any incorrect information is a "hiccup" and not the norm. As one's knowledge expands,the lies become harder to explain away with that due to the sheer number of them. So the best way to red pill people is to expand their knowledge so they can't ignore the lies anymore.

There's no "hypno vision" going on here,guys. They're just lying with the support of assumed authority. The reason it's so hard to break is because realizing there is no authority behind it,no attempt to make sure they're telling you the whole truth,they have to then realize the whole damn system is corrupt. And they're really dangling in a spider web of lies and treachery and the big bad jew spider is eyeing them hungrily.

It also means giving up on the idea that we can all get along and that forces aren't moving us to start a race war. Make no mistake,jews want us fighting each other over as piddling a little shit as they can. Any place they can sow hate,they will.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

There's no "hypno vision" going on here,guys

The pacing of sequence breaks, the tone and meter of the voices, the images and their associations to each other are all designed to subvert conscious thought and put you into a sort-of trance or hypnotic state. Yes, there is "lying with the support of assumed authority" as well, but the full extent of what TV does- especially advertising- is frightening once you realize how it's designed to weaken your defenses to new information.

Take the humor in ads, for example. They use humor to make the message and product depicted in the ad more acceptable. When someone can make you laugh, you'll be automatically more receptive to new ideas as the dopamine from laughing causes the new idea/product to be associated with pleasure. This is how we learn new things naturally, with the dopaminergic system giving you a 'kick' by rewarding you for the beneficial action. That's why people feel good after accomplishing something. The advertisers hijack that natural reward system to make their products pleasurable to purchase and use. This isn't accidental.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,but here's the thing. Anyone can do that. You can do the whole same thing and it won't have the same effect. Because you aren't acknowledged as an authority. You're just some random fucker on the interweb. But you can break the conditioning by simply getting them to understand those fuckers on TV are the exact same. It's all about authority.

But let's try this with you as an example. Since you know they're lying to you,if you sit and watch,do you believe? Or do you know they're lying and therefore refuse to believe it? Cause if that shit works the way you're saying it works,it should still work on you even though you know it isn't false. Does it help? Of course. It's designed to get people's attention and put them at ease. But it's not going to work on a brain that knows what's up.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

But you can break the conditioning by simply getting them to understand those fuckers on TV are the exact same. It's all about authority.

Of course. I wasn't debating that point. I'm saying that it works on multiple levels on the ones who are susceptible to it, or who aren't in the know. It's not as if everyone is going to consider YOU and authority and believe you. If that were the case, go tell the masses about how the talking heads and the marketing wonks aren't the authority, but you are. Go and explain to the Democratic voters that they are listening to manipulators. If it was that easy then we wouldn't be in the position we're in.

To realize what is happening to people you need at least a basic knowledge of social manipulation and a means of providing evidence of such that people will actually listen to. Most people don't care to listen to reason and evidence.

So, yeah, we're both some random fuckers on the interwebs with just as much influence on this shit as Socrates had on the Athenian people.

Merlynn ago

No,Socrates was actually a big enough threat they had to kill him. We're not that popular yet.

Ok,so,here's the thing. it's not hypnosis. It's more like they did studies,found what makes people predisposed toward what visual stimulus,and used that to make people WANT to look at the screen. It's not quite as dastardly as hypnosis,it's just basic market research at work. Most people who want people to look at their visuals should probably spend some time finding out what most people are going to want to look at. We can do the same thing. We can use it make our memes stronger,our talks more visually interesting. It's really just giving people what they want.

As for how to red pill,it's best to wait for them to hit on a lie on their own. Then just drive that wedge in deeper. it takes time. It took time for us. It'll take time for them. But you hammer on it and you might be able to get somewhere.