humblebumble ago

PM next time?

hypercat ago

I appreciate the bot summary in each comment section so I can decide if I should read it or not. I have not seen him post as himself, that I know of.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

locke is trash. sjw fucking full blown fee-fee deleting trash.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

like you would know

SaneGoatiSwear ago

your children would be better off growing up without a dad, or with a nigger than with you.

at least they'd have to grow up with a backbone from the streets or from being beat. youre gonna make sjw trannies out of em. watch. you're gonna end up paying for sex changes fo yo kids, biddy.

so sad, that your way of life is a form of torture on children. you sjw nigger.

aww look at that downplaying

locke pretending he's ok with the world hating him for being an sjw faggot who lets niggers cum inside his wife. JK LOL BRO IT"S A JK ha. ha.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

gtfo out voat trash.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you don't work at a hospital.

you don't have a job.

you don't have a wife.

your whole life is a lie.

you lonely sad fuck.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

kill all whut now?

good idea locke! you first! go ahead, up onto t he raised platform with rope!

go head, little nigglet!

buttom line, you're the problem. you don't actually add new content. it's all repost. you're trash. if the rest of voat saw how low effort trash you were, your content wouldn't be able to keep up the facade.

you're just a washed up piece of shit sjw faggot.

reddit is calling.

it wants it's little faggot back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you know a great idea?! you leaving voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

trash sjw nigger faggot, you have to go back, sjw faggot nigger.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you're not a part of anything here. you just have this sad little sjw corner. you can prop up your shit with content other people wrote about lives other people lived,

but you're just a sad sack brittle. just a sad sack. no amazing life and no one to write your story.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you "tried" to suppose. you're not actually mentally capable.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

start it on imzy you faggot! take your sjw shite out!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'd go to jail

you wouldn't last 5 minutes. you'd be butt raped in no time.

it would be justified, too. because you're an sjw faggot here to ruin voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey sjw faggot.

how's life being one of the weakest minded people on earth?

MathPhilo ago

@ArthurEdens @jangles are two of my favourites

jangles ago


smokratez ago

He's made fun of racists and white supremacists before. It would be more exciting than if we were all on the same page.

smokratez ago

Hello sunshine also expressed interest in doing a show. Although that would outnumber me when it comes to political views.

FreeSpeachRocks ago

Nope. Never bothered with alts.

smokratez ago

Say we had to do a show tomorrow. A good topic would be the legacy of Obama. How he has done everything he can to destroy the US and has caused race relations to be lower than they have in decades. The appointing of a Somali born man to head immigration in Canada. The latest pizzagate rumors and facts. How 4chan trolled the cia into having the mainstream media report a made up story about Trump as real news. There's lots of good topics to talk about. That's the nice thing about voat. It offers a constant stream of things of interest to build shows around. I would focus on news and politics. We could even incorporate a bit of the solo show I did. Meaning reading up the best and funniest comments of users as a way of showing appreciation for the userbase.

leavethebag ago

Well go jizz on a cactus.

smokratez ago

It's not too late to try to restart the project. Although I don't think you would want to be associated with me. I'm fairly certain you could go to jail for some of the things I would want to talk about, where you live.

smokratez ago

We both know each other's stance on this. There was no need to talk about it again in the first place.

smokratez ago

they treat the whole place like their own, personal platform to wake up the masses. That's not what I had in mind when I created my subs, and I'm still the authority on what I had in mind.

I am not saying you can't lie about history in your own sub. I simply wont be a part of it. Did I not stop posting in any of your subs after you came out as a holocaust enabler?

sunshine702 ago

IsThisGameOfThrones. He literely got death threats today from one of the main people connected to his pizzagate digging. Pictures of his mom and girlfriend with very straight forward threats. He was asked to delete a video and lie about it to not cause suspicion. FBI is supposedly looking into it but I can clearly say our pizzagate hive of bees is pissed.

smokratez ago

Yeah, we all had different outlooks on life and were articulate. Although it's probably better it didn't happen. I would have ended up doxed for being a race realist.

smokratez ago

off-topic non-history trash

Like the holocaust being fake right.

smokratez ago

Yeah, G4 sabotaged it quite well. It should have been fun.

smokratez ago

Buddy please.

mightnotbeme ago

Dinnea Ken wit ya mean but I hate auto correct you bawbag.

silversurfers ago

Aye, we certainly are Mike! :D

ScreaminMime ago

Amalek gets no votes?

wtf_hell ago

Most users are great, some are a'ight.

Dr_Poop ago

Idk who my favorite is, but I think @LovesFemaleBodies is the most underappreciated user on voat

LovesFemaleBodies ago


l23r ago

That name reminds me of the way the brother and sister from Enders Game would interact with one another online to stir the shit pot.

humblebumble ago

I sleep at night now. :p

Lag-wagon ago

Why that day? Is that cupcake day?

Taxxman ago


weezkitty ago

@guinness2 @MikeHawksRagen are two that come to mind

madazzahattereboot ago

it's Miley Cyrus,

If this is true, I wanna hook up with her!

I'm going to reread all of HPOP's comments again....reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll slow......with a handful of baby oil:~)

onemilligram ago

@onemilligram, I hear he gives great head.

Redcorgh ago

For fuck's sake! I ruined my lurking streak again.

lmkevin ago

I'd say @Lag-wagon

Lag-wagon ago

Thanks Kevin!

Fragnostus ago

@Highly_Paid_Orgy_Pro and @iBottomOutMidgets are voaters I enjoy coming across a lot.

But my number one would have to be our one and only @Amalek and all of his alts. One day he will return!

tibstibs ago

I like all you fuckers.

Ioxvm ago

Link? (If possible) I missed it.

Edit; nm I found it. That makes me kinda sad. :(

FreeSpeachRocks ago

@Professor_de_la_Paz @flyawayhigh @AlphaWookie @axolotl__peyotl

Thanks for the interesting submissions.

axolotl__peyotl ago

aw shucks :)

Inque_Yutani ago


Palaver ago

@ibottomoutmidgets advice has actually made me significant sums of money, so he is easily my top spot. <3 merc

smokratez ago

People get paid to shill for the jews. Then there's people who are brainwashed and do it for free. There's also people who hate me. Lots of reasons.

xeemee ago

Also, I don't get all these down votes. I thought Voat was about free speech...

yeah, that is a little odd - i'm getting hit too :)

SzarHazy69 ago

Your mom. Hahaha, but seriously though...

@adhdferret, he keeps shit real and for that currently makes him my favorite.

Memorexem ago

Well, we're split personalities after all. It's hard not to. ;P

Mr_Dusk ago

Me because I'm a Narcissistic Asshole XP

lord_nougat ago

Me is my favourite too!

esoteric ago

was @xbeatlejuicex till y'all faggots ran him off!

catslovejustice ago

Is there a prize for the winner?

SingularPlural ago

Not a one. Just curious.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Wait a minute... so you're saying that him believing the holocaust is real should convince others despite him actually being in a work camp, which is what the holocaust deniers are saying all extermination camps actually were?

CargoShortsFTW ago

@HWY__395 because bewbs.

HWY__395 ago

You're my hero

CargoShortsFTW ago

Keep up the great work!

DoomMantia ago


Cool person.

wuzizname ago

@wuzizname is a real cool dude.

xeemee ago

wow, i see @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS is quite popular around here - also one of my favs :)

Ace_Pilto ago

Nobody said @Highly_Paid_Orgy_Pro yet? Wtf is wrong with you people?

SingularPlural ago

I believe there is one. He was also somebodies second. Guess her popularity is dwindling a bit.

TAThatBoomerang ago

One day Boomerang... one day!

Rurntis ago

SingularPlural ago

Took way too long for someone to bring him up.

Rurntis ago

Yeah I did control-F and was like really guys? I love how mad he makes some voaters

TAThatBoomerang ago

I find it quite obvious that this user has a decided agenda, and he's using his subverse to subtly push it.

Palaver ago

What do we call those who see controversy in the benign?

TAThatBoomerang ago

It's not benign to me. History is a vital part of the identity of a people and all of the individuals part of it. If you wage an informational war on a people's history, you're waging a war on the people itself.

Palaver ago

Agreed. Perhaps I just haven't encountered any controversial posts from @lockeproposal. From what I've seen he seems to be the best content creator on voat while remaining unbiased.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Must be a pretty shitty death camp if he's still alive.

smokratez ago

Comment of the day. I wish I still did that podcast. Would have loved reading this one.

TAThatBoomerang ago

You did a podcast?

smokratez ago

Yeah. I was all racist and shit too. Was supposed to be a multi man effort, only one of the dudes turned out to work for the fucking government. I haven't forgotten your traitorous ass G4.

1moar ago

Story time...

smokratez ago

It was subtenko, G4, nico and me. I thought we would be making a great show. All smart guys with different ideas. G4 kept trying to make us argue. After 3 months of not doing anything I quit. I tried to make my own show. I was too boring on my own.

xeemee ago

I know plenty of people who deny that the Holocaust is fake, including my neighbor, who had the camp tattoo on his forearm.

off topic, but i feel the need to point it out...

there is no such thing as a 'holocaust denier' - it is a label that Zionists and the MSM like to attach to historical revisionists and those that question the official narrative

'holocaust' is a term that encapsulates many different events, many of which no one can possibly deny (persecution of the Jews, camps, expulsion, etc.), however some of those events, as revisionists have proven to the point where the mainstream "historians" were forced to revise their stories, were in fact fabricated

WindowsInJudgement ago

I've always been fond of u/myselfandirene and u/illTakeBothParachutes

Gorillion ago

You just know there are some black dudes on there who are sick of the ghetto shit.

Derpfroot ago Survey from when we were on eddit. Seems almost every ethnicity is sick of their ghetto shit.

ZebraCrisis ago

Me, fuck all these fools.

wellendowedduckling ago

oh and @needlestack !!

NeedleStack ago

Aww, what a nice ping to see in my inbox! Thank you sweetie.

Ioxvm ago

@nogarbagetrashonly is my favorite, but HPOP is in the running big time.

KimmyKitten ago

/u/pangaea for hentai and free speech :P

pangaea ago

Thanks :P

smokratez ago

He posts lots of great stuff to v/historyanecdotes and such.

True. I loved the guy. Which made it that much more of a disappointment.

alalzia ago

The guy who downgoated all my replies in a thread down to the 6th , i admire people with consistency .

humblebumble ago

@FuzzyWords for sure. :]

SingularPlural ago

I'm even more surprised nobody brought up any of the Amalek accounts.

DaveMills ago

Me. My mom said i was special, and she'd never lie to me.

Bolux ago

Rick-"hands up who likes me (hands down),why don't you like me".Vivian "coz you're a complete bastard and we all hate you"

leavethebag ago

None of you fucking nigger faggits.

SingularPlural ago

How can you tell if they are white?

Redcorgh ago

Hey fucker, get off your high horse! He was talking about me!

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

That makes so much sense.

smokratez ago

Ok. You wanted to know why I object to lockproposal being a good voater.

georgeorgeg ago


SingularPlural ago

Aw gee, thanks man. No idea why, though.

lord_nougat ago

I think he was talking to me.

EarlPoncho ago

@blacklivesmatter111 is the only person who is as woke as me so i pick him

Zen-Zinxe ago

Nah Earl I don't think you two are alone, I don't think I've read a post of yours that I disagreed with.

EarlPoncho ago

my nigga

EarlPoncho ago

has to be a saturday tho

Memorexem ago

armday2day ago

Lol was this because I asked for it?

Memorexem ago

Just remember, you asked for it. ;D

gramman74 ago

We get the point

Ywis ago


smokratez ago

He denies that the holocaust is fake and got super mad about it. I respectfully stopped posting to his subs over that, although I still think it's ridiculous to claim to care about history and take that position.

armday2day ago

How many dicks do I have to step on before I get picked for one of these?

Derpfroot ago

Step on? Maybe that why you haven't been picked yet?

armday2day ago

If only voat could love to hate me, my life would be conplete

sinjinsmythe ago

I'd rather the NSA come after you first, so I nominate @inthetimeofnick

armday2day ago

It takes real effort to fuck it up that hard

341234 ago

your a fucking faggir, and by allah i will slice you head off

hypercat ago

Derram bot

smokratez ago

The dude that lies about history and deleted posts that hurt his feelings?


That's very goatful of you. Thanks.

catslovejustice ago

BTW, what does your name mean? Cat facts are facts so why cancel them? Could you let me know right meow?


Cancel cat facts was a popular meme on reddit so I took it as a name. When I came to voat, I came with a group of other people and I kept the name. Thanks.

catslovejustice ago

LOL!!!!!!!!!! That is hilarious! The cat team here at Catslovejustice thank you. ;)

TinyRick ago

I don't have one yet. But i like that the community can actually have a favorite voater.

kemiri ago

Sanegoatiswear, btw how to tag a user?

tanukihat ago

@ symbol before their username

kemiri ago


@tanukihat. Thanks a lot fam

TheKobold ago

@Highly_paid_orgy_pro , he always has a joke to share or a weird tidbit. I also like to imagine the rumors of him being Matt Leblanc are true it makes his appearance on voat even funnier.

AlphaWookie ago

Ahhh you lose faggot.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I think HPOP said he was a she.

TheKobold ago

Every time I have seen it mentioned and HPOP was in the same thread it was neither confirmed nor denied. So I think its still up in the air.

AlphaWookie ago

Hey you lose again faggot.

tanukihat ago

rumors of him being Matt LeBlanc

Ahahahaha I've never heard that but it fits!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

matt leblanc is a woman?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

@WhiteSoIMustBeRacist, just want to caress him or her so gently....

lord_nougat ago

He's a girl?!

Well holy shart, today I learned!

HWY__395 ago

nope nope nope

Vladimir_Komarov ago

The original MYG 4 king of voat

HWY__395 ago

My favorite voater is gone...

Where have you gone, ______

Our website turns its lonely eyes to you

Woo Woo Woo

Momerath ago

I'm guessing it's @BBQ.

Lag-wagon ago

I never get picked for this kind of shit... Why do I keep coming here.

NeedleStack ago

You'll always be 'cupcake' to me. :)

Lag-wagon ago

I found the one needle I need in my life. You are amazing! Thank you!

ExpertShitposter ago

LAG WAGON IS MY FAVORITE VOATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lag-wagon ago

I love you all!

tanukihat ago

I'm Commander Shepard and @Lag-Wagon is my favorite Voater on the Citadel.

Lag-wagon ago


HWY__395 ago

One day @Lag-wagon. one day

Lag-wagon ago

One day... Is today!

Vladimir_Komarov ago

@hotelbrowanda This one fears no reaper.

hotelbrowanda ago

fuck that guy

Codewow ago

Vladimir_Komarov ago

voting like a pirate king. I like.

Codewow ago

When the only way to win is to vote for yourself, how could you not?

mightnotbeme ago

Anyone that's gets there tits out.

doginventer ago

Arrives bare chested?

peacegnome ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago


He's the best.

l23r ago
