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TheKobold ago

Most people come here for the politics and the news and to fuck around so that's the biggest number of Subs we have politics news and joke Subs. We do have a few hobby Subs but they're pretty mainstream one of the bigger ones that I know of is v/justgrowit

QisaQueer ago

Most people come to voat for their paycheck. Lets be honest.

TheKobold ago

You're mistaken. This isn't Reddit. We fled there because of the majority of shills there. Granted a lot of shills did follow us. But they are not the majority.

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

Yeah, the (shills) kind of outnumber us now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheKobold ago

Says the two-day-old shill account go fuck yourself. Inb4 I reset my account because I'm a coward and can't stand behind what I've said before

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

See, your solopsism is showing, shill. You're called out. You'll find the vast majority of goats keep accounts like this one for communicating with you fucking idiots. Otherwise you doxx or brigade the primary accounts until we can't administrate the site properly. Worked for you on Reddit, right, shill? Here you are doing the exact same thing.

TheKobold ago

No they don't

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

LOL ok.

TheKobold ago

This niggar thinks he administrates voat... lol. You must be new here.

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

So you're focusing obsessively on a word that could ambiguously mean a great many things to decide for me what I mean? How is Jesus these days (friend). You're known here kike. We have our own subverses to attend to without your fucking antics, ridiculous cunt. When I talk about 'administraing' you dumb, dumb boomer, it's pretty obvious what I'm referring to. What you're doing is called misdirection. It's an attempt to move the focus of an interaction away from the point. Good try kike.

TheKobold ago
