Today, September 10, is the first anniversary of Voat Cupcake Day (history in comments) (
submitted 8.3 years ago by NeedleStack
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NeedleStack 8.3 years ago
On September 10, 2015 our @Lag-wagon got into a debate with former /v/News mod /u/exisredditus.
Lag-wagon eventually called him a cupcake so exisredditus banned him under the excuse that he violated News's name-calling rule.
Lag-wagon let voat know what happened and the site went ballistic and posted cupcake-related stories on News.
exisredditus got into more arguments with users, got called cupcake again, and banned users he was arguing with.
@Atko even joined the conversation with the quote, "Yeah... I don't like this. At all."
exisredditus resigned from News then deleted his account. The other News mods reinstated the banned users.
In one of the threads a user proposed September 10 should be Voat Cupcake Day so I immediately embroidered this cupcake for the occasion. So...
Happy Voat Cupcake Day!
If you want to read more about what users were saying about the drama at the time, here are helpful links:
Cynabuns 8.3 years ago
PS - I still have @Lag-wagon tagged as "Cupcake" and your comment with his name in there made me lol all over again; good times!
Lag-wagon 8.2 years ago
I don't have you tagged... But I remember your name. Thanks for being you.
Cynabuns 8.2 years ago
thanks, Cupcake :D
No problem honeybun
If you haven't already, please please post this to v/MuseumofVoat lol !
I thought of doing that but didn't want to be presumptuous. But I guess there's no harm in it. I'll do so. Thanks!
These magical fucking hilarious moments must be preserved ;-)
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NeedleStack ago
On September 10, 2015 our @Lag-wagon got into a debate with former /v/News mod /u/exisredditus.
Lag-wagon eventually called him a cupcake so exisredditus banned him under the excuse that he violated News's name-calling rule.
Lag-wagon let voat know what happened and the site went ballistic and posted cupcake-related stories on News.
exisredditus got into more arguments with users, got called cupcake again, and banned users he was arguing with.
@Atko even joined the conversation with the quote, "Yeah... I don't like this. At all."
exisredditus resigned from News then deleted his account. The other News mods reinstated the banned users.
In one of the threads a user proposed September 10 should be Voat Cupcake Day so I immediately embroidered this cupcake for the occasion. So...
Happy Voat Cupcake Day!
If you want to read more about what users were saying about the drama at the time, here are helpful links:
Cynabuns ago
PS - I still have @Lag-wagon tagged as "Cupcake" and your comment with his name in there made me lol all over again; good times!
Lag-wagon ago
I don't have you tagged... But I remember your name. Thanks for being you.
Cynabuns ago
thanks, Cupcake :D
Lag-wagon ago
No problem honeybun
Cynabuns ago
If you haven't already, please please post this to v/MuseumofVoat lol !
NeedleStack ago
I thought of doing that but didn't want to be presumptuous. But I guess there's no harm in it. I'll do so. Thanks!
Cynabuns ago
These magical fucking hilarious moments must be preserved ;-)