11918390? ago

As an outsider, I don't see a glaring problem with demanding links be explained. The Q larp subs are full of innuendo, contextless links, and sentence fragments which the regulars will insult you for not understanding if you deign yourself to ask what it means. Pizzagate subs are like that too, so I block them, but fighting it seems worthwhile.

That said, fighting it by removing posts is distasteful. Though calling him a "reddit powermod" is very impolite. Instead of deletions, they could use tags or labels or minor edits or whatever facility is available to mods to mark low-quality posts, and avoid this fight. Train the users to recognize quality, and then voating up and down will take care of the problem.

11922474? ago

EDIT You can argue with words instead of just down votes, you know.

And only two people in that thread have downvote powers and are throwing them around liberally. I wwot dowvote you here but others might. It doesn't matter in anon subs.

him a "reddit powermod" is very impolite.

Read the top comment in this submission and then talk about "impolite".

Instead of deletions, they could use tags or labels or minor edits or whatever facility is available to mods to mark low-quality posts, and avoid this fight. Train the users to recognize quality, and then voating up and down will take care of the problem.

I agree but the default is to shit on users, tell them they are stupid and irrelevant and dismiss anyone who complains as a shill.

11922678? ago

Yes, Crensch is extremely abrasive, and when he flips on you he's rude and insulting. Still, I consider it nasty to compare him to actual payrolled shills that populate Reddit. He uses his words to pull out a point, when I've seen him commenting in his long style, even if his points are unimportant and so brittle that he's always on the verge of breaking. He shits, but he's also screaming purposefully at the same time, and his goal is in ideas rather than just hazing.

On the whole, I guess appreciate the comments I've seen from him. Maybe that means I've already gone 1488 gas the kikes race war now, or maybe it means I don't pay attention to him because he's tedious to read. There are worse users, like the ones moderating that days-old "patriots" subverse who all came from Reddit.

11922762? ago

There is nothing wrong with him as user. There is plenty wrong with him as an owner who has to manage a sub impartially.

11914189? ago

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

11914910? ago

I've had power and not been corrupted. It only corrupts the weak minded. Apparently that's Crensch and we know he can't have power again.

11913525? ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @freshmeat @9-11 note how they try to bury this.

11913600? ago

The take over of v/pizzagate was spearheaded by kevdude, he brags about it going to Crensch, and it was immediately taken off of v/all and censored.

11913657? ago

I dont know about that all I see is Crensch talking to the users there like they are dogs. I used to defend PV, i'm one of the regulars, but this is reddit shit.

11914896? ago

Fuck Crensch plus Expertshitposter comming to his defense. The guy complains about the most obvious level of moderation of groups he doesn't like and defends power mods when it is someone he does like.

Double standards and we all know what kind of person has double standards. Plus he's a sock puppeting consensus programming botter.

11913271? ago

Jesus Christ.

11916274? ago

He wasn't a jew

11912908? ago

IF there is a CCP requirement here, it is TO KEEP THE SUBMISSIONS OFF OF /V/ALL FRONT PAGE YOU FUCKING RETARD. It's not in /new it's not in /all it's not on the front page of anything. It's HERE and only HERE so we don't pester the rest of Voat.

Reddit powermod talking to the userbase

Fuck your feelings. I'm right, you're not. I'm not deflecting shit - your concerns are simply irrelevant.

Reddit powermod and the guy who is "protecting" voat.

11913694? ago

@puttitout this is voat