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diesel4420 ago

I'm apparently destroying Voat because people feel that I am censoring free speech. Let's look at the facts here.

I have been a member of Voat for 3.1 years. I've posted over 2127 submissions in theunexplained. I have banned 0 subscribers. Want to know how many comments I've deleted? Take a wild guess. I bet some of these raging assholes like @Norseman would say 100's. I have deleted 11 comments. Let that fucking sink in. I've posted over 2127 submissions and I have only deleted 11 comments. I feel like that needs to be said again. Out of 2127 submissions I have banned 11 comments. Holy Shit!!! That is some serious censoring. Let's go further.

Now 8 of those 11 comments use some form of the word "nigger". And none of those comments that I deleted followed the rules of the sub which is clearly posted. All of the comments that I deleted broke 2 of the rules 4 rules for the sub. The first rule is to be polite. Which using that word is far from fucking polite. And number two, comments must be substantive. Racist comments are never substantive and they are only used by the ignorant and uneducated. So, there is nothing intelligent or substantive when racist comments are being used.

Now, because of ignorant douchebags like @Norseman. I added a new rule for /v/theunexplained. And because of @Norseman and his little gang of racist goons I had to make a separate rule because none of them have the intellect to understand that the comments being deleted violated rules of the sub. People like @Norseman are the reason we have to make common sense rules. Like don't touch the hot burner or don't put metal objects in the wall outlet. So the new subverse rule is "No Racist or hateful comments". So for all those morons out there the use of the word "nigger" is racist and I will delete it. I can't make that any clearer.

If you don't like my rules then don't subscribe to my sub. It really is that fucking simple. I don't know why all these assholes are getting their panties in a bunch. I believe that they are really just seeking attention and that they think they can do and say whatever they want with no repercussions. I think that most members of Voat would appreciate a sub where hateful comments don't overshadow the content of the sub. You can't make it past the first two posts on Voat's frontpage without seeing some racist or hateful bullshit.

So to make it fucking crystal clear. /v/theunexplained sub will no longer tolerate the use of the "N" word or allow hateful comments. There you go VOAT.