avgwhtguy1 ago


Thissandwich ago

The lack of instant gratification. Too many people want the instant responces that they can get from other sources and don't have the patience to post because they like something. They would rather post specifically to get attention. Voat is not a place for attention whores, but you can find some here and there. If you like something amd want to share, post it. Don't do it to seek attention, but because you like to share.

thejewish4 ago

Because this site is about one main topic and is under more surveillance than any other forum online. Every message, every user name, all of it, you all have no idea what this experiment is really for. Don't get me wrong, im all for free speech you white monkey motherfuckers, but nothing is really free. Everything costs something. What has this site cost you? Are you smart enough to understand the question? I know many of you are.

TheyWantWhitesDead ago

Choosing between reddit and voat is the same as choosing between an armada of parrots and chickens with their head cut off vs. a small group of people who have some actual substance to say along a handful of screaming idiots.


Vote-farming cut out subs, subs that were made in hope that more would contribute as Voat grew, and the reality of war sort of taking front seat in all our minds.

ADDvanced ago

Because this place is being overrun with fucking retards and most people who have more than two brain cells to rub together left.

mdeneverdies ago

it gets kind of old just reading about kikes and niggers. it's cool you can say what you want, but damn....i don't really enjoy any of the posts. It is better to engage with people who aren't just trolling around and thinking the same as me. we need to be challenging people, not slipping into our little think tank.

CaptainChurch ago

the cool people left, dude.

MrBroControl ago

It’s an even bigger echo chamber than reddit. Not because of censorship though!

olltre ago

14 day account

okay faggot, this is our ghost town, and no you Q cucks arnt gonna impose your shitty culture on us... you are in here with us nigger faggot!

theonepercent ago

Because these bitches are faggots that make you jump through too many hoops to participate. Honestly they seem like a bunch of closet nigger lovers.

Majorfatboy ago

Because the minute any free speech venue opens up, it gets flooded with naziboos who fucking insist that We all discuss nothing but politics. Case in point: We have a sub here for cute shit, called v/aww, but if you actually post cute shit there, you get shouted into a fucking corner and told to "go back to reddit"... Then the same motherfucking mouthbreathers get salty about how dead things are and how no one wants to talk to them and all "Whoa is Me! No one uses our site!"

Got a cool picture You took of something and post it to the photos sub? Half of the comments will be political, and if You ask them to stop You get called a jidf shill shareblue kike loving cocksucker... And are told "go to reddit with that shit".

Got a cool link to some space shit, and make a thread in v/science? HAHAHAHAHAHA! v/science is fucking filled with flat earth trolls, because the dumbasses around here keep giving them responses. Or, if not them, You get the tinfoil hat crowd with Their subversive, anti-American agenda about the moon landing being fake and only German sauerkraut voodoo science from the early 30s could possibly get us space-born.

It's dead here because nazipolitifaggots are parasites that feed on any attempt at open discussion.

benjitsu ago

There is a jujitsu and a 22lr sub I would love to have some company in. No krav maga allowed, homos

NotHereForPizza ago

failed infiltration, largely

or worse, successful infiltration (quicker)

QisaQueer ago

@puttitout because shills run rampant around voat silencing legitimate users.

thelma ago

I know, right?

No one visits my "Howtosave$inpreparingyourownSushi"....I had one goat who was active for a short time and I think he just quit voat, not hearing from him or seeing him post anything.

His last post was "my tummy hurts, fuck you thelma"

Butelczynski ago

I see few subs just bursting with people talking and they never seem to go to other subs and be part of the discussion.They don't have any other interests/hobbies?

QisaQueer ago

For instance FPH is full of baphomet bitches screeching at fat castratos, martins, and bio females. They dont ever leave their comfort zone.

Goathole ago

Because we can entertain ourselves with those topics anywhere. It's only here that we are able to plot the final solution to the kike problem.

Oh, and how to denig America so that it truly can be Great.

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

My theory is that most people on Voat fall into one of two groups. The first smaller group browses their small list of chosen subs that they already know are active, upvoting the content immediately and giving it momentum. Then, the second larger group browses /v/all, filtering content by blocking any subs they dislike. The result is that the vast majority are not looking at the other less active subs when quality content starts getting posted and the active contributers eventually give up due to low interaction. @PuttItOut would be the only one who could confirm my theory though.

PuttItOut ago

Voat has a few issues but I think you are correct, although my explanations might differ (not in disagreement, but there is more than one issue imo).

Voat's sorting algorithm causes a lot of good content to basically disappear (That's why R has three+ queues, hot, RISING, new, etc.). On Voat you either get in the hot queue or you are forgotten for all time. I've recently started to use the Voat sets (s/Newsy, s/Images, s/Funny, s/Default, s/Voat) to see missing content. I suggest you recommend people try them. It's an entirely new Voat.

We have every intention to fix the technical issues that contribute to this problem.

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

Thanks for taking the time to respond! I'm going to start using the sets. TBH, I've been avoiding them as I hadn't realized the benefits until now. I'll also absolutely start recommending them to people whenever the opportunities arise.

PuttItOut ago

Yes, please do. If you have any suggestions we'd love to hear about them in v/ideasforvoat

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

I have lots of ideas. As for good ones... let's just say some ideas are better never being exposed to the light lol.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Here's why, without even calling you a nigger:

Every time there's an exodus, all the little redditfags come here and look around and want to re-create their favorite redditfag communities, like /r/cuckold, or /r/cuckoldry, or /r/pleasehavesexwithmywife. But then they realize that there's only maybe like three people on this whole site who share their perverted fantasies, and that trying to grow the community will take actual work. Being more inclined towards masturbating while watching videos of deeply tanned humanoids reaming out white women while some sorry sap watches rather than putting effort into their degeneracy, they go crawling back to reddit where they can talk to other redditfags about what fags they all are and how much they love niggers and want to give their wives and daughters and countries to them.

AlternateSelection ago

Voat is like a waiting room where people sit around and call each other niggers. Fun. About as active as my granda's libido. She's been dead 20 years.

TheBuddha ago


Artofchoke ago

Cause you aren't posting to them! Get on it! ♡

ashekchum ago

Lots of time it's just like one or two people who keep a sub alive, I ran v/cyoa v/stargate and v/tea for a while but the stopped after I felt putt was unfairly enforcing the rules so now I mostly leark.

PutABowOnIt ago

what rules were there problems with?

ashekchum ago

Seemed like they gave favor to @vivalepepe for self promotion, because his links were popular despite breaking self promotion rules. He had a previous domain ban then created a nearly identical site, (that was on the same server even for a time) which he continued to post from.

PutABowOnIt ago

so there were rules against self promotion? I can see how that'd be tricky. it's fine for a person to want to show off their blog or youtube cooking channel or whatever, but if it gets into MLM crap or snake oil, yeah I can see how that'd be a problem.

ashekchum ago

Well it was half the links submitted can be self promotion according to the official rules faq, it was 2 out of 10 for a while.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You'll notice there are a lot of subs that were created by an account that never commented or submitted anything. I think this was on purpose so tyrannical mods wouldn't be a problem. As for why they're dead, well try posting something relevant there.


Like which subs in particular? if you want more activity on a sub try submitting an article every day or two. It isn't hard to revive a dead sub here because so many people browse voat by v/all/new.

YugeDick ago

Because porn is the degenerate weapon of the Jews used to weaken stronger civilizations. At least that's why all the porn subs are dead, because most of us are wise to that plan.

Your new and probably from Reddit so I can only assume you're looking for active porn subs but are too prudish to just say so.

Crensch ago

The more goat you become, the more likely you are to find a wife and go off grid.

Goats quit cigarettes, drugs, overeating, and all kinds of other things for no other reason than that those things are frowned upon. Goats have overcome depression and thanked goats for it.

It just seems to be how things progress here - especially for the hobbyists, it seems.

middle_path ago

Voat is pretty terrible about downvoting hobby/funny/insightful posts unless they're politically motivated. It only takes one or two to crush a small subverse.

The users here tend to prefer the instant gratification of being outraged and complaints about jews/niggers than anything of else of substance.

Be the change you want to see, Everytime we get a migrant influx you see less political posts upvoted. It only lasts so long though.

PutABowOnIt ago

I'm suspicious of people who only talk about politics and nothing else. You make a very solid point there.

YugeDick ago

Gawd your such a whiny little bitch sometimes.

middle_path ago

People tend to ridicule truth.

YugeDick ago

I thought your name was middle_path.

middle_path ago

You though right.

YugeDick ago

Not too quick today, huh?

middle_path ago

Is your point that I cant have an opinion based on my personal experience because I choose a screen name based on a buddhist philosophy that you seem to mistake for "take a middle ground on everything?"

YugeDick ago

Not at all.

My point was to make a quick witted jest but found that you were too slow to pick up on it. Normally you're not that show. Are you feeling alright?

middle_path ago

We're done. You're not clever.

YugeDick ago

Ya know I remember a time that we could joke around and you wouldn't get all butt hurt. You'd even throw it back. You've changed man. Sad.

middle_path ago

You're an idiot. You're just being condescending/pretending to take the higher ground. There was no joke or anything hidden, you're just a bad troll.


YugeDick ago

Oh for fuck's sake. You're gonna make me point out the joke? Fine but don't get mad at me when you slap your own forehead.

You said "people like to ridicule the truth." Then I said "I thought your name was middle_path." The joke is that I was suggesting that you should've said "people like to ridicule middle_path" cause they do.

I see you take a lot of shit and you usually throw it right back but you do it with a cool demeanor, usually. I literally meant it when I asked if you were feeling alright. You might remember me better as sully_sq. I'm the guy that defended you when crensch was gunning so hard for you.

middle_path ago

Well, that's not really obvious in any way, shape, or form. Nor is it clever.

Also, you began the conversation by calling me a whiny bitch, so you really set the tone.

YugeDick ago

Well yeah, because I thought I'd get a better come back from you.


SocksOnCats ago

Every day, find some popular post on the other site that you like. Then post the same thing here. If a bunch of us did this we’d be more popular very quickly.

Hand_of_Node ago

They're populated with the dead bodies of previous invaders.

QisaQueer ago

Best answer so far. Voat is like the aftermath of a great war.

TheKobold ago

Most people come here for the politics and the news and to fuck around so that's the biggest number of Subs we have politics news and joke Subs. We do have a few hobby Subs but they're pretty mainstream one of the bigger ones that I know of is v/justgrowit

QisaQueer ago

Most people come to voat for their paycheck. Lets be honest.

TheKobold ago

You're mistaken. This isn't Reddit. We fled there because of the majority of shills there. Granted a lot of shills did follow us. But they are not the majority.

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

Yeah, the (shills) kind of outnumber us now.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this submission by @TheKobold.

Posted automatically (#1647) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

TheKobold ago

Says the two-day-old shill account go fuck yourself. Inb4 I reset my account because I'm a coward and can't stand behind what I've said before

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

See, your solopsism is showing, shill. You're called out. You'll find the vast majority of goats keep accounts like this one for communicating with you fucking idiots. Otherwise you doxx or brigade the primary accounts until we can't administrate the site properly. Worked for you on Reddit, right, shill? Here you are doing the exact same thing.

TheKobold ago

No they don't

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

LOL ok.

TheKobold ago

This niggar thinks he administrates voat... lol. You must be new here.

ExtraSpecialforYou ago

So you're focusing obsessively on a word that could ambiguously mean a great many things to decide for me what I mean? How is Jesus these days (friend). You're known here kike. We have our own subverses to attend to without your fucking antics, ridiculous cunt. When I talk about 'administraing' you dumb, dumb boomer, it's pretty obvious what I'm referring to. What you're doing is called misdirection. It's an attempt to move the focus of an interaction away from the point. Good try kike.

TheKobold ago


MrPim ago

Voat overall is small. The population has changed over the years. You'll see long age accts, but many people have come and gone. Sometimes those people made subs that were sort of active while they were here, but died when they left. And then that process process begins again w a different subverse subject and new people.

And the small population also makes it harder to sustain a niche sub. Verses get made, the creator posts for a while and maybe a few other users. Then the creator runs out of stuff cause he's mainly posting alone.

And then there is the problem of commenting. People don't comment. Nothing kills a place faster. People come to forums to talk to others or to read the comment chain.

The_Infidel ago

I am a long time lurker/low effort user. Honestly it's tough to contribute because you get called out for either posting a youtube link or some other forbidden website you shouldn't give traffic to and most of the content I look at online is on those platforms. I am working on getting better with those things and slowly scrubbing my online footprint but I just need better info/tech skills. I 100% agree on the comments as well because that normally has the best content and that is where I spend most of my time reading. Again there though it's tough because if I am looking at comments at work or in public like 50% of the words on my screen are niggerfaggot and kike so stuff like that limits my screen time. I am all for freedom of speech and saying what ever the fuck you want but it definitely makes it as everyone says "toxic" and rarely adds to the discussion because pretty much everyone here knows that Israel runs things and congoids are a bit slower and more hostile that white people.

AndNowTheOther8 ago

With every migration the of the tired, poor, huddled masses of redditors, yearning for free speech, we grow stronger.

I think we're extremely close to sustainability. Look at a site like (trigger warning) , they have about 15k viewers per day and a very steady stream of content.

Hand_of_Node ago

"The real LPT is in the comments", as in said in certain quarters. People with the same interests that attracted them to a particular post will often have different levels of knowledge about the topic, and the links and stories in their comments can add a lot of value.

lbruiser ago

Things not voted on doesn't show up on front page. also due to voting setup, one can experience a heavy influx of a more popular subverse. Since this is a passion project the second thing probably wont get fixed.

N3DM ago

Well it's not the JEWS' fault that I abandoned the handful of subs that I created (2.8 years ago, with a different name obviously).

They just weren't active. Nobody wants to talk about fringe hobbies (source - my post yesterday in /v/gaming about SNES randomizer ROMS). I never went back to reddit, but just handed over mod power to an alpha user when I nuked my first account and never went back.

(I nuked the account because IRL political extortion was happening, and it's too easy to identify me by my interests)

Hand_of_Node ago

I'd talk about a fringe hobby, if it was something like SPI games. Those were probably the all-time height of gaming, then computers became available in stores and it all went downhill.

Complete game visible in this PDF: http://spigames.net/PDFv2/MW2RedStarWhiteStar.pdf

TheCompanionCube ago

a 100 pages of rules? that is crazy

Hand_of_Node ago

Took a few hours to make your move. Gotta check the basic rules, then calculate things like line of sight for various types of obstructions, and then go through the charts and tables for various types of effects or modifiers. Kind of intense, but very fun.

IheartSwimming ago

Post something in dead subs then, dumbfuck.

Wahaha ago

Sometimes that's not possible. Some of them have restrictions put on them as to who can post. There should really be an automatic way to just claim subs where all the maintainers have been missing for years.

AlternateSelection ago

Why when the newest post is 3.5 years old???? Waste of time, Nigga!

MrPim ago

That post will still come across v/All and has a chance of being upvoated to the front, if it's quality. People actively camp v/all/new here. For various reasons.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Lots of subverses were one man shows and when those people packed up, well, so did their subverses.

Kill-Commies ago

We don't care much for the marxist mind distractions that most subs are centered around.

Atomized_Individual ago

The Deep State picks us off, one by one.

14095605? ago

The JIDF chase creative people off. This is the only place where you can discuss the JQ without consequence so they are tasked with destroying Voat. Ask Locke. Ask Divine. Ask Silver fucking Surfers ffs. Look at trad wives and sbbh. Anything good or fun or original is targeted and attacked, sometime subtly and sometimes full on. Plus people leave or get bored or simply run out of material like @d0c5 did on v/MyBookmarks.

But mainly Jews.

HST ago

Locke made some of my favorite posts with those history anecdotes.

QisaQueer ago

Trad wives has a huge shill running it. If you think @empress is a woman youre tarded

Le_Squish ago

When tradwives first started getting popular, we would get reamed. Spam, dox attempts, personal attacks, stalking, even posting CP.

If we weren't troll queens we definitely would have run away.

14096766? ago

Who do you think was behind that or was it just random trolls?

Le_Squish ago

Pretty sure it was jews. Normal trolls would never post CP.

Demonsweat2 ago

You can be the change you seek. Nigger

Vvswiftvv17 ago

There was that time Putt had to mass remove small subs to keep the site going. I think that had a hand in it too.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Actually I think there's lots of intelligence on this site. In fact I'd even say that they're gathering intelligence on this site daily.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

What's keeping you nigger faggit cum guzzling whore of babalon from doing anything about it then. Calling us names. Waaaa. It's not going to do Jack. Shit so you should take your little political activist loose asshole back to reddit you little kike and let the zyklon b burn a little.

voltronspenis ago

Sorry I hurt your vagina you faggot kike bitch. Go stick your dreidel up your asshole you fucking faggot.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Hey Goys the little kike bitch is trying to take a stance. Look how fucking gay it is. Hey tell me a current year meme. Oh no tell me about your artisan coffee band.

PowerandReason ago

you could be onto something there

lemon11 ago

Because you ruined it. Congratulations. As the invader said,

Ya'll could have made this a peaceful transition, ya'll could have had your cake and ate it too, but now it's our cake.

I hope your teeth rot.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because cucks still go to reddit because "it's more active"

It's active because you go there. Post here, faggot.

QisaQueer ago

Posts about reddit should all be slammed with hundreds of downvoats and yet they make it to the front page and have tons kf upvoats. Means most voat users are still reddit fags.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thank you for your almost two weeks experience

QisaQueer ago

God bless you .

AndNowTheOther8 ago

That's the inherent flaw in applying invisible hand economics to social media. People always (usually) flock to the biggest, stupidest circle jerk, shit-fest website.

Escape_From_Reddit ago

It's more active because there's less racism, homophobia, and jew-bashing.

Those are not popular viewpoints and it turns plenty of people off.

kalchaya ago

You got reddit for mostly libtard and commie/SJW asskissing, and all the censorship that comes with it. You got voat for Free Speech and all the pulled triggers, and hurt lil feeling that entails. I don't especially like everything I read here, but I 'man up' & deal with it. All the "racism, homophobia, and jew-bashing" is a hell of a lot easier to endure than the pro-leftist censorship of rightist and centrists on reddit....then add in the subreddits where only preaching to the choir or preachers to the choir are welcome, and dissidents are instantly banned. Frankly, while I started off on reddit (and its where I learned of voat), its starting to lose ground with me.

capnflummox ago

It's not our job to make a safe space for you.

They are popular viewpoints and it 'turns' plenty of people on to the site.

Fuck off back to your jewish safe space, redditfag. (((14 day old account)))... goodbye.

QisaQueer ago

Found the tranny jew

XiLo ago

truth. the ugly truth. is not optional. pop=shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So it's up to us to post nice things that have nothing to do with that.

Visit /v/islands

Escape_From_Reddit ago

Totally agreed! Just subscribed.

IheartSwimming ago

Those dumbfucks should post in both places then.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Uh, no, they should post only here.

TheBuddha ago

No. We already established they are stupid. They should stay on reddit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude most people are stupid

plus i bet some of them would make good shitposters

TheBuddha ago

I don't want most people. That's how you get AIDS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


so just get some extreme vetting

well be fine

TheBuddha ago

I invite you to look around and see if maybe you think that's really a viable option.

This is why you have AIDS, clammy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i dont have aids i only have herpes

thats not as bad

TheBuddha ago

You can lie to your friends, clammy. You can't lie to me.

You're diseased. You've got the AIDS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thats a lie

you probably heard that from an alien while smoking hash

TheBuddha ago

Fucking shill.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ill shill for voat all day

visit /v/islands

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Super gay.

TheBuddha ago

No. You can't even make me visit. I don't want your fucking AIDS!

clamhurt_legbeard ago



/v/artofchoke visited

and shes already trolling me

ill probably have to delete her off topic bs

visit /v/asphyxiation instead

TheBuddha ago

Your rule with an iron fist is also a good indication of fucking AIDS. I suspect the CSS causes cancer.

Trust me. I'm a doctor.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

/u/heygeorge just cried because my css doxxed him

and artofchoke just called me a misogynist

im making a lot of enemies tonight


heygeorge ago

Asshole, we were speaking in a different sub.

Now we are mortal friends.


TheBuddha ago

I'm in my comment mentions. I have AIDS protection, so long as I stay attentive.

This is why you caught AIDS. You were warned.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

well he clicked a link that took him back to the beginning of the argument lol

TheBuddha ago

Stop spreading your AIDS.

That's not okay. I have the launch codes. I learned the QRV code. I can burn this whole place down tonight. Keep spreading your AIDS and I will quench it with fire.

This power has pretty much made me king of voat. Don't make history record me as a tyrant, because I will. Oh, I will.

Actually, I'm prepping the arena for the next match. Shh!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


funny shit

tomorrow is my day off

just in time to watch the game live

TheBuddha ago

More AIDS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i was talking about your game lol

TheBuddha ago

LOL That is also AIDS.


I am prepping the arena for the next match.

The things I do for Voat! You're welcome!

TheBuddha ago

You're a fucking plague waiting to happen.

TheBuddha ago

Nice try. Didn't click.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i was jacked up

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Something someone with obvious AIDS would say.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

I think you are right. It's people's reluctancy to change. But is it really a bad thing that these places of content are split up? Besides the chance of being targeted because we participate on voat. This site has its own little niche online filled with freedom of speech.

ffuentesbot ago

Just wait until the side is full of unblockable ads and start restricting freedom of speech for normies. THEN they will understand

capnflummox ago

(((Voat))) already has restrictions in place for 'normies': you cannot down vote more than you can up vote. Which is the same as saying, "you cannot vote Republican more than you vote Democrat". And, no matter what view you wish to take or what color glasses you want to put on... it's censorship. It's a restriction of the 'features' on this site.

Just to be clear, I am 100% behind the '100CCP to post/etc'. That's more of a learning curve and I'm 100% fine with it.

What I am not okay with is 'you cannot vote how you wish' mentality.

ffuentesbot ago

(((Voat))) already has restrictions in place for 'normies': you cannot down vote more than you can up vote.

And that's a good thing. It prevents low effort nigger spammers coming here to downvote "hate speech" they don't like with new accounts

capnflummox ago

Nope. You're talking about the 100ccp thing. I'm talking about the "cannot downvote more than you upvote" thing.

whatisbestinlife ago

content and community. there's enough blue pill normies to make up enough bulk to fill a subreddit. here? most people come for their dose of reality spit on their group of choice and then go to work. this site is fufilling multiple duties on the interweb and when it is charged with tasks that leaves less users to talk about less important things. what do you want to talk about? politics seems to be the only thing. and for good reason sure but it can get dull. especially since the left went with a soft coup instead of a hard. they dont want direct confrontation. and neither do the average citizens. if they knew and understood what was going on enough to might call for war but even that is a stretch

whatisbestinlife ago

you also have shills attacking you. thats a deterrent. especially if its only shills who show up to your site. and if you do discuss politics they have multiple reasons to attack you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't care if the content is split.

I do care if people got physically removed from a controversial subreddit but go back to reddit to post literally everything else.

Artofchoke ago

Isn't that pitiful. They aren't welcome there, they aren't wanted there. They're like kicked dogs sidling back to master.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


They should just stay here and post everything.

Putt specifically said he wished people posted more normal stuff here, instead of just controversial stuff here and normal stuff everywhere else....

visit /v/islands....

Artofchoke ago

Oh shit, beautiful! Subbed ♡

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you can post too

as long as its a picture of an island

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Yeah that is what I mean. It's like you know the site is going to give you diarrhea . But a couple times it didnt. So people Will risk it unfortunately. Maybe they can't think properly? Idk.

FrozenFire74 ago

We have some communities, but Voat doesn't have a lot of diversity for many of those communities to be active daily. And I mean diversity of ideals, not mere genetic diversity.