Zalmoxis ago

Install Boats for Voat

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Make 2 apps. One that has every permission required to run, and one that has zero permissions. Only accounts 1.5 years old or older can use the zero permission app.

Dox all these newfags with consent.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

jokes on you, I use a flip phone

SIayfire122 ago

Do you use the drop-down on Voat's mobile site? See that little circle on the right? The one with a plus sign in it? Press it.

The only reason we don't have a mobile app is because we don't have any user that made a third party app.

11hrr ago

We have one, nigger faggot

DaisyClover ago

I believe this will take the place of Twitter. My only question is, how can we search VOAT for other people that were on Twitter and follow those people?

Tea_Daze ago

Not everything needs an app. Voat is fully optimized on mobile. The only thing that doesn't work is where custom css is in place, which you should disable anyway.

crustyjuggler ago

I use hermit on Android anyway, which converts any site like Facebook into an app, but without the battery hogging and spying.

Halstan ago

You want to be able to get a Voat app on the Google play store? Are you legit retarded or just a troll?

i_scream_trucks ago

f-droid bro

petevoat ago

You don't need to get it through Goog play store.


Akas ago

Fuck you. We're still in the middle of making sure the servers can handle the uptick in people, don't go starting on new projects yet. If you want to help either check out v/voatdev or donate.

i_scream_trucks ago

as if any cunt is going to build a native Voat client.

inb4 boats. its complete fucking shit.

elitch2 ago

WHat was the question? It's difficult to hear you with all those cocks in your mouth.

barraccuda ago


jqueso ago

It's called Boats.

i_scream_trucks ago

boats is about the only thing flakier about voat than voat.

jqueso ago

It's been a while since I've used it, the mobile site works just fine for me.

barraccuda ago

And yet, it has been a faithful companion over the years

i_scream_trucks ago

