17789646? ago

Can someone post the original videos?

17725666? ago


He now has his own ED article.

Spectacular work anons. Update when he's charged. Wanna see if he cries in court.

17682538? ago

missed oops. nm that wrong ctl v>>13036268

17682536? ago

17682533? ago

Am surprised none of you have catfished the sick fucks on 144chan, 155chan, and 122chan yet, the post outright cp and talk about murdering kids, and fucking them also.

I reported them to feds when that nasty shit showed up in a search once.

17682535? ago

The feds are aware of their existence. After all, they created them.

17682530? ago

I didnt know this was a thing but im down what do i gotta do. Used to blackmail pedos in highschool with porn packs of girls who passed 14-16. Theyre a dime a dozen. These days basic internet sec is known though, not as easy as before but still not hard. Most of them are braindead

17682523? ago

based thread OP.

This man's a sick fuck and I hope he gets ass raped by a nigger in prison.

17682517? ago


the (((media))) is ran by Pedos

17682511? ago

Jesus, the guy had 'deviant scumbag' written through him like a stick of rock. A true product of the internet

17682503? ago

How about you retards stop trying to make this place into cuckchan

17645801? ago

Neinchan already swatted this guy.

This board is not capable of even wiping its own asshole

17646090? ago

Cease and desist with your incessant honeypot shilling you fucking faggot.

17646086? ago

you again? goddamn your life must be miserable. Seek help.

17646088? ago

this board is what's miserable. do the reich thing faggot. align with nein.

17645793? ago

17645797? ago

from deleted thread

17645799? ago

Tx for pulling that. Why tf did they delete my thread? MODS ARE ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS

17645794? ago

Wtf PENETRATION? and she's 6yo? Wtf.

17682505? ago

Wtf PENETRATION? and she's 6yo? Wtf.

Want to know the worst part?

Unless he has a micro penis (seem to recall in his Chaturbate profile, he states that his cock is quite large though), then the penetration cannot be vaginal.

At this age it has to be anal or oral.

17646091? ago

Fucking jews. My blood is fucking boiling. Soon brothers.

17645795? ago

It made his dick look big.

Can you imagine the adults having to explain to those 6 year olds why 'Daddy' won't be coming to see them anymore?

17645796? ago

lol the kids know why, they've probably been waiting for that day.

17645790? ago

not much will happen.

1st offense, no EVIDENCE he was major kiddie-porn player.

"he has an ILLNESS and has agreed to TREATMENT".

He'll do some rehab, then off to Israel 1st chance he gets for new "Hebrew" name and passport. He probably go to UK and join up with Paki gang.

17645791? ago

He already fessed up to everything. He'll be on a list for the rest of his life and be persona non grata nearly every place in America. He's also not Jewish.

17645787? ago



Damn, I put the video private cause I thought he wasn't in custody lol, WTF took you so long?

17645788? ago

they took long on purpose to release it I bet the cops are mad random fags solved it before them

17645780? ago

Those are backpack straps.

17645783? ago

no, that's a bulletproof vest. because of how public the whole thing was there was a valid concern for his safety. they dont take it off until the perp is done with processing

17645779? ago

it might be one of those anti suicide suits

17637454? ago

Oh nevermind, he's fucked.

Charged and confessed.

On Monday, Sean Windingland was charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct involving the minors, according to the criminal complaint filed in Ramsey County District Court.

Sean Windingland

The 29-year-old was interviewed by investigators last week and admitted to both engaging in sexual conduct with the children and posting videos discussing his interactions with them online, the complaint said.

He also allegedly admitted to sharing naked images of the girls with “pedophiles” on the Internet.

He defended his behavior, telling officers he didn’t view it as wrong because the 6-year-olds consented to it, charges say.

He added that he recently started worrying about the impact the conduct could have on the girls’ future relationships, according to the complaint.

Windingland, who has no criminal history in Minnesota, was scheduled to make his first appearance on the charges Monday afternoon. No attorney was listed for him in court records.

is that mugshot for real? Why does this feel like we are being hoaxed?

17682522? ago

he didn’t view it as wrong because the 6-year-olds consented to it

17682500? ago

is that mugshot for real? Why does this feel like we are being hoaxed?

Nah, that's run of the mill for a pedojew. They all have bizarre facial features and their eyes are always a dead giveaway.

17725664? ago

Fuck you, buddy. Sister Who is a faggot of peace.

17682508? ago

lower right

god dammit wtf is that


those poor little girls are going to be mentally scarred now. they really need to be taken out of that household entirely, there is absolutely no way his parents didnt know what was going on under their own roof

17682515? ago

The mother surely knew too. Penetration by a grown penis causes significant staining on the panties.

17682532? ago

His mother is very clearly a Jew. Look at the beady, close-set eyes. Exact same Jew phenotype as Peinovich/Cernovich/Blasey-Ford. And she of course knew what was going on. You can tell by how she sounds in the phonecall. "Well he's in custody now, I hope you're happy!" You should be too, you fucking kike. But you're clearly annoyed that your pedo Jew son got busted.

17682534? ago

Holy kike

17645786? ago


Fuck you greedy sacks of shit selling your soul for a gdamned Mercedes!

17645785? ago

people from across the country

They mean the trans-national fascist movement and global terrorist network of white supremacy. You see journalists looking at you ABC infinitychan are the good guys.

17645784? ago

Damn, I was planning on hanging myself this weekend, but this confirmed arrest has lifted my spirits enough to rethink it. I'm proud of you, anons. You did a great job. Don't let the "insignificance" of it distract from this achievement. To those kids this wasn't insignificant. Every one of them saved, counts.


bulletproof vest

No, the quilted fabric especially, and the shoulder straps, more closely resemble a suicide smock. Google image search both for comparison.

17682509? ago

If you ever kys, livestream it on /pol/

17637448? ago

honestly though, what kind of legit mental illness is he suffering from to have made that video?

literally mentally unhinged to have made it and uploaded it

17637449? ago

Deep down he knows it's evil but he doesn't want to face the cognitive dissonance that comes from acknowledging that he's a fucking baby rapist, so he's uploading it in a desperate attempt to convince himself that he doesn't deserve to be publicly beheaded.

17637438? ago


17604239? ago

It might sound insensitive, bu but who cares? Nabbing one random pedo, while good, is not very significant. Who bought his content? Who did they distribute it to?

Get the whole network, otherwise you're just pulling leaves off a dandelion. You've gotta get it from the root.

17604568? ago

OK. So where do we start. I guess we have the two "Philippians girlfriends" and one needing to pay for "prom" that seemed highly suggestive of selling saucy photos.

Let's grab that thread and track as much information off of that as possible and hand it to the police to see what they can make of this.

And also the video of him talking about being involved in something illegal.

17604238? ago

Since the location was in Fridley MN and the Fridley police department responded, we may have to wait until the Fridley police department releases their crime report.


Sadly this is done weekly, and the last one was for the week ending March 13th. The one ending March 20th hasn't even been produced yet. They clearly are not up on the ball over there. So it will probably be a long long time before we see the March 22 to 23rd arrest show up.

17637428? ago

He's in the Ramsey County lockup on a probable cause hold. They have until noon tomorrow to officially charge him.


Good job, boys.

17637451? ago


Sorry but that is fake.

What's the last name? Sean?


And the "cop" on the phone sounds like a teenager using a voice modulator to sound older.

17645781? ago

It's real, it's just one side of the conversation. Windingland is being held in the Ramsey County detention facility.


He will also get pressured to cop a plea deal, which id bet money on him taking

Looks like this was dead on. The fucker confessed, which means he goes straight to sentencing. His asshole is gonna get absolutely destroyed in Sandstone. I would also happily put money on him being too much of a raging autist to get a lawyer, who would get him into a mental health facility. He's also too much of a raging autist to know how to handle the sheer amount of physical abuse he is about to receive, so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that he dies in prison in less than a year.

17637433? ago

nice confirmation. he better get charged. what pisses me off even more is that you could damn near guarantee his mother knew about what was going on under her own roof and she just wasnt doing anything to stop it.

17637435? ago

Most likely yes. Kikes are always in on this shit together. Hopefully by noon tomorrow one of this pedokike's associates provides witness statement he's a pedo.

17637434? ago


Up to the prosecutors then? Any law-fags in here? Wouldn't the video tape be enough evidence to charge? I assume the prosecutors know of it's existence?

17637436? ago

it'll be up to the DA. and yeah, they have the video evidence. they nabbed him on a 1st degree sexual assault against a minor probable cause, so it's highly unlikely he gets away with no charges. they also probably took statements from whoever else was in the house, so there's more evidence than we are even seeing at this point.

17637437? ago

He will also get pressured to cop a plea deal, which id bet money on him taking

17604236? ago

i bet some lazy nigger is responsible for uploading those arrest records and that's why we still don't see it.

<faggot, nigger cop is eating a donut and drinking a coffee right now as i type this, most likely.

17602798? ago

Pedo hunting is really easy and you can make money at it.

Find adults who like taking pictures of naked little kids. Then report their non-profit (church, usually) to the IRS and report their crime to any number of anonymous tiplines.

Fill out this form: www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f211.pdf

Use multiple tip lines:







17604234? ago

Isn't that just for whistleblowing to the IRS for underpayments and shit?

17602060? ago


Someone report the kike for cheese pizza, nojs torfag here.

17602059? ago

Hi Sean. We're coming for you. Pedos will be purged. Prison will only delay your demise.

17602058? ago

fuck did anyone save the original videos? it's 404 everywhere (and no, not that autistic shit edited with memes and screenshots)

17602795? ago

i can still see them in the original thread nigger.


17604237? ago

thought it 404'd my bad

17602062? ago

Yeah i got them, let me get them up Ill post links

17602057? ago


17602052? ago

We have the answer

17637430? ago


17601255? ago

half those links are dead, great job archiving OP

17602047? ago

much of the content is archived

17601253? ago

A flood warning for the Mississippi River in Saint Paul goes into effect the afternoon of March 23

maybe they should dispose of our (((friend))) there.

17601251? ago







17601237? ago

Still waiting for the booking record.

17601238? ago

still got about 3-4 hours i reckon anon

17601241? ago

Yeah that would be my bet too. I figured they would periodically update it on the site, but it seems like it all comes at once.

Maybe the guy that made the youtube video will make a new edit with the mugshot ;)

17601249? ago

all the other booking reports said they were completed like 9 pm central time zone in the pdfs I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't go up until tomorrow morning

17601252? ago

jesus. He was arrested at 2 AM.I get it tho

17602048? ago

no im a fag and I got it wrong its am instead of pm but still the same until the morning

17602054? ago


'm hoping it will be up around 3. I know last night when we were hunting him down, they had the previous days posted between 2 and 3

17598407? ago

I’m female, 16, have been groomed by older men. How can I help you all?

17599142? ago

Start by fucking contributing and telling us your experience

17598412? ago

You can start by going to a beauty salon & get a decent haircut.

17598409? ago

post your tits with timestamp

17595405? ago


follow the crums, a lot of politicians and mafia involved

17601236? ago

i aint clickin that shit nigga

17599144? ago

fucking hell, but yeah probably a good start if you wanna do some actual damage to them.

17601235? ago

i'm too much of a faggot to click on anything on there.

17601242? ago

i'm too much of a faggot

Then click the boys only links ;)

17601243? ago

it's some scary shit to think that these places exist. we could do some real damage here but i'm too much of a newfag to know what i need to do so i don't end up being the one getting locked up. any based anons that have been down rabbit holes like this before and can speak to the legitimacy of shit like this? can we do any good here?

17601246? ago

and don't announce what it is you are planning to do because you can be sure there are pedos reading this thread.

17601244? ago

you could probably make a difference, but you need criminal level opsec and a strong stomach.

17595406? ago

WTF is that nigger?

17595404? ago

Anon called his mom, she said they got him.

Anon2 also called authorities and they said they got him.

he was on nofap

he was Gnostic

17594826? ago

jesus christ, this thread has the shock value similar to the bridges of madison county.

17593799? ago

jews pull massive kikery all the time with multple proxies, corruption, child sex rings, human trafficking, false flags, anthing under the sun

white race is dying and the western world is on collapse

<who cares lmao just wait for the slow boil things will get better

a single lesser jew molests his daughter


I dont get it, how come this small crime gets the most action to stop it whilst huge scandals with tonnes of evidence arent even touched upon or given any second thought, even sometimes being shitposted into oblivion? I get that he's a jew who must be stopped but this is only 1 kid who has already been molested getting saved, theres still a huge international network of pedophellia out there to uncover too.

17637442? ago

how come this small crime gets the most action to stop it whilst huge scandals with tonnes of evidence arent even touched upon or given any second thought

because most anons know how to, or are in a position to, call the police to inform on a random guy. they're less equipped to stick it to big-name, rich and connected mofos who have entire PDs in their back pockets. going after networks like that–without the resources of a law enforcement agency–is going to take dumps of their personal e-mails, calls, texts, etc. shit that takes more sophistication to pull off than the average anon has. and even then, whatever hard evidence you get isn't going to be admissable in court if it's illegally obtained.

but this is still a win. one more pedo is behind bars, and he's going to get his asshole busted intoto tiny little judaic pieces by the tyrone's and jose's he undoubtedly adores

17637440? ago

because this thread is full of virtue signalling cowards (or pedos). going after pedo networks is fucking deleterious to your well being and nupol just isn't up to it, remember that guy on old pol that went to check out a daycare and never came back.

17604569? ago

only 1 kid

you haven't even paid attention to the threads, he has 2 daughters, last thread started with a webm of him speaking to each one individually, and I'm not even sure they're his, for all we know they're adopted

17604570? ago

the one in the blue looked like a yidlet, the other one didn't look related at all.

17604571? ago

you haven't even paid attention to the threads, he has 2 daughters, last thread started with a webm of him speaking to each one individually, and I'm not even sure they're his, for all we know they're adopted

They are twins.

17593795? ago

I don't think he is booked yet. I can't find him on the list ST Paul booking list. Next time I will help. I'll stay Ghost mode and I'll never let the prep know we got him. That could mess up the case for the Glowniggers.

17594818? ago

The crime map above shows the arrest at 2:00am ON THE 23RD.

If I were to take my best guess, I would say that the cops placed priority on securing the children. Then they brought Sean Windingland in for questioning. Maybe he was a bit resistant to talking at first, maybe he wanted to fully explain that it was just a prank bro, or that he was totally righteous in that they consented.

The cops probably used all the time they could to soften him & and extract as much of a confession out of him as possible before officially arresting him.

They probably needed to do an official arrest in order to keep him overnight.

17593798? ago

The booking list for the day hasn't even become available yet.

17593791? ago

remove google captcha and ill use your shitty 9chan site

17593787? ago


17602799? ago

Did anyone confirm this? I can't see it on the map now.


why haven't the cops updated the arrest records yet? i wanna know if we got him or not.

17602801? ago

Cause they know we're waiting.

17593792? ago

And I can't even say I helped. I'm never posting another dox again.

17593793? ago

somebody else will then

17593797? ago

I hope so. Take it easy anons it was a fun ride, thanks for letting me shitpost with you all these years.

<t. Abraxas

17593801? ago

thanks for letting me shitpost with you all these years

Always a pleasure

17594819? ago

Never stop giving them hell. I'll still be on doxbin contributing, if anyone ever wants to see if I've posted a new dox just look for the ones on there with the skull icon next to them. (Someone should add Mr. Windingland to it as well)


17594821? ago

through own labor


kampf gegen dar marxismus


we don't get their colonies



17593789? ago

17593785? ago

This is why I dont really dox on here anymore, because nobody ever does shit with the information gathered. Waste of time posting anything here when its everyone else who does the major swatting and IRL work.

17593783? ago

I'm a newfag on this crazy site. I was watching this original threat last night until like 1 am. When it hit 751 I couldn't post so I just went to sleep. Do we have proof the guy got busted? This make vegans look bad. Fucking piece of shit. Send the Hounds.

17593779? ago


told you, the most vocal anti-pedos like you are always the real pedos

17593782? ago

17591897? ago

Good job /pol/. One less termite.

17591898? ago

8 kike is not the one who got this pedo outed https://neinchan.com/pol/res/4318.html#4318

17591894? ago

Neinpol did all the work, I was there when it happened. I see no mention of neinpol. Edit your post, your deepwater niggerjew

17591895? ago

who neinpol more like nein cuck ha ha

17591888? ago

stop calming other peoples work

17591877? ago

no one cares

17591882? ago

I don't know shlomo, is the rabbi paying you well? Look at you, with your hidden id, so fancy.

17591879? ago

says the kike shill

17591880? ago

there are underage girls right now on youtube stripping and sucking nigger dick, how about that? cash me outside bitch

17591884? ago

ahh I see you saying that there is pedo shit on you tube, yet not being able / willing to do anything proves to me you are a shill

17591890? ago

wat you do bout it homie

17591896? ago

we just did and any pedo we see will get the swat


again says the kike btw forgot to prove what you do .

17591860? ago

Oh shit, Pedo hunt? I'm in.

17591867? ago

What do you mean, in? Neinpol already got him arrested. Not sure why 8pol is still larping.

17591869? ago

don't want 8 kike taking credit


17591862? ago

its done nien got him arrested nien annon swatted him


17598393? ago






How autistic can you get? The guys real name was posted here FIRST, most info was posted here, nobody fucking swatted anybody, the only thing we got is a phonecall to his mom which AGAIN was posted in the 8chan thread FIRST.

So no, it WAS us, you fucking 12yo sperg. You weren't "there" for anything kiddo. Go play some fortnite and stop spamming this board.

Pic related is you.

To everyone else: stop being crying bitches. It was us, aka some anons who read this shit on here. So be glad if you contributed. You actually achieved something for once. You can go back to being depressed later.

17598396? ago

I was in both threads and it seemed to me like the neinfags were all over it before infinityfags. will have to go back and look at the timestamps though.

t. cuckchan anon

17598401? ago

according to timestamps on the first full name post, 8ch was 30-60mins early. guy who supposedly made the call to mommy also posted here first. case closed. Now enough with this autism. It's making me cringe.

17598405? ago

Neinchan doxxed him from their discord server long before his name was posted to the thread.

17598404? ago

Nein was getting all the dox nigger. one of the anons even found the floor plans to the joint the pedofag was staying in and matched it to photos. the autism was phenomenal.

17598406? ago

shit was posted here too so noone gives a shit.


proof? link? otherwise GTFO

17595401? ago

cmon this board has been dead for ages. nein has much better content but is slow af.

17591858? ago

stop laring that 8 chan was the one who caught him and go back to your kike overloads

17591854? ago

when nein was the site that got him arrested


17594824? ago


kvetching this hard for recognition

As if the relentless spamming didn't prove it's a honeypot.


This make vegans look bad.

I'm actually more concerned that it makes nofap look bad.

17591864? ago




learn to spic ingles

17591865? ago

go back to your kike overlords

nine Chan did this raid stop larping it was you

17591866? ago

i don't care who it was you shitskin, could of been 4chan. learn english

17591872? ago

could of

learn english

great post

17591868? ago

its my fucking keyboard dipshit the keys are shit.

17590629? ago

reminder to filter child-fucker defense. don't give them the attention they're trying to distract you from doing or discussing anything meaningful. you spend your time writing up a big reply to their bullshit meanwhile this pedophile faggot has more time to clean up evidence.

17590626? ago

Doing God's work

17591875? ago

I was there when a based neinpol anon swatted him. 8chong taking credit again, fucking larpers

17591856? ago

nien did it stop larping 8 chan

17588536? ago

I've saved the video where he somewhat admits to being into very illegal stuff.

17590632? ago

This guy is my boss.

17725668? ago

Should smash a bottle over his head next time you see him. If you're not willing to brutalize a child rapist you've lost.

17590635? ago

Feel free to elaborate, subsidiary to provide us with some proof and/or details

17588534? ago


17588533? ago

government sites

implying the jews won't try to cover this up with fake bread crumbs


17588530? ago

The phone call audio:

She sounds like she's lying to throw people off. They got a shit-ton of phonecalls – the landline was disconnected, and some anons got into his dad's voicemail – so I'm sure they're overwhelmed.

Don't believe shit about him being in custody until you see his name on an intake report.



17598400? ago


this site has been overridden with brainlets. fucking hell. it won't take "24 hours" for a booking thing to fucking update. that is not how jail works you fucking niggers.

17598402? ago

Actually that IS how it works. If you had checked the fucking link that you replied to, you would know. But if you want to contribute, by all means, call the cops and ask them, and post the whole thing on here. But you won't do that because you are just a dumb nigger.

17602049? ago

that is how it works

come march 23rd you will be a fool.

17588526? ago

OC incoming

17725665? ago

someone please explain this image to me? IS the peach thought bubbles supposed to be an anus and the pink ones supposed to be a flower representing a vagina?

17604233? ago


17588521? ago

The correct answer to harmful depravity is legalized simulations. Legalize prostitution, and even moreso leave unmolested the purveyors of salient fiction.

17588518? ago

le epic warrior of justice!1!1!11!!!!


17588517? ago

The admins wouldn't allow me to post a thread, then claimed "flood" when I tried to post the pic again, so there it is. Do what you do, Anons. WAtch the video. You tell me if you want him to do this with YOUR children.

17588516? ago

17637445? ago

file name



Solve the problems that are within your grasp, Anon. The best course of action with the bigger shit is to educate yourself about it to the best of your ability, and in turn redpill people you know. Once a critical mass of people is redpilled about ZOG we can go full sicko mode and have the glorious pogrom that these bastards deserve. In the meantime, myou can feel good about knowing that a pedo bastard is getting taken down thanks to the beautiful magic of weaponized autism. Keeps the existential dread at bay.

Can someone link me some tutorials on how to do this type of stuff? I wanna join in on the fun.

17637446? ago

Based response, anon. I feel like I do my part; red pilling as many normals as I can whilst I go about my business. It is painful waiting for the critical mass and the full sicko mode to be activated though. I can understand anons frustration.

17588514? ago

8ch admins are guarding the hell out of this guy. Do you realize how impossible it is to actually post this video address and picture?


17591857? ago



Are you actually retarded? Please kill yourself. Livestream it.

duplicate files are disabled board-wide


shitty software lags out and errors when trying to post a thread

there's already multiple threads on the topic anyway


thread is literally about this nigger having been caught and arrested


Suffocate on a horse cock you raging faggot.

17588523? ago

Nah, man. They delete things that might dissuade people from obedient bigotry.

Where’s my Rose Antwon lies, guys? I know I usually switch-order you, but if you let it be known you can’t be ordered overtly into bigotry, you’ll be inundated with an even more blatantly commanding breed of troll than me.

17588513? ago

Welp, then I made this report for nothing.

17588512? ago

17598392? ago

A self aware jew, I wonder if he has a "solution" for these problems?

17588510? ago

Who's gonna play him in the inevitable biopic?

17584989? ago

Glorious! /pol/ did a great thing today lads.

17645789? ago

lets remember that the Nazis were the only Govt in history to take meaningful action against Pedophiles.

Why do you think CERTAIN Catholic priests were quietly taken to camps for "immorality" and put to work that didn't allow contact with public and children (like writing nice letters to old women etc)? I don't think any Nazis cared if a priest "broke his vow" with a woman, lol.

In USA, every police dept was covering for the Pedo-priests to a sickening degree.

Its a weird thing. Co-worker with two girls in Catholic school, who seems prefectly normal and pretty based on Niggers, etc, from big stable extended fairly successful local family, etc, etc, and when stuff like Pedo-priests cums up he is like "why do those guys bring that shit up today???" about the victims cumming out years later.

17584986? ago

See Journalists, 8Chan isn't just about inviting violence.

17584990? ago

except the numerous calls to slaughter the kike last thread

17599139? ago

Killing pedophiles isn't violence retard.

17584993? ago

And what was done instead?

Information was collected and reported to the appropriate authorities for them to conduct a proper investigation, provide those girls with the help they need, and if guilty the pedo will serve a sentence for his crime.

Don't confuse trash talk with what people actually want and proceed to do.

17599140? ago

actually believing feds do anything against pedos and arent in on it

maximum sentence is 2 years probation but he gets out early for being gods chosen, pedos almost never face prison time and if they do the sentence is really light

17584992? ago

Yeah, but he is a like, so that's fine.

17584984? ago

When my Pepe is in the screen shot on YouTube.

17584982? ago

Pedophilia is part of Judaism.

17584654? ago

What time will the sheriff drop the arrest report?

t. ausfag

17645798? ago

If you get this reply, check the ramsey county booking report dated march 25. WE GOTTEM

17584983? ago

it's like 5 am over there so I'm guessing in 19 hours when the day is over bois

17584652? ago


Age 29

1730 Graham Ave, APT 359

Saint Paul, MN 55116-3271

(Still not fully sure on this address, a lot of his family are listed as living here as well. So unless he lives with all of them, I'm not 100% sure. But it's the only address I cant find a date for- so I'll leave it here at the top for now.)


[email protected]

[email protected]

Associated Phone:

(763) 428-3654 - LandLine/Services

Previous Addresses:

5529 E Fillmore NE Cir

Minneapolis, MN 55432-5728 

(7/6/2018 - 9/15/2018)

1362 Wynne Ave, APT 11

Saint Paul, MN 55108-2672

(11/2/2013 - 11/2/2013)

439 Fairview N Ave, APT 2

Saint Paul, MN 55104-3556

(7/13/2011 - 9/13/2013)

14660 Raspberry Dr.

Rodgers, MN

(10/28/2007 - 1/5/2010)

2515 Estabrook Dr

Grand Forks, ND 58201-6130



Clarion L Windingland

Age 83

1803 S 19th St

Grand Forks, ND 58201-8116

[email protected]

[email protected]

(701) 775-8470 - LandLine/Services

(701) 730-3340 - Wireless

Diane Williams Windingland

Age 57

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

(763) 428-3654 - LandLine/Services

(612) 306-4214 - Wireless

(612) 306-4228 - Wireless

(619) 571-8950 - Wireless

(952) 428-3654 - LandLine/Services

Nancy Ann Windingland

 238 Chippewa St,

Clawson, Michigan 48017

Voter ID: 5506507

Kimberly Ann Windland

Age 34

5755 Three Oaks Ave

Maple Plain, MN 55359-9437

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

(952) 923-2470 - LandLine/Services

(952) 479-1211 - LandLine/Services

(763) 479-8247 - LandLine/Services

Jennifer Windingland

Age 44

439 Fairview N Ave, APT 2

Saint Paul, MN 55104-3556

(651) 707-5939 - Wireless

Rose Windingland

1803 S 19th St

Grand Forks, ND 58201-8116

(701) 775-8470 - LandLine/Services

Jeannette M Whitney

2285 Stewart Ave, APT 1128

Saint Paul, MN 55116-4106

(651) 340-3697 - LandLine/Services

Jung K Windingland

Age 81

(701) 775-8470 - LandLine/Services

Chloe Augusta Moses

Age 26

2801 E 125th St

Burnsville, MN 55337-3450

(715) 338-4254 - Wireless

(715) 338-7176 - Wireless

(715) 688-4963 - LandLine/Services

<t. Abraxas

17584650? ago

Thanks for the breakdown, anon.

17584638? ago

This shit is so fucking retarded and is a waste of everyone's time. You should be like Brenton Tarrant, not some edgelord doing image searches for pizza and spirals

17682529? ago

Why are you besmirching our Lord and Saviour Brenton by posting his image and using his name in defense of a pedo Jew?

17598398? ago

It's a waste of time to successfully catch a pedo

You should do this instead

Better yet anon, why don't you go and shoot people instead of waiting for others? Tarrant didn't wait, and you shouldn't too.

So stop posting and fuck off.

17588531? ago

sauce 4 pic?

17593802? ago


aussie street artist who specializes in shitposts

17584637? ago

Hey dumbasses. What hunt? The child sex houses are being operated openly world-wide. And you're worried about some American or UK cunts what touched a daughter? You people disgust me. There is NOTHING you can do except act stupid all the while being a nince yourselves. Why else would a grown man screw around doing "research" into it. Have some balls go to Thailand or Khmer or Russia or Los Angeles or Mexico or 100 other countries and see if anything changes with your pathetic TV vigilante dick up your pedo ass facade.

17646087? ago

Small justice is still justice

17637452? ago

Listen faggot, we'd love to go after Islamic or Judaic pedo dens, but they're a little harder to find than this guy. We got a bite on him, and we won't let go. Nigger.

17595396? ago

exactly, there's kids getting abducted, raped and murdered every and you make a big song and dance about this?! moralfagging at its finest. i hope this girl is with her grandma and not in some government run pedo facility.

17588535? ago

THIS. You want to go on a pedo hunt? Pick up a rifle and visit your local mosque.

17584644? ago

Anyone that thinks that this wasn't a false flag is a retard. that doesn't mean no one died, false flag literally means wrapping yourself in the target's colors, much like his gun, eh?

17682525? ago

shills are getting so desperate they're posting their bullshit in completely unrelated threads in the vain hope that the Bowl Patrol won't be there to BTFO their lies as has occurred in every St Brenton thread

17584988? ago

living in foreign countries was consistent with his manifesto. He has no ill will towards others in their own countries or other ethnic groups in general.

17594831? ago

this. anons need to educate themselves before they go making retarded posts about Mossad operations and false flags.

<stop acting like so many niggers.

17584646? ago


The shilles are here. Even if the thread has nothing to do with St. BT.

How fucking jewish of you

17584648? ago

It's the pedo's internet defense force. They know at least one anon is working to untangle their web and they are next and that scares them so they come here to shit up the board.

17584651? ago

It is kinda weird how they got triggered by some anons trying to track down a pedofag, it almost seems as if they don't want that and try to distract from it.

17584653? ago

Lots of posts of theirs got deleted in the last thread. It's pretty funny they are still trying.

17584643? ago

i assume this is THEMCCARTNEYCHANNEL or that one twitter faggot defending him because "she was clearly consenting in the videos"

Just give up. Your friend is gone.

17584641? ago


Why are you angry at them trying to ruin some sick fuck? Why would that bother you?

17584640? ago

Other countries are beyond fucked up. But at least the Western world can try and clean up our own damn backyards.

17584636? ago

i'm afk for a while, pls bump and update the thread anons!

someone pls repost his address I lost it

17584632? ago


17584631? ago



17584985? ago

17584634? ago

linkedin is locked its gone

17584635? ago

i think the fact that he was a cashier is what amused him

or that he bothered having a linkedin with such a career