diesel4420 ago

I'm apparently destroying Voat because people feel that I am censoring free speech. Let's look at the facts here.

I have been a member of Voat for 3.1 years. I've posted over 2127 submissions in theunexplained. I have banned 0 subscribers. Want to know how many comments I've deleted? Take a wild guess. I bet some of these raging assholes like @Norseman would say 100's. I have deleted 11 comments. Let that fucking sink in. I've posted over 2127 submissions and I have only deleted 11 comments. I feel like that needs to be said again. Out of 2127 submissions I have banned 11 comments. Holy Shit!!! That is some serious censoring. Let's go further.

Now 8 of those 11 comments use some form of the word "nigger". And none of those comments that I deleted followed the rules of the sub which is clearly posted. All of the comments that I deleted broke 2 of the rules 4 rules for the sub. The first rule is to be polite. Which using that word is far from fucking polite. And number two, comments must be substantive. Racist comments are never substantive and they are only used by the ignorant and uneducated. So, there is nothing intelligent or substantive when racist comments are being used.

Now, because of ignorant douchebags like @Norseman. I added a new rule for /v/theunexplained. And because of @Norseman and his little gang of racist goons I had to make a separate rule because none of them have the intellect to understand that the comments being deleted violated rules of the sub. People like @Norseman are the reason we have to make common sense rules. Like don't touch the hot burner or don't put metal objects in the wall outlet. So the new subverse rule is "No Racist or hateful comments". So for all those morons out there the use of the word "nigger" is racist and I will delete it. I can't make that any clearer.

If you don't like my rules then don't subscribe to my sub. It really is that fucking simple. I don't know why all these assholes are getting their panties in a bunch. I believe that they are really just seeking attention and that they think they can do and say whatever they want with no repercussions. I think that most members of Voat would appreciate a sub where hateful comments don't overshadow the content of the sub. You can't make it past the first two posts on Voat's frontpage without seeing some racist or hateful bullshit.

So to make it fucking crystal clear. /v/theunexplained sub will no longer tolerate the use of the "N" word or allow hateful comments. There you go VOAT.

generate ago

is there some policy on Voat that would allow to take the sub from that piece of shit @Diesel4420 ?

diesel4420 ago

I think it is hilarious that you racist shitbags want to ban me for my comments but yet you all support free speech. I guess the only free speech that is allowed is the intolerant shit you motherfuckers spew. God! You assholes are stupid as fuck!!! @generate you are number one on the being stupid as fuck list.

I know it's tough being so fucking stupid, I wish I could help with that but all the meth and crack your mom smoked really fucked your chances.

generate ago

not for your comments idiot, but because you deleted other users' comments, fucking commie paid shill

generate ago

@Diesel4420 get the fuck out of here commie

diesel4420 ago

OHHH, Go cry to mamma your fuck stick. What a motherfucking baby.

Sword-and-Shield ago

This is a shame because I really like Voat, but deep down it has conservacuck mentality. You need to apply the same tactic that they use, stop using the moral high ground because that will be the end of us and it's why we keep hoping from site to site. No, the Right or whatever the fuck you want to call it will not turn into a bubble because we have what they don't have, introspection. Oh, and doxxing works, there is a reason the left likes to use this tactic. Why not us or the Right? Oh because it's "immoral" and not our "style", yeah go fuck yourself cucks.

I will forever call for the ban of these fucking idiots, so ban @Diesel4420 and all these faggot subs.

diesel4420 ago

Well if you will forever call for a ban on fucking idiots, you're right on the top of that list, fuck knuckle.

Am I right by saying the bullshit you wrote is straight out of the Cuck book of assholeness? I'm pretty sure you just committed plagiarism.

thejewish3 ago

Because where it comes to determining who lives, who dies, and why, under laws of both man and nature, there is no 'WE' that includes 'YOU'. White people have their Niggers to, and it looks like they all hang out on Voat.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Just curious, @Diesel4420, why did you get banned from Reddit?

diesel4420 ago

And what makes you think I got banned from Reddit? Do I seem like a Nazi fuckhead or a racist with the I.Q. of an apple? The answer to your question is I didn't get banned from Reddit like some of the intolerable ass monkeys here on Voat.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Thank you for that advice and "yes" I was making a presumption that all on Voat were banned from Reddit at some stage or other.

LiarLiar ago

Holy tits nigger what phone do you have?


@Diesel4420 youre a faggot. go die. kys. or better yet come fight me, 1 vs 1 me faggot.

diesel4420 ago

Let me tell you something @GIIOST, I'll be more than happy to take you 1 on 1. And I'll be happy to serve you the greatest ass whooping you ever had in your life. Even greater than when all your Nazi buddies ran a train on you. Choo Choo motherfucker.


hahaha, ya okay. My ass hole when from being grippers to slippers along time ago.

diesel4420 ago

LOL. You're alright. I like joking around with you.

captainstrange ago

If you censor bullshit: Purity Spiral in order to install a jewish shill mod.

If you don't censor: TIME TO FORUM SLIDE GUIS! hand rubbing intensifies.

Everything with shills devolves into shouting matches if you still want to play by the rules and not play their games.

And then you're still a hypocrite, because your only options are, 1. don't participate and consequently they end up controlling the debate or killing the place, 2. implement what amounts to covert censorship just like they do by brigading, purity spirals, and forum sliding.

Pick your poison.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

The real.faggot here is OP for not using nightmode.

moviefreak ago

So this is another jewish sub. Full of hatred and idiots. Why do you try so hard? We can see straight through you faggots.

Kva=cancer System=cancer Cynabuns=cancer

...now stop wasting my time.


Nobody knows what you are talking bout

larryhuston ago

ATTN @Cynabuns moviefreak thinks you are an idiot.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

I'd start at- if you believe in not erasing words it's probably best to resist erasing actual lives.

Reddiggoat ago

Wait, differing opinions isn't grounds for murder anymore?

ARsandOutdoors ago

@Diesel4420. Only niggers and kikes censor shit. Go back to Reddit

diesel4420 ago

@ARsandOutdoors Let me guess, were you kicked out of the 3rd grade for using Meth and never bother to go back to school. No wait! I got it. You were born when Hitler fucked a chimp and you were the illegitimate love child of that one night stand?

13545174? ago

Same reason we let @HenryCorp live.... gotta have someone to point and laugh at all the while saying, don't be like them.

DillHoleBagHandsFeet ago

@HenryCorp still owes me a blowie. Faggot doesn't keep promises.

13545225? ago

Goddamn, the more I learn about that faggot the more I don't wanna be like him. lol

@HenryCorp - I still want answers as to why the beach I've been going to for the last fifteen years HAVE NOT CHANGED from all this rising sea levels we hear about.. The fuck?

DillHoleBagHandsFeet ago

Yeah, @HenryCorp was a real cunt to Cat_Facts. Promised things they can't keep and are generally uneducated.

Can spout off liberal propaganda, but cannot think freely... Almost like a shill...

TurdLord5000 ago

@diesel4420 is our own personal History Channel; and like the History Channel, is quite likely CIA funded.


what the actual fuck are you talking about? i thought ((((those peoples))))) owned all of tv?

Whitworth ago

Lol every comment in this thread has exactly one downvote at this moment. Classy.

totes_magotes ago

He sounds butthurt. I bet he's butthurt. It's about time he got caught on his shit.

lorlipone ago

Did you DOX ScienceNigger?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

@diessel4420 You my not have right website. Faggot mods belong on reddit. On this site, freedom of speech rings out. If you can't handle racism you need to move to an EU and your mod status to reddit where it is normal to silence those who speak the truth and censor anything you don't like. Here on voat, you are not going to have a good time. If we had a system where users could purge problem mods, you'd already be gone.

shrink ago

Does it make a difference if it's a "subvoat" you created rather than simply mod? Don't shoot me here, I'm just asking. Like if I make some voat place and I'm the mod and creator, is it considered free speech to do whatever I want with it? With the whole mentality being "if you don't like it go to X or create your own X?" Like I said I'm just a messenger here, trying to delineate where that line stands in freedom of speech in regards to site content. It's pretty obvious it'd go over poorly with voaters, but is it "allowed" or not?

Norseman ago

Just because you "create" a sub doesn't mean you own it. Being a mod doesn't make you a god. The sub isn't yours, it's everyone's.

white_male30 ago

AFAIK if your sub doesn't become a default sub or whatever they're called (the ones in the top bar) then you can do whatever you want, default subs can't have faggot mods.

Ulfghar ago

I like this question. You speak with seriousness and not try being an edge lord. Maybe it is free speech to do what that faggot wants with their own subvoat but said faggot will have to face the consequences for what faggot has done.

shrink ago

Right, they can't be above criticism, although they might try to suppress that in their own roost. Obviously though, someone didn't like my asking of the question.

totes_magotes ago

This is that dumb faggot piece of shit that double and triple posts only the stupidest "scary" videos as if he's somehow important.

Norseman ago

it is indeed!

goyphobic ago

"being a wasist meanie and hurting fees"

Norseman ago

@Diesel4420 is about to learn.

diesel4420 ago

@Norseman First off you cum gargling dickbag, I am the owner of my sub and I have the right to censor anyone I want just like how other hateful subs like /v/fatpeoplehate that will actually ban people for a whole lot less. And it's one fucking sub you dipshit. One sub is not Voat. But I don't expect you to acknowledge that because that pea size brain of yours isn't capable to figuring that out.

Norseman ago

I am the owner of my sub


I have the right to censor anyone I want


just like how other hateful subs like /v/fatpeoplehate


One sub is not Voat


diesel4420 ago

Are you fucking serious? I can't talk to this level of stupid. I think it's time for you and all your little Klansman to have your daily circle jerk. You'll feel better once you get a racist dick in your mouth.

Norseman ago

Every single one of the dozens of comments you've made in this post and the others sounds like something an upset 10 year old would say. You can't hold a conversation or defend yourself or your actions a single bit because you have the mentality of a child. All you can do is say shit that a child on a playground would say to sound tough. Grow up.

You're right out of Reddit's Power Mod playbook. Fuck off and die promptly.

Dudesocks ago

@Diesel4420 why are you such a nigger?

diesel4420 ago

@Dudesocks why are you such a hateful asshole that couldn't fight your way out of a paperbag?

Dudesocks ago

Look at this nigger. He can’t even handle words.

diesel4420 ago

The only thing you're handling is your Nazi boyfriend's balls in your mouth.

Dudesocks ago

Nice try nigger.

diesel4420 ago

I think it is funny as hell that you said "I can't handle my words". Yet all your comments is basically one word "nigger". Boy you sure showed me. You're lack of intelligence is astounding.

Dudesocks ago

You want to censor others, that’s the definition of being scared of words. Stupid nigger, I’m not surprised you couldn’t figure that much out.

zyklon_b ago

beat his ass

totes_magotes ago

No no no. You're supposed to gas him, Mr. Zyklon. Come on now.

zyklon_b ago

@diesel4420 open your mouth

diesel4420 ago

Why's that @zyklon_b, do you want a open mouth kiss me? That's sweet of you but I'd rather not get Herpes.

Dudesocks ago

Figures you would project your homosexuality. Not only are you a nigger, but also a faggot.


projecting? really? faggot is the most used word on this site but this guy is projecting?

diesel4420 is right, you are fucking stupid as shit

Dudesocks ago

Fite me nigger faggot.



zyklon_b ago

Nope u ketchn it

totes_magotes ago

I would ask if you say that to all the faggots except you've never said that to me.

zyklon_b ago

Open up !!!!!

totes_magotes ago

Oh baby. Now I know you care. MWAH!

zyklon_b ago

Oh yeah

totes_magotes ago

Awesome. Can we cuddle now are we going straight to a rave in the grave?

zyklon_b ago

Rave in da grave