middle_path ago

And lift for strength! Not for da pump and end up looking like a balloon animal.

TheAmerican ago

If you're lifting heavy weight and getting a pump you're putting on strength. It's one in the same I've never even heard anyone say don't lift for the pump. Bodybuilders and weightlifters live for the pump, it's one of the best parts about lifting.

middle_path ago

I meant hypertrophy, but said it in a gay way. People should lift for strength and not only to look good.

TheAmerican ago

They are the same thing. If you're lifting you're gaining strength you cannot lift without gaining strength. It doesn't matter what reason a person chooses to lift for it's good for. If it's for vanity, fine. If it's for functional strength, fine. It's all good for you.

Diggernicks ago

Lifting OPs mother is all the weight ill ever need to hoist

TheAmerican ago

True dat. All the AIDS you'll ever need to.

Diggernicks ago

Super aids even.

TheAmerican ago

I fuck my mom

beefartist ago

Even if it isn't your jam (and there are plenty of reasons not to want to pump iron) your body weighs plenty. Squats, push ups, pull ups, dips, hindu pushups, etc are more than enough to keep your strong. Look up old shit published by a guy named Matt Furey ( I think)...he re demo'd a bunch of old chinese prisoner work strength work outs

TheAmerican ago

Body weight exercises are good for toning and staying fit.

beefartist ago

Toning is a woman's word. Body weight exercises build muscles and protect you by maintaining flexibility and strengthening smaller muscles...if you are lifting anything heavier than your body weight for work your shit will sort itself out. Lifting heavy shit just for the sake of it is kind of gay...I can't imagine paying money to flip a tractor tire

TheAmerican ago

You're not going to get big by doing only bodyweight exercises unless you dedicate a ridiculous amount of time to it. Trust me, I know more about this than you.

beefartist ago

You aren't paying attention...what is the point of "getting big: if it isn't part of how you feed your family, Stephen Crowder?

TheAmerican ago

God that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Continue to be weak and fat but just know getting big and fit changes every single aspect of your life in a positive way including your family's life. Moron.

beefartist ago

Try putting down on the pre work out juice and paying attention...you are going on about "toned" and "big". The only exercise that is proven to help longevity is about the first 30 minutes of brisk walking per day...If you are "getting big" in the gym AND you have a family that makes you even gayer. Get a job where that means something or quit finding excuses to look at men's asses...if you flip a tractor tire and don't own a tractor you are a fucking homo

TheAmerican ago

This is just so stupid I'm not going even waste my fingers responding. By the way I'm 41, rich and retired. I can literally do whatever I want whenever I want for the rest of my life as can my daughter and her family. Let that bounce through your brain periodically as your stocking shelves at Walmart fatty. Keep making excuses why you shouldn't lift.

beefartist ago

Gosh that is even sadder that you have such a wonderful life and you choose to grease yourself up and act like a fag on the reg.

TheAmerican ago

Act like a fag? I AM A FAG.

beefartist ago

VOat up for truth

Reddit-is-kill ago

6 months.

After 6 months of consistency it won't be a chore. You won't feel like you are working or that it's tedious.

In 6 short months, you will love the gym as if it were your favorite video game, book, or tv show.

You will be saf on your rest days.

Every day you will push to break a PR on one of the 15 different metrics you use. Form, volume, calculated 1RM, actual max weight, reps, rest pause, etc.

But those 6 months are going to be the biggest challenge of will power you've ever faced.

But it's worth it.

Diggernicks ago

Thats even gayer than the failure qiggers spout.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Maybe. But it's legitimate.