21673230? ago

I’m loving the Crensch salt post. That guy is starting to lose it.

21673253? ago

I had never heard of him until I saw the posts this morning. Can you give me a brief history?

21673341? ago

Crensch was a PV mod who was anti censorship on Voat. Then he got cucked by some pretty average tits. Said tits doxed themselves and deleted. Crensch went full cucked autist and starting banning everyone from her subs. It was a pretty stunning about turn that has left him the most derided user on voat.

21673397? ago

It sounds like he is using emotion to dictate what should be banned. He needs to be mentally stronger than that if he wants to run a sub.

21674278? ago

Qiggers fucking fail at life

21673322? ago

He's moderating greatawakening.

I made a comment in his sub were I quoted Q and Srayzie and pointed out how old these quotes are. I was banned for it.

My comment contained no insults, slur or lies. It was just quotes. You can read it here: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3555030

However those quotes were failed prediction of the future by QAnon and srayzie.

As I pointed out in the aforementioned linked submission my last post in his sub was over week old and overall I rarely posted in there and never anything offensive. This can be proven using the deleted comments log and searchvoat.

21673386? ago

I feel like you shouldn't be banned for anything on a free speech site and if someone is using an emotional response in order to determine what should be banned they should lose their privileges.

21673491? ago

I don't mind bans for doxxing and genuine death threats. But I basically agree with you. Hence, the drama.

21673107? ago

Have a downvoat for drama sake.

21674284? ago

Internet points don't matter

Back to Reddit you nigger

21673207? ago

It's a anon post your downvote wields no power homo.