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TexasVet ago

Reading this has made me angrier than I have been in a long time.

IsaacJan ago

Wow, he’s like gayest_shill for you. Good work

antiliberalsociety ago

A fraud is angry, call the papers.


TopTierCIAShill ago

You have no children and scam money from people for pretending to be a veteran. You of all people have no personal future and should be the one running for politics but you don't.

You have no reason to be angry, boomer.

TexasVet ago

Shut your lying fucking mouth. I was in the military and that gofundme was never a scam. Fuck you and your little clique of jewish shills smearing my name.

Splooge ago

The POG thing still gets me every time. wew

TopTierCIAShill ago

You spent money that was for groceries on gun scopes.

Go kill yourself, wigger.

antiliberalsociety ago

Who will inherit that single wide trailer of his?

TopTierCIAShill ago

haahahhaahah max kek.

Hear that, @TexasVet?

TexasVet ago

I spent that money on exactly what it was meant for for over 2 months. It was only after I had found employment that I used a portion of those funds for a rifle. The goal of the gofundme was clearly only 500 dollars so every penny given beyond that is by every standard a gift. I had every right to use the excess funds on anything I wanted to. I could have bought hookers and blow if I felt like it. You self righteous crusaders on here can kiss my ass.

TopTierCIAShill ago

every penny given beyond that is by every standard a gift

No, it wasn't. It was from people who were fooled by the likes such as yourself who wanted to help a fellow out.

Unfortunately, you decided to jew the European for his sympathy for his own personal gain.

Seriously, get off Voat, get off Gab, get off the god damned internet and take a good long look in the mirror. You are nothing but a useless boomer who is incapable of providing for himself. You are the definition of Untermensch and you do nothing but drag the White movement down.

Go fuck yourself, niggerkike.

antiliberalsociety ago

Still fraud you toofless faggot.

GeorgeWashingNigger ago

ok boomer.