16677815? ago

anime community are small fry, the real asshole to watch out for are soap cock ban niggers @virge @gabara they need to fuck off home to reddit @andrew_jackson @friendshipistragic almost all of soap box are faggot trannies

16677843? ago

Hey freshmeat!

16672825? ago

what a mess, i never knew anime was this complicated. Anyways voat's immune system seems to be working

16674197? ago

16674343? ago

Thanks for pinging, I didn't catch this.

16666906? ago

whats the Q bommer thing and who is ban hammered?

16667435? ago

btw @truthwoke33 @totes_magotes are reddit cancer, @totes_magotes and others might be ok even though they are part of the soap box crap, and @Crensch just crazy

16674369? ago

You're a worthless nigger and you should kill yourself

16666825? ago

what the ... @CodyCigar_1800 @mywifeisasian @Baconmon @Aridartifact !! you can not beat the soap hammer

16669000? ago

What did you link me for

16666898? ago

fucking soap box Q anon level shit

16666883? ago

more anime BS @HeavyBrain @bearandbird1988 whats these nigga @turtlesarepureevil @jewsbadnews hopefully not Apefrica level IQs @lollo9990

16669059? ago

Why am I included?

Also how did you find out my username?


16666947? ago

-BearandBird. What anime BS? Get me up to speed. Btw if you're 'RacistBigot,' I just checked your submission history and you've got some questionable shit on there.

16667231? ago

16669709? ago

Hey, this is where all their "masterminds" hang out, r/chapotraphouse r/sorceryofthespectacle. We go invade those subs.

16669602? ago

I don't visit any of those subs

16668218? ago

Who the fuck are you

16667068? ago

an invasion of sorts? look like they dead, @Crensch @MrPim voat in action @SIayfire122 @Empress the anime pervert nerds wont survive the down vote and haze ritual .... after a while a few might even stay and get goat @LettItBurn

16667326? ago

I made this comment on the /whatever subvoat but I don't like the rhetoric. Anime is one of our greatest remaining allies- and not in the Israel sense. It doesn't belong to these Jew'd leftists, but they're fighting hard for it. Calling these guys 'anime pervert nerds' and the like is like saying "anime belongs to the left." Which would make the person saying that no better than a shill. Be careful.

16666821? ago

I can't tell if you think I am part of the invasion, or if you are calling me to arms in defense.

16666915? ago

soap box is watching! all names are noted

16666891? ago

... ? @Troll

16666770? ago

a little different to other invasions? https://www.voat.co/v/animemes ??

16667640? ago

https://old.reddit.com/r/Animemes/ a sub for perverted retards, where the new refu jihadi invaders come from