15954636? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite by Anon, Don't be fooled https://voat.co/v/anon/2895503 ?

16424893? ago

Thousands of Mosques in America, Map data of USA from Year 2015 https://voat.co/v/anon/2940191

15722109? ago

NSFW please. It's just the decent thing to do.

Sometimes I don't want to see people's legs detached from them without a warning. Even if it is to publicize sandnigger violence

16424901? ago

MEDIA? ... kikes and kebabs suck the USA into Endless Wars, commie euro globalists subvert, israeli, arab push degeneracy industries drugs? .... Media says its all ' just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2944327

15721469? ago

Showing the images of dead, mutilated and abused white children from normal mudslime activities is standing on the corpses of tragedy to promote hateful racist agendas, but showing that drowned beach kid or the faked white helmets pics of sad looking arab kids with white powder on them is opening peoples eyes to the evils of whites. One is hate speech that only a nazi would do and victimises innocent brown terrorists and rapists, the other is good journalism, helping people see that nationalism and security is bad and not propaganda at all.

Double standards are fun.

15720818? ago

When was this?

There are too many attacks to keep them all straight anymore.

16457876? ago

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15954612? ago

is user @Good-Groid-Dead a kike or a jihad arab?

16433921? ago

I'd say she got run over by a truck there, Bob.

15728729? ago

2017 Stockholm attack by a jihadi koranimal using a vehicle, truck attack ... media tried to censor cover it up, say motive unknown. 4chan or twitter leaks his details. a 39-year-old rejected jihad islamic moslem asylum seeker born in the Soviet Union and a citizen of islamo-ass-crackistani Uzbekistan or some shit. 5 killed and 14 seriously injured.

15728790? ago


16424832? ago

15720036? ago

That young girl has a father, and that weak faggot isnt killing muslims. What a cuck

15851587? ago

kikes and kebabs push degeneracy industries drugs, pornography? ....'The jewish porn industry is just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://voat.co/v/anon/2738386

15720691? ago

How many lives have you taken?

15721369? ago

I know i saw 3 go down with my 240 but there also was a 2 story building i hit with an 83 mm that, afterwards, the mohemmtins fell quiet from