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Crensch ago

There is so much more to life.

No, there really isn't.

Peace activists only gain ground when there's already peace, and they have nothing better to do with their lives than piss around with /v/justgrowit-tier subverses.

We are in a cultural and economic war for survival, and you want to complain about one of the only places on the internet where this shit gets discussed?

rEddit, instagram, pinterest, imgur, twitter, kikebook, tumblr, blogspot, Jewtube... literally anywhere else on the internet you can talk about your completely irrelevant bullshit, but let's complain about the one place where useful information can be discussed without getting censored.

You might have been here 2 years, but you certainly don't belong.

middle_path ago

You might have been here 2 years, but you certainly don't belong.

Says the faggot who has to ping 3 other users any time he gets a debate with someone.

Crensch ago

Oh, that was for the hilarity of the situation. You were whining about the shit you hate getting posted in populated subs.

  • You value populated subs

  • You hate the political stuff

  • Users both populate subs, and post political stuff

  • You whine about what users post

Hi - fucking - larious.

registereduser1 ago

Tried to warn you assholes about him and the rest of PV, you did nothing. Why you crying now/

middle_path ago

Holy Christ, you're still here? Weren't you the one I banned from v/JustGrowIt for posting shit?

registereduser1 ago

Compost asshole. Redditfag. Eat a dick.

mightnotbearobot ago

This is the most cringe thing I've read on here.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

/v/justgrowit-tier subverses.

Name one. JGI is GOAT

Crensch ago

My point being that you can find this shit literally anywhere else on the net. OP complaining about the politics just shows how much he doesn't fucking belong.