Qispoop7 ago

My mother was 17 when she had me, my father 21. The age of consent of their region was and still is 16. Are you going to call by dad a pedophile just because he didn't wait for her to turn some magic number?

theoldones ago

because you're being a cunt about it, yes.

Qispoop7 ago

16 is literally just 2 years behind 18. In the U.S., you can start to drive unsupervised at that age. Hell, I Germany, you can start drinking at that age.

And Gasp! It's the age of consent of 31 states, as well as the same or higher of most first world countries.

theoldones ago

stop talking. im done with all your shit.

Qispoop7 ago

Ok, puritan. I'll go live in the real, logical world, while you live in your crazy magic number world.

theoldones ago

Member for: 3 months

(joined on: 12/1/2019)

3 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

1 submissions to soapdoxbanhammer

1 submissions to CrenschTantrums

go back your den of pedophiles. you are unclean and likely an alt.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=QpbHdIrtpNoYouTube :

Alizée - Moi... Lolita (Clip Officiel HD) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

theoldones ago


you're posting in a sub run by a guy who just blatantly expressed the desire to fuck a 15 year old.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Take a look at age of consent laws in Europe. Kinda involved and caveats but it can run as low as 14.


But I suspect you're actually interested in learning but creating drama and bullshit.

You're a Canuck. Were you guys a bunch of pedos up there before they raised the age of consent from 14 to 16 roughly a decade ago? Still 16. Oh Canada... land of pedos. I think I'll visit there and fuck your girls.


Maybe I should have done it during the Bush administration. But honestly, 14 years old is usually a little underdeveloped. You Canadians go the extra mile.

theoldones ago

land of pedos. I think I'll visit there and fuck your girls.

if you set foot on Canadian soil, i'll shoot you myself.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Canadians have guns? I think you'd have to settle for a spinning backfist.

theoldones ago

you are a pedophile. you deserve death.

i have nothing more to say to you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I had no problem with you before you started this shit. You are an idiot to make an enemy like this for no good reason. In the past I've even found you relatively pleasant. Drugs must be frying your brain.

theoldones ago

you expressed a desire to sleep with underage girls.

you're a pedophile therefore. you deserve death

Joe_McCarthy ago

Britney Spears. Age 16 there.


I'd fuck her brains out.

So would you. But who's counting.

theoldones ago

you're a pedophile. stop talking.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A pedophile is someone attracted to pre-pubescents you drug addled moron. 16 year old trollops shaking their butts in Catholic schoolgirl outfits ain't it.


Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

theoldones ago


Jailbait or jail bait is slang[1][2] for a person who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity and usually appears older, with the implication that a person above the age of consent might find them sexually attractive.[3] The term jailbait is derived from the fact that engaging in sexual activity with someone who is under the age of consent is classified as statutory rape[3] or by an equivalent term.[4] The minor deemed sexually attractive is thus a temptation to an older person to pursue them for sexual relations at the risk of being sent to jail if caught.

fuck off, you are a pedophile.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Doesn't follow.

Jaulbait, by your own cited definition, implies someone underage looks older. That does kind apply to Alicia Silverstone in the clip that started this. She was a 15-16 year old playing a 14 year old part.

How you get attracted to pre-pubescents children out of that is anyone's guess. But then morons commonly think boinking a 17 year old, or even wanting to, is 'pedophilia'.

theoldones ago

Jailbait or jail bait is slang[1][2] for a person who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity and usually appears older, with the implication that a person above the age of consent might find them sexually attractive

IE you are a pedo. fuck off

Joe_McCarthy ago

Already explained that on another thread. The key word especially there is borderline.

In any case do you have a kid sister? I'll fuck her. She doesn't even need to be 16. She can even be older.

theoldones ago

fuck right off.

you expressed interest in people younger then the age of consent. that's all we need to know.

Joe_McCarthy ago

This can be settled easily enough. I'll fuck your cousin instead.

theoldones ago

i will fucking stab you if you even look in my families direction.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Very unlikely. But it might be fun to fuck your female relatives and see you whine impotently about it. They'd like it too. So that'd probably just piss you off more.

theoldones ago

i will disembowel you for the things you are saying,

Joe_McCarthy ago

I want to fuck your sister. And your cousin. Give me their contact info.

theoldones ago

i will track you down for the words you're using, and before i let you die you will beg for death.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Good luck with that.

Be easier to track you down. Though I couldn't care less about you. But I am interested in fucking your female relatives. Unless like most women these days they look like beached whales. But finding you would mean finding them. So I can screw them. Not do them violence. You're actually committing a crime right now with these threats. Tread carefully, kid. If I want to I can make things interesting for you.

theoldones ago

Patrick Nelson Sharp

White Student Union at GSU

Joe_McCarthy ago

Guys in Georgia have a habit of being armed. Might wanna be careful before going there.

Be much easier - and more fun - to just hook me up with your sister. Or cousin.

theoldones ago

let me be more specific then:

Patrick Sharp, Nicholas Dicelli (Nicholas Jordan III), Axelle Chatillon and Christian Meehan

Greatest MINDS event at GSU, November 4, 2015

numerous sticker and poster campaigns with a shoutout from richard spencer.

also this: https://files.catbox.moe/txfnch.jpg

ALSO, it sort of looks like your website is dead :)

ALSO ALSO if this isnt enough info i know exactly who to contact for more info.

while you talked shit, i already found you. are you really fucking sure you want to play this dangerous game?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I already have you by the balls, lawbreaker.

theoldones ago

i now know your real name and where to start looking for you.

i dont have to insult you, i can just arrive at your doorstep. trying to test me was the worst mistake you ever made in your life.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You should relax. No use getting yourself in trouble. Better to get your sister laid. Or your cousin.

theoldones ago

You should relax. No use getting yourself in trouble. Better to get your sister laid. Or your cousin. I want to fuck them.

i shall see you burn, patrick.

Joe_McCarthy ago

All this over sex. You are one repressed asshole with a repressed asshole. Maybe you need to get laid. Have your asshole loosened up some. Make one wrong move and you may be getting it in a cell block somewhere. Your getting fucked in the ass doesn't necessarily have to be your own doing.

theoldones ago

oh you sound mad now.

it was your mistake to fuck with me.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Tyrone will fuck with you. I wanna fuck with your cousin. Or sister.

theoldones ago

who knows what i could do with your information.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I know what I can do with your sister.