17020022? ago

this @Soyboy69 the kebab apologist

17028578? ago

There seems to be a shit ton of Iranian and Turkish ragheads on voat trying to pose as White Nationalists @BlowjaySimpson @CameraCode .. the kebabs are an infestation @Chadsden @abewasatallman @biaxident soap box loves them

17030211? ago

Whiter than you Muhammad

16572597? ago

the entrance that sharia is using to make headway is binding arbitration. they go to an islamic court, and argree to abide by the rules, instead of using small claims, law suits, etc.

how do you stop that

16755168? ago

is @ElijahBrown a raghead?

16557599? ago

user @Kannibal is da niggaz

17038809? ago

rothschild watching

15954965? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AnonThoughts comment by @15954958.

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15954659? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AnonTalk comment by @15954636.

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15954658? ago

Crypto voatmuslims still advocate a new type of Sharia on voat while Turk user Musaab makes terroristic threats to the USA and other users saying 'You not stop the march of Islam.' https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2935401

16392440? ago

Looks like this is catching on. Down with all superstitions. https://voat.co/v/anon/2940191/15833244

15875634? ago

religious police in the usa? dafuq ... https://voat.co/v/news/2946364/15874568 isn't it a criminal offense to impersonate law enforcement?

15725980? ago

why am i mentioned? lol. I dont remember saying anything positive about islam.
although they would never let furries and transgenders happen.

but seriously what made you mention me?

15875629? ago

This comment was linked from this v/whateverAnon comment by @15875623.

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15602670? ago

the two faced shapeshifters and lizards ... but how society is going to recover? @Jess-E @Time4puff why are the kikes and kebab allied, is this how much they dislike America's concept of free speech ? @o0shad0o @Jewish_Shill ?

15629208? ago

Paris in the 1890s,supressed tech 120 yrs of HD tv before the modern era of islamist invaders, low iq psycho negroids and french whore sluts https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2913102

15719661? ago

16491847? ago

so you're saying @TheGreatAustralian is a raghead

15719723? ago

Lots of spam bots

15851395? ago

@buZZLima who? look at these faggot sandrat islamo apologists, are the kikes and kebabs sometimes allied? @Laurentius_the_pyro @goytoynamedtroy ! @sore_ass_losers @YouveSeenTheButcher is goytoynamedtroy a paki turk ?

15857728? ago

no u

15425637? ago

Open Borders for Saudi anhd Israel? https://www.voat.co/v/funny/2895741 Without multiculturalism, Israel will not survive. This is a huge transformation for them to make and it must take place.

15796273? ago

I'm not sure how I got linked into this thread but I do not support Sharia law. I support God's Law, God's Holy Bible and redemption by Jesus Christ. These activist evil cabalists even have minions that shill on Voat. It is laughable. Shill on libtards. The pain is coming soon. Dark to light. No deals. We're gonna need more rope. God bless America.

16385007? ago

@Adrianmc the ragheadedness of the Quran

16850151? ago

blame @felisgoodman an islamist apologist

17028460? ago

yeah pretty sure @carlip is a fucking islamo kebab

15602596? ago

@truthwoke33 more bad news @Skeeterdo @tendiesonfloor .... anyone explain why there is an alliance between the kike and the kebab, is this how much they hate America's free speech? @Fetalpig @Maximum50

15424641? ago

Catholics who fear womens bodies and sexuality would all be on board for sharia lite.

15428198? ago

Well it's deleted so I have no idea what this is about. https://voat.co/v/ScienceAnon/2883348/15313766

15602541? ago

@Datgoyoverthere This is the shut it down crowd ? @Merchant_Menace @theoldones why is there qan alliance between the kike and kebab, is this how much they hate America's free speech ? @Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 @MotherIsWatching ??

16530237? ago

Israel did 9/11

War on Israel for 9/11

15603212? ago

There's an alliance between kike and kebab because they are both semitic. Same race, similar bullshit.

15629178? ago

why is this shill @GlobalSouth sharing links to the jihad shill news network al jazzera @oligarchsalamander @defcon_alpha_zebra ??? @Plant_Boy @codfilet

15629354? ago

If you want to know what the devil is thinking, try hearing what he wants others to believe.

15425510? ago

Also the soap box ban hammer voter fags have a lot of tranny arabs among them

15725901? ago

SBBH where Tranny Arabs cum through their backdoors, then leave through the window at 9.8 mps2

15954686? ago

i see what u did there, islam still chucking gays off buildings for hundreds of years . Fag will fall at speed of Gravity of Earth 9.8 meters per second btw you know MURICA dont use no damn commie metric system

15968270? ago

Or relativity either. The brits tried to tell you about time moving at different raters depending on your distance to the mass your orbiting in space. Then there was that time that you got mixed up between metric and imperial and wondered why you were off course. NASA- "I'd go to the moon in a nano second (really quickly) but we destroyed that tech and its a painful process to build it back again" is the metric system really so hard to use?

15422510? ago

(((@Theamerican))) claims to be co-owner of Voat and refuses to express his stance on open borders for Israel. https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2756346

15424658? ago

Stop e stalking you niggerish fag blaster

16526496? ago

did PlankO just go full Sharia retard @plankO lost his mind, smoking and drinking the crazy shit again?

15657652? ago

this asshole /u/PraiseIPU keeps pushing smut and filth on voat, the dirty jew nigger faggot should fuck off back to reddit

17028483? ago

yeah fucking fakes everywhere @ThyCultOfQ is an islamo apologist piece of shit, maybe even a moslem kebab

15422381? ago

I noticed too. A lot of people who like to sneak "muslim bros have the right idea" into conversations on how to deal with the left wing menace. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2650500/14330264

15601188? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/2915977/15601064 well lets convert them by posting quality material that will fuck with their heads when they cant argue the point.

15762337? ago

Don't include me into your sharia spam. Fuck off sandniggers.

15730963? ago


16584741? ago

so you say @Keepitupna another raghead