BettyLiberty ago

The other day at a friend's house they had on some variety show like America's got talent, and there was a Cirque du Soleil-type act on with two men which was so obviously homoerotic, it made me sick. Every show now has some fucking lesbo or faggot shit in it. Or the men are always portrayed as weak and cucked. I cut the cord in 2011 in protest of MSM after witnessing them doing Dr. Ron Paul like they do Trump. Since then, I've learned they call them Programs/Programming for a reason.

sometimessage ago

I can't believe how many of my coworkers will rush out of work (we have unlimited double time) just to sit at home in front of the TV. Why? If you're going to sit on your butt doing mindless activities, you might as well get paid for it!

Retired_Warrior ago

I haven't owned a television since the early 1980s ... full disclosure ... I did watch Netflix for awhile, but it didn't take long for me to figure out that everything on there is garbage so no more of that either!!!

videocodec ago

I keep seeing old people with CNN or MSNBC on as their primary news source but I live on the coast.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Yid Kid Bangers Club control all known media

billstickers420 ago

YES every time I'm in a boomer's house they invariably have the idiot box on. Explains a lot about their uncritical generation.

Ramp7 ago

Restaurants, Airports, bars, hospital / doctor waiting areas They all suck when TV is on.

My 92 year old Mom likes this little restaurant that has a couple of huge aquariums with fish. No TV.

RedditHater ago

If you don't like TV, stay the fuck away from my house.... Problem solved

ThoseFeels ago

Video games are even worse because gaymers think they're doing something different other than frying out in front of a screen full of subliminal/overt poison

bluefingin ago

Oh howdy yes.

blumen4alles ago

My great-grandfather invented the mute button (from my perspective at least). He was a German immigrant, and he had a homemade label from one of those label makers called embossing tape that said IDIOT BOX in capital bright white letters with a black background at the base of the television screen. He hated the commercials (and some broadcasts) so much he opened the TV case and wired a switch that interrupted the speaker circuit. The switch was at the end of a curled cord so he could sit several feet away and turn the sound off without having to get up and turn the volume down. If he saw what was on TV today he'd probably throw a rock through it and be done.

Sure do wish I could go back to my childhood and ask him what he thought about the jews.

Good question/post OP, everything else I would say had been said, so I shared a memory. Cheers!

UnknownAlias365 ago

And if it isn't the TV, it's their smartphone.

UnknownAlias365 ago

About the only thing I'll agree on with the drunkard.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Yet everyone's head is still buried in their phones...dont kid yourself with the virtue of "cable cutting " if you are still on your phone 6hrs a day

UnknownAlias365 ago

Yep, smartphone addicted zombified normies are the TV addicted bluepilled boomers of today.

Wahaha ago

Not sure, I cut 15 years ago and haven't had the opportunity to watch any TV anywhere since. But I stopped back then because everything on TV was crap and at that point it has been that way for years, so I finally stopped and never regretted it.

LiberalTalkingPoints ago

It's been since prior to 9/11 that I have had a TV. The house has a no-cable TV rule as well.

When I went to visit my mom at one point in the early 2000's, I hadn't seen her for a year but she couldn't take her eyes off the TV during my visit.

Fast forward to now, guess what she thinks of Kavanaugh?

Same thing with my Dad. Went over to his house last week and he had the TV left on in the next room while he went about his day. I tried to explain to him that some of the ads are designed to work on you when you're not paying attention and he just glossed over it.

I assume it's a drug like any other. They just got addicted to the wrong one.

facepaint ago

Don't go vegan.

johnjohn ago

What gets me is these people that support Trump and are against the Marxists pay for this shit. I mean if you can't stop willingly and unnecessarily giving money to the people out to destroy you and your country to fill your family's head with their propaganda, then you're complicit in all this.

TCP_V1P3R ago

Only when it's displaying programming from local/cable networks and streaming services.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

You have to be casual about it, and bring it as a joke, bit by bit, it is hard to not go full on Hitler but, if you ease them into it they start seeing it themselves, then will tell you about how they start to notice ot too.

I redpilled everyone around me, except maybe a few diehard libs, but the seed is planted there too.

bourbonexpert ago


bob3333 ago

Oh God, the fucking commercials. It's fucking nuts after you haven't watched TV in a decade.

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

Yup. Commercials are so clearly propaganda driven, it's painfully obvious, I can't believe white men aren't burning TV's in the streets...

jewlie ago

Yup, and like 50% jew pill commercials for problems that would go away with good diet and exercise.

Kleemin ago

I havn't watched an NFL game in almost 2 years. A friend of mine this weekend invited me over for the game and I went just to see everyone and catch up. HOLY SHIT. Every commercial is about some upcoming cop drama type show where there is a woman cop in charge of a bunch of jacked yet effeminate male officers who have some kind of politically correct drama. I'm just sitting there trying to enjoy my friends company thinking to myself how every thing they watch is Jewpaganda. So they go into commercial break and there on the screen is the NFL's first male cheerleader, and I'm not talking about some preppy male gymnast who throws petite women in the air like in college cheer leading, I'm talking the faggiest fag with pompom's doing the same dance as the women... and here is their 4 year old son playing with his toy "blasters" (cause they don't let him call them "guns") watching a man in tights dance with pom-pom's and I think to myself holocaust when?

madmardigan ago

It seems like most of the time it is simply backrou d noise for them, keeps them from thinking. Its just on, nobody is actively watching.

Bobtheviolent ago

Ditched cable but keep internet and got roku. For fucks sake the onlything worth watching is old stuff or "reality" TV renovations or buying/reusing old stuff. Everytime we try to watch a newer show I just get pissed at the stupid.

Neskuaxa ago

I stopped regularly watching cable when I moved out and opted not to pay for it. The TV is almost always on at my parents house. They're typically not watching trash TV but the amount of advertised filth is incredible. I'm glad I don't pay for a service that is essentially 60% ads with the rest mediocre content.

GhostSkin ago

Tv is one of the jews strongest tools of destruction.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Now with the help of Jewgle, FaceJew, (((Twitter))), and other tech/social giants, the Internet they think they own is.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

My mom sits around with the TV on all day. She really only watches General Hospital, which, if that's your only guilty pleasure, I suppose it's no big deal--it might be total trash but at least it's not forcefully pushing an SJW narrative.

What's ridiculous is that the show comes on at like 2 or 3, and she keeps the TV on starting at 9 in the morning while she does whatever she does all day around the house. All of the most ridiculous "news" shows are on all day and it's just retards spewing their misinformed opinions. I tell her to turn it off and all I get back is "I'm not even watching..."

Pf987 ago

How is TV so awful, since when? Besides the news, which is cancer, and the ads which everyone skips, what is so bad?

JimSoddell ago

I've never had cable, never seen the point of it. Decades ago if there was something I wanted to see like XFiles I'd stop by my parents house when it was on. I remember back then some other old people I'd visit would be sitting around watching TV all day long. That seemed a bad way to live.

In the last 20 years I've only known one family that has a TV on. They keep up with all the sports stuff.

So I don't find it disturbing since it nearly never happens.

The only place I see TV on now is at restaurants, bars and airports that are paid to run CNN all day long. Now that stuff is nuts. 24/7 anti-Trump ranting. The employees of those places must be ready to go crazy listening to that crap.

Instead of TV everyone today is staring at their cell phones doing facebook and instagram. Now that's the cancer right there, metaphorically and literally. People are crazy to have cell phones and use them all the time. It's also highly anti-social behavior.

bonhomme2012 ago

The ads are insane! If they have any of those political pundit argument shows on I have to leave the room.

Doglegwarrior ago

I just saw an advertisment on line telling me some tv show is americas next addiction, it is must see tv... i was just thinking hmmm interesting word use.

andrew_white_forever ago

These days I just work a lot with a nonstop stream of Nazi bantz playing in the background.

Haven't watched normal television in atleast 15 years.

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

Cut the cord about 2 years ago for just internet. When I see cable I am shocked at the commericials for drugs. I had forgotten how bad it is

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Here! Take this pill for incontenance simce youre an obese menopausal woman. Side effects may include headache, nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, collapsed lung, cervical cancer or sudden and immediate death. Ask your doctor today!

UnknownAlias365 ago

This comment is totally inaccurate. There are way more side effects they list.

slwsnowman40 ago

It was back to back to back catheter commercials that finally got my attention and I started actually paying attention...then I became disgusted. I think its been 4 years since I cut cable, and 2 since I stopped streaming services like PS Vue.

IDintDoNuthin ago

"I just watch sports" is the normie excuse for keeping that trash

UnknownAlias365 ago

I don't even get how they like that shit. You sit there for 2 hours or more watching baboons throw a ball around, or tackle and grope each other sexually over a pigskin. It really never made sense to me.

IDintDoNuthin ago

Also, average actual game play is something like 11 min total. NHL is polar opposite, the time remaining is actual game play time remaining.

scandalous-goat ago

It works, though. It's annoying but it's working. It's essentially this way that I saw that almost everyone around me is getting sick of the genocide shit.

gabara ago

Fuck yeah. The commercials have gotten WAY worse! Was watching A&E and all the white guys in the ads have been replaced by Jews.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I hardly see white men in ads anymore. If it's a "white male," 9.9/10 times it's a jew.

BonnieRic ago

Yes. It is hard not to speak up and warn them. I have become a little annoying socially, lately...educating family too often about paint thinner in cereals, round-up on flours and gmo foods, etc. But, even though waking up is painful, I am still so glad I did. Not everyone feels the same, but they are just better at denial. They will wake up, too, eventually.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Denial is the first step. One of two things will happen. They will either live the rest of their lives in bitter denial, or they'll come to acceptance. Either way, they're technically awake to the truth even if they don't like it and don't want to accept it.

BonnieRic ago

True. Thanks. And we have helped the people with whom we have shared our red-pilling links, because, like you said, they technically will be awake. That will reduce their shock...having heard it ahead of time.

andrew_white_forever ago

Which flours are ok? Just organic ones?

BonnieRic ago

For the most healthy flour, I make flour from basmati rice using my Vitamix, but the roughage is a bit much, so I have to add cooked acorn or butternut sqaush or applesauce to soften it up. Twice a year I eat a diet that only allows basmati rice as the "bread" carb. I learned to get creative with it...making corn bread-like bread, cookies, pancakes, chips, pizza crust, etc with the rice flour.

The rest of the year I like organic gmo-free wheat flour, rice, oat, or almond flours. I buy them or make them with my Vitamix. Sometimes I vary it up and mix in millet, flax, and even hemp seeds that I had ground up in my Vitamix. By the way, I like to soak my almonds in distilled water for 3 days in the frig before I process them or ear them.

An acquaintance of mine works for a flour company, and he said not only is the wheat sprayed with glycophosates before harvest, they spray it again after it is in the factory. Ikes!!! So I try hard to avoid gmo flours.

One more tidbit. I love to make pancakes out of these good flours, ghee butter, organic maple syrup, and a little flax milk (Good Karma is the brand). Since the flour is so heavy, I cook them on parchment paper in the oven. No flipping, no mess, and I can cook a lot at once.

cats_taste_good ago

I get cable for free where I live. I still watch college football, and sometimes old westerns like Gunsmoke and Wanted Dead or Alive on MeTV.

These old westerns are really not that bad. Wonderful little vignettes of toxic masculinity at its finest.


Yes, this is why I never go to anyones house, I just stay at mine

Res_Publica ago

Not entirely, if she’s taking care of black kids.

Dark_Shroud ago

The only thing I find more pathetic are the brainwashed dumb asses still trying to push the "I don't see race" bullshit from the 90s.

Of course that actually pisses the nogs off a great deal. So those idiots try to virtue signal and end up with knives coming at them from all directions with no understanding of how they got there.

Anzu ago

I got rid of that shit about six years ago. Best move ever.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

TV will die with the boomers.

i_scream_trucks ago

i have a tv.

its just not connected to an antenna.

Botanist ago

I remember Tv only having 4 channels and it being in black and white. It even turned off fully at night. There was so much more value to it then. It was educational. It had white people on it imparting their knowledge.

Now we have thousands of stations with thousands of channels, and they are all shit, perverted, criminal and demeaning. TV has become a tool of propaganda, for the government to force their LGBT, Pedo, Muslim agenda. Nothing more.

Learn to download films from the pirate bay, then you can watch films without all the crap. But even then, I find most films pointless, and nothing but properganda in 2018 too.

samy90a44 ago

Cut out Cable TV back in 2009. Never looked back. Using Broadcast OTH/DTV via an outdoor antenna for what little TeeVee I do watch. When I go to my neighbor's or friend's place, they pretty much watch the local channels that I do for free. Don't bother me a bit. The going rate for Cable/Internet/Telephone bundled package in this area averages $200/Month. Utterly insane to pay that amount for the JewTube.

GapingAnus ago

As O'Brien passed the telescreen a thought seemed to strike him. He stopped, turned aside and pressed a switch on the wall. There was a sharp snap. The voice had stopped.

Julia uttered a tiny sound, a sort of squeak of surprise. Even in the midst of his panic, Winston was too much taken aback to be able to hold his tongue.

'You can turn it off!' he said.

'Yes,' said O'Brien, 'we can turn it off. We have that privilege.'

Res_Publica ago

It’s so crazy that my parents used to yell at me about the TV, and now they watch incalculably more than I do. I hate the spoon-fed format.

Patti_McGreen ago

I grew up in a family of seven children. My dad was a naval officer. We moved every year of my life until I was about 9 when dad left the service. My mother was often left alone with seven children. She despised television. She encouraged us to play outside to be busy doing things instead of watching television. Numerous times throughout our childhood she would go into the TV room and cut the actual plug off the television set If We snuck in there to watch. And I was a kid I kind of thought my mother was nuts. But now I realize she was the smartest one of all

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Sounds like your mom was a woman of God.

Cat-hax ago

Any time I go somewhere that has a TV on, I see what's on and it's always so strange.

slwsnowman40 ago

I was at a Just Tires a few weeks ago and they had it on a local station, it was so weird and uncomfortable. I was there for about 90 minutes waiting for my wife to pick me up and it was just judge show after judge show and commercials with interracial couples.

Hand_of_Node ago

You could not go, and explain why.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

It's jarring. I sometimes forget how bad it is until I see it again first-hand. Even the commercials make me seethe with anger. Does it disturb anyone else how they depict their customers as retarded and child-like? It really shows the contempt they have for the common man. I almost feel that same contempt when I notice that people just eat this stuff up, like being depicted as moronic is normal.

In the end, I just end up feeling sorry for them. It's clear to me that nobody who watches this stuff realizes the extent that their being brainwashed by the "public programming". Reading Bernays and Lippmann cured me of that years ago.

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

It's jarring. I sometimes forget how bad it is until I see it again first-hand. Even the commercials make me seethe with anger.

I recently watched some broadcast TV while staying at a hotel. Not only did I forget how bad it is, but I forgot how bad it could get - and it's just awful. It made me sick. The worst thing is the millions and millions of people who choose to waste hours watching it, therefore willingly opening up their subconscious to all manner of slime and shit, smuggled in through the doorway of laughter. Barf.

Hand_of_Node ago

Essentially, being moronic is normal.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Considering average IQ, I can't disagree.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Avg IQ is always 100 thats how IQ works

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Avg world IQ by population number. Besides, 100 is retarded as far as I'm concerned.

SaveTheTrannys ago

Avg IQ is always 100 thats how IQ works.

Yeah, your IQ of 60 offsets my IQ of 140!

albatrosv15 ago

Because they are conditioned to watch it and they don't have to think about their shitty life for a period of time they are watching tv. Also look how much older people watch tv. They try to escape the morbid thought of dying.

daydreambeliever ago

You would think going out and actually living would be a better alternative for fear of death

vandilx ago

I cut the cord 8 years ago and never looked back, limiting me to over-the-air digital TV. My use of digital TV dwindled to almost nothing since:

Weekdays: I turn the TV on in the morning while getting dressed for work to watch the news, and mostly for the weather. The lead female anchor is a hot milf who wears tight-fitting dresses and the meteorologist is a woman with HUGE tits. I may similarly watch the news at night during the "main weather segment" time of the newscast to plan the next morning's run, especially if inclement weather is expected.

Weekends: I seldom turn on the TV at all. I listen to music mostly.

digitalentity1497 ago

I sounds like the TV considers you an idiot.

Saufsoldat ago

No, because I'm not a preachy cunt about not watching TV like some soyboy vegan.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Only difference is, there's an actual benefit from cutting out jewish brainwashing, whereas there are no legitimate benefits from becoming vegan.

Saufsoldat ago

So you're not like a preachy vegan cunt, because you think you're right and they're wrong.

So you're exactly like a preachy vegan cunt.

albatrosv15 ago

It's an altar and the sacrifice is your mind.

Merlynn ago

The thing is,most people believe what they see on TV because they assume some kind of authority is behind it. They believe libel and slander laws are observed and any incorrect information is a "hiccup" and not the norm. As one's knowledge expands,the lies become harder to explain away with that due to the sheer number of them. So the best way to red pill people is to expand their knowledge so they can't ignore the lies anymore.

There's no "hypno vision" going on here,guys. They're just lying with the support of assumed authority. The reason it's so hard to break is because realizing there is no authority behind it,no attempt to make sure they're telling you the whole truth,they have to then realize the whole damn system is corrupt. And they're really dangling in a spider web of lies and treachery and the big bad jew spider is eyeing them hungrily.

It also means giving up on the idea that we can all get along and that forces aren't moving us to start a race war. Make no mistake,jews want us fighting each other over as piddling a little shit as they can. Any place they can sow hate,they will.

rogereclair ago

ill always remember tv going to my dads work which was testing airplanes, cars, etc aerodynamics and just bought a supercomputer. i was about 13 and engineers explained everything in simple words it was great. a few days later i turn the tv on for the show they recorded and iwas shocked, almost everything was wrong. but how could it be? even i understood and i was there. why would they lie about something so insignificant?

and then i started noticing every show is like that. and stopped thinking of it as "they wouldnt do it wrong on purpose"

took me several more years to understand the (((dynamics))) behind it all

Merlynn ago

Messes with your head when you realize what they're really doing,doesn't it? And how far simply lying can take things.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Watch some tv and look for spirals present in the background. Theres almost always spia objects placed in the background. TV is most certainly hypnotic.

chuckletrousers ago

look for spirals present in the background.

They're called hallucinations, little tranny.

SaveTheTrannys ago

Watch some tv and look for spirals present in the background. Theres almost always spiral objects placed in the background.

You're getting more delusional by the day.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Spirals are ever present in most tv shows

SaveTheTrannys ago

Can you get one voater to agree with that? Aside from your slts, that is.

Merlynn ago

If it's hypnotic,how can I watch it and not believe a thing they're saying?

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Because hypnosis wont work on everyone you assume it doesnt work at all?

Merlynn ago

I assume if I can go from blue pilled moron to red pilled asshole simply by realizing they're lying to me,I'm fairly certain it's not hypnosis keeping people dumb. The only form of media that can really effect behavior is the media you are told is true.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

You dont understand dark magic. This world is a battle of good and evil. A spiritual battle.

chuckletrousers ago

You dont understand dark magic.

No such thing as magic of any color, little tranny.

Merlynn ago

And you underestimate the power of a well told lie.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

I woke up to the lies.i understand they have power especially big lies agreed upon.

Merlynn ago

But you're ok with the whole "dark powers" thing and not "people just don't know".

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

There's no "hypno vision" going on here,guys

The pacing of sequence breaks, the tone and meter of the voices, the images and their associations to each other are all designed to subvert conscious thought and put you into a sort-of trance or hypnotic state. Yes, there is "lying with the support of assumed authority" as well, but the full extent of what TV does- especially advertising- is frightening once you realize how it's designed to weaken your defenses to new information.

Take the humor in ads, for example. They use humor to make the message and product depicted in the ad more acceptable. When someone can make you laugh, you'll be automatically more receptive to new ideas as the dopamine from laughing causes the new idea/product to be associated with pleasure. This is how we learn new things naturally, with the dopaminergic system giving you a 'kick' by rewarding you for the beneficial action. That's why people feel good after accomplishing something. The advertisers hijack that natural reward system to make their products pleasurable to purchase and use. This isn't accidental.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,but here's the thing. Anyone can do that. You can do the whole same thing and it won't have the same effect. Because you aren't acknowledged as an authority. You're just some random fucker on the interweb. But you can break the conditioning by simply getting them to understand those fuckers on TV are the exact same. It's all about authority.

But let's try this with you as an example. Since you know they're lying to you,if you sit and watch,do you believe? Or do you know they're lying and therefore refuse to believe it? Cause if that shit works the way you're saying it works,it should still work on you even though you know it isn't false. Does it help? Of course. It's designed to get people's attention and put them at ease. But it's not going to work on a brain that knows what's up.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

But you can break the conditioning by simply getting them to understand those fuckers on TV are the exact same. It's all about authority.

Of course. I wasn't debating that point. I'm saying that it works on multiple levels on the ones who are susceptible to it, or who aren't in the know. It's not as if everyone is going to consider YOU and authority and believe you. If that were the case, go tell the masses about how the talking heads and the marketing wonks aren't the authority, but you are. Go and explain to the Democratic voters that they are listening to manipulators. If it was that easy then we wouldn't be in the position we're in.

To realize what is happening to people you need at least a basic knowledge of social manipulation and a means of providing evidence of such that people will actually listen to. Most people don't care to listen to reason and evidence.

So, yeah, we're both some random fuckers on the interwebs with just as much influence on this shit as Socrates had on the Athenian people.

Merlynn ago

No,Socrates was actually a big enough threat they had to kill him. We're not that popular yet.

Ok,so,here's the thing. it's not hypnosis. It's more like they did studies,found what makes people predisposed toward what visual stimulus,and used that to make people WANT to look at the screen. It's not quite as dastardly as hypnosis,it's just basic market research at work. Most people who want people to look at their visuals should probably spend some time finding out what most people are going to want to look at. We can do the same thing. We can use it make our memes stronger,our talks more visually interesting. It's really just giving people what they want.

As for how to red pill,it's best to wait for them to hit on a lie on their own. Then just drive that wedge in deeper. it takes time. It took time for us. It'll take time for them. But you hammer on it and you might be able to get somewhere.

railripper2 ago

I cut my cable two months ago and don't miss it at all. I just got tired of watching what the news networks were broadcasting. It's funny how you become accustomed to something and think you would miss it if you didn't have it anymore but I didn't. Instead, in the evenings when I used to sit in front of the television watching the trash being generated, I sit outside and watch the sun go down and the beautiful evenings that I've been missing for years.

Sword-and-Shield ago

I actually have seen many people cut cable and the new generation appears not to give a fuck about T.V. in general. But that is anecdotal. No doubt T.V. is cancer and the people that still watch T.V. are some of the most blue-pilled there is, can't think for themselves. What I have noticed is that there is music everywhere constantly playing. There can't be a venue without some sort of music playing. It's as if Americans are afraid of silence.

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

You know when I was a kid my mother told me TV rots your brain.

She wasn't wrong. Though she watches way more then me

kobold ago

its like having a loud person in the room, who wont shut up

Pf987 ago

Who hurt you? Why is TV so awful to you people, I can't understand!

Pf987 ago

Listen, i Just want to know why you all hate TV! Instead of hating me, can you just tellme the reasons? I'm confused!

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

Who hurt you?

Fuck off back to Reddit, you fucking nigger faggot Jew.

Splooge ago

Good goy, stay tuned, we'll be right back after a message from our sponsors!

Pf987 ago

You can just skip ads. Plus, Youtubers do simular things. What about TV itself is bad?

Neinlife ago

yep, a fat feminist jew

Bottled_Tears ago

The worst part about this kinda stuff is that if you giggle or mention something they ask why like they had no idea and think you're crazy when you explain.

kammmmak ago

Especially the MSM news. Unbearable.

John_B_14 ago

Blacks watch the most TV, by far.

"When it comes to traditional TV, African-Americans tune in nearly 213 hours per month, more than twice as much as Asians and roughly 57 hours more than Whites."

There must be some older blacks or single moms, watching TV 24/7.

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

I assume how much one watches TV correlates with their intelligence so I can understand Asians watching less than Whites - but Hispanics watching less than Whites? What's up with that?!?

John_B_14 ago

If you look at the data at the bottom of the Nielsen page, you'll see that older people watch the most TV.

And the average age of US whites is much older than the average age of US hispanics.

In the below chart, see the distribution on the lower left side.

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

That explains it, thank you.

DawnPendraig ago

Not much else to do in my very poor white relatives homes. They made just enough to eke out bills and food and watched whatever came over broadcast. All the time. In the summer it gets pretty hot in Texas so sitting by ac or open windows and dozonf while some stupid show was on was my elders' idea of a good day.

Makes sense to me poor blacks on welfare don't do much else either.

No one reads for fun. Well not that many anyway. I can find them online but rarely if ever in person.

YashinNashi ago

Even when I had cable, I couldn't understand homes that just keep the TV on all day. They'd say it for "background noise". Why would you want background noise? Or if you can't stand silence, play some music.

Neinlife ago

fucking EXACTLY this... so many people want it playing so they are not lonely or whatever.

there is nothing so trivially annoying and at the same time enraging to me as fucking tvs on all over a house with no one watching.

not just noise but meaningless bullshit and wasted power.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

There's nothing more terrifying for most Americans than being left alone with their own thoughts.

BordelonLoop ago

i think that can be said of most people, not just Americans. i happen to be one of those Americans who spends most of my time alone. by choice.

blumen4alles ago

Probably can be said for many voaters. A bunch of loners checking in with other loners basically saying" "you seeing this shit?"

rogereclair ago

i go crazy if i dont have a lot of alone time. its a balance.

Dark_Shroud ago

Sadly I still have cable, however I cannot stand people that just leave TVs on "for background noise." Fuck all of that.

rogereclair ago

get a vpn, and turn off cable

Dark_Shroud ago

I'm currently caring for an elderly parent.

I worked out how to deal with most of what they want. If HGTV had a proper streaming app I would have everything covered.

If Tivos had a proper app system or an Android VM to run Android apps I wouldn't have any complaints.

DawnPendraig ago

1984 by our own choice

prairie ago

I don't go to people's houses who are couch zombies.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Cable TV is disgusting

Hand_of_Node ago

good show like Game of Thrones.

So you've found a poison with a flavor you like.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

TV shows are basically storing telling and story telling it's not bad in and of itself, the problem is when (((they))) use psychological tactics in shows to push their agendas. As for Game of Thrones goes, JRR Martin is definitely not Jewish. Although I suppose this season they are deviating from the books so it could possibly go full jew.

UnknownAlias365 ago

TV shows ARE nothing but (((them))) using psychological tactics to push their agendas lol. There is not ONE show that doesn't do this. It's because ALL media, everything you can possibly see on the TV screen, is controlled by Jews.

Hand_of_Node ago

I read some bad reviews of his book when it first came out, so that put me off. Then I read about a lot of degenerate stuff in the television shows. IMO, that's how they normalize degenerate behavior. Maybe it's not as bad if you remain vigilant and don't identify with the the programming.

Neinlife ago

game of thrones is fucking awesome and if you watch it you will be more awesome.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Full of pedophilia and murdering and incest

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Yes it's a TV show that depicts a nasty mediaeval civil war. You think the Anarchy under Stephen I was any better?

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

All tv is degenerate

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

That's not a argument

rogereclair ago

correct. i remember when i saw the Spartacus serie and it was like that i found it shocking theyd allow that since kids will watch specially due to how sexual they made the whole thing.

by the time got came around it was absolutely normal. got got great filming but the story is poop past the first few episodes and filled with what you mention regardless. normalizes it.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Let's see some other good shows currently are "The Expanse", Westworld season 1 was pretty good I haven't seen the second season yet, that's all I can think of right now.

DawnPendraig ago

I love the Expanse. Westworld was good fun until it went "Lost" in season 2. When they wandered into a Japanese Geisha house I quit watching.

I really liked Yellowstone on new Paramount channel. Waited to watch it in a couple goes. Partly because my great grandpa had a ranch and I am horse crazy. Brings back fond memories plus beautiful Montana scenery and a good story. I loved "Legends of the Fall" and it is a similar story about family and identity and survival.

Can't stand 99% of broadcast tv though. I read a lot mostly fantasy but more sci fi. My old favorites are a comfort from before this cultural Marxism took hold. I also discovered I love audio books of some ans just finished the Dresden Files again this time as audio books. So awesome and so much better than tv.

Now I just started Dune. Will probably watch the movie when I am done. Saw it as a kid before I read book so will be interesting in this long time lapse to do reverse.

Oh and I will watch PBS sometimes like Poldark or other Masterpiece Classic and Mystery.

Sometimes it's interesting to study the propaganda too. As long as qe remain conscious of it. But I am sick and disabled and stuck in 2 rooms right now. If I could I would be out singing, playing with my son and riding horses all day.

misterpoopybutthole ago

I'm sure Amazon will fuck up expanse someway. The books are better anyway

Kr1ll1nX ago

They wandered into a Japanese theme park in S2 because that's how Westworld was. They were based off of older movies. Just how young are you?

PoundMe2 ago

no. because i like watching niggers and spics hit balls and give each other brain damage

Octoclops ago

Have you not heard of WorldStar?

PoundMe2 ago

no see i prefer to give white people money. youre supporting niggers watching worldstar. reinforcing their primal nature. at least white men make money off them in sports.

jerkwad152 ago

Yes. Especially when it's their cable that I cut.

Firevine ago

I can't escape the damned things. Any restaurant I go to seems to be littered with TV's. It's pathetic. A sports bar, sure, but it seems like it's everything now.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Even sports they've gotta have their dumb little opinions and shit between plays. I'd rather the camera just stays pointed at the ice so I can feel like I'm actually at the game instead of some table full of retards trying to talk over each other. We already have a table full of retards trying to talk over each other it's called a sports bar, I don't need another one on TV too.

Hand_of_Node ago

Where do you live that restaurants have televisions? What the hell?

Neinlife ago

thats is extremely common all over the US, where do you live that they dont?

Hand_of_Node ago

Coastal California. Can't remember the last time I saw a television in a restaurant. But it's possible that exists and I just don't frequent that kind of place. The guy above mentioned sports bars, so that might have something to do with it.

*Internet search reveals there are sports bars with televisions here. Possibly some low-end restaurants might have a television too? Sounds pretty gross, though.

Firevine ago

Sports bars definitely have them, but they're even in mid-tier places now. Mexican restaurants? TV's everywhere. Fast food restaurants? TV's everywhere. It's sad, because you just see these people stuffing their faces and staring into oblivion.

Hand_of_Node ago

I think this place may be less television-oriented than some other places. It could be the hippy/liberal effect, but I'll take it. You kind of have me wanting to see if I can find a restaurant with a blaring television now.

slwsnowman40 ago

If there's a bar sitting area, that usually where the TVs are if it isn't a sports bar in Orange County, Commiefornia.

Dark_Shroud ago

I love to hate Doctor's offices where the nurses put The View on in the morning.

When I was kid back in the 90s I had a back pack set up to carry my NES in. People thought I was crazy until I was playing Mario or Zelda in a lobby while they sat their dumbfounded. Those same types of people now stare at their phones like the do the TVs.

andrew_white_forever ago

Man I saw the View once in a car dealer waiting room, and I have to say it made me physically ill... It was satanic. Talmudic.

Dark_Shroud ago

I take my elderly mother to some of her Doctors appointments. With some officies I know to take headphones.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

TV = TalmudVision

Yuke ago

That's the trick to awakening people, getting them to turn off the TV's. If we can get people to realize how much they are programming them on a daily basis then they'll start leaving that shit behind. I can't help feeling that we have a window before us right now in which to accomplish this. In 10 years or so, maybe less, the internet (as it is) is going to be restricted and this ability to share info and wake people up is going to deplete; the time is now.

jewlie ago

It's mainly boomers. You can teach an old dog new tricks, but you can't change a boomer stuck in their ways. Even on voat you see them shilling for Fox news constantly.

blumen4alles ago

Also people older than boomers. If the TV is on than they don't feel like they are alone (spouse passed away, etc).

jewlie ago

Well to look on the bright side those numbers will be going down

gazillions ago

Before the PC commies declared war on us, I lived well without TV. Going into someone's house wasn't shocking because of what was on the TV, it was that it was on and it was the center of everything in the home. The furniture was arranged around the television and not for conversation. It was jarring to confront the giant box of color images that sucked every breath of life out of the home.

Few people turned the fucking thing off because they had visitors either. Why invite someone to your house to pay homage to your TV?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Anton "Church of Satan" LaVey once said that it was his dream to replace the family alter with a TV set.

He got his wish.


gazillions ago

Real name Howard Stanton Levey. I'm guessing his family is the tribe of the serpent. also known as EFT: Every fucking time

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I thought they were Gyppos though.

Res_Publica ago

My living room is set up like that, but I have my desktop hooked up to the tv. In the past two years, I’ve probably watched about five or six hours of tv.. I use it as a monitor slightly more often, but really my phone has taken over a lot.

albatrosv15 ago

I call it a modern altar. It's the new swag religion.

blumen4alles ago

It is a black mirror through which there is an energy transference upon giving it your attention. Where attention goes, energy flows.

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

The TV is the satanic alter

blumen4alles ago

With the intention to alter your reality...

i_scream_trucks ago

im proud of the fact that my niece and i have only sat down twice in front of the tv for any length of time in her life, id prefer her to remember me as taking her out places when i babysit.

Kildigs ago

The place I get my hair cut has a TV in each booth and I just ask them to turn it off and chat with the hair cutter instead. When I'm in the hospital, I spend the entire time on my laptop. TV has become so alien, disturbing is the right word for how it makes me feel. Besides the shows themselves the commercials really bother me, both the frequency and messages.

Dark_Shroud ago

Isn't it great how almost all the families in commercials are interracial? It's so progressive!


Hydrogenoff ago

And Kosher !

BlackGrapeDrank ago

I cut cable in 2011. I read all the time. and yes, its is painful and sad to watch the avg person be brainwashed with Jewish anit white propaganda

Elemental_Lightning ago

It's an easy babysitter for lower income families and those with deficient mental capabilities.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Yes its a poor and retard problem. You're a fucking moron first and foremost.

There is not much else to say my dude, you view passive distraction as a problem for the poor and the deficient. I can only imagine what decrepit worldviews you hold and spew online. Judging a book by it's cover I would say you're like colon cancer incarnate.

BearDolphin1488 ago

i killed a bunch of muslims a few years ago. they smelled awful

blumen4alles ago

probably got one or more of IS-Patriot's cousins - they are all inbred

slwsnowman40 ago

They smell awful before you kill them.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your intended meaning is correct, but you can see by the votes that the wording is confusing people.

Dark_Shroud ago

There you go asshole, free for all.

Elemental_Lightning ago

At least I can admit I have a mental deficiency. I can hold done a job, and do not have children. Last but not least, At least I try and not be a burden to society.

prairie ago

That's a ringing endorsement if I've ever heard one.

captainpixystick ago

So much faggot in one comment.

6gorillion ago

my dude

He's not your dude, faggot.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Television has meant to serve as the "bootloader" for the human brain. A person will shut down the part of their brain that challenges information received and accepts the information from the TV. However, it is active in person-to-person conversation.

That is why it is difficult to speak with someone about a new perspective, their brain is challenging your info. When they turn around and see ads/news/garbage, they openly accept it.

I've posted this a few times, but this Alan Watt interview explains it better than I:

kaonashiii ago

And when people's belief's get challenged enough they retreat to cognitive dissonance stage and regurgitate their programmed coping mechanisms. I couldn't find an article I recall talking about this that's helped me communicate with others better. Great vid!

Triceratography ago

What is he on about with "flicker rates" and refurbished TVs from the US?

US and european media have different framerates.

He's making a lot of claims and not providing any proof.

AndNowTheOther8 ago

I'm I the only one who argues with my TV or the radio?

bonhomme2012 ago

I think it's been a great education for my kids when I put on NPR and argue counterpoints. Fun ride home from school with Dad.

NoTrueScotsman ago

My dad always argued with the TV about politics. I agree it is a good way to make sure they understand your view and break the illusion that the media is infallible.

prairie ago

Television has meant to serve as the "bootloader" for the human brain.

Fuck that's insightful.

spaceman84 ago

Younger generations have replaced the television with the Internet. It's not real unless they can Google it.

rogereclair ago

the internet to many is the top 10 websites period.

speaking of diversity, the internet felt way more diverse in the 90 than it does now. voat is one of the most 90s like site i know, and thats kind of sad

NotALawyer ago

With internet, there is somewhat a freedom to which info you want. If you decide to want all of it, you can use the internet, because you obtain the ability to compare, and think critically about the information you're receiving, not so much with flat, non-interactive information sources,which include ads, tv, newspapers, books, radio et cetera. While you have the choice to listen or not, or change a chanell, you still lack the ability to summon precisely the piece of information you want to see, its always something, someone is trying to serve to the most average/monetisable person out there, not you. Internet is a goddamn miracle, and people cuss on it because they cant drive it and/or it requires active inputs to get the most of it. If you're too stupid to use it properly, the lamborgini becomes just an electric scooter.

spaceman84 ago

Most use it as an international echo chamber.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

At least with the internet you can have the choice to either accept the sanctioned answer or do some solid research into what's happening. Not so with TV.

That said, many don't know how to do good research or don't care to. This is imo one of the biggest failures of education.

slwsnowman40 ago

They aren't taught anything useful in 90% of their day. I'm surprised my kids high school has an auto shop class.

RoBatten ago

Which is why they are so desperate to control the narrative on the internet now, by silencing conservative opinions . . .

freespeechwarrior ago

I try not to go in people's houses at all. Civilized humans are fucking disgusting. I try to interact with them outside, where the oxygen and UV can decootify them a bit, and I try to stand upwind.

Crackrocknigga ago

OK Mark Zuckerberg

mf2525 ago

Yea I fucking hate humans

Humanicide ago

Wannabe. You folks don't even know what hate is. I have lived in hatred for over 55 years and have it perfected.

mf2525 ago


freespeechwarrior ago

Some of them can be ok. It's just the ones that live in houses and cover themselves in chemicals that I don't like being around.

475677 ago

I've noticed how shitty it is. Even my daughter can't handle all the ads and bullshit which is great. On an opposite note though you should see how shitty my family gets when they visit. I've had my pc hooked up to my tv for over a decade now and every time someone visits they have to let me know what they want to watch and I'll plug in a hard drive for them. I've been told it's overly complicated and annoying and not what they want as they have to select a show on their own every 20 minutes or so. One was even upset that she couldn't use as ad break to take a piss and was still upset when I pointed out you can pause it like a dvd. The biggest pet peeve they have though is having the shows displayed in their natural resolution with the black bars. It literally doesn't click that it's being displayed at a higher resolution so it looks cleaner, doesn't have the edges cut off, isn't stretched from being overscanned, etc. to them it's just beyond ugly and nearly unwatchable.

rogereclair ago

am sorry, your family sounds dumb and not very fun to be around lol

BordelonLoop ago

tell the visitors if they don't like the tv situation, that your yard could use some work. then hand them some gloves.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Have you considered using Plex? I used to do it like you, but I setup a Plex server and my life got so much easier. The computer no longer has to be in the same room.


Elcycs ago

Hm. Sign up for a service to watch my own media. Naw.

bob3333 ago

Until Plex supports a single FLAC and CUE file for music, fuck Plex.

letsgoallthewhey ago

I guess that's fine for when people come over and ask for the tv to be turned on. Otherwise, I avoid it at all costs. Cut the cable about four years ago and don't miss it at all.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I'll throw my hat in for Plex. I'm a big fan when my internet isn't shit, and for whatever reason I can't get direct connect to work right. But it's nice having terabytes of movies available at my choosing. Like Kodi but less reliant on streaming and not constantly getting patched out.

Neinlife ago

that looks cool, thanks for the link

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

If you set up a plex server you should use "Open PHT" for your desktop. It's an unofficial desktop app that's a lot better than the official version. And for renaming files so that plex recognizes them I use the program FileBot. The newest version costs like $20 but if you can find an old version, it used to be free.

Neinlife ago

Fuckin a, thanks

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Filebot is an amazing tool even if you don't use plex. It pulls info from TVDB and can rename every episode of a show at once. The last free version was 4.7.9.

idk ago

I don't have cable, but I watch Master Chef on Fox online every now and then. (Yeah, I'm a degenerate, give it to me).

The commercials are the best. I've seen the "anti-aids pill" commercial one. Recently, there's an anti-gun one where a little kid says, "Daddy, do we have a gun?". It's hilarious.

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Jesus Christ that commercial. My Grandfather raised my father his siblings, then me later in a house with enough guns to arm them 4 times over.

Just keep them locked and unloaded. Its not rocket science.

rogereclair ago

Everytime i watch tv ads i feel like im looking at a werid zoo where you cam observe these strange things in action. anyone who stops tv for a year feels like that afterwards . humans are so easy to brainwash into oblivion with mass communication advances . internet website arent muvh better, even voat

bonhomme2012 ago

Fuck, that Ad makes my blood boil! What a bunch of horse shit. While I'm sure there are people who don't train their kids, they are the problem not the gun. Guns save far more lives than they take.

Thrus2 ago

No son we don't have a gun, we have an entire box full of them! pans to gun safe

idk ago

I love how he's trying to reason that he's a responsible gun owner, but keeps his gun under a pile of sweaters.

grandmacaesar ago

I unplugged nearly 10 years ago. I didn't look at a tv screen for over a month. The first encounter was in the waiting area of my child's pediatrician's office. An afternoon talk show was on, and the guest was an elementary school teacher by day and a professional dominatrix by night. I started to feel sick, like I could see that there was an agenda behind the story, and when I looked around the room at the others staring into this filth-spewing shit-box, my head started to spin. The host and the audience were in awe of the whore's story, and at the end of her interview, there was a q and a with certain audience members reading obviously scripted questions, all of them showing this in a highly respectable light. I asked everyone if I could turn it off, and when nobody responded, I did just that.

WhitePlainsDrifter ago

I unplugged 10 years ago as well. It was very hard to put the TV on the curb, but after two weeks I never missed it again.

One of the biggest things a woman can do to get my interest is to not have a TV at her place. I would never date a woman who had the TV always turned on.

I saw some broadcast TV for the first time in years at a hotel recently. It's waaaay worse than I remember. I can't see how any self-respecting white man would watch that shit, submitting himself to being repeatedly insulted and put down.

perceptionshatter ago

I was in an ER waiting room two weeks ago. Ellen was on with a fat white woman who literally came on the show to dance and talk to Missy Elliott's "work it." Then the overweight nurses walked in with cigs in their hands.I was just thinking how what a fucking disaster this society has come to when people literally clapped and cheered for this shit. Are you fucking kidding me? GARBAGE.

mostlyfriendly ago

Good job!

I'm constantly muting or turning off TVs in waiting rooms. (doctors, repair shops, etc.) 90% of the time, I get smiles or an audible 'thank you' from the other people people waiting. I've never had a negative reaction ... except for an occasional poor employee who is just trying to follow some stupid company policy.

GhostSkin ago

I've experienced the exact same situation and felt the same sensation.

Doglegwarrior ago

Yep boob tube is eye and brain cancer rollee into one jew device.

rogereclair ago

at least you can choose from a selection of content not directly controlled on youtube. its not great but its not like tv either

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Moron TV.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

My man

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Albums named after vinyl leather from the 60s. Advertised as shading toy monsters look up nauga and naugahyde

MyNameIsMud ago

The album is named after the intereier of a car Lee Van Cleef drives in some old movie haha

EndTheFed4 ago

The KIKES are responsible for that filth

Pf987 ago

jesus christ...

blumen4alles ago

the kikes hate jesus christ, that is why they are called kikes...

Pf987 ago

Wow, I thought all the anti semetic shit was just memes on /pol/

KikesDidJFK ago

Go back to Reddit you pathetic cuck.

Pf987 ago

What? Not hating Jews makes it so I shouldn't be on this site?

KikesDidJFK ago

Not hating jews means you either are a jew or too stupid to see the truth. Reddit is for such people.

Pf987 ago

I'm sorry I don't hate an entire religion for no good reason?

Res_Publica ago

We should all make it a point to find a Jewish girl each, and do our best to get them hooked on opioids. Then we should refer them to some black gangster dealers.

mrfetus ago


BearDolphin1488 ago

i dated a jewish girl for awhile. it ended when i couldnt take her behavior and what she found appropriate anymore... little did i know it was just because she was jewish. I know she did not take it well and she now works for a nonprofit taking care of nigger broodlings... i have failed

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

Examples? Curious what you saw

BearDolphin1488 ago

For one, she was really into getting beat up in a sexual way; think charlotte gainsburg in Nymphomaniac. The more abuse i could dish out, the wetter she got. (i understand this now as a fucked up 'War Bride' thing but it still is strange for a young guy to deal with). Its not like i dont know that girls like to get a little rough, ive always been like that --- its just the extent that jew girl wanted was sometimes a turn off, not that it mattered to her i suppose.

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

Ari Shaffir Jew talks about how he likes to choke chicks during sex.

blumen4alles ago

First time I had sex with a jewish woman (before I was red-pilled) I watched her face spin through many faces, as if she was trying to figure out which face I wanted to have sex with. It was really creepy, I withheld climaxing (see kareeza for more info) - really dodged a bullet not reproducing with that creature. Jews really are the proxies for satan (Saturn, The Black Cube, Yaldabaoth, Demiurge - whatever it calls itself today) here to enact its will. That is what I saw. I have also seen spirit animals in the forest (not albino animals, a bird flew through the trees & past me that was "cloaked" I could see its outline and details, but I could also see through it if that makes sense - hard to put this stuff into words), so I am a bit more sensitive than others.

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

I too saw a cloaked 4 legged dog-like creature once. It was freaky and no one believes me except my wife. But I know what I saw.

blumen4alles ago

Oooh that sounds cool. Can you give me more details? Was it night, day, dusk, dawn? Forest, city, house? Did it move? What did you feel when you saw it?

The bird I saw flew diagonally towards me from right to left, and it flew just above eye-level so when it flew by me I could get a good look even though it was "cloaked" and it flew very gracefully through the foliage of the forest for such a large bird (think eagle size). I usually see birds that size flying above the trees or on the edge of the treeline. It was awesome!

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

It was night in a small town surrounded by forest. We felt a dark presence in our house and one night I basically told it out loud to leave. I felt a slight wind rush past my legs as I held the door open and I saw a shadowy cloaked dog-like figure 'gallop' down the road. It ran like a cheetah, rear paws passing almost in front of it's head as it ran. It was smooth flowing and silent. The house calmed the next day.

blumen4alles ago

Wow that is a good description, thank you!

Omnidempotent ago

How do you figure that Saturn = satan?

blumen4alles ago

@ThoseFeels had a pretty good response to your question. This is a subject you should really explore yourself, rather than just accept what responses you get. Names have an effect of limiting ideas, and it is hard to put this stuff into words. When the planet told me her story she used examples from my life experiences to speak to me (telepathically) in concepts I could recognize and associate with. When she was telling me about Saturn / Satan / basically the-source-of all-Evil-HeadQuarters, she showed me the black cube (which looked like the Borg ship from Star Trek to me). I was able to ask questions and get additional details, it was a two-way conversation. Besides having very similar spelling of names, you will find that the "satanic elite" worship Saturn. Here is a very good painting that may convey Saturn's role in our reality to you.

Saturn is also associated with time, and the idea is that they are shaping the present based on what they see in the future (an enemy that knows the future can't lose) and they have also changed the past for some of us (mandela effect). You will see many of these concepts in science fiction.

It also has a lot to do with intention. Asking questions like: "What was the intention of the Borg in Star Trek?", "What is the intention of the Gregorian calendar (reckoning time - again time is related to Saturn) having twelve months with varying days, instead of thirteen months with equal days?"

A common intention here is separating/removing humanity from nature and natural rhythm. That is evil to me. Pedophilia is evil because it scars a child for life - instead of naturally developing sexually children are subjected to unnatural circumstances. Genital mutilation (especially done to infants) is evil.

Symbolism is also a big part of this too. Look at the ring symbolism in circumcision! Archetypes. Look at J.R.R. Tolkien's work, Lord of the Rings - which planet has rings around it? Look at marriage and the use of rings there.

I guess what I am trying to say is "I can't say" but I am hoping my words and the intention behind them will help guide you to better understanding what I meant with Saturn = Satan...

If you are thinking in biblical terms, I remind you that the bible is mostly a jewish creation, and has been heavily and carefully edited. After my conversation with the planet I discovered the Nag Hammadi texts and other books removed from the bible. Gnostics, Cathars, and other groups have information which was most likely given to them in the same manner the planet told me her story. The great thing about that is she told me with language I could immediately understand, where others reading old gnostic texts you can get pieces and ideas, but it isn't the same. Like trying to tell someone about a dream...

ThoseFeels ago

To understand the influence of Saturn on all religions, basic Kabbalistic science needs to be known. Some attain this knowledge through study and know the lingo, some gain it through personal experience with the macrocosms (i.e. Out of body experiences) and have their own words and symbols for the concrete Laws of existence, and then there are those who build their understanding from combined experience with the former and the latter.

You perhaps fill your cup different than I imagine, but much of what you said here is true, as far as words can be used to simulate it.

I haven't even looked to see which comment you are replying to yet, but I could add :

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It's the 'first sun' to the Babylonians, or more specifically 'the star of the sun'. The historians are confused by the interchange between the Sun and Saturn in ancient texts. There is no confusion to me, they are poles of a spectrum, between life and creation, death and dissolution, and are therefore the same in their absolute differences. Much in the way that Man is a Microcosm of the God.

The Sun is the sustaining masculine life giving penetrator of the darkness, and Saturn is the feminine shekinah, a polarity to the Sun, containing both feminine and masculine influence, the power of the hexagram.

Life is a spectrum between these planetary influences. The Sun is typically considered 'good' and Saturn therefore takes on the opposite connotation, 'evil'

The truth the elites know is that you cannot escape the influence of Saturn so you're wise to make friends with him or you'll be an old man screaming at clouds your whole life.

The Devil gets his due.

blumen4alles ago

Very nice. Actually I tried looking through the thread and could not find the post I was replying to either, but still replied. Not sure if it was a glitch, shadow-ban, or just buried.

I did study Kabbalah, and other stuff. Years later I followed the instructions in the Emerald Tablets, created my own version, and made contact with Thoth. He put me in touch with the planet and together they showed me everything. All that info is in there somewhere still, but I only carry a fraction of it in my baseline state of consciousness. My mystical experience lasted for days, and it took weeks for me to return to somewhat ordinary conditions. I really like how you put together those words in your first paragraph, thank you.

Pretty sure I have read the page you linked as well. Good info for anyone besides us that may come upon these posts!

ThoseFeels ago

He is 100% correct .

Saturn is Satan. Satan is lucifer. Lucifer is Azazel. Azazel is the first shattered piece of light to fall from the singularity into the abyss of existence. "His" message is that God is the only truth and this world is all a lie that must be destroyed so we can all return to th godhead.

Jews are aligned with these principles. "All there is, is God...everything else is meaningless" I've heard many Jews say.

Listen carefully:

The Jews believe the end of days will see the United Nations of the world pitted against the Jews of Israel and that they will triumph, making the rest of the world nuclear hell with a few goyim around for slaves.

What this is symbolically is the reunification of a single god consciousness through a homogenous people, which represent a completion of the 'Great Work'.

The completion of th Great Work means the experiment is over and the universe will fold back into a singular God entity.

This is their Aim.

The Great Work can be completed by "good" or "evil"....the Jews are assured in them selves that it is much easier and likely for the planet to unite if most humans are killed, rather than trying to get billions and billions of niggers, whites, asians and etc to see things one way.

Omnidempotent ago

I see you're describing some sort of gnostic philosophy, but that doesn't answer my question. How exactly is the Roman god Saturn equated with Satan?

ThoseFeels ago

Saturn is arbiter of time. Time is symptom of 3 dimensional space. 3D is symobolizes elegantly with a cube. We are trapped in a cube. Satan is a personification of forces. Negative, dark, troublesome forces that oppose God's plan of existence. These are linear themes with Saturn. There are many ways to equate them, but the only thing true in this world is God, everything else is a lie. Nothing is hard and fast

Omnidempotent ago

Now you're describing time cube

blumen4alles ago

or perhaps a tesseract

jollux ago

it's just typical christian demonization of the native european religion

blumen4alles ago

native europeans most certainly used a thirteen month calendar as well as observing the points of crossing, not sure I would call that a religion just recognition of time and the cycle of natural rhythm...

jollux ago

What's your point

blumen4alles ago

You forgot the '?'.

ThoseFeels ago

What do you mean? I actually believe this stuff. I don't fear evil or death, nor believe either even exists.

jollux ago

The native european gods existed well before any contact with jews.

Mayhawk ago

"No shit, Sherlock!"

"Dig deeper, Watson!"

IvankaEatsHigestLeaf ago

Todays jews are really satanists. Theyre tranny sodomites. @beardolphon1488 probably saw lits6of fecal matter and psychotic strat chimp outs.

RumpRangerRick ago

i have failed

You dodged a bullet, ultimately.

BearDolphin1488 ago

yeah, I do feel with time i could have tamed her into a submissive house wife but yea, not worth it

Trash_Panda ago

And then with their mouths open they slowly looked away after 5-10 seconds and continued aimlessly wandering about?

BlueDrache ago

Mmm... Electric Thorazine.

JewsusCuckery ago

I find talmudvision actually keeps people in a mental trance of stupidity. Much like the bible.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

I'm disturbed when their clothes aren't on. I immediately leave the premise and stop somewhere to get some corroborating evidence, such as buying a stick of gum and getting the receipt. That way when I'm nominated for supreme Court justice their plans will fail.

slwsnowman40 ago

I can't wait for the day when a SCOTUS nominee presents a stack of receipts to disprove a sexual assault allegation.

"Who keeps receipts for 40 years?!?!?!?! He's clearly not stable enough to be on the court..."

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

That's when you bust out exhibits a & b, Clarence Thomas and Brett kavanaugh.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Why would I care what others do?

Hand_of_Node ago

Because the actions of others shape your environment.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Not mine

Hand_of_Node ago

You're posting on an internet built by others, and probably powered by electricity you didn't generate. You might not have even built your own house and sourced everything needed for survival. There are a wide range of actions that shape your environment. That others support television culture is less immediately impactful, but it still has an effect.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

But someone looking at TV does not bother me. I don't control other people nor do I want to.

Tallest_Skil ago

Then you’re complicit in white genocide.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Even if he was aware of white genocide, he wouldn't care as long as he gets muh netflix, muh game of thrones, muh fuck I can''t name any other normie show everyone talks about.

elitch2 ago

You're welcome.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Restaurant. Fake News is on (think Sports Bar). I almost can't stand to watch it. Everything (everything) is poison on MSM.

Hydrocephalus ago

I find it interesting, it reminds me of why I stopped paying for cable.