Rusty is JIDF! beware! he wants to know what a 30 minute video is going to give him that he doesnt already know, and that is totally jewish behavior! (
submitted 5.5 years ago by 3403843?
20367221? 5.5 years ago
but watch out we can live with diversity!
20367498? 5.5 years ago
Diversity =/= multiculturalism ya dingbat.
I don't give a fuck if a bunch of African's want to live in mud huts on the other side of the planet, that doesn't effect me. Only a jew has a nose big enough to stick into other people's business across the world
20367221? ago
but watch out we can live with diversity!
20367498? ago
Diversity =/= multiculturalism ya dingbat.
I don't give a fuck if a bunch of African's want to live in mud huts on the other side of the planet, that doesn't effect me. Only a jew has a nose big enough to stick into other people's business across the world