Butelczynski ago

Most of those responsible for making,distributing and ordering commercials are women.At least those in Toronto,Canada are.Friends work in this field and it's scary what is going on in there.

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kalchaya ago

Jeez, I don't know what to think about that! If you look at the TV shows and movies produced in the 1940s through the 60s, I don't really see anything that overt by way of pro-feminazi, pro-subhumanoid, anti-white, etc. There was a few like 'Guess Who's Coming To Dinner' (1967) or 'Diary of a Mad Housewife' (1970), but they were rare until around the mid-70s. On the other hand, McCarthy was right about the commie influence in Hollyweird....unfortunately, that seemed to blind him to what lay behind that influence (Jew).

Gyvate ago

The motion picture industry in California was started almost exclusively by Eastern European Jews.

kalchaya ago

Yet it was not until around the mid to late seventies that the current brainwashing/social control had its beginnings, and it was not until Clinton's pow-wow with Hollyweird that it went into overdrive. I suspect the Jews have started sharing the power with the Libtards (or at least fooling them into thinking so).

Oilguy55 ago

White men who are Christians also. Can't make fun of Jews or Muslims

KikesDidJFK ago

Because they are, goy.

fr33europe ago

Honestly, it’s because the creatives in ad agencies are 90% fags, women, and the other 10% are straight guys in it for the pussy or job promotion.

I say this from experience, I’ve seen them get together, make up ads, and decide there’s too many white men in it. Nobody will say shit. Anyone’s willing to stand up for fags or whatever but white men? No one will come to your defence.

It’s just the cocoon these people live in. They’re pandering to each other to our virtue signal or out sjw each other.

The client won’t come back and say the ad was too diverse, they’ll just think gee look at at how progressive we are.

i_scream_trucks ago

I think one of my favourite examples of high end hypocrisy here was an add which im pretty sure was for tampons -

imagine, if you will, two individuals driving in a car telling everyone theyre going to a 'training session' in a car. The pair arrive in the car at the training session, pull out a snack, and proceed to sit there in the car and make comments about the asses of the people that they have gone to the training session not to join, but to sit in the car, and stare at the asses of.

Pretty harassy and rapey yeah? Would cause outrage in an ad?

Yeah nah this is two women. Sitting in a car. At a training session for men. And they openly make comments about a blokes body.

Not saying i give a shit about the comments, but the sheer open fucking hypocrisy of it shits me off.

dyst ago

Because they are.

perceptionshatter ago

Because the inferior classes and races want to make them seem more relatable and therefore help them feel less insecure. Nanny society, Baby state

laserpewpewpewpew ago

Why do you think faggot?


White men are too busy working and raising their children to spend their time watching TV commercials.

Tallest_Skil ago

why do jews do things that help jews

It’s a real mystery, huh. Fucking redditor.

ThoseFeels ago


It's concerning that this complete answer is not already a top comment. Please allow me to explain such a nuanced topic to a new person. The answer to your question is:


Gyvate ago

I get it now. The Jews. Thanks for the insight to your profession.

ThoseFeels ago

🤷🏼‍♂️ I wish it was more complicated, but all this shit boils down to Bolshevism.

Gyvate ago

@ThoseFeels As a kid I always heard "It was the Jews." Not one person would explain why. As time went by, I began reading about WWII but you know how that went--Nazis bad and Holocaust. As I got older I read more and, more. I discovered how the Bolsheviks turned on the nation's they lived in. First, kowtowing to the Nazis then turning on the people, of whichever nation they resided in, as the Red Army came in. They assisted in subverting nation's with false elections, outright murder and deportations to Siberia (or places similar). I read about Communism and Socialism and Bolsheviks. I read about how they, the Bolsheviks, were working against the United States in the 1930s and beyond. I witnessed their influence in Hollywood and in our government. I always knew it was "the jews"influencing so many aspects of our society. Sometimes, I need to be reminded just how pervasive their infiltration into our culture is.

ThoseFeels ago

Straight up and down, it's the Jews.

Keeping it simple keeps it true. It's not 'European style socialists' or 'progressivism'....at the end of the day it's the fucking Jews.

riffwraff ago

We're the only sentient beings on this planet that let women and jews completely control them, allow endless hordes of foreign rapists to live in our nations and pay them handsomely for the privilege, and viciously attack our own for allowing it.

We might be idiots. At least a sizeable majority.

Deplorable_Me ago

muh diversity

SocksOnCats ago

Because advertising is wasted on white men. White men are smart enough not to fall for marketing bullshit (more than any other group).

Garbalon ago

(((No))) (((idea))). (((It's))) (((a))) (((mystery))).

headfire ago

Because it makes women feel good, and women spend more money than men on stupid shit.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago


Anonymouse09 ago

Because of a concerted effort and push by media, it's been fashionable to slander, mock and hate Christians for decades. It truly sucks, I know. Take them off guard: Be kind, honest, and patient, but don't compromise your values. Defend yourselves with dignity, intelligence, and facts. Don't give up or give in to their demands for you to sit down and shut up.

You have a choice: Take the higher road of Christ and be the good example, or become bitter, angry and miserable like some here.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

It's called the Kalergi Plan.

It's also called programming for a reason.

darkb ago

part of the medias plan ,,

IDintDoNuthin ago

And Niggers the protagonists

james780 ago

kikes hate you hate your children hate your women porn industry, tranny gay shit peddled to your kids

Tb0n3 ago

Because it's a meme.

gabara ago

I've noticed they've replaced a lot of the white males with Jewish males in commercials lately. It's sick.

kammmmak ago

And where women have become the smart "white man" of the situation.

0cra_tr0per ago

blame the nigger kikes

fuckingmockies ago

Because Jews produced the commercials with that intention.

Freestyleminibu ago

because wimmins emotions/gibs/cock,cos browns gibs=state control.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

It's not the idiot part that you're supposed to pay attention to, it's the humor working on the subconscious level to make the idea more acceptable. I commented on it more in-depth here.

MMPatriot ago

Wow! Seems like the African Americans call out racism Anytime a white man is involved, But let a black cop shot a African American and they say he was brainwashed by the white man... Wasn't it Michael Jackson that tried his best to become WHITE? We Need to Forget what Our Forefathers did back then and start working together or We are going to be in the same boat as the UK with the Muslims making Laws!! My best Friend is Black, I grew up in South Florida, I'd Die for him! This White man ain't rollin over for Chit! I had nothing to do with Slavery! Don't Like it and America Don't Need it!! Pisses me Off when i hear the Government say they had to Make School easier so the Black man can Keep up with the White Man, Bull Shit We all Have a Brain, We have to do is use it! This is where the Government wants to keep US Divided. I say BULL SHIT Team UP and Lets Beat the Bastards and Make America How We Want it. Black/White/Pink/Yellow/Brown the Government Doen't Stand a Chance when WE ALL STICK TOGETHER! WWG1WGA<-- I Don't See Color in That! I See RED WHITE & BLUE Dammit!!!!

Saufsoldat ago

Because white men are the default, so you can portray them in any number of ways, including negative ways.

MMPatriot ago

Lets place Black Cops on Every Corner in the Getto!! Lets see what happens then... LMAO

Sword-and-Shield ago

It's funny that you mention that because recently I happen to come across a commercial that depicted a black man acting goofy/making breakfast for his wife. I have heard that most laundry commercial these days all feature white men doing female duty chores, while the female is out working.

202PANIC ago

Because white men are the only ones who can take it because we really don't care what everyone else thinks.

iLuvJews ago

To be fair, most people in general are idiots and white people have been on top so long that the Idiocracy effect is in play and lots of white men are actually stupid.

If I'm wrong, then how have SJWs over taken Colleges?

Schreiber ago

Because conservatives are cowards hiding behind "muh democracy" and "muh civil liberty."

They forget that right wing authoritarianism is the only way to get rid of communists. If Hitler was into "muh democracy," his party would've never won and Germany would still be controlled by commie jews. Heck, even Hitler needed to purge socialists from his own rank, eg. "night of the long knives" where he purge literal faggots. But so many right-wing in the west are faggot sympathizer, and that's precisely the problem.

iLuvJews ago

"muh" ?

Geranium_Lily ago

I suppose they make white men look silly because of all those years when they made American women--whoops, I mean HOUSEWIVES--look silly. You're just trying to catch up. Anyone remember RING AROUND THE COLLAR or MOTHER PLEASE, I'D RATHER DO IT MYSELF! ? Sorry guys,to achieve true "equality of silliness," you re gonna have to suffer thru being made to look like a complete idiot until you've paid your dues. But look--If you do a good job, maybe we'll give you a nice mink coat--the kind modelled by Bess Myerson on "The Big Payoff" or let you have a chance to become "King for a Day" (if you cry hard enough, you'll get the "applause meter" spinning, and then you're be winning a new washer or whirlpool machine for the tub!).

Intrixina ago

To undermine them in an attempt to unseat them, according to SJW logic.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Because most purchasing decisions are made by women and they like to feel smart

rektumsempra ago

Oh come on, now. Are you new around here?

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s a Q-LARPer fresh off the boat from reddit.

RicardoBronson ago


slow, patient, calculated, meticulous, careful.

then they put clowns on TV to make you think they aren't capable of such evil.

goatboy ago

Because the commercials are made by white men's enemies as propaganda for the purpose of extermination of white men, idiot!

phoenix883 ago

Because of who owns the media.

Commie_Meta ago

You're right! White men need to close the participation trophy gap!

Eradicatemall ago

Because white men truly are superior to other races and to women (in terms of intellect and mental toughness) so everyone is jealous of us. White supremacy is real- it's simply an acceptance of reality. But this makes people angry and want to attack us, especially the frail cowardly lying kike race. We are so superior that we created a society strong enough to allow and withstand dissent and open attacks on us. When we decide we've heard enough of these attacks and ridicule, it will take maybe 2-3 weeks of eissatzgrupen operations to eradicate all of our enemies.

Boax ago

Because they're designed by Jews... you must be new here.

boekanier ago

Jews, owners of those companies.

Gyvate ago

I guess the UK has the same problem with commercials are we do. This highlights another of my peeves with commercials--over representation of everyone that makes up the lowest percentage of our society.


white_male30 ago

Jews, next question.

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago

Because modal logic is the enemy of dindusm. PERIOD LIKE YOUR MOM.

2swampgas ago

The Feminist agenda to make males introverted and less sure of them selves before they mature (Grown Man), it makes them indecisive and weak. Its not only commercials tv sitcoms are always portraying the women as the more intelligent one in the relationship. (king of Queens) for example.

p1zzap1zza ago

Because of the jews.

GhostSkin ago

Because they're made by Jews

modsrcuntz ago

Deconstruction and collapse of “western culture/civilization”...ultimate Goal is transfer of wealth/power to a different part of the world for the next “coming age”. Western culture has strong family unit, individual freedom, rights, firearms, etc this is a problem for those looking to create a totalitarian lockdown.

vladtep ago

In this one commercial, you see a white man talking and the black couple wrinkles up their faces like "who is this honkey?".

Then the nice black man explains it and they smile and everyone gets it. lol

Who are the idiots that can't see this shit? lol

facepaint ago

Because women make most of the purchases, so the advertisers are trying to pander to their egos by making the women feel smarter. Plus white men are about the only demographic left that it is OK to poke fun at.

magnora7 ago

Because women make most of the purchases

Why is this, I wonder

Gyvate ago

Well, that doesn't work on me. Maybe it does on younger women. It pisses me off and, I don't do business with anyone that demeans men in commercials. I am sick of it!

GapingAnus ago

Well, that doesn't work on me.

Then that makes you the sole person on the planet immune to it. The purpose of a commercial, product placement or longer running marketing campaign typically isn't to get you to buy that new gizmo now unless it's a release of a high-profile product like, say, an iphone. It's to create brand awareness. If I say Coca Cola, Harley Davidson or Ford, you get instant flashes of recognition in your brain. You likely know the colors, the attitude and the feel of products associated with those companies.

Even if your initial emotional response to an ad is negative, in time this becomes background noise and you are, statistically speaking, more likely to select a given product 5 years later when you're at the store, stressed out, and need to pick up some detergent or ketchup or whatever in a hurry if you've had any sort of emotional response to the marketing earlier. This is why companies purposefully make ads that irritate people on occasion.

This is brainwashing and it works. The only way to win is not to play.

Intrixina ago

Add another person to the ones it doesn't work on.

I don't give a fuck for "brand awareness" when I'm at the shops buying stuff.

GapingAnus ago

Not consciously, no.

Intrixina ago

Not even unconsciously. I buy what I need to buy, and not because some commercial told me to. (PS: I don't watch TV)

orangeclown ago

Most advertisements are geared towards women. 85% of all consumer products are purchased by women. https://girlpowermarketing.com/statistics-purchasing-power-women/

In my opinion, men make better decisions in purchasing, and buy less frequent. They have a few things/hobbies I'm sure they spend a lot on, cars, home theater systems, sports, guns, whatever. Women buy shit they don't need all the time. The cosmetic industry, holy fuck are they making bank. $80 for and ounce of lotion, for her, go fuck yourself. I still have the same bottle of after shave lotion 5+ years, maybe 20$. The ads are meant to make sure she knows she's the smarter one by spending because she 'feels' it's the right thing to do. Men are idiots.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Mass consumption commercials are created by Hollywood advertising arms... HOLLYWOOD advertising side companies... HOLLYWOOD!

Need I state anything further? I thought not....

MeghanMarklesJaw ago

The jews

datgoy ago

Egalitarian social engineering.

Gyvate ago

That would only be true if it were still acceptable to make others look like idiots. However, they make themselves look like idiots and the way they do it is dangerous.

Tallest_Skil ago

Egalitarianism is white genocide. What he said is correct.

datgoy ago

Who are the "idiots"? White males or media producers (social engineers)?

Gyvate ago

The idiots I was referring to in the 2nd sentence are the others--everyone other than white men. Sorry my sentence didn't make that clear.

kalchaya ago

Hollyweird has a hidden agenda that ain't hidden very well. I suspect Clinton is responsible for its current level of virulency, but to be fair, Hollyweird had been at it since at least the 1970s (Archie Bunker, Tom Willis, etc.), long before Billy took the White House.

AlfInPogForm ago

Longer ago than the 70's, remember McCarthy? I thought he was a paranoid wacko growing up but that is how the media portrayed him. As an adult I see he wasn't wrong.

ScreaminMime ago

Because White men aren't fucking pussies that are going to whine about it!

slwsnowman40 ago

White heterosexual men, the only group it is okay to discriminate against.

a_fucking_dude ago

Part of the plan. Been that way for decades.

smellmaster ago

Most of the time commercials are just trying to be funny (unsuccessfully) instead of being racially targeting. Because of the oversensitive medias, white people are the only ones they can attempt these self deprecating jokes with- so other races won't get triggered and cause a PR storm.

Everything is PR now. Bad media coverage can make executives lose millions in stock.

enginedriver13 ago

It's gone way, way, way beyond lighthearted self-deprecating. The racial symbiotics of advertising are fucking insane.

First you have the commercials where White men are simply non-existent (thinking of a recent "energy jobs are the wave of the future!" Exxon ad with nothing but women, and blacks. PC bullshit, how many women and black are genuinely interested in such things??)

When White men are represented, I can't recall the last time I saw a one in an ad who wasn't (1) effeminate, weak, un-virile, and/or shorter than the non-whites around him, conveying weakness and mockery. (2) a clumsy buffoon (3) stupid (4) treated with contempt by nonwhites and/or women for "acting White" or (5) old and feeble.

lissencarak ago

why would that be, goy

Le_Squish ago


Also jews produce all the media.

Schreiber ago

Jews also produce all the media in eastern europe. Jews also pick the "presidents" and control all of the ruling parties over there.

The local goyim did not become cucked.

Maybe those goyim are geneticaly more superior than the western european soys? This is the big question. Soy boy is a unique phenomena that is only found among western european races. How many slav soyboy have you seen? There's alot of them in UK, Germany, Sweden, US, Canada, etc.

kcamstar ago

They also produce most of the lies.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Jews control the media

psimonster ago

Because they're written by twenty-eight-year-old Jewish women.

Alopix ago

You know why

TheBuddha ago

Concern trolling, I like it!

thatcoolmartian ago

Because white man bad!

No, but really, its because white men are the one group it's completely socially acceptable to hate. No one's gonna throw a fit about the white man getting shit, cause the white man was oppressing all people throughout history, at least in the minds of people who only took high school history, which is all the history most people know. SPLC won't write letters about it, sjws won't whine about it on twitter, fuck the SLPC probably praises it.

Anonymouse09 ago

Because of a concerted effort and push by media, it's been fashionable to slander, mock and hate Christians for decades. It truly sucks, I know. Take them off guard: Be the good example in all situations. Don't compromise your values. Be honest and kind. Defend yourselves with dignity and intelligence. Fight back with facts. Don't give up or give in to their demands for you to sit down and shut up.

Plant_Boy ago

But really, it's because white men are stupid... for allowing themselves to be framed such. For allowing Feminism to be such a cancer. For slowly being turned into the serf of the Jew.

Can't wait for us to expel all the Jews, take out Soros, and destroy the world banks.

fr33europe ago

It’s not going to happen. Not unless YOU do it. Chirping on the Internet isn’t going to secure your future.

EndTheFed4 ago


fr33europe ago

Of course it’s socially acceptable. Look around, retard

Tallest_Skil ago

retarded sockpuppet account gets mad at people for refusing to stop their own genocide

then calls me a kike for doing exactly what he does

Really makes you think.

EndTheFed4 ago

Lying inbred long nose kike shill spotted! ^

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew if you say exactly what I say

This is how paid shill accounts work, people. Learn how to recognize them.

EndTheFed4 ago



Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that all jews, down to the last unborn child, must be exterminated if humanity is to survive.

Reminder that you will call me a jew for saying this, self-admitted SOCKPUPPET account.

EndTheFed4 ago

It's so obvious you're a baby dick sucking, long nose lying, faggot kike

EndTheFed4 ago


We'll start with you, kike faggot

No one's calling you a jew, you fucking baby-dick sucking kike

BlackGrapeDrank ago

this has been going on for decades. movies, tv, advertising.

(((guess who)))

curbstompfun ago

prairie ago

white men are the one group it's completely socially acceptable to hate

And they roll over and take it like pussies.

szopjal_lovat ago

No. Thing is we are individualistic these days. So everybody thinks "they made fun of that guy not me". Not really thinking as a group.

Nonchalant ago

fuck you and your black pill shlomo. Day of the rope draws nearer and nearer, then we'll see who the pussy is.

magnora7 ago

Because if anyone says anything, they're immediately regarded as extremely hateful and cut out by mainstream society

Schreiber ago

Because white men aren't doing shit to protect their dignity. Half of them would side with color and women just to virtue signal like a bunch of soys.

Talk about pathetic.

Imagine this scenario:

  • asian man get shot by white cop, asian community will complain and demand justice
  • black man get shot by white cop, black community will complain and demand justice
  • mexican man get shot by white cop, latino community will complain and demand justice
  • replace this with any non-white race and the statement will remain true

  • white man get shot by colored cop, half of white community will virtue signal and side with the "confused" color instead. Fucking pathetic.

  • white little girl get groomed and raped by pakis and most whiteys don't even care.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

This is how we know you're a jew. Whites should not have to stop being white (altruism is a component of "whiteness"). You never once mention the root cause of degeneracy (Jews), instead wishing us to become just like the mud races. I bet you hate Christianity too. Haha.

Schreiber ago

Christianity is created by jews to pacify stupid goyim like you.

Why? Because it is impossible to genocide pagan europeans since Wotan protects them. But of course, middle eastern God will let middle eastern races conquer dumb pacified foreigners.

AnthraxAlex ago

Jesus told his followers to sell all of their belongings and buy swords. The cross is just the hilt of a sword. Whites have turned their back on their heritage and until they come to grips with it the white race will suffer.

Schreiber ago

This is something christcucks won't understand, and is precisely the reason why it is so easy to genocide them.

cosMICjester ago

What are we supposed to do start a riot & burn down businesses?? Maybe shoot up schl0m0 headquarters or the nearest ghetto?? Then we get to spend the rest of our lives w/ the smelly simian savages & their curlies in our laundry. Along w/ the h33b run lame stream media getting another Dylann Roof gift to endlessly bring up to attack us more..

prairie ago

Stop being friends with people who support that crap. Don't be polite to people who are like that. Better, don't even watch TV. I'm wary of anyone who watches TV with commercials.

elitch2 ago

I don't trust anyone who watches anything other than documentaries. And mining shows. I fucking love the mining shows.

I am a prospector, though. One of my fucking five government licenses.

edit - Fuck, that pisses me off. I have five separate government permission slips for shit that my ancestors could just do. Fuck.

prairie ago

I have five separate government permission slips for shit that my ancestors could just do. Fuck.

It's to protect people who act unable to verify these things themselves.

thatcoolmartian ago

They flat out encourage it. It's honestly disgusting how much they hate themselves and turn that self-hatred against a whole group of people who share their skin color.

SparklingWiggle ago

To create the belief that they are idiots and shouldn't be listened to. Part of the genocidal movement. Thank a Jew.

Sarevok ago

@thecool , thanks.

SparklingWiggle ago

Are you suggesting I am thecool? No fucking way. This is a new account I have started because someone IRL may have caught on to my first account. I am not that asshole.

Sarevok ago

Nope. You said thank a jew, so I pinged thecool and did so.

SparklingWiggle ago

Hahahaha. That is fucking awesome. I had forgotten my own comment.

puggy ago

maybe (((somebody))) in the media wants to undermine the obvious fact that white men created Western civilization

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes, and it's not just commercials. It's virtually ALL sitcoms (not that I watch them), and Movies. In fact, even action movies have all went to heriones as the lead. The male, and particularly white males are only reserved for the bumbling, lovable idiot role, or the villain/greedy coporatist pig.

edgelord666 ago

white men would be rolling around in their own shit outside mudhuts if it wasn't for Semites advancing technology

white's are inferior, get over it

Seventh_Jim ago

Not even worth the downvote. You can troll better than this; I believe in you!

thatcoolmartian ago

No, all white culture was created by gender fluid black women with both male and female genitalia. Also, whites have no culture. That's why we need immigrants, so we can get all those delicious tacos!!!!!!!!

ReAwakened ago

Yep. White people have white privilege because white forefathers built and fought for it. Why are there so many chinese in the upper echelons of China? Nobody upset with that.

Schreiber ago

White people have white privilege because white forefathers built and fought for it.

Time to go back to indoctrination camp you neonazi bigot. Did you forget the historical revision 101? A black tranny built European civilization.

Don't worry, we'll make movies about white historical figures and get a nigger to play him/her.